Life Sciences 239 (2019) 117049
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Stromal reprogramming: A target for tumor therapy
Masoud Najafi , Keywan Mortezaee
, Jamal Majidpoor
Radiology and Nuclear Medicine Department, School of Paramedical Sciences, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran
Cancer and Immunology Research Center, Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, Sanandaj, Iran
Department of Anatomy, School of Medicine, Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, Sanandaj, Iran
Department of Anatomy, School of Medicine, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Cancer associated fibroblasts (CAFs)
Tumor microenvironment (TME)
Cancer cell
Transforming growth factor (TGF)
Extracellular matrix (ECM)
Cancer associated fibroblasts (CAFs) as the dominant, long-lived and highly plastic cells within the tumor microenvironment (TME) with multi-faceted roles that are endowed with tumor aggressive features. They can
instruct and shape the stroma of tumor into being a highly qualified bed for cellular recruitment, differentiation
and plasticity in the host tissue or secondary organ/s. In this Review, we have a discussion over CAF reprogramming as a general concept, inducers and outcomes, pursued by suggesting potential strategies to combat
this key promoter of tumor.
1. Introduction
Cancer associated fibroblasts (CAFs) (also called peritumoral fibroblasts or reactive stromal fibroblasts) are the most frequent cell
population of mesenchymal lineage within the tumor microenvironment (TME) of the majority of cancers [14,59,73], and their stromal
presence depicts poor clinical outcomes [2]. CAFs are frequently found
in breast, prostate and pancreas cancers, while their presence in renal
and brain tumors is less common [3]. CAFs can occupy about 80% of
breast and pancreatic tumor mass (volume) developed by widespread
desmoplastic aggregations [5]. From cellular views, CAFs take about
40–50% of all tumoral cell population within cancers [78]. Fibroblasts
are considered as cockroaches of human body in which they are able to
survive upon exposure to severe stresses, even after culturing postmortem tissue samples [41,76], and within a tumor they can sculpt the
growth-permissive TME [84]. CAFs are referred to the architects of
tumor pathogenesis [72], and their presence in the stroma take part of
the role for the long-held notion about tumors that are ‘wounds that
never heal’ [14,19,71,84], inferring that tumors and wounds have many
similarities including fibroblast activation, and enhanced extracellular
matrix (ECM) synthesis and remodeling [51], and that therapy is applicable by CAF harness [15]. CAFs are synthetic machines producing a
plethora of chemokines and cytokines for sustaining their active state
and implementing tumor progressive roles exerted in a multi-faceted
way. CAFs create ECM structure, and are account for immune and
metabolic reprogramming within the TME [41]. CAFs promote cancer
cell intravasation, colonization and growth in the metastatic sites [41].
Compared to the normal tissue fibroblasts, CAFs exhibit robust proliferation and migration, and impose higher influence on cancer cells,
determined mainly by the TME [41]. CAFs have higher levels of cytokines and other factors and enhanced capability for ECM remodeling
[23]. In addition, CAFs have multiple cytoplasmic branches, indented
nuclei, well-developed Golgi apparatus, higher endoplasmic reticulum
and free ribosomes, and are enriched in stress fibers causing cell polarity [14]. Diverse influence from TME along with miscellaneous tissue
and cell type origin has made CAFs a heterogeneous population [4]
with no specific marker exclusively expressed by the cells [84].
Both cancer cells and cancer stem cells (CSCs) are able to reprogram
into CAFs [62]. Unlike CSCs, CAFs lack genetic alterations, and genetic
mutations is less common in the cells [65]. The questions here are what
tumoral factors induce stromal reprogramming? and how this is important in relation with tumor progression and therapy? In this review,
we aimed to discuss stromal reprogramming in tumors, with a special
focus over CAF reprograming (as the dominant cell type within the
stroma of tumor) and its critical contribution in regard with tumor
progression. Then, some strategies are illustrated for targeting this
important promoter of tumor aggressiveness.
2. Stromal reprogramming
To our understanding, cellular reprogramming within the TME
might be a clear example for tumors being a dynamic pack of cells that
Corresponding author. Department of Anatomy, School of Medicine, Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, Sanandaj, Iran.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (K. Mortezaee).
