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Miten lama vaikutti sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelujen kysyntaan? 1 Mitka kysyntatekijoiden muutoksista olisivat tapahtuneet ilman lamaakin, osana yhteiskunnan yleisempaa muutosta? Enta mitka muutokset on tulkittavissa nimenomaan laman vaikutuksiksi? Kysymyksiin vastaaminen ei ole helppoa, silla ei ole tarjolla itsestaan selvia perusteita nimeta juuri jotkin elinolojen muutosilmiot palvelukysynnan tekijoiksi. Katsaukset palvelukysyntaa koskeviin tutkimuksiin (ks. Kallio 1998; Blomster 2001) osoittavat lisaksi, etta suuri osa palvelukysynnan vaihtelusta on yhteydessa mieluummin palvelutarjonnan muutoksiin kuin elinolotekijoiden muutoksiin. Tilannetta vaikeuttaa viela se, etta palvelukysynnasta on usein jouduttu tekemaan paatelmia palvelujen kayton perusteella eika havainnoimalla suoraan elinoloihin liittyvia kysyntatekijoita. Lisavaikeutena on, etta eri palvelumuotoihin (perusterveydenhuolto, erikoissairaanhoito, vanhus-, lapsi- ja vammaispalvelut jne.) vaikuttavat eri kysyntatekijat. Li...
Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios sobre Cuerpos, …, 2010
La Actuación es un fenómeno artístico que posee características específicas que la convierten en objeto de indagación teórica y de apreciación estética. Sin embargo, la concepción tradicional con la que se la ha entendido durante buena parte de la historia del teatro en Occidente, la supedita a parámetros de elucidación ajenos. En gran medida, la desestimación de la Actuación como actividad artística, es tributaria de la caracterización del sujeto actor como mero “intérprete”, y de la concepción dualista del cuerpo asociada al mismo. En el presente trabajo, analizaremos estos supuestos con el fin de superarlos críticamente, dado que consideramos que esta tarea es fundamental, de cara a la posterior elaboración de una Teoría del Actor, sustentada en parámetros específicos.
Scientific Reports, 2019
Correlating cultural, technological and ecological aspects of both Upper Pleistocene modern humans (UPMHs) and Neandertals provides a useful approach for achieving robust predictions about what makes us human. Here we present ecological information for a period of special relevance in human evolution, the time of replacement of Neandertals by modern humans during the Late Pleistocene in Europe. Using the stable isotopic approach, we shed light on aspects of diet and mobility of the late Neandertals and UPMHs from the cave sites of the Troisième caverne of Goyet and Spy in Belgium. We demonstrate that their diet was essentially similar, relying on the same terrestrial herbivores, whereas mobility strategies indicate considerable differences between Neandertal groups, as well as in comparison to UPMHs. Our results indicate that UPMHs exploited their environment to a greater extent than Neandertals and support the hypothesis that UPMHs had a substantial impact not only on the populatio...
The coronavirus disease , the worst pandemic since the Spanish flu, has spread rapidly across the world. This study investigates this pandemic from the perspective of government responses. The analyses are not limited to the effect of nonpharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) on deaths, but also cover the effect of confirmed COVID-19 cases and deaths on NPIs using daily cross-national data. This paper also shows the precise timing in which NPIs have a reduced effect on deaths. The results indicate that confirmed cases are more positively correlated with NPIs than deaths, and NPIs show a strong positive correlation with deaths in the short run and a negative correlation in the long run. The turnaround time is about 25 days. This means that NPIs take about one month to reduce the number of deaths.
Mediterranean Journal of Humanities, 2013
This paper aims at briefly demonstrating how the major procedures of discourse analysis (i.e. speech acts, presuppositions, and the cooperative principle in conversation and general discourse relations) may be fruitfully applied to drama dialogue. Such a kind of purposive approach, in turn, makes it rather reasonable to distinguish between literary criticism and theatrical analysis, but not so that one is deemed to be superior to the other. "Co-operative Labour Division" is crucial because a production of a play is in effect "a play-an interpretation of it". In terms of this context, literary criticism should also take the text as its object of investigation and develop techniques of textual analysis to cope with the implied aspects embedded within a set of linguistic or sociological conventions. All this does suggest that the most important sets of linguistic conventions for interpretation are those which govern language use. This effect means treating the text as a series of communicative acts, not just as a configuration of elements belonging to various levels of language.
This text represents a critical response to Jiří Macháček’s article, in which the neo-evolutionary concept of chiefdom in the ninth and early tenth centuries is applied to Moravia. The author of this paper attempts to reconstruct individual areas of the socioeconomic life of Great Moravia (social structure, economy, ideology and religion) using written and, primarily, archaeological sources. The text documents that while this polity did demonstrate certain signs of instability, it also featured organisationally demanding elements (vast settlement agglomerations in particular), which testify to its significant complexity in the context of Europe in this particular period. A number of strategies for political integration clearly existed in early medieval Europe, and the author therefore believes that the application of set ‘development stages’ hampers rather than fosters an understanding of the period.
of Thesis submitted for award of PhD in Business Administration Submitted By: Ramesh Chaturvedi, MBA, MPM, MDSE, NET (Reg. No. : 323101) Under Supervision of: Prof. Sanjay Medhavi Associate Professor Department of Business Administration Faculty of commerce University of Lucknow Lucknow July, 2010 Abstract A study of impulse purchase behavior with special reference to in-store factorsA study of impulse purchase behavior with special reference to in-store factors 1 of 16 The field of retail management is rapidly developing and to assist retailers adapt to quickly changing environment in competitive consumer market, consumer research in this field is much needed. A new perspective in this field has dominated that is; understanding consumer behavior and favorably influencing the impulse purchase inside the store to maximize the revenue. As Indian consumers are being increasingly exposed to new products, services and western lifestyle, the rapidly growing middle class consumers are quic...
Arhitectura 1906, 2007
Jurnal Riset Mahasiswa Akuntansi
Latin American Antiquity, 2011
Cuadernos de filosofía, 2020
Tekstilna industrija, 2022
Satwika : Kajian Ilmu Budaya dan Perubahan Sosial, 2021
TÜRKİYE 1918-1923 MİLLÎ MÜCADELE’NİN YEREL TARİHLERİ PROJESİ SEMPOZYUM - ÇALIŞTAY “Millî Mücadele’de Karadeniz” “Millî Mücadele’nin Yerel Tarihleri”, 2022
Latin American Music Review, 2023
Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering, 2011
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2011
International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 2019
Acta Botanica Brasilica