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A window to the formation of personal identity is the experience of personal crisis. This window may open following or during grief over a significant loss or anticipated loss and grief over the death of a significant other, parental divorce or abandonment, or after a moral compromise, or other trauma in which the sense of personal identity is challenged. The following describe circumstances that leave the individual most vulnerable to Identity Re-Formation:
MULHERES: lutas, conquistas e perspectivas VOL. 4 Organizadoras: Laryssa Saraiva Queiroz Maysa Barbosa Moreira Stelma Regina Sodré Pontes Diagramação: Rafael Ricarte Apoio: Centro Universitário Estácio São Luís - Projeto de Extensão continuada ELLAs Estácio (Empreendoras, Empoderadas, Livres e Audaciosas) SUMÁRIO 1. TRANSIÇÃO PARA A MATERNIDADE: preparação psicológica para a mudança de identidade durante o pré-natal Gabryelle Corrêa Gonçalves Soares 2. IMPLEMENTAÇÃO DE UM PROJETO DE PESQUISA E EXTENSÃO EM PSICOLOGIA PERINATAL: um relato de experiência Thatiane Carvalho de Macedo Aroucha, Mallena Cristina Farias Marques Bello, Yram de Olinda Neves Miranda 3. A GESTANTE DOMÉSTICA: direito à garantia da estabilidade Nena Mendes Castro Buceles, Isa Debora Pinto Lopes, Nelcileny Rayne Amorim Nunes, José Rodolfo Fernandes Diniz 4. DIREITO DE FAMÍLIA: OBRIGAÇÃO DE PRESTAÇÃO DE ALIMENTOS GRAVÍDICOS SOB ASPECTO DA LEI N°11.804 DE 2008 Vitória Pricilla Silva de Santana 5. Salário Maternidade e Isenção de Carência: Uma análise da declaração de inconstitucionalidade da Decisão do STF por violação ao princípio da isonomia Nelcileny Rayne Amorim Nunes, Nena Mendes Castro, Isa Debora Pinto Lopes, Laryssa Saraiva Queiroz 6. DIREITO DAS MULHERES EM PERSPECTIVA: Participação Feminina no Sistema de Justiça Brasileiro e Latino Americano Tuane Santanatto Nascimento Santos, Aécio Pereira Santos 7. A TRANSDICIPLINARIEDADE DO PROTOCOLO DE JULGAMENTO COM PERSPECTIVA DE GÊNERO DO CNJ E A NECESSIDADE DE SUA OBSERVAÇÃO NO ÂMBITO DOS PROCESSOS QUE ENVOLVAM MULHERES E MENINAS NO BRASIL E NO MARANHÃO Alda Fernanda Sodré Bayma Silva 8. O PAPEL DA TERAPIA COGNITIVO-COMPORTAMENTAL NA REDUÇÃO DE SINTOMAS DE ANSIEDADE E DEPRESSÃO EM MULHERES DEPENDENTES QUÍMICAS Burkeane de Melo Lima Viana
Cristian López Talavera, 2023
La U.E.F. Simón Bolívar: ejemplo de un modelo educativo humanista, crítico y emancipador. Cristian López Talavera. Msc. Políticas en Comunicación, mención Desarrollo Social. Instituto de Altos Estudios Nacionales-Ecuador. El sistema y el contexto histórico global al cual nos enfrentamos que defiende a una sociedad mecanizada, autómata, la UE Simón Bolívar fortalece el pensamiento crítico, porque ese es nuestro derecho y nuestro deber, la ética pedagógica, el compromiso con la verdad y el perpetuo conocimiento dialéctico.
This paper addresses issues related to Törökdomb, the memorial place built by the Ottomans on the battlefield after the battle of Mohács, which has perished over time. In this battle, the army lead by Hungarian and Czech King Louis II encountered the troops of Sultan Suleiman I. 12-15 thousand people lost their life in the battle on the Christian side, including the king and 5-6 thousand Czech infantrymen. The artificial hill was erected in Roman times next to a military road, but it gained special importance as a legendary site only after the battle in 1526, where Sultan Suleiman prayed for victory and watched the battle. The hill has played an important role as a memorial place for several centuries, which has undergone significant changes over time. Research into the battle of Mohács and the military landscape raises a complex set of problems; among other things, the scene of the battle is hotly debated. The findings of studies relying on historical sources, old maps, previous archaeological documentations, folk memory and on-site geographical investigations can pave the way not only for a more realistic assessment of the military landscape, but they can reveal much about the social changes of the last 500 years as well as the changing views on the battle and Hungarian identity.
