Large sulfur isotope fractionation by
bacterial sulfide oxidation
André Pellerin1*, Gilad Antler2,3, Simon Agner Holm1, Alyssa J. Findlay1, Peter W. Crockford4,5,
Alexandra V. Turchyn6, Bo Barker Jørgensen1, Kai Finster1
A sulfide-oxidizing microorganism, Desulfurivibrio alkaliphilus (DA), generates a consistent enrichment of sulfur34 (34S) in the produced sulfate of +12.5 per mil or greater. This observation challenges the general consensus
that the microbial oxidation of sulfide does not result in large 34S enrichments and suggests that sedimentary
sulfides and sulfates may be influenced by metabolic activity associated with sulfide oxidation. Since the DA-type
sulfide oxidation pathway is ubiquitous in sediments, in the modern environment, and throughout Earth history, the
enrichments and depletions in 34S in sediments may be the combined result of three microbial metabolisms: microbial sulfate reduction, the disproportionation of external sulfur intermediates, and microbial sulfide oxidation.
DA belongs to the family Desulfobulbaceae and is a haloalkaliphilic
bacterium isolated from a hypersaline lake in the Egyptian-Libyan
desert (9). DA grows by the oxidation of sulfide coupled to dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonia. DA can also grow by disproportionation of intermediate sulfur compounds (9). When exponentially
growing cells were transferred to a fresh medium at 30°C in the presence of excess sulfide and nitrate, replicate cultures of DA produced
sulfur isotopic enrichments (denoted as eP/R; see Materials and Methods) in the sulfate of +13.1 ± 0.7 per mil (‰) and +12.0 ± 0.5‰ (Table 1).
These growing conditions produced the largest sulfur isotope fraction1
Center for Geomicrobiology, Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University, Aarhus,
Denmark. 2Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, P.O. Box 653, Beer-Sheva 84105, Israel. 3The Interuniversity Institute for Marine Sciences of Eilat, P.O. Box 469, Eilat 88103, Israel. 4Weizmann
Institute of Science, Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Rehovot, Israel. 5Department of Geosciences, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA. 6University of
Cambridge, Department of Earth Sciences, Cambridge, England.
*Corresponding author. Email:
[email protected]
Pellerin et al., Sci. Adv. 2019; 5 : eaaw1480
24 July 2019
ation reliably measured by MSO and larger than the sulfur isotope fractionation produced by DA when growing by MSD (10). The large
fractionation observed in cultures of DA cannot be attributed to concurrent MSR because of a lack of electron donors other than sulfide in
the medium and the physiological inability of DA to grow by sulfate
reduction (9) nor can they be attributed to MSD as a result of extracellular sulfide oxidation to intermediate sulfur species because alternative oxidants were not added to the medium. Strict anaerobic
conditions were maintained during the experiments, and only low concentrations of sulfur intermediates were observed during the experiment
(fig. S1). Throughout the experiments, DA consumed 1.41 to 1.45 times
more sulfide than nitrate (Table 1). The electrons from sulfide that do
not react with nitrate are diverted to the reduction of CO2 into organic
matter resulting in carbon fixation rates [yield based on sulfide (Ys)] of
0.84 to 0.90 mol C (mol NO3−)−1. These Ys estimates are of similar magnitude to carbon fixation rates estimated from measurements of biomass
accumulation and nitrate consumption [yield based on measurement of
organic carbon (Yc)] of 0.20 to 0.39 mol C (mol NO3−)−1 (Table 1),
which are comparable to dark carbon fixation in the environment
(11), indicating that the electron budget fits with MSO being the only
microbial metabolism in the experiments. Therefore, the large sulfur isotope fractionations measured with DA must involve MSO. For comparison, only small sulfur isotope fractionations (<5‰) by MSO have
hitherto been reported (Fig. 1).
The large sulfur isotope fractionations are best explained by a
combination of mechanisms. First, a pH-dependent isotope effect can
partially explain the observation with DA. It has been shown that
the light [sulfur-32 (32S)] and heavy (34S) isotopes of sulfur quickly
exchange between the two major sulfide species, dihydrogen sulfide
(H2S) and monohydrogen sulfide (HS−), in the pH range of the experiment and reach an isotope equilibrium where H2S is +6‰ enriched
relative to HS− (12, 13). Since MSO uses H2S as a substrate as opposed
to HS− (14), the relative speciation of sulfide, which is pH dependent
[pKa (where Ka is the acid dissociation constant) = 6.89], will have an
important consequence on the resulting sulfur isotope enrichment.