Received 9 October 2019; Received in revised form 4 November 2019; Accepted 6 November 2019
Available online 12 November 2019
0024-3205/ © 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Life Sciences 239 (2019) 117049
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are continuously reshaping in order to promote adaptive mechanisms
for tumor growth and metastasis. Stromal reprogramming is a critical
contributor to the TME remodeling and cellular interactions within a
tumor. CAFs direct these interactions to pave the path for tumor progression and metastasis. In fact, CAFs are being instructed to attract
environmentally friendly cells so as to help tumor progression. A cell
type with such capability must be abundance in number and versatile in
activity to exert variable responses under exposure to the ever-changing
conditions occurring in the TME. Cellular reprogramming into CAFs can
both help surviving from hazard conditions and to guide other cells
exhibiting appropriate responses to such conditions. Thus, stromal reprograming can be a key resistance promoter. It seems that almost all
cells within the TME have such capacity. This characteristic infers that
cells within the TME are highly plastic, able to change morphology in
order to synchronize their activity with the constantly changing milieu.
The phenotypic reprogramming involves three steps: cellular (normal
fibroblasts and other cells of origin) recruitment (induced primarily by
factors released from cancer cells), trans-differentiation into cells with a
CAF-like morphology (mesenchymal-mesenchymal transition [MMT])
without acquiring genetic alterations, and, finally, maintenance of the
newly formed CAF cells (by TME factors including ECM stiffness [72])
Table 1
Factors influencing reprogramming of normal fibroblasts into cancer associated
fibroblasts (CAFs).
Factor name
cancer cell
cancer cell
cancer cell
cancer cell &
cancer cell
Enhancer or
Tumor type
TIM, tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase; LPA, lysophosphatidic acid; TGF,
transforming growth factor; SDF, stromal derived factor; Cav-1, caveolin-1;
BRCA1, breast cancer type 1 susceptibility; OPN, osteopontin; HIF, hypoxia
inducible factor.
2.1. Cellular recruitment
Fibroblasts are the key cells that reacts to tissue injuries and diseases, such as development of tumors. To promote a tumorigenic
nature, the first step would be fibroblast recruitment toward the stroma
of tumor. A number of factors are implicated in this recruitment.
Hypoxia within the TME is an inducer. This condition may rise by the
existing CAFs or from the cancer cells [3,68]. Platelet-derived growth
factor (PDGF) plays a key role for recruitment of stromal fibroblasts
[24,64]. Normal fibroblasts are not the sole origin of CAFs. In fact, there
are a range of cells that have this capability, which includes mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), pericytes, adipocytes, inflammatory,
epithelial and endothelial cells (ECs) [80]. It seems that the multi-cellular origins for CAFs may indicate the utmost importance these cells
take in cancer pathogenesis.
[55]. High TGF-β and low Cav-1 inducible effects on ROS generation in
CAFs possibly reduce gap junctions between the cells; this reduction
allows for attaining a myofibroblastic phenotype, as well as for enabling
contacts between cancer cells and further tumor progression [18,19].
CAFs are also adapted to launch an antioxidative machinery to avoid
cell death related to chemotherapy induced oxidative crisis [16]. Taken
together, it is justifiable to assert that CAFs like CSCs [62] are equipped
with a compatible reduction–oxidation (redox) system in order to habitat readily with the surrounding environment and thus resist therapy.
2.2.2. Inflammation and stromal reprogramming
Activation of a pro-inflammatory gene signature is a characteristic
developed upon CAF transitioning from normal fibroblasts under exposure to cancer cells [65]. The chronic inflammation primed by CAFs
is considered as a main risk factor for many cancers. During the acute
phase of inflammation, fibroblasts are reversibly activated, while irreversible activation of fibroblasts (pro-invasive CAFs) are formed during
the chronic inflammation; these constantly activated cells act by influencing other cells within the TME. Activation of NF-κB in normal
fibroblasts trans-differentiate them into CAFs, and its activation in the
CAFs supports stemness and invasion [20,28,30,65,79,85].
2.2. Cellular transitioning
When cells are recruited toward the TME, the next step is their transdifferentiation into attaining a CAF-like morphology with mesenchymal
phenotype. Epithelial cells can undergo epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), and ECs can take an endothelial-to-mesenchymal
(EndMT) transition [80]. Fibroblasts upon transition into CAFs will lose
caveolin-1 (Cav-1) and enhance expression of factors like monocarboxylate transporter 4 (MCT4, the main exporter of lactate and a
marker of glycolysis) [49,56]. In the Table 1, a number of factors involved in induction of stromal reprogramming are presented.
