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The definition of service design is to integrate various elements related to human into service using user experience, story and meaning and make it a valuable system. In service engineering, it define service design as "It define value proposition of service, and make its structure of function clear". Functional structure of service consists function proposed values and structure of implementation and network of relationship between stakeholders proposed values. Service contain both tangible and intangible in its functional structure. This study define service as a system based on systems approach, and It make clear that service system consist system elements of business, UX, technology. In short it define value proposition of system elements for implementation of service, and it is necessary to consider each restrictions between system elements and have to design function of value proposition. Business element are function of marketing research, business model, pricing, planning of income and expenditure. UX element are function of value proposition, journey map, and persona. Technology are function of definition of system requirement, usecase, definition of function requirement, interface design.
The Japanese journal of ergonomics
The definition of service design is to integrate various elements related to human into service using user experience, story and meaning and make it a valuable system. In service engineering, it define service design as "It define value proposition of service, and make its structure of function clear". Functional structure of service consists function proposed values and structure of implementation and network of relationship between stakeholders proposed values. Service contain both tangible and intangible in its functional structure. This study define service as a system based on systems approach, and It make clear that service system consist system elements of business, UX, technology. In short it define value proposition of system elements for implementation of service, and it is necessary to consider each restrictions between system elements and have to design function of value proposition. Business element are function of marketing research, business model, pricing, planning of income and expenditure. UX element are function of value proposition, journey map, and persona. Technology are function of definition of system requirement, usecase, definition of function requirement, interface design.
J. of Design Research, 2015
Today's business environment pressurises many high-technology companies to continuously improve the value of their products and services to remain competitive. Product-Service Systems (PSS) is an emerging paradigm that enables a tighter integration between product and service offering. The research described in this paper aims to propose a new PSS design methodology based on the integrated product and service design requirements. The process consists of three stages: the identification of design requirements, the determination of design requirements rating and the integration of product and service design requirement in order to develop a PSS design concept. A case study of mobile phones design has been chosen to validate the proposed PSS design methodology.
2005 4th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing, 2005
present [5]. Producers should be more careful of customers' needs if they pursue profitable activities In order to pursue sustainability, commercial activities through sustainable consumption. between the supply and demand sides must be somehow What kind of discipline do those producers pursing changed. In the context of eco-design, producers must sustainable production linked with sustainable need a much bigger firamework than is available in a consumption call for? A much bigger framework is bunch of current eco-design techniques. This calls for obviously needed, because a business model must be establishing a new discipline. The authors are carrying changed ultimately. It may be impossible to tackle this out a new discipline called Service Engineering (SE). problem by only one of those disciplines such as Based on SE, this paper aims at proposing a novel eco-engineering, marketing, and management. Thus, design methodology of service toward sustainable establishing a new discipline is crucial to solve this production and consumption. For the sake of this, a problem and this will be a new academic discipline. The methodology of modeling and designing services is authors are carrying out research on a novel engineering presented. Then, it is proved to be effective through an discipline for producers toward sustainable production application. In SE, positive and negative changes of and consumption called Service Engineering (SE). It customers are modeled as value and cost, respectively. In should be an engineering discipline because engineering addition, the model to describe a target customer is lies in the core of producers' activities. provided for grounding the identified value. A design This paper airns at proposing a new methodology of methodology including the identification of value with modeling and designing services based on SE. To do so, a realization structures is also provided. Furthermore, SE service model, a method of designing services, a allows designing services in parallel with products. In the computer-aided design tool called Service Explorer, is application to service redesign of an existing hotel in presented. Then, those methods and tools are verified to Italy, it was demonstrated that the presented methods and be effective through an application. tools facilitate designers adding new value like the view The rest of this paper consists of the followings. of outside through a window in energy-saving structure. Chapter 2 explains missing points of current eco-design It was also proved to deal with both products and techniques. Then, Chapter 3 presents the discipline, SE, services through generating a solution called "cash-back including the methodologies and the tool. Chapter 4 per non-wash " systemfor washing towels. demonstrates their application to a service case. Chapter
Manufacturers at present face new circumstances, such as servicification of consumers' behaviours and the seriousness of the environmental problems. An effective avenue is pursuing qualitative satisfaction rather than quantitative sufficiency. This paper aims at demonstrating the effectiveness of the methods and tools of Service Engineering (SE), including the ser-vice design process model, to increase the level of customer satisfaction. Redesign of a service offered by a hotel in Italy was taken as an example for ap-plication of methods and tools of SE. After the ser-vice was modeled by those methods and tools, five redesign options such as introducing various goods rental were generated. Through this, the effective-ness of SE is demonstrated.
Services are the vital part of a service-oriented architecture. Their development and design are essential parts of the development and implementation of a service-oriented architecture. Thus, numerous approaches in research and practice exist that refer to different aspects of service design. These are focused on specific needs or aspects in service design. According to the literature review provided in this paper, no single service design approach covers all the aspects that are needed for the implementation and deployment of a service-oriented architecture. Beside the literature review this paper provides a service design approach that combines the existing methods and approaches. The goal is its further development towards a service design method for service design in research and industry.
El proyecto «Paisaje cultural, construido y representado» propone un acercamiento al concepto de paisaje cultural que trasciende el de territorio físico. Aspira a ampliar la visión actual a diferentes épocas históricas, a procesos que conforman la secuencia diacrónica, así como a realizarlo desde la perspectiva de la Historia del Arte y, en general, de la Historia Cultural, en esta última con participación de la Cultura Visual. No obstante, se persigue una aproximación metodológica plural, receptiva a planteamientos de otras áreas de conocimiento. Tiene como marco espacial y temporal de objeto de estudio principal el ámbito valenciano desde el siglo XIII hasta la época contemporánea. Objetivo general I: el paisaje cultural construido Ahondar en la evolución histórico-cultural del paisaje construido, identificando sus elementos y caracterizando sus principales rasgos a lo largo del tiempo, de modo que se subraye la relación entre la acción antrópica y la visión cultural que se proyecta del entorno como elemento de identidad, reconocimiento y expresión de ideales. Objetivo general II: el paisaje cultural representado Ahondar en la evolución histórico-cultural del paisaje cultural representado, identificando sus elementos y caracterizando sus principales rasgos a lo largo del tiempo, subrayando la influencia de los acontecimientos sociales, políticos y culturales en la producción artística.
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