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Network Intelligence Studies, 2016
The basic new Keynesian model rendered in this paper, as well as the analysis of the reaction of economic variables to the occurrence of a structural, monetary policy shock, strengthen the hypothesis exposed at pure theoretical level, namely the active role of Central Banks in economy, the classical dichotomy between the nominal and the real economic factors being abandoned. As reflected by the impulse-response function graphs, the model endogenous variables: output, output gap, labour hours, inflation rate, nominal interest rate and real interest rate, clearly react to the exogenous variables of the same, represented by structural shocks, returning afterwards, more or less quickly, to their initial steady state. In compliance with the literature in the matter, the monetary entity policies, although having a lower impact than the one generated by the technological changes, manifest obvious influences on the model variables, therefore affecting both the decisions of the representativ...
A summary of the second chapter of the following book: "Monetary Policy, Inflation and Business Cycle" by Jordi Galì.
This chapter aims to provide a hands-on approach to New Keynesian models and their uses for macroeconomic policy analysis. It starts by reviewing the origins of the New Keynesian approach, the key model ingredients and representative models. Building blocks of current-generation dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models are discussed in detail. These models address the famous Lucas critique by deriving behavioral equations systematically from the optimizing and forward-looking decision-making of households and firms subject to well-defined constraints. State-of-the-art methods for solving and estimating such models are reviewed and presented in examples. The chapter goes beyond the mere presentation of the most popular benchmark model by providing a framework for model comparison along with a database that includes a wide variety of macroeconomic models.
Handbook of Computable General Equilibrium Modeling, 2013
This chapter aims to provide a hands-on approach to New Keynesian models and their uses for macroeconomic policy analysis. It starts by reviewing the origins of the New Keynesian approach, the key model ingredients and representative models. Building blocks of current-generation dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models are discussed in detail. These models address the famous Lucas critique by deriving behavioral equations systematically from the optimizing and forward-looking decision-making of households and firms subject to well-defined constraints. State-of-the-art methods for solving and estimating such models are reviewed and presented in examples. The chapter goes beyond the mere presentation of the most popular benchmark model by providing a framework for model comparison along with a database that includes a wide variety of macroeconomic models. Thus, it offers a convenient approach for comparing new models to available benchmarks and for investigating whether particular policy recommendations are robust to model uncertainty. Such robustness analysis is illustrated by evaluating the performance of simple monetary policy rules across a range of recently-estimated models including some with financial market imperfections and by reviewing recent comparative findings regarding the magnitude of government spending multipliers. The chapter concludes with a discussion of important objectives for ongoing and future research using the New Keynesian framework.
European Economic Review, 1983
One of the central problems in macroeconomics is the comparison of the effectiveness of various monetary and fiscai policy measures for regulating output and employment. Opinions on this issue are qui& varied. This paper analyses this controversy in the framework of a non-Walrasian mod.el with price rigidities. It studies a monetary economy where money is the sole medium of exchange in the model 'money buys goods and goods buy money; but goods do not buy goods'. The works of Benassy, Druze, Malinvaud and Younes are urilised fi>r constructing 1 model of Keynesian unemployment equilibrium.
This paper aims at providing a self-contained presentation of the ideas and solution procedure of New Keynesian Macroeconomics models. Using the benchmark " 3 equation model " , we introduce the reader to an intuitive, static version of the model before incorporating more technical aspects associated with the dynamic nature of the model. We then discuss the relative contribution of supply, demand and policy shocks to the fluctuations of activity, inflation and interest rates, depending on the key underlying parameters of the economy
International Review of Economics & Finance, 2007
We derive necessary and sufficient conditions for simple monetary policy rules that guarantee equilibrium determinacy in the New Keynesian monetary model. Our modeling framework is derived from a fully specified optimization model that is still amenable to analytical characterisation. The monetary rules analyzed are variants of the basic Taylor rules ranging from simple inflation targeting (current, forward, backward), to the canonical Taylor rules with and without inertial nominal interest rate patterns. We establish that determinacy obtains for a wide range of policy parameters, especially when the monetary authority targets output and smoothes interest rates. Contrary to other results in the literature we do not find a case for super-inertial interest rate policy JEL CLASSIFICATION: C62, E40, E52
This paper presents a framework for analyzing how bounded rationality affects monetary and fiscal policy. The model is a tractable and parsimonious enrichment of the widely-used New Keynesian model-with one main new "cognitive discounting" parameter, which quantifies how poorly agents understand future economic disturbances. That myopia parameter, in turn, affects the power of monetary and fiscal policy in a microfounded general equilibrium. A number of consequences emerge. (i) Fiscal stimulus or "helicopter drops of money" are powerful and, indeed, pull the economy out of the zero lower bound. More generally, the model allows for the joint analysis of optimal monetary and fiscal policy. (ii) The Taylor principle is strongly modified: even with passive monetary policy, equilibrium is determinate, whereas the traditional rational model yields multiple equilibria, which reduces its predictive power, and generates indeterminate economies at the zero lower bound (ZLB). (iii) The ZLB is much less costly than in the traditional model. (iv) The model brings a natural solution to the "forward guidance puzzle": the fact that in the rational model, shocks to very distant rates have a very powerful impact on today's consumption and inflation; because agents are partially myopic, this effect is muted. (v) Optimal policy changes qualitatively: the optimal commitment policy with rational agents demands "nominal GDP targeting"; this is not the case with behavioral firms, as the benefits of commitment are less strong with myopic firms. (vi) The model is "neo-Fisherian" in the long run, but Keynesian in the short run: a permanent rise in the interest rate decreases inflation in the short run but increases it in the long run. The non-standard behavioral features of the model seem warranted by extant empirical evidence.
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, vol. 83 no. 3, 2024
Museologia e Património, 2021
O futuro das eleições e as eleições do futuro, 2023
G. Frija (ed.), Être citoyen romain dans le monde grec au IIe siècle p.C. , 2020
Understanding Complex Systems, 2017
The Astrophysical Journal, 2018
Proceedings of the International Conference on Economics, Business, Social, and Humanities (ICEBSH 2021), 2021
Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 2005
Molecular Farming of Plants and Animals for Human and Veterinary Medicine, 2002
Bulletin des Médecins Suisses
Veftímaritið Stjórnmál og stjórnsýsla, 2018