Ancient Mesoamerica, 17 (2006), 239–249
Copyright © 2006 Cambridge University Press. Printed in the U.S.A.
DOI: 10.1017/S0956536106060111
Christopher S. Beekman
Department of Anthropology, University of Colorado at Denver, P.O. Box 173364, Campus Box 103, Denver, CO 80217-3364, USA
The shaft tomb mortuary tradition is an archaeological construct that encompasses a diverse array of burial practices, many of
which now seem to reflect local variations in specific treatments of the dead. Distinctive characteristics of shaft tombs in the
Tequila valleys of central Jalisco include the high degree of labor invested in tomb construction, the wealth of offerings found
within the tombs, and the occasional association of the tombs with the circular public architecture known as the Teuchitlan
tradition. These characteristics have led some researchers to see the Tequila valleys as the “core” of the shaft tomb tradition, in
which mortuary practices were most dramatically employed to demonstrate social distinctions. Weigand’s survey beginning at the
end of the 1960s was designed to understand the settlement system associated with the burial tradition. Various constraints led to
the use of surface materials and materials found in looters’ pits to associate ceramics with tombs and public architecture. This
article discusses ongoing research on the ceramic chronology of the eastern Tequila valleys and specifically those phases that span
the use of shaft tombs as a high-ranking form of burial. We can discern three phases across the period of the Late Formative
through the Middle Classic.
In this article, I discuss ongoing research into the chronology
of this phenomenon, specifically its manifestation in the Tequila
valleys of central Jalisco, although this burial complex is, of course,
distributed across a much wider area. I will discuss current research on the ceramic chronology, including comparisons between materials from the Atemajac valley to the east and types
defined in the Tequila valleys themselves. Second, there will be an
evaluation of the evidence for an absolute chronology. I will concentrate on the shaft tombs from the Late Formative and Classic
period, and not the El Opeño style tombs (Oliveros 1974, 1992)
known from this area beginning in the Middle or perhaps Early
Formative (Weigand 1985). I do not discuss these earlier tombs
because of the lack of ceramic data, not because of any perceived
lack of connection to the shaft and chamber tombs.
Recent archaeological research in western Mexico has been characterized by vastly increased fieldwork and a greater emphasis on
theoretical issues. Yet research has been hampered by our dependence upon the original three-phase pre-Columbian sequences developed since the 1930s by Kelly (1945, 1949), Lister (1949), and
others. Such gross breakdowns of ceramic evolution are not an
indication that there was no change, but rather they expose the
preliminary nature of most chronological research that has been
done in western Mexico. Unfortunately, these methodological questions regularly intrude upon our archaeological interpretations as
well. The enormous periods of apparent stasis created by these
sequences have often been taken as indicators of a lack of social
change. This is particularly true for what has been called the “Shaft
Tomb Complex” (Schöndube 1980).
The shaft tomb mortuary tradition is an archaeological construct that encompasses a diverse array of burial practices, many
of which now seem to reflect local variations in specific treatments of the dead (compare the contributions to this issue). Distinctive characteristics of shaft tombs in the Tequila valleys of
central Jalisco include the high degree of labor invested in tomb
construction, the wealth of offerings found within the tombs, and
the occasional association of the tombs with the circular public
architecture known as the Teuchitlan tradition (Weigand 1985).
These characteristics have led some researchers to see the Tequila
valleys as the “core” of the shaft tomb tradition, where mortuary
practices were most strategically employed to demonstrate social
distinctions (Beekman 2000; Weigand 1985).
One of Phil Weigand’s most far-reaching and influential projects
has been to document the settlement pattern associated with the
shaft tomb mortuary tradition in central Jalisco (Weigand and
Beekman 1998). This has resulted in the identification of not only
residential settlement but also the concentric circular public architecture referred to as the Teuchitlan tradition (first discussed in
Weigand 1979). Constraints forced most of this research to focus
on surface survey, with little stratigraphic excavation to develop
an adequate ceramic sequence. Weigand’s creative solution was to
develop an architectural sequence, based on changes in basic morphology of the architecture (Table 1). This sequence now appears
to be invalidated by recent findings, and the phase names are
retained only for the new sequence being developed at Guachim-
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Table 1. Chronological table for central Jalisco.
