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2019, NAD Ministerial Best Practices
7 pages
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Do you ever feel you have a shortage of good leaders in your church? It is easy to get discouraged and frustrated when we don’t feel others are stepping up. I have found that one of the greatest inhibitors to leadership multiplication is not “them,” it’s “me.” How I lead has a direct impact on raising up other leaders or preventing them from growing. What if there was a way to have a steady stream of gifted emerging leaders in our churches? Understand 4 leadership mindsets from the National Football League: Referee, Running back, Quarterback, Coach. Choose to adopt the ministry mindset that leads to multiplying leaders.
I Congreso Int. Corporalidades sociales, subjetividades y disidencias. Cuerpos en encuentro: conflictos, intersecciones y disidencias (COSIDES). Western Sydney University/Universidad de Valencia/Universidad de Chile, 2024
Amazon. The complexity and wealth of the Greek mythical imaginary shows the importance that their culture achieved not only in antiquity but also in the Western world up to the present day. The organisation of social relations according to a patriarchal system required the creation of behavioural models based on the belief that the female gender was inferior by nature. Amazon myths were created for this reason, not to show the suitability of the empowered woman, but to demonstrate that any deviation from the norm would inevitably end in disaster, as the Amazons were always defeated in their confrontations against the greeks. However, this paradigm that has survived to this day in the collective imaginary has suffered a radical shift, and what was created as an anti-model of behaviour now emerges as a model of empowerment.
Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 2021
Rezension in der Deutschen Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 2021 (2) Page Proofs
El estudio de 16 huesos de una gran ave ha permitido identificar un ejemplar adulto de buitre negro (Aegypius monachus) hallado en el interior de un silo ibérico del Serrat dels Espinyers en el Prepirineo de Lérida, aproximadamente contemporáneo a la instalación de un campamento militar romano y a la fundación de la ciudad romana de Aeso, a corta distancia del yacimiento. El silo, datado entre finales del siglo II y la primera mitad del siglo I a.C. contenía depósitos intencionales de otros animales, destacando el esqueleto en conexión de un équido y los restos de catorce perros. La aparición de huesos de buitre negro es inusual en la protohistoria europea y los escasos ejemplos documentados se relacionan con depósitos de carácter cultual de época romana, hecho que en el caso de estudio refuerza el carácter simbólico de este animal y aporta nuevas evidencias sobre los ritos asociados a la fase final de la cultura Ibérica. Hegazti handi baten 16 hezur aztertu izanari esker, Lleidako Pirinioaurreko Serrat dels Espinyerseko iberiar zuloaren barruan topatutako sai beltz heldu bat (Aegypius monachus) identifikatu dute. Gutxi gorabehera, aztarnategitik gertu dagoen Aeso hiri erromatarraren sorrerarekiko eta bertan kokatutako erromatarren kanpamentu militar baten garaikidea da. Zuloa, gainera, beste animalia batzuk gordetzeko nahita erabilitakoa zen eta K.a. II. mendearen amaiera eta I. mendearen lehen erdiaren artea datatu dute. Bertan gordetako animalien aztarnei dagokienez, nabarmendu beharrekoak dira hauek: ekido batekin lotura duen eskeletoa eta hamalau txakurren gorpuzkiak. Sai beltzaren hezurrak azaldu izana ez da ohikoa Europako protohistorian eta dokumentatutako adibide urriak erromatar garaian egindako izaera kulturaleko gordailutzeekin lotuta daude. Hori dela eta, azterketa honi dagokionez, animalia horrek zuen izaera sinbolikoa indartu da eta iberiar kulturaren amaierako faseari lotutako errituei buruzko ebidentzia berriak mahaigaineratu dira. The zooarchaeological analysis of a large bird bones has allowed the identification of an adult black vulture (Aegypius monachus) found inside a silo at Serrat dels Espinyers, an Iberian settlement in the Pre-Pyrenees of Lleida. The silo, dated between the end of the 2nd century and the first half of the 1st century BC, contained other animal intentional deposits, including the skeleton of an equid and the remains of fourteen dogs. This structure is approximately contemporary with the installation of a Roman military camp on the site, and with the founding of the Roman city of Aeso, a short distance away. The 16 vulture bones recovered refers it to the most complete specimen found until today in northeastern Iberian Peninsula protohistory. It is represented by the bones of the wings, the shoulder girdle, the femurs and the pelvis bones, while the bones of the skull, vertebrae, ribs, sternum and the distal end of the legs are absent. The presence of old fractures and a cutmarks on the ulna indicate previous handling of the animal before deposition. The appearance of vulture bones is unusual in European protohistory and the few documented examples, usually of black vultures, are related with cultic deposits from the Roman period. In this context, our study reinforces the symbolism of this animal and provides new evidence of the rites associated with the final phase of Iberian culture.