2.2.3. Hypoxia and stromal reprogramming
Hypoxia is a key condition within the TME influencing cellular interactions and reprogramming. Metabolic reprogramming and adaptation of CAFs, and their metabolic symbiosis with cancer cells is under
the strict control of hypoxia [29,41]. In fact, cancer cells induce a
pseudo-hypoxic milieu for CAFs [85]. HIF-1α is a main actor for this
aim. HIF-1α promotes a metabolic transition toward aerobic glycolysis
in CAFs [17] and cancer cells [48]. In CAFs, this is mediated by HIF-1
regulatory effect on MCT4 gene [17,57]. Promotion of mtOXPHOS in
cancer cells is mediated by HIF-2α [17]. HIPK2 downregulation by
hypoxia in cancer cells contributes to fibroblast trans-differentiation
into CAFs [31].
2.2.1. Oxidative stress and stromal reprogramming
CAFs exhibit multiple distinct subtypes with specific markers coexisting in tumors. Proportion of these subtypes is modified deeply by
chronic oxidative stress. This co-existence is for supporting metastatic
dissemination [20]. Under exposure to oxidative stress, CAFs mostly
exhibit a myofibroblast-like phenotype (α-SMA+ subtype) that are
highly reactive and have intense secretory profiling [29]. PDGFR-β+ is
another subtype of CAFs possibly affected by reactive oxygen species
(ROS) exhibiting enhanced growth and motility [20]. Inducible effect of
ROS on myofibroblast reprogramming is mediated partly through hypoxia inducible factor (HIF)-1α accumulation [65]. ROS are also potent
promoters of metabolic reprogramming in CAFs, which is required for
developing adaptation to oxidative crisis and thus promoting chemoresistance [20,21]. ROS enhance CAF glycolysis through induction
of transforming growth factor (TGF)-β [21] and Cav-1 downregulation
2.3. CAF maintenance
2.3.1. Metabolic symbiosis is a key for CAF maintenance
CAFs are known as the key fuel source within the TME. CAFs have
metabolic symbiosis with cancer cells. Cancer cells in order to maintain
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their survival and immortality are dependent on CAFs; the term ‘fibroblastic addiction’ is a concept used in this way, namely addiction of
cancer cells to CAF-derived energy source. The contact between cancer
cells and CAFs also educate CAFs to transform into a hyper-synthetic
phenotype. This transformation is mediated possibly by ROS release
from cancer cells [5]. CAFs shuttle lactate through which they influence
tumor-stroma interplay [5,29,34,36,49]. Metabolic flexibility and
adaptation is a characteristic that distinguishes CAFs from normal
(quiescent) fibroblasts [82]. Being in contact with cancer cells, CAFs are
induced to shift their metabolic demand toward glycolysis; enhanced
glycolysis can also prime normal fibroblasts in order to attain a CAF
phenotype. TGF-β and PDGF are known to induce this metabolic
shifting in CAFs. An outcome of glycolysis reprogramming in CAFs is
high lactate production and release into the TME, so increasing TME
acidity [29,38,68,86]. Cancer cells through uptake of lactate can reduce
the extreme acidity of the TME [20]. This is a protective mechanism for
regulation of the acidity within the TME. Over uptake of lactate can
possibly be destructive for tumor survival [29]. Proliferative cancer
cells by being in contact with CAFs and further uptake of lactate, potentiate their mitochondrial mass and activity, and so undergo metabolic reprogramming toward oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS).
The paracrine effect of aerobic glycolysis (Warburg) in CAFs for fueling
mtOXPHOS in cancer cells (with lower dependence on glucose metabolism) is called ‘reverse Warburg effect’. Oxidative stress (H2O2 release) is occurring as a secondary outcome of the OXPHOS metabolism,
and high ROS production causes HIF-1 stabilization and chemotherapy
resistance [29,36,37,62,65,81]. Metabolic shifting toward glycolysis in
CAFs is partly due to the HIF1 stabilization [29,68]. Increased autophagy (possibly promoted by hypoxia) induced by factors like TGF-β is
seemed to be responsible for metabolic differences between normal fibroblasts and CAFs [12,57,65]. Chaudhri and colleagues delineated no
difference in the individual metabolites between CAFs and normal fibroblasts, but rather a considerable steady-state abundance of metabolites between the two cell phenotypes [12]. In fact, CAFs are
equipped with a highly compatible autophagy system (compared to the
normal fibroblasts) to transfer nutrients onto cancer cells continuously
[53]. In addition, recovery and growth (so called relapse) of tumoral
cells after radiotherapy is mediated by CAF-induced autophagy in the
cells [78].
