English: NOTUS PIANO Sheet Music Bundles — Erik SATIE – ENFANTINES

2018, PAR005 — Erik SATIE — ENFANTINES

BUNDLE EXCERPT (under the tab ‘Description’): The collection Enfantines contains nine pieces for beginners. Seven of them are two pages long. For a beginner, this already takes quite a bit of practice. One piece is even three pages long, while another is just one page. Although written for children as exercises with a nice musical balance, they are very suitable for the adult beginner, too. These pieces are a perfect addition to your repertoire once you have reached page 77 in the PIANO BEGINNER study book, at which point you will know all the white keys of the piano. See also the description at the bottom. ABOUT THE PUBLICATION Erik Satie, best known for his Gymnopédies and Gnossiennes, composed three collections of three pieces each in the fall of 1913. These pieces were actually intended to be learned and played by children. These three volumes together are also known as the Enfantines. The nine pieces are as follows: - Menus Propos Enfantins (October 10, 1913): (1) – Le chant guerrier du Roi des Haricots (2) – Ce que dit la petite Princesse des Tulipes (3) – Valse du chocolat aux Amandes • Enfantillages Pittoresques (22 oktober 1913) (4) – Petit Prélude à la Journée (5) – Berceuse (6) – Marche du Grand Escalier • Peccadilles Importunes (26 oktober 1913) (7) – Etre jaloux de son camarade qui a une grosse tête (8) – Lui manger sa tartine (9) – Profiter de ce qu’il a des cors aux pieds pour lui prendre son cerceau The pieces bear the unmistakable style of Satie's salon music but are nevertheless strongly narrative, illustrative, harmonious and melodic. As a result, the beginning pianist has a lot of room for personal interpretation, which results in a great deal of satisfaction and can even encourage experimentation. FIVE-FINGER POSITION These nine pieces are composed based on the five-finger position with beginners in mind. The principle adopted here is that each entire composition is written with five consecutive naturals (white keys) for each hand. Moreover, in the Enfantines, the notes of each hand follow one another such that the composition is based on ten consecutive naturals, one for each finger. The hands don't have to be moved at any point during the entire piece. They are therefore excellent finger reflex exercises. At the beginning of each composition, we have illustrated the position of the hands on the piano using a diagram of the piano keyboard, the player's hands and the staff (see the example pages below). This helps the beginner to start the pieces in the right way and also serves as a teaching aid. Seven of the nine compositions are two pages long. Both pages are side by side. As a result, there is no need to turn pages while playing. One piece is one page long and one is three pages. In this NOTUS edition, the original order of the nine compositions has been changed, arranging them instead from easy to difficult (with regard to beginner piano technique). This is justified in the introduction. Explanations are also given for the short phrases Satie notated between the staves. These phrases set the mood of the pieces and at the same time give some insight into the lives of children at the time (rich and poor). Plus some supplementary guidelines for reading NOTUS Music Notation, for the few who come into contact with NOTUS for the first time through this publication.

® NOTUS MUSIC Notus PIANO muzieknotatie level beginner NOTATION Erik SATIE Menus propos enfantins ENFANTINES Peccadilles importunes nine piano pieces for beginners Enfantillages pittoresques a NOTUS&BOOKS&SHEETS production ® NOTUS SHEET MUSIC Erik SATIE ENFANTINES Nine piano pieces for beginners Menus propos Enfantins Enfantillages pittoresques Peccadilles Importunes Edited by Erwin Clauws PAR005-PDF — NOTUS&BOOKS&SHEETS — 2018 Introduction Although the Enfantines, with their characteristic Satie sound, were composed for children, adult learners will find them equally enjoyable to play. The Enfantines were composed in October 1913 and span three volumes, each containing three works. The order of their publication in conventional notation is as follows: * Menus Propos Enfantins (October 10, 1913): (1) - 1. Le chant guerrier du Roi des Haricots. (2) - 2. Ce que dit la petite Princesse des Tulipes. (3) - 3. Valse du chocolat aux Amandes. Enfantillages Pittoresques (October 22, 1913) (4) - 1. Petit Prélude à la Journée. (5) - 2. Berceuse. (6) - 3. Marche du Grand Escalier. Peccadilles Importunes (October 26, 1913) (7) - 1. Etre jaloux de son camarade qui a une grosse tête. (8) - 2. Lui manger sa tartine. (9) - 3. Profiter de ce qu’il a des cors aux pieds pour lui prendre son cerceau. In his book Satie, the composer, Robert Orledge describes the system of composing and the increasing level of difficulty Satie builds into the three volumes (pp. 192-193). Orledge declares that they are only rivalled by the pieces of the same level of difficulty from Béla Bartók’s Mikrocosmos. In the pedagogical world, Mikrocosmos is considered key study material for familiarizing students with the sonic landscapes of the twentieth century. Satie strives for this same