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Este libro no puede reproducirse total ó parcialmente por ningún m étodo gráfico, electrónico o mecánico, incluyendo los sistemas de fotocopia, registros magnéticos o de alimentación de datos, sin expreso consentimiento del autor y Editor. ■a me m ---------sm a m ■ ......-m m m -RUC Ley de Derechos del Autor Registro comercial Escritura Publica •
NAGPRA affects Indian Tribes, Native Hawaiian organizations, lineal descendants, museums, and Federal agencies. The development of long-term positive collaborations and cooperation among these different communities as part of their compliance and involvement with the law is an important goal. Through its public meetings, oversight of implementation of the Act, review and recommendations regarding the resolution of disputes, and recommendations to the Secretary of the Interior, the Review Committee works to achieve the goals and objectives of the statute.
The approach of the present work is the study of the historical evolution of the access to justice, its obstacles and the measures taken by the Brazilian legal order to overcome them. The study has as initial fundament the classic work of Mauro Cappelletti and Bryant Garth, Access to Justice. After that, the work analyses the importance of the Public Defender in the effectiveness of the access, showing the legal aspects along the years that made the Public Defender what it is today. Thereby, the study will analyze the main laws that were somehow benefic to the strengthening and autonomy of the Public Defender. It will demonstrate, still, current data of the Public Defender, both at state and federal jurisdiction, obtained by the study of the IV Diagnosis of the Public Defender in Brazil and by the Map of the Public Defender. The analysis of the data allows us to have a wide view of the current scenario of the institution in the country, as well to identify the problems still faced for the complete universalization of the access to justice.
Эрх зүй, 2020
Энэ өгүүллийн гол зорилго бол 2019 онд Үндсэн хуульд оруулсан нэмэлт, өөрчлөлт дэх шүүх эрх мэдэлд хамаатай дөрвөн заалтын үзэл баримтлалыг танилцуулах явдал юм.
Forthcoming: Journal of Economic Structures, 2020
This study assesses the simultaneous openness hypothesis that trade modulates foreign direct investment (FDI) to induce positive net effects on total factor productivity (TFP) dynamics. Twenty-five countries in Sub-Saharan Africa and data for the period 1980 to 2014 are used. The empirical evidence is based on the Generalised Method of Moments. First, trade imports modulate FDI to overwhelmingly induce positive net effects on TFP, real TFP growth, welfare TFP and real welfare TFP. Second, with exceptions on TFP and welfare TFP where net effects are both positive and negative, trade exports modulate FDI to overwhelmingly induce positive net effects on real TFP growth and welfare real TFP. In summary, the tested hypothesis is valid for the most part. Policy implications are discussed.
Revista Argentina de Investigación Narrativa, 2024
El presente trabajo es la producción final de una experiencia realizada en la materia Pedagogía del profesorado de educación física del ISFD Nº84 (Argentina) durante el 2023. Lxs autorxs del texto se propusieron realizar un registro fotográfico de las clases compartidas durante todo el año, para que a partir de dicho registro pudieran componer reflexiones en un diario de campo. El objetivo de este trabajo es visibilizar que los relatos construidos no son producto de una clase de pedagogía, sino que son pedagogía en sí misma y que lo inmanente (St. Pierre, 2018), en tanto, aquello que es y sucede pero que no se ha podido poner en palabras, puede aparecer en la visualidad y ayudar a componer nuevos sentidos en la formación docente.
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Analysis of Tunnel Support Design to Withstand Spalling Induced by Blasting, 2016
Revista Brasileira De Historia, 2003
هفتمین همایش بینالمللی باستانشناسان جوان-International Congress of Young Archaeologists, 2019
Research Square (Research Square), 2022
Istanbul University - DergiPark, 2020
Research Square (Research Square), 2024
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Revista Gestão & Sustentabilidade Ambiental, 2018