For example, at pH 7 where H2S accounts for 50% of the sulfide, phototrophic sulfide oxidizers consume H2S and produce elemental sulfur
(S0). The H2S is +6‰ enriched in 34S relative to HS− but is only +3‰
enriched relative to the bulk sulfide. Thus, they produce S0, which is
enriched in 34S relative to the bulk sulfide by +3‰ (14). Under the pH
conditions of the DA experiments, (pH = 9.83) >99.9% of the sulfide
is present as HS−, but the substrate used by the cell is likely to remain
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Sulfide oxidation is a major part of the global microbial sulfur cycle.
The metabolic pathways for the microbial oxidation of sulfide (MSO)
are complex, likely exceed the currently known diversity (1), and may
have evolved early in Earth’s history (2, 3). Despite its ubiquity on
Earth today, the evidence for MSO in the rock record is sparse as it
is generally considered to yield small sulfur isotope enrichments between the sulfide consumed and the sulfate produced (4). With this
understanding, the appearance of large sulfur isotope partitioning observed between sulfate and sulfide in the environment, as well as in the
geologic record, have been interpreted as being due to the rise of large
sulfur isotope fractionation–inducing microbial processes, prominently microbial sulfate reduction (MSR) and microbial sulfur disproportionation (MSD) of intermediate inorganic sulfur species (5). On the
basis of MSR and MSD being the major sulfur isotope fractionation–
inducing processes in nature, a geobiological record of Earth’s early
history has been drawn [e.g., (6–8)]. Here, with the model microorganism Desulfurivibrio alkaliphilus (DA), it is shown that, in some
instances, MSO produces larger sulfur isotope enrichments than previously measured and thus could be a third and hitherto underestimated
source of notable sulfur isotope fractionation.
Copyright © 2019
The Authors, some
rights reserved;
exclusive licensee
American Association
for the Advancement
of Science. No claim to
original U.S. Government
Works. Distributed
under a Creative
Commons Attribution
License 4.0 (CC BY-NC).
Table 1. Growth parameters and sulfur isotope effects during the growth of DA on sulfide and nitrate in three replicate experiments. Substrate
consumption ratios, yields, and cell-specific consumption rates highlight the differences in nitrate and sulfide consumption. Calculated 34e values varied depending on whether the substrate (sulfide) or product (sulfate) was used. Uncertainty was propagated from regression uncertainties (see the Supplementary
Growth rate
consumption ratio
Yield estimates
[mol C (mol NO3−)−1]
Cell-specific consumption rates
(fmol cell−1 day−1)
*34e reported in this table is based on Rayleigh enrichment of the substrate pool. See Supplementary Materials and Materials and Methods.
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24 July 2019
corporation of an oxygen-18 (18O) label in the oxygen of sulfate
produced by DA shows an enrichment of +20.1‰ over ambient water
d18O (fig. S6), which is of similar magnitude to MSD (+16 to 17‰) (22).
This oxygen isotope signature distinguishes the pathway used by DA
from the conventional sulfide oxidation pathways [typically expressing
O enrichments in a range of 3 to 6‰ (23, 24)] and supports an
alternative sulfide-oxidizing metabolism in DA. Yet, MSD is reported
as being thermodynamically unfavorable at sulfide concentrations
>1 mM (25) and typically requires the removal of sulfide for growth.
However, the culture conditions have sulfide concentrations up to 10 mM
where DA grows vigorously (fig. S1 to S3). Here, again, the alkaline
environment must play an important role. As discussed earlier, H2S
readily diffuses through cell membranes, but HS− does not, which, especially under alkaline conditions, can restrict sulfide supply into the
cell (15–17). The pH of our growth medium results in H2S concentrations <12 mM, which is three orders of magnitude lower than the bulk
sulfide concentration, and ensures an energy-yielding disproportionation step. Under lower pH, similar sulfide-oxidizing metabolisms may
require lower bulk sulfide concentrations for growth because of the
greater fraction of sulfide present as H2S.
An alternative to the oxidation and disproportionation pathway
suggested above is that the sulfate reducing pathway, which is constitutive in DA, functions in reverse (19). For MSR, the large kinetic
sulfur isotope fractionations of individual steps in the pathway can
be masked by low reversibility in downstream steps, resulting in small
sulfur isotope fractionations under favorable growth conditions (26, 27).