Stromal TGF-β acts for linking metabolic reprogramming in CAFs
(through induction of Warburg effect) with the nearby cancer cells (by
increasing mitochondrial activity) [33]. Proliferating cancer cells utilize lactate released from CAFs for mitochondrial OXPHOS [23]. In a
report by Zhao and colleagues, positive relation between CAF-derived
exosomes and enhanced tumor cell glycolysis under nutritional stress
has been highlighted [87]. Shifting toward glycolytic metabolism
would help tumor cells to acquire an EMT phenotype and to colonize in
distant organs. OXPHOS in tumoral cells also promotes metastasis [81].
Of high importance, most glycolytic cancer cells maintain their functional OXPHOS, so they are able to restore OXPHOS when glycolysis in
suppressed in the cells [5]. In addition, like CAFs, glycolytic cancer cells
can utilize lactate taken up by CAFs to serve as a fuel source [35].
Taken all into consideration, it is reasonable to declare that CAFs act for
promoting metabolic flexibility in cancer cells and vice versa (called
symbiotic metabolic sharing), which, in part, is determined by conditions within the TME. This flexibility promotes cellular resistance and
adaptation to hyponutrient and hypoxic conditions [5] (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. Metabolic symbiosis between cancer associated fibroblasts (CAFs) with
cancer cells. CAFs and cancer cells are co-evolved metabolically. Lactate release
by glycolytic CAFs promotes mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation
(mtOXPHOS) in cancer cells (reverse Warburg); stabilization of hypoxia inducible factor 1 (HIF1) by mtOXPHOS cancer cells in an oxidative stress setting
further induces glycolysis in CAFs for further release of lactate into the tumor
Aerobic glycolysis is required for sustaining YAP activity [27]. ECM
stiffness through YAP activation induces metabolic rewiring in both
CAFs and cancer cells [8].
3. CAF mediated cellular recruitment and plasticity
CAFs are inherently plastic and are known to influence plasticity of
other cells recruited toward the TME. CAFs through release of lactate
into the TME promote monocyte recruitment and transition into protumor M2 phenotype, while normal fibroblasts would shift the cells into
anti-tumor M1 phenotype [34,84]. CAFs are also involved in bone
marrow cell recruitment and differentiation into ECs for promotion of
neoangiogenesis [20]. Recruited bone marrow cells can also attain a
CAF like morphology [25]. CAFs also induce regulatory T (Treg)/cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) ratio, causing increased accumulation of
immunosuppressor Tregs [42]. CAFs exclude cancer cell exposure to
CTLs through CXCL12 biosynthesis and ECM stiffness [39]. Crosstalking between CAFs and cancer cells promotes cancer cell plasticity
through which cancer cells acquire an EMT phenotype; the EMT cells
can either differentiate into CAFs [7,25,28] or dedifferentiate into CSCs
[32,71] (Fig. 2).
4. How stromal reprogramming is related to metastasis?
Reprogramming between cancer cells, CSCs and CAFs is vital for
tumor metastasis. Recruitment and reprogramming of normal stromal
cells toward the pre-metastatic niche is possibly facilitated by tumor
cells. Here, the reprogrammed cells can help metastatic dissemination
and tumor growth [52]. Autocrine secretomes of fibroblasts including
TGF-β and stromal-derived factor-1 (SDF-1) can change the cells into
CAFs [73]. In addition, CSCs have the capacity to reprogram into CAFlike cells; this reprogramming is mediated by release of TGF-β from
CAFs, and it would help formation of niches for maintaining CSC survival in the sites of metastasis [61]. In concise, co-traveling CAFs toward the site/s of metastasis would provide early growth advantage for
active (non-quiescent) tumoral cells, while they form niches for maintaining survival of cells (namely CSCs) undergo dormancy in these niches [18,61].
2.3.2. ECM stiffness
ECM stiffness is a hallmark of many cancers [60]. Fibroblasts are
highly sensitive to the ECM mechanics. ECM stiffness is produced by
CAFs, and it acts to maintain a CAF phenotype by activation of Yesassociated protein 1 (YAP) (via nuclear import) in these cells [46,60].
YAP activation in CAFs regulates their contractibility (maintaining their
active state) and ECM remodeling (reinforcing ECM stiffness for providing a permissive environment for invasion of tumoral cells) [6].