A.D. 100
100 B.C.
Architectural Phases
(based on Weigand 1979)
Ceramic Phases
(based on Galvan 1991,
Beekman 1996a, b)
Teuchitlan II
El Grillo
Teuchitlan I
Late Tabachines
Middle Tabachines
El Arenal
Early Tabachines
ontón (see discussion in Beekman and Weigand 2006). Even while
the sequence was in use, however, it posed special problems, as a
sequence based on public architecture cannot be used in rural sites
where such buildings do not occur.
Some of these issues were addressed in the field through the
incorporation of ceramic diagnostics found in a range of contexts.
Surface materials provided an initial understanding of ceramic
types present in association with tombs or villages, but Weigand
was also able to examine ceramics looted from tombs or within
the profiles of the numerous looters’ pits that mar the public architecture. His aim has been to rescue these data before artifacts
disappear into the black market or before exposed tombs erode
into nothingness. Using these sources of information, he was able
to associate certain distinctive ceramic markers with the shaft
tombs and the surface settlements (Weigand 1992:Figure 9).
The most commonly employed diagnostics for the period of
the shaft tombs and the Teuchitlan tradition architecture are three
different bichromes: Ahualulco Red on Cream was believed to
Figure 1. Map of the Tequila and Atemajac valley systems. The reporting bias towards sites with public architecture and cemeteries,
and the discontinuous nature of survey are both evident in this figure.
The chronological context of the central Jalisco tombs
extend across nearly the entire span of tombs and public architecture (Beekman 1996a:518–537; Beekman and Weigand 2000:45–
50) (Figures 2– 4), but the type is now recognized to encompass
too much variation. Both delicately lined examples with finegrained pastes, and more utilitarian pieces with rough and broadlined decoration over coarse-grained pastes, have been placed in
this category. Oconahua Red on White is a thin and polished ware
with occasionally fine-lined designs; it is believed to span the
earliest part of the period of tombs and architecture (Beekman
1996a:455– 481; Beekman and Weigand 2000:26–32) (Figures 5–7).
The paste of Oconahua Red on White is essentially the same as
Ameca Grey, a paste partially described by both Isabel Kelly (1948)
and Stanley Long (1966) during their own studies in this region,
and shared by the Ameca-Etzatlan style hollow figures that are
often found as offerings in the shaft tombs. Later, possibly developing out of Oconahua, comes Teuchitlan Red on Cream, which is
more unevenly fired, with a matte finish, thicker walls, different
paste characteristics distinguishable by visual and petrographic analysis, and with slight iconographic details that, to my eye, sug-
Figure 3. Colorines Red on Buff: (a) 33GS.152; (b) 58GS.260. Formerly
referred to as Ahualulco Red on Cream.
Figure 2. LaVenta Corridor collections. Colorines Red on Buff: (a) 7U.1.15;
(b) 21GS.107; (c) 36GS.143. Formerly referred to as Ahualulco Red on
gest the designs that occur with much greater prominence in later
phases (Beekman 1996a:497–510; Beekman and Weigand 2000:
38– 41) (Figures 8–10). On the basis of the surface observations
and distinctive contexts described above, the Teuchitlan type has
been used to indicate the latest part of the sequence, overlapping
partly with Oconahua Red on White and extending until the more
sweeping changes of the Epiclassic.
