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Políticas Culturais em Revista
O artigo tem como objetivo analisar e dar visibilidade a experiência de gestão desenvolvida no Espaço Cultural Alagados, localizado no subúrbio de Salvador-Bahia. Interessa no texto refletir a dimensão comunitária e coletiva desse espaço, seu papel e importância no território onde se insere, bem como a sua forma de atuação e modo de gestão, determinantes para a sua existência e sobrevivência enquanto espaço público e comunitário, que existe há mais de três décadas e se mantém atuante mesmo no contexto de desmonte das políticas públicas de cultura e das instituições responsáveis pelas mesmas no país.
Bolivia 브라질 Brasil 칠레 Chile 콜롬비아 Colombia 코스타리카 Costa Rica 쿠바 Cuba 에콰도르 Ecuador 엘살바도르 El Salvador 스페인 España 과테말라 Guatemala 아이티 Haití 온두라스 Honduras 멕시코 México 니카라과 Nicaragua 파나마 Panamá 파라과이 Paraguay 페루 Perú 푸에리토 리코 Puerto Rico 도미니카공화국 República Dominicana 우루과이 Uruguay 베네수엘라 Venezuela 미국 E.E.U.U. 한국 Corea
Politics-Democracy in Northern Thailand (การเมือง-ประชาธิปไตยในท้องถิ่นภาคเหนือ). Editor. Wasan PANYAGAEW. Chiang Mai: CRAS, Social Sciences Faculty. Chiang Mai University. 2012. in Thai
Repensando la participación política en el entorno multimediático / Experiencias en México., 2021
Hemos argumentado que las formas de participación política posibles, en los actuales regímenes políticos democráticos, no responden únicamente a los condicionamientos y las potencialidades del entorno político institucional, y que los procesos de politización (socialización, concientización y aprendizaje políticos), consustanciales a la acción y movilización política, tienen lugar también, y cada vez en mayor medida, al interactuar comunicativamente con sentido político en un entorno público configurado por comunicaciones, públicas y privadas, tecnológicamente convergentes y, por tanto, crecientemente “mediatizadas”, en el cual priman como condiciones, por un lado, la interconexión en red de las modalidades de comunicación interpersonal, mediática e interactiva y, por el otro, el predominio del individualismo expresivo como orientación del comportamiento comunicativo.
American Journal of Industrial and Business Management
The concept of Supply Chain Management which is traditionally applicable to manufacturing industry can also improve the overall operations of service industry, especially the healthcare industry. In order to get a more comprehensive understanding of hospital supply chain management and to identify the major players and their roles, this study looks into the supply chain process and the major players of the hospital supply chain in private hospitals in Bangladesh. The study initially focuses on exploring the existing literature on hospital supply chain management and subsequently, analyzes the effectiveness of the hospital supply chain process focusing on the key suppliers of the hospital industry. This research is a descriptive study, based on primary and secondary data. Primary data was collected through semi-structured questionnaire and in-depth interviews from respondents from several private hospitals in Bangladesh. The researchers have proposed a conceptual framework depicting a holistic view of Hospital Supply Chain Management and then an Integrated Private Hospital Supply Chain Management (IPHSCM) model was developed. The result of the study illustrates the efficiency of this chain is quite satisfactory. The study thus provides a comprehensive idea about the current supply chain process of private hospitals in Bangladesh. In addition, the study helps to identify the sectors where the concepts of supply chain can be applied in order to improve their operational excellence. This study has also created scopes of further studies on service supply chain management, more specifically hospital supply chain management. However, this study was limited to only private hospitals in Bangladesh. Further research can be done in this sector using the IPHSCM model developed by the researchers.
Future of AI and BIM is not so far, check out what construction industry holds further. Know the levels of BIM and where and how technologies like BIM and Artificial Intelligence play a significant role in empowering the digital engineering process
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Japanese journal of mathematics. New series, 1999
Journal of Information Technology Management (JITM), 2023
Revista Letras, Vol. 89, Dossiê Tradução dos Clássicos no Brasil, 2014
International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 2020
Empirical Economic Review
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, 1995
Frontiers in Microbiology, 2020
American Journal of Botany, 1998
Cakrawala: Jurnal Pendidikan, 2019
Improving Interagency Collaboration, Innovation and Learning in Criminal Justice Systems, 2021