5. How to target stromal reprogramming?
CAFs are conspicuous stromal targets in almost all solid tumors
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Fig. 2. The effects of cancer associated fibroblasts (CAFs) on cellular recruitment and plasticity within the tumor microenvironment (TME). CAFs promote recruitment of monocytes and their differentiation into macrophage type 2 (M2) cells. Recruitment of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSCs) and their
differentiation into endothelial cells (ECs), CAFs or both is also mediated by CAFs. In addition, CAFs increase the regulatory T (Treg)-to-cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL)
ratio in the TME, thus along with enhanced infiltration of myeloid derived suppressive cells (MDSCs) represses anti-tumor immunity, causing tumor growth and
around tumor vasculature, thus hampering infusion of drugs to the
tumor site. Normalization into a non-myofibroblastic (i.e. inactive)
phenotype is a tempting and promising strategy for targeting stromal
reprogramming. The normalized fibroblasts (formed from reversion of
CAFs) take tumor suppressive roles. By fibroblast normalization, the
amount of fibrotic content is reduced with ensuing decompression over
intratumoral vasculature, and thus creating a window permeable to the
targeted therapy [58]. Fibroblast normalization can cause immunoactivation, and sensitizing cancer cells to therapeutics [65]. There
is a report by Chauhan and colleagues who found that angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB) can switch CAFs into a quiescent state as well as
alleviating immunosuppression, and the two effects were found to be
interrelated [13]; this is possibly mediated by TGF-β silencing [1]. The
evidence for this is that TGF-β is an important driver of CAF phenotype
acquisition and maintenance [77]. CAFs through secretion of TGF-β are
kept in an active state in an autocrine manner, and that this cytokine
takes immunosuppressive roles in the TME [1]. Stimulators of all-trans
retinoic acid [26], vitamin D receptor [14], and ARBs [13] were found
to be useful for dedifferentiation of CAFs into a quiescence state and so
enhancing anti-tumor immunity against tumor. Administration with the
vitamin D analog calcipotriol is reported to reprise activated fibroblasts
into the quiescence state and thus inducing stromal remodeling, and
increasing the efficacy of chemotherapy in pancreatic cancer [75].
[14]. By being the most populous cells (and persistent presence) in the
tumor stroma, along with the genetic stability compared to cancer cells,
CAFs are the desired target for effective tumor therapies bringing reduced chance of resistance and tumor relapse [44,69,82].
5.1. Conversion of CAFs into a quiescent or normalization state. Is that
In healthy tissues, the term ‘resting’ or ‘quiescent’ is used for fibroblast cells that are not engaged actively in turnover of ECM components [34,71]. Cells residing within the TME are able to acquire a
quiescence state. For CSCs, this state can help acquiring a more invasive
and resistant phenotype [62]. How does it work for CAFs? CAFs, as
discussed, have subpopulations that share an active state. These activated fibroblasts can repress tumor progression at early stages. The cells
through formation of gap junctions inhibit contacts between cancer
cells [19]. However, for tumors at higher stages, CAFs undergo infrastructural development, promote multifaceted interactions, and are
kept in a chronically (irreversibly) active state by continuous influx of
factors derived from tumoral cells, and thus they are highly invasive
and are intensely resistant against reversion into a normal quiescent
state [19,44,63]. CAFs in an active form have higher recruitment, activation, proliferation and migration compared to the quiescent fibroblasts [14]. Phenotypically, CAFs are similar to that found in wound
healing, but the difference is that pro-invasive CAFs are permanently
activated that neither revert to normal fibroblasts nor undergo apoptosis or elimination [2,3,47,80]. Reactive senescent fibroblasts are
formed upon tumor exposure to irradiation; these senescent cells have
characteristics similar to CAFs except for not being able to transform
into a quiescent state [25]. The senescent stromal cells are able to recruit immunosuppressive cells toward the TME [70]. So, senescence can
be targeted as a strategy to breakdown active stromal cells within a
In situ reprogramming of CAFs is most effective for desmoplastic
tumors such as pancreas and bladder; in such tumors, CAFs wrap
5.2. Antioxidants for targeting stromal reprogramming
As mentioned, oxidative stress is a key mediator of CAF reprogramming and a prominent inducer of metabolic symbiosis between
CAFs (also called reactive glycolytic stroma) with cancer cells, and so
shifting toward normal phenotypes using antioxidants can rise motivation among researchers for cancer prevention. Cigarette smoke is an
enhancer for induction of this metabolic symbiosis [23]. Antioxidants
are effective for repressing the effects exerted from cancer cells on fibroblast-to-myofibroblast transdifferentiation. As for example, cancer
cell death induced by N-acetylcysteine (NAC) and Tempol can be
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essential for tumor progression. For example, among different subtypes
of CAFs recognized so far, the higher tumor-promoting activity is
conferred to the fibroblast-specific protein-1 (FSP-1)+CAFs [25], so
this marker can be a target when considering the tumor type, as mentioned above. Targeting major signaling related to CAF reprogramming
is another appropriate strategy. Among various signaling identified so
far, a special focus must be onto targeting TGF-β.