A reversal of the sulfate-reducing pathway to oxidize sulfide opens the
possibility of producing the entire range of sulfur isotope fractionation
(from 0 to the thermodynamic equilibrium value of ≈+70‰ at
25°C), via sulfide oxidation. The main distinction is that the large kinetic sulfur isotope fractionations known for sulfate reduction are on
the backward steps of the metabolic pathway. The fast substrate processing rates observed in the DA growth experiments (Table 1) are
typical for pure cultures growing at high substrate consumption rates.
Under conditions with lower substrate consumption rates, sulfur isotope fractionation could be further amplified, relative to the reported
measurements (Table 1). In experiments with DA inoculated with cells
from the stationary phase, which did not immediately grow exponentially upon transfer to fresh medium, sulfate with a d34S value of up
to +26‰ higher than the starting sulfide pool was measured (fig. S5).
Therefore, in an environmental setting where substrate consumption
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H2S because it can diffuse through lipid membranes while HS−
does not (15–17), resulting in an enrichment in 34S of ~+6‰ over
the isotopic composition of the bulk sulfide. The equilibrium isotope
partitioning between H2S and HS− can thus account for about half of
the magnitude of the sulfur isotope fractionation observed.
The large sulfur isotope fractionation in DA is also likely the result
of steps downstream from the initial uptake of H2S. Sulfate-reducing
bacteria belonging to the family Desulfobulbaceae oxidize H2S with
oxygen or nitrate as electron acceptors, first oxidizing H2S to S0 followed, potentially, by a S0 disproportionation step (18). DA is also
classified as a Desulfobulbaceae, and since candidate genes for the initial oxidation of sulfide, such as a type 1 sulfide:quinone reductase, an
nrfA homolog or a dsrC that functions in reverse, are present and
expressed both when DA was cultured under MSD and MSO conditions (19), the oxidation of H2S also likely proceeds via S0. Thus, DA
produces S0 via oxidation of H2S coupled to dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonia and thereby continuously provides the intracellular substrate for MSD that subsequently produces sulfide and
sulfate. Consequently, dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonia
consumes the electrons released during oxidation of sulfide to S0.
As phototrophic bacteria that oxidize H2S to S0 produce negligible
sulfur isotope fractionation (4, 14), in DA, the other half of the observed sulfur isotope fractionation involves steps downstream of the
initial oxidation to S0. Whereas phototrophic sulfide oxidizers consistently display an enrichment of 32S in the product during the oxidation of S0 to sulfate (4), DA produces an enrichment in 34S for this
step. One important implication is that MSR capable of oxidizing sulfide (18) can potentially also produce large sulfur isotope fractionations during sulfide oxidation. Two possible pathways could result
in the large isotope effect we observed during sulfide oxidation: intracellular disproportionation of the intermediate sulfur species to sulfide
and sulfate or a reversal of the dissimilatory sulfate-reducing pathway.
Isotope fractionation during disproportionation can be high (20, 21).
A disproportionation step, which results in the production of 34Senriched sulfate and 32S-enriched sulfide (21), could explain the sulfur
isotope enrichments because it is consistent with the observation in
DA. When DA is grown by disproportionation on S0, the sulfur isotope fractionation is as high as +5.6‰ (10). When this effect is added
up with the pH-dependent isotope effect associated with sulfide speciation in our culture conditions, they sum to about +12‰, consistent
with the measurement for sulfide oxidation by DA. Moreover, the in-
Allochromatium vinosum24
Chlorobium tepidum24
Chlorobium tepidum24
Thiobacillus denitrificans44
Sulfurimonas denitrificans44
Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans45
Desulfurivibrio alkaliphilusthis study
Chloropseudomonas ethylicum46
Rhodopseudomonas sp.47
Ectothiorhodospira shaposhnikovii48
Chlorobium thiosulfatophilum49
Allochromatium vinosum14
Chlorobium tepidum4
Chlorobium tepidum4
Allochromatium vinosum14
Ectothiorhodospira shaposhnikovii48
Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans50
Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans50
Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans51
Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans51
Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans22
Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans52
Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans53
ε or Δ SSO
– H2 S
Fig. 1. Compilation of 34e or the difference between d34S of sulfate and sulfide (D34SSO4−HS−) from this study (red bar), as well as those reported by previous
studies (black bars) of microbial sulfide oxidizers that can oxidize sulfide to sulfate (table S1). The solid bar for DA represents the average 34e measured for cells
growing in the exponential phase, whereas the broken line is when the maximum D34SSO4−HS− obtained when cells in stationary phase are transferred to fresh medium.