These diagnostics, initially defined by Weigand (Weigand 1992:
Figure 9) and later described in more detail based on mutually
agreed upon parallels in the collection from the La Venta Corridor
(see Beekman and Galván, this issue), were then published accompanied by drawings based on photographs taken by Weigand of
materials in private hands (Beekman and Weigand 2000). Each of
these types is, of course, only one among many that share the
same paste, firing pattern, and surface finish. There are a variety
of plain, reduce-fired, red-slipped, or other types in each of these
wares, best described in Galván (1991:Chapter 4) and Beekman
and Weigand (2000).
Figure 4. Colorines Red on Buff: (a) 33 CU.203; (b) PP GS.159;
(c) 33GS.324. Formerly referred to as Ahualulco Red on Cream.
Figure 5. Oconahua Red on White: (a) 33 GS.152; (b,c) 33 GS.324;
(d) 48U.5.4.
Figure 6. Oconahua Red on White: (a) 33 GS.321; (b) 33 GS.314;
(c) 33GS.315; (d) 33GS.324.
Figure 7. Oconahua Red on White: (a) 33 GS.309; (b) 33 GS.325;
(c) 33GS.310; (d) 33GS.324.
The chronological context of the central Jalisco tombs
Figure 8. Teuchitlan Red on Cream: (a) 25 GS.109; (b) 33 GS.324;
(c) 33CU.344; (d) 33U.7.5; (e) 33CU.428.
Corrections and refinements continue to be made to the types,
and the Beekman-Weigand volume is best described as a work in
progress. Weigand has described all three bichrome types as sometimes including fugitive black and white decoration in addition to
red on the base paste color (Beekman and Weigand 2000:27, 28,
39, 46). Vessels in the Museo del Municipio de Tala (about 16 km
north of Navajas) cited as examples of fugitive paint (e.g. Beekman and Weigand 2000: 28, Figure 48) have turned out upon
closer examination to be examples of resist decoration (Figures 11, 12). Stanley Long’s observation that many of the looted
vessels that he had examined were decorated using the resist technique (Long 1966:Figures 57, 58, 140a, 190) seems to be supported. Within the Tequila valleys, this particular decorative
variation thus occurs from Tala to the northeastern edge of the
Magdalena basin, nearly opposing ends of the Tequila valleys, but
not in the La Venta Corridor, Llano Grande, or Navajas, where I
have worked directly (refer to Figure 1). The vessels described as
Oconahua Polychrome or Ahualulco Polychrome in the shaft tomb
at Huitzilapa (Ramos and López 1996) are probably of this sort.
Resist wares go through a period of extensive experimentation
elsewhere in western Mexico (e.g. Loma Alta phase [Carot 2001])
and across Mesoamerica (e.g. Usulutan [Sharer 1978]) in the Late
to Terminal Formative period, and a clearer recognition of this
decoration in central Jalisco helps to understand the region’s participation in wider trends.
Figure 9. Teuchitlan Red on Cream: (a) 33 CU.393; (b) 33 GS.152;
(c) 33CU.468; (d) 33GS.324.
The Ahualulco Red on Cream type is more problematic; it
incorporates too much variation in its long temporal span. Weigand’s
definition of the diagnostic incorporated coarse paste vessels with
rough finishes and sloppy paint application (these formed the sample described in Beekman and Weigand 2000) but also very finely
made vessels barely distinguishable from Oconahua Red on White.
The complete vessels of Ahualulco Red on Cream in the Museo
del Municipio de Tala (e.g. illustrated in Beekman and Weigand
2000:Figure 72) differ from examples of Oconahua Red on White
Figure 12. Oconahua Red on White vessel in the Museo del Municipio de
Tala. The thick lined decoration is in red, but it is outlined in resist. A
faint resist depiction of a common “maize” or even “guachimontón” motif
is in the center of the photo. Also depicted in Beekman and Weigand
2000:Figure 66 as an Ahualulco Red on Cream, although the illustrator
did not notice the resist decoration. Photograph by Gregory Tyndall.
