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Quantum entanglement, a term coined by Erwin Schrodinger in 1935, is a mechanical phenomenon at the quantum level wherein the quantum states of two (or more) particles have to be described with reference to each other though these particles may be spatially separated. This phenomenon leads to paradox and has puzzled us for a long time. The behaviour of entangled particles is apparently inexplicable, incomprehensible and like magic at work. Locality has been a reliable and fruitful principle which has guided us to the triumphs of twentieth century physics. But the consequences of the local laws in quantum theory could seem "spooky" and nonlocal, with some theorists questioning locality itself. Could two subatomic particles on opposite sides of the universe be really instantaneously connected? Is any theory which predicts such a connection essentially flawed or incomplete? Are the results of experiments which demonstrate such a connection being misinterpreted? These questions challenge our most basic concepts of spatial distance and time. Modern physics is in the process of dismantling the space all around us and the universe will never be the same. Quantum entanglement involves the utilisation of cutting edge technology and will bring great benefits to society. This paper traces the development of quantum entanglement and presents some possible explanations for the strange behaviour of entangled particles. This paper is published in an international journal.
EPJ Web of Conferences, 2013
The theory of Quantum Mechanics is one of the mainstay of modern physics, a wellestablished mathematical clockwork whose strength and accuracy in predictions are currently experienced in worldwide research laboratories. As a matter of fact, Quantum Mechanics laid the groundwork of a rich variety of studies ranging from solid state physics to cosmology, from bio-physics to particle physics. The up-to-date ability of manipulating single quantum states is paving the way for emergent quantum technologies as quantum information and computation, quantum communication, quantum metrology and quantum imaging. In spite of the impressive matemathical capacity, a long-standing debate is even revolving around the foundational axioms of this theory, the main bones of content being the non-local eects of entangled states, the wave function collapse and the concept of measurement in Quantum Mechanics, the macro-objectivation problem (the transition from a microscopic probabilistic world to a macroscopic deterministic world described by classical mechanics). Problems that, beyond their fundamental interest in basic science, now also concern the impact of these developing technologies. Without claiming to be complete, this article provides in outline the living matter concerning some of these problems, the implications of which extend deeply on the connection between entanglement and space-time structure. a
The purposes of the present article are: a) To show that non-locality leads to the transfer of certain amounts of energy and angular momentum at very long distances, in an absolutely strange and unnatural manner, in any model reproducing the quantum mechanical results. b) To prove that non-locality is the result only of the zero spin state assumption for distant particles, which explains its presence in any quantum mechanical model. c) To reintroduce locality, simply by denying the existence of the zero spin state in nature (the so-called highly correlated, or EPR singlet state) for particles non-interacting with any known field. d) To propose a realizable experiment to clarify if two remote (and thus non-interacting with a known field) particles, supposed to be correlated as in Bell-type experiments, are actually in zero spin state.
Foundations of Science, 2021
and the United States, to animate an interdisciplinary dialogue about fundamental issues of science and society. 'Entanglement' is a genuine quantum phenomenon, in the sense that it has no counterpart in classical physics. It was originally identified in quantum physics experiments by considering composite entities made up of two (or more) sub-entities which have interacted in the past but are now sufficiently distant from each other. If joint measurements are performed on the sub-entities when the composite entity is in an 'entangled state', then the sub-entities exhibit, despite their spatial separation, statistical correlations (expressed by the violation of 'Bell inequalities') which cannot be represented in the formalism of classical physics.
Physics Essays
In a recent Nature article, Hensen et al. reported that they have accomplished a "loophole-free" test of Bell's theorem. The authors speculated that further improvements in their experimental design could settle an 80 years debate in favor of quantum theory's stance that entanglement is "action at a distance". We direct attention to a spatial aspect of locality, not considered by Bell's Theorem nor by any of its experimental tests. We refer to the possibility that two particles distancing from each other could remain spatially disconnected, even when they have distanced enough to ensure that information between them was transmitted faster than the velocity of light. We show that any local-deterministic relativity theory which violates Lorentz's contraction for distancing bodies can maintain spatial locality. We briefly note that the recently proposed Information Relativity Theory satisfies the aforementioned condition, and that it predicts and explains several quantum phenomena, despite being local and deterministic. We conclude by arguing that quantum entanglement is not nonlocal and that the unnoticed spatial dimension of locality is in fact the hidden variable conjectured in the seminal EPR paper.
Knowing the mutual interconnection of everything with everything, it is no problem to interpret the interactions between the measuring and quantum systems as any other interactions between two or more systems consisting of elementary quantum dipoles. So, all relations between the measuring apparatus and measured quantum objects are only parts of the universal cosmic network of elementary quantum interactions creating the objective physical reality, independent of a human consciousness. But the observer, as a conscious subject, plays an active and creative role in his communication with the micro-world. Key Words: quantum entanglement, quantum dipole, nature, manifestation. Quantum informatics is now one of the most progressive branches of theoretical physics combining quantum mechanics with informatics. Quantum informatics concentrates its attention to the three directions: development of quantum computer, quantum cryptography and quantum teleportation. The development of these sphe...