The gray background outlines the range observed in past studies. When the product is enriched in 32S relative to the substrate, the values are negative, whereas when
the product is enriched in 34S relative to the substrate, the values are positive. Only experiments with sulfide as substrate are included in this compilation.
rates are low, sulfur isotope fractionation could approach even the
largest isotopic expressions of MSR and MSD metabolisms. The significance of the finding is that, in some environments, large sulfur
isotope fractionations could perhaps result from MSO just as well as
from MSR or MSD.
The d34S of pyrite preserved in the geological record constitutes a
cornerstone of our interpretation of Earth’s early biogeochemical history. Although current research indicates that sulfur isotopic composition of pyrite is predominantly affected by local processes [e.g., (28)],
pyrite d34S records have been debated. It is thought to reflect the appearance of sulfur metabolisms (6), the progressive oxygenation of the atmosphere (29, 30), dynamics of weathering on a global scale, and the
corresponding changes in climate and oceanic chemistry (31). These interpretations are often hinged on an assumption that MSR and MSD are
the only two metabolisms that can induce large sulfur isotope fractionations. Until now, large sulfur isotope fractionations, such as observed
here during MSO, were not expected to have an important influence
on the sulfur isotopic signatures preserved in the geologic record. The
findings presented here puts this assumption into question because it
means that large sulfur isotope fractionations can be generated directly
in the oxidative part of the sulfur cycle, without requiring the accumulation of intermediate sulfur species. The next steps in assessing the contribution of high sulfur isotope fractionation during MSO to the
geological record will require exploring the growing conditions and limits of the microorganisms that can carry out this process, as well as the
preservation potential of local sedimentary environments.
High sulfur isotope fractionations during MSO may occur in close
proximity to MSR in a loop of sulfur cycling, which would produce
sulfate more enriched in 34S and sulfide more enriched in 32S than if
MSR was the only significant sulfur isotope fractionating process. The
presence of high sulfur isotope fractionations during MOS would then
be recorded in the d34S value of the pyrite preserved near the surface.
Thus, in the geological record, the implication is that the contribution
Pellerin et al., Sci. Adv. 2019; 5 : eaaw1480
24 July 2019
of the oxidative sulfur cycle may be larger than previously estimated
[e.g., (32)] or it may be that it is erased by quantitative reoxidation of
sulfide (33). Furthermore, DA is closely related to recently discovered
sulfide oxidizers such as cable bacteria. DA and cable bacteria are both
phylogenetically sulfate-reducing bacteria but are physiologically
sulfide-oxidizing bacteria and may oxidize sulfide through the same
pathway. Ecological surveys have shown that cable bacteria are widespread and thrive in sedimentary suboxic zones (19). Therefore, the
oxidation pathway and the potential for large sulfur isotope fractionations may be globally important. This discovery suggests further
investigations into the metabolic pathways of MSO, which induce
large sulfur isotope fractionations, to obtain a comprehensive picture
of the global sulfur cycle and the history of microbial life on Earth.
Cultivation and sampling
Pure cultures of DA were grown at 30°C in a sodium carbonate/
bicarbonate–buffered liquid mineral media with pH adjusted to about
9.8, as described in (9). Following sterilization, trace metal SL-10 solution (1 ml liter−1), selenite-tungstate solution (1 ml liter−1), and vitamin solution (10 ml liter−1) (34) were added to the medium in addition
to sulfide, which was added as a 0.5 M solution of sodium sulfide and
nitrate added as a 1 M solution of potassium nitrate. To minimize
growth variability during the growth assays between replicate bottles,
a large volume (2 liters) of medium was prepared anoxically to which
the inoculum of DA was added. To recover an isotopically pure product
sulfate, the carryover sulfate from the inoculum was minimized by
centrifuging the cells for 10 min at 5000g, and the supernatant was
replaced with fresh growth medium twice. This effectively removed
all sulfate from the medium. Then, 100-ml serum bottles, which were
sterile, crimp-sealed, and already flushed with N2:CO2 gas, were completely filled with the medium, leaving no headspace. All experiments
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being diverted to CO2 fixation (Eq. 2). We calculated this estimate of
yield based on sulfide (Ys) as
Ys ¼
lnðCt =C0 Þ
where C is the cell concentration (in cells ml−1) and t is the time of the
sampling (in days). We estimated cell concentrations by measuring
the optical density (OD) of an actively growing culture at 600 nm.