Figure 10. Teuchitlan Red on Cream: (a) 48GS.201; (b) 33CU.460; (c)
33CU.354; (d) 33CU.517; (e) 43CU.677; (f,g) 33GS.152; (h) 33GS.312.
(illustrated in Beekman and Weigand 2000:Figures 10–12) in their
slightly greater thickness and slightly less even firing. The surface
color and finish (and what could be seen of the paste through
recent breaks) appeared identical to Oconahua Red on White, and
nothing like the more “coarse” versions of Ahualulco. For these
reasons, I suspect that Ahualulco Red on Cream no longer serves
as a type, either in its fine manifestation, which should be incorporated into Oconahua Red on White, or its coarse forms, which
are more diverse and better described by Galván’s (1991) Colorines types. Only more detailed analysis in those locations where
it occurs will resolve the problem.
Relative Chronology
Figure 11. Teuchitlan Red on Cream vessel in the Museo del Municipio de
Tala. The main cross design is in red, but the thin dark lines are a
black-brown resist. Also depicted in Beekman and Weigand 2000:
Figure 48. Photograph by Gregory Tyndall.
It is clear that the diagnostics discussed for the Tequila region are
as a whole contemporaneous with those of the Tabachines phase
in the adjacent Atemajac valley (discussed in Beekman and Galván,
this issue). Galván (1991) defined the Tabachines phase after Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH) excavations
of 21 shaft tombs at the site of the same name. He divided the
period into Early and Late subphases based on different distributions of the three wares identified there—-Colorines, Tabachines,
and Arroyo Seco. Distributed between these subphases were different red on base paste types that, after personal observation, I
feel can be compared to the Tequila valley types. Colorines Lineas
Multiples and Rojo sobre Café Ollas (Galván 1991:48– 63) correspond very well to the more coarse vessels to which the term
Ahualulco Red on Cream has been applied. Tabachines Rojo sobre Crema is a clear parallel to Oconahua Red on White and the
finer vessels that have been called Ahualulco (Galván 1991:67–
70). The Atemajac valley types Arroyo Seco Rojo Amplio and
Borde Rojo have some sort of relationship to Teuchitlan Red on
Cream (Galván 1991:73–75), although with much simpler red decoration. Certain olla and deep bowl forms also appear distinct, but
are better represented among Teuchitlan Red on Cream’s plain
The chronological context of the central Jalisco tombs
counterparts in the same ware. A new Estolanos ware was defined
to encompass Teuchitlan Red on Cream and the plain wares with
the same paste and finish in the La Venta Corridor (Beekman and
Weigand 2000:36– 44), but there were notable parallels to the Arroyo Seco ware and types. Gregory Tyndall’s (Beekman et al.
2007) analysis of ceramics recovered from our recent excavations
at Navajas, again intermediate to both Tequila and Atemajac valleys but further to the south, has since identified both Arroyo Seco
and Estolanos wares, although the latter type is rare.
I felt that the Tabachines shaft tomb lots could be re-examined
and even seriated to provide more information. To create a framework, those tombs for which Galván had obtained obsidian hydration readings were placed in the relative order of their dates. After
arranging the listing of ceramic types and lithic artifacts to correspond to this sequence, I then proceeded to insert the tomb lots for
which there were no absolute chronological data. The result is a
clear three-part division, which I call Early, Middle, and Late
Tabachines (Table 2). Tabachines Rojo sobre Crema was limited
to the first two phases, Arroyo Seco Rojo Amplio and Borde Rojo
to the last two, and the Colorines Rojo sobre Café types were
found throughout the sequence. The Tabachines, Arroyo Seco,
and Colorines wares as a whole were found in the same phases as
their red on base representatives. Middle Tabachines is not merely
transitional or a period of overlap; a few specific ceramic types
were limited to that subphase, and the hollow figures and obsidian jewelry (Figure 13) associated with the heyday of the shaft
tombs seem to drop out after Early Tabachines, at least at the
Tabachines cemetery. Test pits at three sites in the La Venta Corridor generally substantiated the relative order of the material in
question, but each specific subphase was difficult to isolate (Beekman 1996a:351– 431).
