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One of the biggest confusions in the world of reality and virtual reality. Both are earning a lot of media attention and are promising tremendous growth. what is the difference between the two?
Andrade Boué, P. y Correoso Rodenas, J. M. (coords.), «Estudios de literatura Comparada 4. Misoginia y filoginia en el discurso literario europeo de la Edad Media, Teatro y literatura, Literatura y animales», Sociedad Española de Literatura General y Comparada (SELGyC), 2024
Resumen: El profuso y enérgico empleo de figuras teriomórficas en los turbulentos «Chants de Maldoror» (1869) siempre ha atraído a los estudiosos de la obra de Isidore Ducasse. Son numerosos los acercamientos al bestiario del Conde de Lautréamont, ya parciales, ya completos, como Bachelard (1939), Paris (1972) y Lassalle (2007). El estudio directo de la aparición de zoónimos en la obra revela, sin embargo, que dichos bestiarios adolecen de falta de compleción, contienen erratas o no esquematizan convenientemente sus datos. Resulta por tanto necesario presentar un bestiario de fácil consulta, que, con base en las ediciones de Walzer (1970) y Laflèche (1992-2022), corrija el número total de ocurrencias animales –que oscila, sin repeticiones, entre 185 para Bachelard y 177 para Paris y Lassalle– y su localización en la obra. Así concluiremos que la presencia de lo animal en «Les Chants» es aún más acusada de lo que ha columbrado la crítica. Abstract: The profuse and energic use of theriomorphic figures in the turbulent "Chants de Maldoror" (1829) has always drawn the attention of the scholars of Isidore Ducasse’s work. Plenty of approaches to the Comte de Lautréamont’s bestiary have been carried out, which are either partial or complete, as in Bachelard’s (1939), Paris’ (1972) and Lassalle’s (2007). However, the direct study of the zoonyms’ occurrences in the book reveals that the aforementioned bestiaries suffer from lack of completion, contain errors, or do not schematise their data conveniently. Thus, it is necessary to provide an easily consultable bestiary based upon Walzer’s (1970) and Laflèche’s (1992-2022) editions, which may correct the total number of animal occurrences –fluctuating between 185 for Bachelard and 177 for Paris and Lassalle– and their location within the book. In this way we will conclude that the presence of animals in "Les Chants" is much more pronounced than critics have been able to glimpse.
Journal of Material Cultures in the Muslim World, 2024
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the CC BY 4.0 license.
Doce Calles, 2023
Este libro revaloriza el papel que jugaron las élites eclesiásticas tanto en la transformación y definición de la sociedad ibérica, como en los fenómenos y constitución política e institucional de la monarquía y sus territorios europeos y de ultramar. En el Paraíso de los Altares considera la importancia de las élites eclesiásticas como actores administrativos y políticos en la construcción de cultura jurídica y en la gobernanza de la Monarquía Hispánica en el periodo moderno. Los altos eclesiásticos, mediante el fenómeno de la evangelización de las gentes, estuvieron presentes y ejercieron un papel crucial para los intereses imperiales en territorio europeo, americano, africano y asiático. Articulado en torno a cuatro bloques temáticos, En el Paraíso de los Altares reúne estudios novedosos e innovadores de investigadores consolidados y noveles sobre los Príncipes de la Iglesia y sus trayectorias de privilegio; Mediación, instituciones y beneficios de la Iglesia; Jurisdicción, identidades y conflictos; y Devociones, mecenazgo y retórica de la santidad. El resultado es un volumen que analiza las élites eclesiásticas desde un punto de vista interdisciplinar y transversal que ahonda en la significación de este estamento privilegiado en la construcción y promoción de los intereses de la Monarquía de España entre los siglos xvi y xviii.
Sensors, 2023
Scoring polysomnography for obstructive sleep apnea diagnosis is a laborious, long, and costly process. Machine learning approaches, such as deep neural networks, can reduce scoring time and costs. However, most methods require prior filtering and preprocessing of the raw signal. Our work presents a novel method for diagnosing obstructive sleep apnea using a transformer neural network with learnable positional encoding, which outperforms existing state-of-the-art solutions. This approach has the potential to improve the diagnostic performance of oximetry for obstructive sleep apnea and reduce the time and costs associated with traditional polysomnography. Contrary to existing approaches, our approach performs annotations at one-second granularity. Allowing physicians to interpret the model's outcome. In addition, we tested different positional encoding designs as the first layer of the model, and the best results were achieved using a learnable positional encoding based on an autoencoder with structural novelty. In addition, we tried different temporal resolutions with various granularity levels from 1 to 360 s. All experiments were carried out on an independent test set from the public OSASUD dataset and showed that our approach outperforms current state-of-the-art solutions with a satisfactory AUC of 0.89, accuracy of 0.80, and F1-score of 0.79.
Abstract of my PhD dissertation, which was submitted to the Department of Indian and Tibetan Studies, University of Hamburg, Germany in May 2020. PhD title: Empowered by Mañjuvajra: A Study of the abhiṣeka Section of Dīpaṃkarabhadra's *Guhyasamājamaṇḍalavidhi and its Commentary by Ratnākaraśānti.
To appear in Pier Marco Bertinetto, Denis Creissels, and Luca Ciucci (eds.), Non-verbal Predication in the World's Languages. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter Mouton. Nilotic
Manipulation Techniques in Multi-level Marketing, 2022
Studied in South Indian Coins, Vol. 31, pp. 18-30, 2024
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