goal, in addition to promoting the study of the piano. The Enfantines are unfortunately not as widely known as Mikrocosmos. With this publication NOTUS seeks to draw more attention to the Enfantines as a pedagogical resource. The five finger position. These nine pieces were composed for the five finger position. The principle here is that the whole composition is written using the five successive naturals (white keys) within immediate reach of each hand. In the Enfantines, the notes of each hand also follow on from each other so that the composition makes use of ten successive naturals, one for each finger. At the beginning of each composition we have shown the positions of the hands on the piano using a diagram that shows the piano keyboard, the player’s hands and the staff. This will help beginners to start the pieces in the right position. Another order. The pieces presented in this book are printed in a different order than the original order (above). This alternative ordering is designed to suit the pedagogical approach for adults used by NOTUS. To justify this change, let us first look at the pedagogical topics as they arise in Satie’s original order. The first volume, Menus Propos Enfantins, covers three foundation rhythms and how to play with the left and right hand independently. These three pieces are played with the same five finger position, though one of the pieces is played an octave higher than the other two. In Enfantillages Pittoresques there are three different five finger positions and there is more rhythmic variation. Finally, in Peccadilles Importunes there is an emphasis on mildly dissonant sounds. One piece comprises mainly dyads (two-note ‘chords’). NOTUS has ordered the pieces in line with the learning progression in the textbook NOTUS — BEGINNER PIANO & KEYBOARD — MASTER THE PIANO KEYBOARD and ALL ITS NOTES. Much ________ * the English translations of the French can be found at the bottom of each page of the score. 4 Reading NOTUS Music Notation Absolute beginners who want to learn the piano by themselves should first cover the material in the textbook NOTUS – Piano & Keyboard for Beginners – MASTER THE PIANO KEYBOARD and ALL ITS NOTES. Readers well versed in conventional music notation will find below a summary of the biggest changes as well as guidelines for reading the Enfantillages in NOTUS Music Notation. Those interested in diving deeper into NOTUS can find more extensive explanations in the NOTUS Handbook, part 1. This book also contains five appendices with music theory for beginners. Rhythm, note and rest values, and tempo. In NOTUS, rhythm and tempo are notated the same as in conventional music notation. There are two main changes regarding the appearance of the notes. The main difference is that there is a fixed symbol for the note C, which always has a thick, gently sloping line through the notehead. The second is the new appearance of the flags of eighth notes, sixteenth notes, etc. There are new signs for the time signature rest (whole measure rest), whole rest and half rest. The other note and rest values have merely undergone a visual restyling. whole note half note quarter note time signature rest C whole note eighth note whole rest half rest C half note 1/4 rest C quarter note 1/8 rest Octave numbers. NOTUS does not work with clefs. Instead it uses a simple system of ‘octave numbers’, as illustrated by the keyboard diagram below. –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 3 2 4 C The staff in NOTUS In NOTUS, the staff is known as the ‘octave anchor’: this is a page-wide, three-line staff with a black box at the start containing an octave number in white. One octave anchor offers the space to notate the notes of a single octave. These notes are always notated in the same order, regardless of the octave number. The notation of naturals on the NOTUS octave anchor is akin to the notation of the C4 octave on a conventional treble clef staff. The note C is always notated with the unique C symbol. 0 C D E F G A B The logical consequence of this is that one only has to learn the notes of one octave in order to be able to read all other octaves; the only thing that changes when notating notes from a different octave is the number at the head of the staff. These two examples illustrate the simplicity of Notus vs. conventional notation. 0 = 2 = 7 The notes of higher or lower octaves than the octave anchor are each notated on their own, narrow, threeline staff. This narrow staff is called an octave segment. There is a vertical gap of one and a half noteheads between the octave anchor and the octave segment. The system can be extended to several octaves above or below the octave anchor. octave segment vertical gap of one and a half noteheads 0 C D E F G A 1C B 1D 1E 1F 1G 1A 1B Octave segments do not require octave numbers as their pitch can be derived logically based on the octave number of the octave anchor. Notes on an adjacent octave segment above the octave anchor are one octave higher than those of the octave anchor and notes on an adjacent octave segment below the octave anchor one octave lower. Notes are notated in the same positions on the octave segments as they are on the octave anchor, including the C symbol. For example, the note E is notated on the bottom staff line of both the octave anchor and the octave segment. With this notation system, having learned all the notes of one octave, you are able to read the notes of all octaves. 