With this new three-phase breakdown of Tabachines, the distribution of the Atemajac valley bichromes can be compared to
Weigand’s rough placement of his diagnostics (Weigand 1992:
Figure 9). Crude and fine variants of Ahualulco Red on Cream,
found throughout the Tequila valley sequence, correspond to at
least two types within the Colorines ware and one from the Tabachines ware that together extend across all three Tabachines subphases. Oconahua Red on White, from the early part of the Tequila
sequence, is essentially identical to Tabachines Rojo sobre Crema,
found in Early and Middle Tabachines. Finally, Teuchitlan Red on
Cream, which occurs in the later Tequila valleys sites, has some
relationship to Arroyo Seco Rojo Amplio and Borde Rojo, from
the Middle and Late Tabachines subphases. The relative order of
the Tequila valleys diagnostics is therefore paralleled in the bettergrounded Atemajac valley sequence.
Absolute Chronology
Putting absolute dates to the sequences is more of a challenge.
Galván reports a series of obsidian hydration dates for the Tabachines phase (750 b.c.–a.d. 450), and one from the following El
Grillo phase (a.d. 520) in the Atemajac valley (1991:256; Schöndube and Galván 1978:163–164). They bracket the three-part breakdown of Tabachines and the following phase quite well, but the
dates were calculated in the 1970s, prior to any of the refinements
considered critical today, such as thermal sensors, etc. Supporters
and detractors of obsidian hydration dating are in agreement that
successful use of the method requires more than simple measurement of the hydration rind and application of a constant (e.g.
Braswell 1992; Webster and Freter 1990; Webster et al. 1993), and
Figure 13. Obsidian jewelry: (a) 7 U.1.13; (b) 7 U.1.10; (c) 7 U.2.4;
(d) 7U.1.15; (e) 7U.1.11; (f) 7U.1.15; (g) 33GS.152.
so the Tabachines dates as reported should not be “read” directly.
Hence, I remain skeptical of the absolute dates that have been
assigned to the phases, although I found that the hydration readings produced a plausible relative ordering of the tombs.
Far more useful are radiocarbon dates, a tight cluster of which
come from the excavations at the Magdalena valley site of Huitzilapa (Ramos and López 1996). Although the ceramic assemblage
from the tomb has not yet been described in detail, specific elements that are chronologically useful include El Arenal style hollow figurines, Tabachines Polished Black, Oconahua Red on White,
and a much greater number of vessels described as finely made
Ahualulco Red on Creams. In terms of the modified ceramic chronology, these materials would seem to place the tomb in the Early
Tabachines phase, in part because of the lack of the Arroyo Seco
types that come in with the Middle Tabachines phase. Arroyo
Seco is also absent in other, later contexts at the site (Lorenza
López, personal communication). The excellent collection of calibrated radiocarbon dates from the Huitzilapa shaft tomb clusters
in the first century a.d.
Our 2000 excavations at Llano Grande, along the western edge
of the Magdalena valley across from Huitzilapa, focused on three
Table 2. Seriation of offerings in the Tabachines shaft tombs. Distribution of offerings by tomb reconstructed from Galván (1991).