effective for reversing metabolic changes in breast myofibroblasts
5.3. Targeting reprogramming inducers
Therapy can be directed for targeting signaling related to stromal
reprogramming. TGF-β is a pleotropic, immunosuppressive cytokine
deregulated in many tumors, and it acts on a variety of TME cells including CAFs. TGF-β is a strong inducer of stromal reprogramming and
heterogeneity, so it can be a promising target [1,10,51]. Aerobic glycolysis, oxidative stress and autophagy/mitophagy in CAFs are all
under the control of TGF-β [5]. Due to the key roles take by this cytokine for CAF reprogramming, reversion into a non-proliferative
quiescence state is seemingly applicable by deregulation (or disruption)
of TGF-β [1,22,40].
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6. Concluding remarks
Intractable TME, tumor relapse and lethal metastasis are the main
interrelated predicaments in tumor therapy [15], being spotlights of
current cancer research. Stromal reprogramming within the TME is
without a doubt a potent inducer of carcinogenesis, and that CAFs are
placed at the top of this event. Rearrangement of fibroblasts in the
shape and infrastructure enables them acquiring a constitutive active
CAF morphology, and being highly efficient for promoting tumor initiation, progression and relapse in corroboration with other cells
within the TME. This is understandable through intense bi-directional
interactions exist between CAFs with other cells within a tumor. As for
example, metabolic symbiosis with cancer cells would help satisfying
energy demands in various situations, and the term ‘metabolic slave’
used for CAFs in this context [5] is now indicate the more advantage
cancer cells taken from CAFs for promoting survival and growth. CAFs
would take such actions for developing mechanisms of adaptation in
cancer cells, so the cells upon exposure to unstable environments induced by targeted therapy or even mimicked upon migration toward
the metastatic sites can effectively maintain their survival, resistance
and growth. In fact, stromal cells (predominantly CAFs and their products) are acting as a ‘soil’ to ‘seed’ the tumoral cells in these versatile
sites [9,14,52]. The Achilles' heel of current approaches is primarily for
targeting the fast-proliferating tumor ‘seeds’, ignoring to a great extent
the contribution of the tumor fertilizing ‘soil’, namely the TME [51].
Targeting CAF reprograming is thus a desired approach for dissociating
cellular cross-interactions within the TME; this is due to that CAFs
rarely harbor genetic alterations, and are less likely to acquire resistance after targeted therapy compared to that for cancer cells [85]. In
fact, genetic stability would guarantee for maintaining CAFs sensitive to
drugs [18]. Extensive control imposed by CAFs over cells belong to the
immune system indicate that CAF targeting can be a desired approach
for improving the efficacy of immunotherapy, particularly for desmoplastic cancers [50]. Among a number of strategies proposed so far, a
special and promising approach is active-to-quiescence shifting of CAFs.
Unlike CSCs that are more invasive when acquired a quiescent state,
switching fibroblasts toward a dormant state is presumably an appropriate way to debilitate them for promoting a tumor, much like their
normal counterpart found in healthy tissues that exist generally in a
quiescent state [50]. Of note, transcriptomatic profiling of CAFs is
different among organs of origin, and so marker-based targeting of
CAFs may not only be less effective but it may also cause systemic side
effects such as anemia, cachexia or other paraneoplastic syndromes
[45]. Multi-origin of CAFs is another concern. Although resident fibroblasts are the major origins of CAFs, a number of cells are identified
for their potential to transform into CAFs, which accounts for generation of multiple CAF subtypes hard to target for cancer therapy. The
focus of current research is to target pre-existing CAFs, needing more
investigations for identifying the behavior of cells in the stroma of
tumor and possibly identification and combating markers that are more
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