1C 1D 1E 1G 1A 1B 1F 0 C D E F G A B –1C –1D –1E –1F –1G –1A –1B The highest C is not notated on an octave segment as the C symbol is so easily identified. Position of the note stem with respect to the notehead. Meaning is ascribed to the position of the note stem with respect to the notehead. A stem affixed to the right side of the notehead (whether upward- or downward-pointing) implies that the notes are to be played by the right hand. A stem affixed to the left side of the notehead indicates a note for the left hand. stem on the left side = left-hand note = and stem on the right side = right-hand note = and Ties. Ties are notated with a thick gray elbow line. The bend in the middle can point up or down. All tied notes are notated in the same shade of gray, as are any dotted notes incorporated in a tied note. This prevents confusion with other arches as well as any hesitation when reading complex arrangements. Semitones. Although the Enfantillages do not contain any semitones, we will nevertheless clarify the notation of semitones in NOTUS. This is done with the use of two new noteheads, the FLATnotehead for lowering a natural and the SHARPnotehead for raising a natural with a semitone. These noteheads are always notated on the staff in the positions where they are to be played. We thus do away with the conventional flat, sharp and natural signs and the rules for their interpretation. FLATnotehead 8 Cs / Df (= Ds / Ef ( SHARPnotehead Fs / Gf Gs / Af (= ( As / Bf ENFANTILLAGES PITTORESQUES — Petit Prélude à la Journée.* à Madame Léon Verneuil 1 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 C RH 0 C LH D E F G 1 –1E –1F –1G –1A –1B Moderato 1 0 2 p 4 Se bien lever. 2 1 7 0 Se bien tenir. 3 1 13 0 Se bien coiffer. 4 1 19 0 1 10 * Colorful Child’s Play — Little prelude to the day. 1: original in French: Modéré 2: Get up excitedly. 3: Stand up straight. 4: Brush your hair nicely. 4 12 MENUS PROPOS ENFANTINS — Ce que dit la petite Princesse des Tulipes.* à mademoiselle Valentine Gross 2 –3 –4 –2 –1 0 1 3 2 4 C RH 1 1D 1E 1F 1G 1A LH 0 F G A B 1C Grave 1 1 4 4 p J’aime beaucoup la soupe aux choux, 2 0 5 1 mais j’aime encore mieux ma petite maman. 3 0 9 1 Parlons bas, car ma poupée a mal à la tête: 4 0 13 1 elle est tombée du 3 ème étage. 5 Le docteur dit que ce n’est rien. 6 0 * Childish Table Talk — This is what the Princess of the Tulips says. 1: original in French: Très Lent 3: but I love my dear mama even more. 2: I love cabbage soup, 4: Speak softly, my doll has a headache: 13 5: she fell from the third floor. 6: The doctor says not to worry. ENFANTILLAGES PITTORESQUES — Marche du Grand Escalier.* à Madame Léon Verneuil 8 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 C RH 0 E LH F G A B 1 –1G –1A –1B C D 0 2 p 4 C’est un grand escalier, très grand. 1 1 7 0 Il y a plus de milles marches, toutes en ivoire. 2 1 13 0 Il est très beau. 3 Personne n’ose s’en servir, 4 1 19 0 de peur de l’ abîmer. 5 1 * Colorful Child’s Play — The Grand Staircase March. 1: It is a big staircase, very big. 3: It is very beautiful. 2: It has over a thousand ivory stairs. 4: Nobody dares to use it, 25 5: out of fear of damaging it. PAR005-PDF NOTUS Music Notation — Erik SATIE — ENFANTINES © 2018, NOTUS&BOOKS&SHEETS — Exclusive publishing rights holder for the NOTUS Music Notation, NOTUS books and NOTUS sheet music — Moerbeekstraat 86, B-9870 Zulte, Belgium. Transcription of conventional sheet music to NOTUS sheet music © 2018, Erwin Clauws, NOTUS&BOOKS&SHEETS. Translation of the French score text to English © 2018, Jonathan William Beaton, NOTUS&BOOKS&SHEETS. photo p. 10: child with doll © 2008, FEMA Photo Library (door Andrea Booher) — Public Domain photo p. 24: spiral staircase © 2002, Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed, Nederland — Creative Commons CC By-SA 4.0 All possible efforts have been made to find and contact the respective copyright holders. For any possible claims regarding copyright infringement, please contact the publisher. Editing, cover design and layout © 2018, Erwin Clauws ISBN: 978-90-XXXXXX-X-X EAN: 978-90-XXXXXX-X-X NUR 668, 665 NOTUS Music Notation © 2016 — Erwin Clauws NOTUS Music Notation® is a registered trademark. © All rights reserved in all territories. No part of this publication may be reproduced and/or published by means of print, photocopy, microfilm, audio recording, digital file formats including but not limited to PDF and ePub, distribution or sharing via the internet, including but not limited to on personal blogs and websites, video sites, social media sites or in any other way, nor may this publication or any part or copy of it be stored in a database or retrieval system without prior written permission by the publisher NOTUS&BOOKS&SHEETS. Any infringement is in violation of international copyright law and is deemed a punishable offense. Satie as a boy NUR 668, 665 NOTUS&BOOKS&SHEETS PAR005-PDF ISBN 978-90-824978-8-5 9 789082 497885