Galván 1991 breakdown
Tabachines Temprano
Beekman 1996 breakdown
Obsidian Hydration dates
Tabachines Tardio
Early Tabachines
Middle Tabachines
753 ⫾60
233 ⫾10
163 ⫾45
93 ⫾150
38 ⫾50
Shaft tomb number
Tabachines Exterior Burdo
Solid Figurines
Tabachines Crema Inciso
3 B.C.
277 A.D.
277 A.D.
437 A.D.
457 ⫾40 A
Colorines Rojo Café Burdo
Tabachines Negro
Tabachines Crema
Colorines Lineas Multiples
Tabachines Rojo sobre Crema
Tabachines Rojo Naranja
Tabachines Güinda
Colorines Rojo Burdo
Colorines Abultado
Colorines Burdo Simple
Negative sobre Rojo
Arroyo Seco Borde Rojo
Arroyo Seco Simple
Arroyo Seco Rojo Amplio
Tabachines ware
Colorines ware
Zoomorphic mortar
Arroyo Seco ware
Obsidian Point
Discoidal Scraper
Hollow Figurines
Handled Scraper
142 ⫾140
Tabachines Rojo Claro
Obsidian Figure
57 ⫾20
Colorines Rojo Cortado
Colorines Rojo sobre Café Ollas
Late Tabachines
The chronological context of the central Jalisco tombs
structures of a circle of the Teuchitlan Tradition and the intervening patio. Excavated ceramics included Oconahua Red on White,
Colorines Rojo sobre Café ollas, Tabachines Polished Black, and
one large Colorines olla that had been redecorated with PseudoCloisonne decoration (see Holien 1977). The assemblage appeared to be from the Early Tabachines subphase, as there was
again no evidence of the Arroyo Seco ware. No ceramic changes
were noted over the span of the construction of the circle and its
later occupation. Over a dozen calibrated radiocarbon dates evaluated against their stratigraphic contexts suggest an occupation
from a.d. 200–300 (Beekman and Weigand 2006). A number of
additional samples produced essentially modern results, as a result of severe root action and our confusion at the time over some
post-occupation layers. Regardless, in concert with the evidence
from Huitzilapa, the extension of Early Tabachines to a date around
a.d. 300 or so seemed justified.
The radiocarbon dates obtained during Long’s (1966) study of
a shaft tomb outside the Hacienda San Sebastián, in the southwestern part of the Magdalena lake basin, suggest similar dates for
similar materials. Long’s uncalibrated radiocarbon dates (Berger
et al. 1965:346; Berger and Libby 1966:475– 476, 1967:483) included three dates off of Pacific and Caribbean shell, and complications associated with upwelling may decrease their value. But
the remaining two dates off bone collagen gave uncalibrated dates
with their intercepts and central ranges in the third and fourth
centuries a.d. The published descriptions (Long 1966) of the pottery from the tomb indicate the presence of Oconahua Red on
White (described using Long’s term of Ameca Grey), obsidian
jewelry, and hollow figures that again suggest an Early Tabachines date.
Yet recent radiocarbon dates from Navajas, in the far southeastern corner of the Tequila valleys, add a new dimension to the
problem. Our excavations were carried out within two Teuchitlan
tradition circles. Tyndall’s analysis (in Beekman et al. 2007) identified the ceramics as primarily types from the Arroyo Seco group,
supplemented by Colorines and Tabachines types. Calibrated radiocarbon dates evaluated against their stratigraphic contexts range
from 50 b.c. to a.d. 200 (Beekman and Weigand 2006), thus amply bracketing the Huitzilapa shaft tomb and closely abutting the
dates from Llano Grande and San Sebastián. There thus seems to
be a clash between the dated assemblages, the most prominent
distinction being the absence of the Arroyo Seco group at Huitzilapa, Llano Grande, or San Sebastián. Arroyo Seco ware was also
not found in the La Venta Corridor, where the Estolanos group
was instead defined in its place.
The Arroyo Seco group, originally defined in the Atemajac
valley to the east, therefore only appears to extend southwest from
the Atemajac valley into the Navajas area and not in the other
regions mentioned in this discussion. Only further fieldwork can
confirm the distribution of these valuable chronological markers,
but there appears to be a basic northwest-southeast division in
ceramic spheres within the Tequila valleys, an important finding
for purposes of developing a regional chronology. The absence of
Arroyo Seco types in the far western part of the core thus cannot
be used to infer an Early Tabachines date, and in fact the late dates
for San Sebastián, Llano Grande, and Huitzilapa suggest that they
significantly postdate what is called Early Tabachines at the Tabachines cemetery or at Navajas. This may go far to explain Weigand’s
interpretation (1985) of an abandonment of the western sites in the
later parts of the sequence—the assemblages in the west “look”
older because they are lacking later diagnostics.