In a recent Nature article Hensen et al. (2015) reported that they have accomplished a "loophole-free" test of Bell's theorem. The authors speculated that further improvements in their experimental design could settle an 80 year debate in favor of quantum theory's stance that entanglement is "action at a distance". We direct attention to a spatial aspect of locality, not considered by Bell's Theorem or by any of its experimental tests. We refer to the possibility that two distanced particles could remain spatially disconnected, even when distanced enough to ensure that information between them was transmitted faster than the velocity of light. We show that any local-deterministic relativity theory which violates Lorentz's contraction for distancing bodies can maintain spatial locality at any distance. We conclude that until the loophole of spatial locality is closed by future experiments, the news about the death of locality will remain greatly exaggerated.
Physica Scripta, 1998
The quantum physics of light is a most fascinating field. Here I present a very personal viewpoint, focusing on my own path to quantum entanglement and then on to applications. I have been fascinated by quantum physics ever since I heard about it for the first time in school. The theory struck me immediately for two reasons: (1) its immense mathematical beauty, and (2) the unparalleled precision to which its predictions have been verified again and again. Particularly fascinating for me were the predictions of quantum mechanics for individual particles, individual quantum systems. Surprisingly, the experimental realization of many of these fundamental phenomena has led to novel ideas for applications. Starting from my early experiments with neutrons, I later became interested in quantum entanglement, initially focusing on multi-particle entanglement like GHZ states. This work opened the experimental possibility to do quantum teleportation and quantum hyper-dense coding. The latter became the first entanglement-based quantum experiment breaking a classical limitation. One of the most fascinating phenomena is entanglement swapping, the teleportation of an entangled state. This phenomenon is fundamentally interesting because it can entangle two pairs of particles which do not share any common past. Surprisingly, it also became an important ingredient in a number of applications, including quantum repeaters which will connect future quantum computers with each other. Another application is entanglement-based quantum cryptography where I present some recent long-distance experiments. Entanglement swapping has also been applied in very recent so-called loophole-free tests of Bell's theorem. Within the physics community such loophole-free experiments are perceived as providing nearly definitive proof that local realism is untenable. While, out of principle, local realism can never be excluded entirely, the 2015 achievements narrow down the remaining possibilities for local realistic explanations of the quantum phenomenon of entanglement in a significant way. These experiments may go down in the history books of science. Future experiments will address particularly the freedom-of-choice loophole using cosmic sources of randomness. Such experiments confirm that unconditionally secure quantum cryptography is possible, since quantum cryptography based on Bell's theorem can provide unconditional security. The fact that the experiments were loophole-free proves that an eavesdropper cannot avoid detection in an experiment that correctly follows the protocol. I finally discuss some recent experiments with single-and entangled-photon states in higher dimensions. Such experiments realized quantum entanglement between two photons, each with quantum numbers beyond 10 000 and also simultaneous entanglement of two photons where each carries more than 100 dimensions. Thus they offer the possibility of quantum communication with more than one bit or qubit per photon. The paper concludes discussing Einstein's contributions and viewpoints of quantum mechanics. Even if some of his positions are not supported by recent experiments, he has to be given credit for the fact that his analysis of fundamental issues gave rise to developments which led to a new information technology. Finally, I reflect on some of the lessons learned by the fact that Original content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
A simple explanation is given for the continuation of the singlet state over large distances in an EPRBA experiment. The paper answers this question with clocks ticking in synchronized frequencies that can be carried by the particles. The connection is an expression of relativity of the clock variables that represent the distant separated spins. PACS numbers: 03.65 Ud, 03.65 Pm
The phenomenon of quantum entanglement involving two particles has puzzled us for a long time. This article presents some possible solutions.
In this fourteenth book of scilogs – one may find topics on examples where neutrosophics works and others don’t, law of included infinitely-many-middles, decision making in games and real life through neutrosophic lens, sociology by neutrosophic methods, Smarandache multispace, algebraic structures using natural class of intervals, continuous linguistic set, cyclic neutrosophic graph, graph of neutrosophic triplet group , how to convert the crisp data to neutrosophic data, n-refined neutrosophic set ranking, adjoint of a square neutrosophic matrix, neutrosophic optimization, de-neutrosophication, the n-ary soft set relationship, hypersoft set, extending the hypergroupoid to the superhypergroupoid, alternative ranking, Dezert-Smarandache Theory (DSmT), reconciliation between theoretical and market prices, extension of the MASS model by the incorporation of neutrosophic statistics and the DSmT combination rule, conditional probability of actually detecting a financial fraud, neutrosophic extension using DSmT combination rule, probabilistic information content, absolute and relative DSm conditioning rules, example of PCR5 with Zhang’s degree, PCR5 with degree of intersection, the most general form of SuperHyperAlgebra, on Crittenden and Vanden Eynden’s conjecture, use of special types of linear algebras and their generalizations, SuperMathematics, 3D-space in physics, neutrosophic physical laws, neutrosophy as a meta-philosophy, principle of interconvertibility matter-energy-information, neutrosophic philosophical interpretation, possible neutrosophic applications to Indian philosophy and religion, philosophical horizons in neutrosophy, clan capitalism, or artificial intelligence – email messages to research colleagues, or replies, notes, comments, remarks about authors, articles, or books, spontaneous ideas, and so on.
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