After the 1st International Symposium – “Archaeology, Archaeoacoustics and Neuroscience: What kind of relation?”, which took place at the National Museum of Archaeology in Lisbon, on the 17th of November of 2018, the second edition of the event is taking place in Convento Inn and Artist Residence, a 17th century monastery, now transformed into a rural accommodation in the town of Chamusca, Portugal. The aims of the second Symposium continue the same: to gather researchers from different areas such as archaeology, acoustics, ethnomusicology, archaeoacoustics, neuroscience, anthropology and psychology, among others. Presentations will focus on the origins of music, the acoustics of ancient monuments, the effects of specific sounds on the human brain, producing altered states of consciousness and representations of music or dancing scenes in the arts of several chronological periods, besides other approaches regarding the use of sound in past human contexts.
Atraves da obra Frankenstein, busca-se compreender a formulacao do Fantatico (Gotico) em Literatura, bem como sua relacao com o contexto socio-cultural pos revolucoes francesa e industrial. Atentando para a figura da ruina e do segredo mortal, procura-se estabelecer relacoes entre esses e outros aspectos do Fantastico com a figura dos monstros e acontecimentos sobrenaturais, tendo por base a critica de um padrao racionalista de interpretacao mundo, o qual esbarra em problematicas como a Alteridade e a Trangressao de valores.
ΤΑ ΝΕΑ Σαββατοκύριακο, 25.1.2020, 2020
«Τα σύγχρονα ερείπια δηλώνουν συγχρόνως τη μεγαλύτερη ελευθερία του ατόμου (ελευθερία από κάθε κυρίαρχο αφήγημα «εθνικού» τύπου) και συνάμα την αυξανόμενη μόνωσή του – έναν μετεωρισμό ανάμεσα στην ελευθερία και τη μοναξιά. Η εμπειρία αυτή είναι νεοελληνική μόνον συμπτωματικά – νομίζω πως έχει μια οικουμενική διάσταση, γιατί είναι κατεξοχήν νεωτερική. Η αστική περιπλάνηση φανερώνει τότε μιαν Ελλάδα δίχως ενιαία παράδοση, έναν τόπο θρυμματισμένων παραδόσεων, ένα συνονθύλευμα από σύγχρονα θραύσματα κάθε λογής (ιδεών και πολεοδομικών όγκων), τα οποία κάποτε δεν σχετίζονται διόλου με τα αρχαία ερείπια, παρά μόνον ως ζωντανή παρωδία (για παράδειγμα, θα έχετε δει κάτι γύψινα αγαλματίδια λεόντων, κύκνων και Ποσειδώνων που τοποθετούνται σε αυλές και εξώθυρες). Οπωσδήποτε, κι η αρχαιότητα φτάνει ως εμάς με μορφή θραυσματική, ωστόσο αυτή κατάφερε να εισέλθει σε μια σφαίρα ανιστορική κι εγκυκλοπαιδική, και γι’ αυτό πιο αναιμική, ενώ τα σύγχρονα τρίμματα είναι ζωντανά, μας ζητούν εδώ και τώρα μιαν αγάπη που δεν αξίζουν, κι ούτε δικαιολογούν. Δεν γνωρίζω αν τελικά και ο κοινοβουλευτισμός ακόμη –και η φιλελεύθερη δημοκρατία– συνιστούν πια έναν σύγχρονο ερειπιώνα στην Ελλάδα· αν η ελληνική αστική τάξη του δεκάτου ενάτου αιώνα διαλύθηκε στον γνόφο της ιστορίας τόσο εύκολα, όσο αφανίστηκαν ή ερήμωσαν τα νεοκλασικά στον πολεοδομικό αχταρμά των ελληνικών πόλεων. Ωστόσο, είναι παράξενη σύμπτωση η ταχύτατη αποσάθρωση σημείων αναφοράς και σύγχρονων πόλεων, την οποία διαπιστώνουμε αρκετοί πλάνητες των οδών και των ιδεών σε αυτή τη χώρα. Άραγε, ο πολλαπλασιασμός των θραυσμάτων σημαίνει πως κάτι πεθαίνει, ή πως κάτι γεννιέται;»
García, J. E. (2021). Psicología Evolucionista y Psicología Positiva: Convergencias posibles. Cuadernos de Neuropsicología / Panamerican Journal of Neuropsychology, 15 (1), 130-158.
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Nepal Journal of Epidemiology, 2014
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