The Late Tabachines subphase at the Tabachines cemetery is
characterized by notable social changes (see Beekman and Galván,
this issue), and an impoverished ceramic assemblage dominated
by only a few types from the Arroyo Seco and Colorines wares.
Red decoration is vastly simpler on the Arroyo Seco types than on
their Estolanos counterparts in the La Venta Corridor. A similar
pattern has been evident in the recent excavations at Navajas,
where the related Teuchitlan Red on Creams are very rare, even
though types from the Arroyo Seco and even Estolanos wares are
clearly in evidence. This pattern suggests some interesting possibilities. First, Teuchitlan Red on Creams may have a narrower
chronological or distributional range than currently believed. Second, dating attempts that emphasize the Teuchitlan type as a particularly pivotal marker without taking into account other types in
the Arroyo Seco group to which it belongs may mistakenly date a
context as early.
Weigand’s current excavations at Guachimontón should provide contextualized additional absolute dates soon that will help
pin down parts of the ceramic sequence. Guachimontón, the largest site of the Teuchitlan Tradition and the epitome of an elaborate
architectural complex, will be pivotal for pushing back the first
appearance of examples of that class of architectural forms. Weigand
has stated (Weigand and García de Weigand 2001) that the pottery
may be from earlier than expected in the ceramic sequence, but
the site falls within that geographic area of uncertainty where the
later markers, Arroyo Seco types, may or may not occur. Only a
full typological analysis evaluating pastes, form, and decoration
in stratigraphic contexts will establish this for certain.
Based on the data discussed here, it appears that the Tabachines ceramic sequence is only partially applicable to the Tequila
valleys. The area where it is most effective is in the southeastern
part of the valleys, where most Tabachines types find parallels,
and slightly less so in the La Venta Corridor that links the Atemajac
and Tequila valleys. Known Early Tabachines ceramic assemblages do not have associated radiocarbon dates and therefore its
dating is not possible at this time. Middle Tabachines contexts are
radiocarbon dated at Navajas across the entire range 50 b.c.–a.d.
200. Late Tabachines should end by a.d. 550 with the appearance
of the El Grillo phase (Beekman 1996b), but the transition between Middle and Late subphases remains unclear. The Magdalena
lake basin west of the Tequila volcano lacks significant late diagnostics such as Arroyo Seco, hampering the identification of the
Middle and Late Tabachines phases in that area.
I have discussed evidence for the linkage of ceramic chronological data from the Atemajac and Tequila valleys, using the Tabachines cemetery as a starting point. There are limits to how much
farther the comparisons may be extended. Two recently published
descriptions of ceramics associated with shaft tombs and Teuchitlan tradition architecture are for the Bolaños canyon to the north
(Cabrero and López 2002) and the Sayula valley to the south
(Valdez 2005). The former, unfortunately, describes a ceramic
assemblage that is very different from that described in this article. The latter includes suggestive local types that appear conceptually parallel to our own, occurring in two partly contemporaneous
local complexes named Usmajac (ca. 2060–1690 b.p. [see Valdez
2005: 172]) and Verdia (ca. 1915–1490 b.p. [Valdez 2005: 194];
see Valdez et al., this issue). For example, the types Usmajac Bayo
a Caoba a Gris, Usmajac Negro Ahumado, Usmajac Rojo sobre
Crema, and Usmajac Rojo sobre Bayo/Caoba/Gris appear related
to Tabachines Crema, Tabachines Negro, and Oconahua Red on
White to judge from the descriptions of pastes, forms, and decoration (Valdez 2005: 173–180, 185–188, Cuadro 6, Figura 8). The
dates for Usmajac correspond very well to those from Middle
Tabachines contexts at Navajas and the slightly later dates from
Llano Grande.