J. Lagrange Área = 4pr 2 Volumen = 1 3
Bowdoin Journal of Cinema, 2022
Recently, there has been a public push for the film industry to improve female representation; subsequently, DC and Marvel released Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel to both critical praise and record box office figures. Strictly looking at industry measures of success (critics’ reviews and box office totals) it would appear that the industry and public are demanding more films with similar female representation. However, public opinion cannot be captured by critical interpretation and viewership alone; it is important to understand both how audiences feel after viewing a film and which aspects did or did not resonate with them. With my research, I aimed to study a portion of the discourse being spread about these films on the internet to try and uncover an untold aspect of their public reception. I read and coded meaningful sentiments from the first 250 IMDb user reviews for each film to try and evaluate audiences’ perspectives on themes. This sentiment speaks to changes within the gender culture of the film industry as well as the viability of these films in the future. I found that reviewers primarily took issue with the films’ portrayal of feminism as well as actresses’ actions both outside of the film and within. Incidentally, I also found that reviewers took issue with aspects not related to the films’ content including the moderation of review platforms as well as how the films compared to previous installments within their respective universes. In general, I found that the user critics on IMDb were much less welcoming to these female lead films as previous measures of success would indicate. Using influence from theories about spectatorship, feminism, the superhero genre, paratexts, and convergence culture, I express these findings in a summary report that explores discourse that surrounds female representation within the film industry.
Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte, 2009
It is an understatement to say that the place of Catholicism in Reformation studies has evolved dramatically over the last century-the lifespan of this, the field's longest-running journal. A reference to the Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte's triple foundation is enough to suggest how far the field has come but also to mark lingering continuities. That foundation was at once Lutheran, rooted in German nationalism, and embedded in historical teleology. At the end of the founding meeting of the Verein für Reformationsgeschichte (VRG) in Magdeburg on February 13, 1883, the participants ("mehr als hundert evangelische Männer"), "responding to a spontaneous urge, [intoned] the old Luther hymn 'Ein feste Burg.'" 1 This religious commitment had clear populist and political overtones, echoing contemporary aspirations to a national-Lutheran church as the base of the new German state. The new venture explicitly embraced the Kulturkampf, as it meant to confront German Catholicism on the field of history, countering "the Roman falsification of history which, thanks to a well-organized ultramontanist press, seeps from great historical works into the smallest local papers." 2 Over the following decades, as the VRG developed and became the institutional anchor of the ARG, the original fervor waned and made room for an increasingly rigorous scholarly spirit. What remained constant was the confessional nature of the enterprise; and so were its attendant national or generalhistorical concerns. When Walter Friedensburg, the founding editor of the ARG, proposed the study of the "era of the great church Reformation of the sixteenth century," not only did he speak primarily of the Protestant Reformation, specifically German Lutheranism, but he added the motivation that "there we can find
Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses, 2001
Die vorliegende Arbeit geht der Verborgenheit Gottes in jenen Zitaten des Corpus Dionysiacum nach, die sich auf den Hoheliedkommentar Gregors von Nyssa zurückführen lassen 1. Sie beabsichtigt nicht einen mystisch spirituellen Gehalt zu erhellen, sondern setzt sich mit dem komplizierten dogmatischen Problem der Unbegreiflichkeit Gottes auseinander 2. Dieses Problem ergibt sich aus der menschlichen Begrenztheit oder einem schuldhaften Verkennen, kann aber auch jenes Korrelat des Offenbarungsgeschehens darstellen, welches von der theologischen Forschung bisher nicht genügend beachtet, dennoch heute von höchster Bedeutung ist 3. * Der Aufsatz faßt die Ergebnisse eines lang angelegten kollegialen Forschungsprojektes zusammen, das von FONDECYT unterstützt wird.
L’altra Pompei, Vite comuni all’ombra del Vesuvio. A cura di Silvia Martina Bertesago, Gabriel Zuchtriegel, 2023
La tomba di Novia Amabiles si trova all'interno del recinto funerario a nome di Marcus Venerius Secundius. La tomba è stata datata dopo i terremoti dei primi anni Sessanta dalla comparsa del nome “M. Sec. Venerius” su le tavolette rinvenute nella casa del banchiere Caecilius Iucundus e da scavi recenti, che hanno dimostrato che la tomba è stata eretta sopra il riempimento portato per riparare e ristrutturare l'area danneggiata dalle scosse sismiche. Si tratta di una struttura funeraria costituita da un recinto rettangolare con una camera sepolcrale nell'angolo nord-ovest. Questo fatto le conferisce una straordinaria unicità, in quanto è l'unica tomba con camera sepolcrale finora rinvenuta a Pompei.
Global urban megaprojects showcased for success and failure, 2024
Jurnal Pengentasan Kemiskinan, 2018
Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências
Revista ILLAPA , 2021, 2023
GeoJournal, 2024
Physical Review D, 1998
2010 International Conference on Technology for Education, 2010
Asia Pacific Education Review, 2013
Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, 2014
Women, Midwives and Midwifery
Clinical colorectal cancer, 2018