The work is an attempt to map the population of Bhubaneswar urban agglomeration and its out-growths which is growing exponentially after topping the potential list of smart cities. The city is a major hub of IT and education sector attracting a chunk of migrants from other districts of the state as well as the neighbouring states of Jharkhand, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh. The potential area for expansion and increasing credibility to facilitate a growing population is an unique characteristic of the district with the capital city as its heart. Work is based on Walter Isard's methods in a simplistic manner. 1. ARITHMATICAL INCREASE METHOD OF PROJECTION 2. GEOMETRIC INCREASE METHOD 3. INCREMENTAL INCREASE METHOD

Paper on POPULATION PROJECTION OF KHORDHA DISTRICT, ODISHA 2021-51 KAMLESH KUMAR DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY DELHI SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS University of Delhi Khordha district lies between 8455' and 8650' East longitude and 1940' and 2025' North latitude. It is bounded by Cuttack district in north, Nayagarh district in west, Puri district in the east and Ganjam district in the south. The district has a unique place in history as the last kingdom to be conquered by the British in 1803. Khordha is famous for the Paik revolution of 1817 led by Jai Rajguru and Bakshi Jagabandhu. The district came into being with effect from 1st April 1993. The district has an area of 2813 km2 and 22.52 lakhs of population as per 2011 census. The district accounts for 1.81% of the state’s territory and shares 5.36% of the state’s population. The density of population of the district is 800 per km2 as against 270 persons per km2 of the state. It has 1534 villages (including 178 un-inhabited villages). 1. ARITHMATICAL INCREASE METHOD OF PROJECTION This method is based on the assumption that the rate of change of population with time is constant. If, it is used for small, comparatively new cities it would give lower population estimate than actual value. Pn= P+ n × k Where, Pn is Projected Population P is Base year population n is the number of the decades and, k is the value of the constant (avg. population growth in absolute number) YEAR 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011 POPULATION DECADAL CHANGE 658073 858544 +200471 1132182 +273638 1502014 +369832 1877395 +375381 2251673 +374278 TOTAL INCREASE 1593600 AVERAGE CHANGE 318720 PROJECTED POPULATION YEAR 2021 2031 2041 2051 PROJECTED POPULATION 25,70,393 28,89,113 32,07,833 35,26,553 2. GEOMETRIC INCREASE METHOD This method is based on the assumption that the percentage decadal growth of population is constant. The average percentage of growth of last few decades is determined to forecast the future decades. 𝐼 𝐺 ) Pn= P(1 + 100 Where, 𝑛 P is present population IG is average percentage growth N is number of decades YEAR 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011 POPULATION DECADAL CHANGE 658073 858544 +200471 1132182 +273638 1502014 +369832 1877395 +375381 2251673 +374278 TOTAL INCREASE 15,93,600 AVERAGE CHANGE 3,18,720 PERCENTAGE CHANGE +30.46 +31.87 +32.67 +24.99 +19.94 +139.9 +27.986 PROJECTED POULATION YEAR 2021 2031 2041 2051 PROJECTED POPULATION 28,81,826 36,88,334 47,20,551 60,41,644 3. INCREMENTAL INCREASE METHOD This method is improved over the above two methods. The average increase in the population is determined by the arithmetic method and to it is added the average of the net incremental increase once for each future decade. Pn=P+n(la+Ic) Where, P is present population Ia is average arithmetical increase Ic is average incremental increase YEAR 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011 POPULATION DECADAL CHANGE 658073 858544 +200471 1132182 +273638 1502014 +369832 1877395 +375381 2251673 +374278 TOTAL INCREASE 1593600 AVERAGE CHANGE 318720 INCRIMENTAL CHANGE +73167 +96194 +5549 -1103 +173807 43451.7543452 PROJECTED POULATION YEAR 2021 2031 2041 2051 PROJECTED POPULATION 26,13,845 29,76,017 33,38,189 37,00,361 COMPOSITE INDEX YEAR 2021 2031 2041 2051 COMPOSITE 26,88,688 31,84,488 37,55,524 44,22,853 TOTAL POPULATION (P2021+…+2051) 8066064 9553464 11266573 13268558 KHORDHA, ODISHA P OP ULATION P R OJ EC TION 5000000 4500000 4422853 POPULATION 4000000 3500000 3755524 3000000 3184488 2500000 2688688 2251673 2000000 1877395 1500000 1502014 1000000 500000 1132182 858544 658073 0 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011 2021 2031 2041 2051 YEAR CENSUS POPULATION PROJECTED POPULATION Data Source: Census of India The population of Khordha district is poised to increase to 26,88,688 in 2021, 31,84,488 in 2031, 377,55,524 in 2041 and 44,22,853 in 2051, major share being of the Bhubaneswar urban agglomeration and its out-growths which is growing exponentially after topping the potential list of smart cities. The city is a major hub of IT and education sector attracting a chunk of migrants from other districts of the state as well as the neighbouring states of Jharkhand, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh. The potential area for expansion and increasing credibility to facilitate a growing population is an unique characteristic of the district with the capital city as its heart.