Verdia types appear more heterogeneous and difficult to compare. However, the type Verdia Rojo sobre Crema shares distinctive
decorative elements (starburst or “guachimontón” forms) with the
fine Ahualulco Red on Creams (Valdez 2005: Cuadro 7, Figura 11).
The illustrations of forms grouped by complex rather than by type
(Valdez 2005: Figuras 1– 4) support a linkage between Usmajac and
Tabachines types—the links to the later Verdia complex are less clear,
as they are between Arroyo Seco and Teuchitlan Red on Cream. Yet
the most direct parallels are said to be the types Tizapan Rojo sobre
Gris (Oconahua Red on White?) and Tizapan Rojo sobre Café (Colorines Rojo sobre Café?), occurring alongside Verdia materials in
the northern part of the valley and considered a foreign import (Valdez 2005:152–153, Cuadro 3). Clearly the links are not neat, and
close inspection of actual samples would be necessary to confirm
or reject the suggested similarities.
Unfortunately, extending the comparisons made here to further regions is not possible at this time. Most of the published
ceramic sequences that exist for western Mexico are more concerned with later periods, while early materials are often ill defined, and typically are recovered from surface contexts. As a
result, the tripartite division of the ceramics in central Jalisco is
difficult to corroborate through comparative research, as all three
major wares (Tabachines, Colorines, Arroyo Seco) would typically be encompassed within a single “shaft tomb phase” in older
publications (e.g., Kelly 1949).
Despite the past overemphasis in western Mexico upon pottery
for the delineation of synchronic ceramic “provinces” (Kelly 1948),
and even for social interpretation, the reality is that ceramic descriptions have actually been quite brief and inadequate for modern archaeological research. As a good chronological sequence is
the backbone of any culture-historical reconstruction, and complex theoretical issues are impossible to address without it, considerably greater effort must be invested in stratigraphic excavation,
absolute dating, and the adequate description of the materials recovered. Major revisions to our understanding of the society that
built the shaft tombs and the circles of the Teuchitlan Tradition
may come from simply improving our approach to chronology.
La tradición mortuoria de tumbas de tiro es una construcción arqueológica
que incluye un rango amplio de formas de enterramiento, muchos de las
cuales reflejan variaciones locales en el tratamiento de los muertos. Las
tumbas de tiro en los valles de Tequila en el centro de Jalisco se caracterizan por el alto grado de mano de obra invertido en su construcción,
ofrendas de materias exóticas, y la relación en ocasión entre las tumbas y
arquitectura circular de la tradición Teuchitlan. Algunas investigadores
han usado estas características para definir los valles de Tequila como el
“núcleo” de la tradición de tumbas de tiro, porque aquí se emplean mas
estratégicamente las tradiciones mortuorias para demostrar las distinci-
ones sociales. Los recorridos de Weigand empezaron a finales de los sesentas para entender el sistema de asentamiento para las tumbas de tiro.
Ciertas limitaciones esforzaron una dependencia en materiales de superficie y materiales observados en pozos de saqueo para asociar la cerámica
con tumbas y arquitectura. Este artículo discute la investigación continua
sobre la cronología cerámica en los valles de Tequila, y en particular el
periodo que abarca el uso de tumbas de tiro como forma de enterramiento
de alto prestigio. Pretendemos discernir tres fases durante el formativo
tardío hasta el clásico medio, aunque su fechamiento absoluto no es claro
y solo se puede distinguirse en el extremo este de las valles de Tequila.
Alexander F. Christensen and Jill Caouette aided in the preparation of the
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with Javier Galván, Lorenza López, Otto Schöndube, and Phil Weigand,
though my own interpretations may well differ from theirs. Ben Nelson
and an anonymous reviewer provided additional valuable critiques. Permits were provided by INAH.
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