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2013, Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences
10 pages
1 file
In the article the general overview of the popularity of EFL for university and college students in Lithuania is discussed paying attention to the peculiarities of teaching and learning English for Specific Purposes (ESP) at Klaipeda State College and also the strategies of enhancing the communicative competence or ability to communicate both spoken or written language and developing four language skills. The article deals with EFL status in the present labour market in Lithuania as well as the problems the English language teachers and students face and gives the reasons for the need of applying task-based language teaching (TBLT) approach used in teaching ESP for students of higher educational institutions.
This paper aims at analyzing and comparing the approach of Task-based language teaching (TBLT) to bachelor students taking classes of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) at two universities in Bulgaria and Romania. The outcomes of the research show that both Bulgarian and Romanian students express their favorable preferences towards using this approach. This is a case study implemented on a local level in two neighboring countries in the region of Southeastern Europe.
The purpose of this paper is twofold: firstly, to investigate the previous research studies on the effects of using task-based learning activities to enhance the English speaking ability of EFL learners; and to review related literature on the above mentioned topics. Task-Based Language Learning and Teaching underline principles of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), which in recent years, is posing as a plausible alternative to the traditional methods of foreign language learning and teaching. This paper is divided into three major sections: The first part focuses on the rational and background of the study. The second part deals with the Literature Review and the third reports on some Related Research studies.
Abstract: The most important difference lies in the learners and their purposes for learning English. ESP students are usually adults who already have some acquaintance with English and are learning the language in order to communicate a set of professional skills and to perform particular jobrelated functions. An ESP program is therefore built on an assessment of purposes, needs and the functions for which English is required. The objective of this study is to examine the English language needs of ESP learners in ESP Course. In order to identify the problem of these learners a language based activity was conducted among 60 students of Engineering background. A task with relevant techniques was designed for the students to perform resulted in successful communication.
Theoretical & Applied Science, 2019
ISRA (India) = 4.971 ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 GIF (Australia) = 0.564 JIF = 1.500 SIS (USA) = 0.912 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 ICV (Poland) = 6.630 PIF (India) = 1.940 IBI (India) = 4.260 OAJI (USA) =
It is true that task-based language teaching (TBLT) is one of an effective language teaching approach to improve teachers and learners' communication competence. This is in line with the educational policy of Indonesia inolved in the "Kurikulum 2013", that is, enhencing teachers' communication competence. But, the studies of TBLT in Indonesian context are very limited. The purpose of the study is to find out how the state junior, senior, and vocational high schools teachers in Tanjungpinang, Riau Archipelago Province know well about the TBLT in English classroom practice. In this case, the focuses are on their perceptions of (1) understandings of TBLT, (2) views of implementation TBLT, and (3) reasons to use or avoid implementing TBLT in their English classroom. This is conducted in descriptive qualitative approach. All the EFL teachers of those schools are as the research subjects (55 teachers of 23 schools). Survey method, four sections questionnaire-research ins...
An approach to teaching a second/foreign language that seeks to engage learners in interactionally authentic language use by having them perform a series of tasks. It aims to both enable learners (1) acquire new linguistic knowledge and (2) proceduralize their existing knowledge. Rationale for Task-Based Language Teaching Ellis (2003) asserts that task-based language teaching is a form of teaching that treats language primarily as a tool for communicating rather than as an object for study or manipulation. It is clear that if learners are to develop the competence they need to use second/foreign language easily and effectively in the kinds of situations they meet outside the classroom, they need to experience how language is used as a tool for communication inside it. 'Task' serves as the most obvious means for organizing teaching along these lines. Task-based language teaching (TBLT) proposes the use of tasks as a central component in language classroom because they provide better contexts for activating learner acquisition processes and promoting L2 learning (Shehadeh, 2005). TBLT is thus based on a theory of language learning rather than a theory of language structure. Richards and Rodgers (2001: 228) suggest that this is because 'tasks are believed to foster processes of PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1
Practice has shown that low-level proficiency students have problems expressing themselves using accurate, fluent and even simple sentences. This is reflected in their final oral exams. Hesitation to speak English might be because students have underdeveloped speaking skills as they do not use the language in real-life situations. For this reason students need extensive help and exposure to the English language. Task-based language teaching is an approach seeking to provide learners with a natural context for language use. As learners work to complete a task, they have abundant opportunity to interact. Such interaction is thought to facilitate language acquisition as learners have to work to understand each other and to express their own meaning (LarsenFreeman 2000:114). The paper elaborates and analyzes the effectiveness of the task-based learning approach on the development of students speaking skills in academic settings. Key terms: language teaching, task-based approach, speakin...
This study attempts to demonstrate how a task-based syllabus (TBS) can be implemented to facilitate language learning in an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) environment. As a first step, this research clarifies what is meant by "task" in the context of the task-based curriculum. Then, important theories that have contributed to the task-based curriculum will be discussed, followed by a discussion of its advantages and disadvantages in the classroom. The researcher then finds ideal teaching scenarios for enhancing language learning strategy awareness and facilitating second language acquisition using a task-based curriculum.
The ESP Journal, 1983
The concentration of learner needs in programs of English for special purposes (ESP) has led to the neglect of teacher needs, particularly in the aktse of teacher training courses. A solution to the problem is to apply-ESP principles to the design of teacher training courses for general English teachers. The language needs of teachers of English as a second, language (ESL), both those required to complete the course successfialy (course needs and study skills) and to operate in a Lull professional role (teaching needs and activities) must be considered. A multilevel model of course design is presented, each level moving from content through format and methodology to the language required to understand content. The syllabus can be adjusted to suit the conceptual and linguistic requirements of teachers in particular courses, while maintaining the subject-language link. The vioncept of ESP for teachers reveals the need for research into (1) the language difficulties experienced by teachers in English language teacher training courses, (2) the language of ESL teaching, anti (3) the structure of both spoken and written academic English lanquage teaching and applied linguistics texts. (MSE)
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