Each OD measurement was performed in triplicate. The OD measurements were converted to cell concentrations via a constant conversion factor (11.4 × 108) obtained by counting individual cells in
dilute, 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole–stained aliquots with an epifluorescence microscope.
Determinations of yields [Y, in 106 cells per mmol substrate consumed; Yc, in mol C (mol substrate)−1] and cell-specific sulfide oxidation rates (csSOR, in femtomoles HS− consumed per cell per day)
were based on concentrations of sulfate produced by exponentially
growing cultures. Sulfate and nitrate were measured simultaneously
by ion chromatography on a Dionex system using an AG-18/AS-18
column (250-mm Thermo Scientific Dionex IonPac) with a KOH eluent. To achieve good separation of sulfate from chloride, eluent concentrations were kept at 12 mmol KOH liter−1 until the sulfate peak
eluted. Then, eluent concentration was increased to 30 mmol KOH
liter−1 to flush the column of strongly binding ions. HS− and NH4+
concentrations were measured spectrophotometrically at wavelengths
of 672 and 640 nm, using the protocols of (38, 39), respectively. Once
substrates, products, and cell numbers were measured, we estimated
yield during exponential growth. We calculated molar yield of carbon
in two ways. First, we assumed that the discrepancy between the consumption of sulfide and nitrate according Eq. 1 was due to the electrons
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24 July 2019
where mHS is the number of moles of HS− per ml and mNO3 is the number of moles of NO3− per ml. The multiplication factor is to convert from
moles of excess sulfide to organic matter according to a 1:2 stoichiometry.
The units of Ys are mol C (mol NO3−)−1. This expression is supported by
a 1-to-1 stoichiometry between HS− or NO3− consumed and SO42− or
NH4+ produced (figs. S1 to S3). Given that the sulfate and nitrate results
had the highest precision, these were used in the calculations. Second, the
Yc was calculated as
Yc ¼
where mc is the moles of organic carbon in the growth experiment
calculated from measurements of total organic carbon and OD. The units
of Yc are mol C (mol NO3−)−1. The csSOR and cell-specific nitrate reduction rate (csNRR) during exponential growth was calculated from estimates of growth rate and yield as
csSOR ¼ k
Specific growth
Specific growth rates (k day−1) of exponentially growing cells were
calculated as
csNRR ¼ k
where the factor of 1015 adjusts the units of csSOR and csNRR to femtomoles HS− or NO3− per cell per day. Uncertainty on growth results was
reported as the SD on the slope of a linear regression or propagation from
these regressions.
Measurement of sulfur isotope enrichments
The microbial cultivation samples were analyzed for sulfur isotopes
following the method described in (40). Sulfur isotopic ratios were
reported as
d S¼
R sample
1 1000
where 34R = 34S/32S and V-CDT refers to the Vienna-Canyon Diablo
Troilite international reference scale. The uncertainty on d34SSO4 was
determined using the SD of the standard NBS 127 at the beginning
and the end of each run (less than 0.3‰, 1s). Measurements of
d34SSO4 and d34SH2S were calibrated according to the following standards: NBS 127, IAEA-SO-6, IAEA-SO-5, IAEA-S-2, IAEA-S3, and an
in-house silver sulfide standard with d34SSO4 of 20.3, −34.1, 0.5, 22.3,
−34.3, and 3.4‰, respectively. d34S is reported with respect to V-CDT.
The measurement of sulfur isotope fractionation factor during sulfide
oxidation was estimated as the regression of d34S versus −ln(f) for the
reactant (41)
dR ¼ dR0 þ eP=R lnð f Þ
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were performed in the same medium under the same environmental
conditions with the exception of the initial nitrate and sulfide concentrations, which varied between batches. Because sulfur isotope
fractionation was under strong physiological control (35), in the three
experiments that aimed at quantifying growth parameters and sulfur
isotope fractionation (they were numbered 1 to 3; Table 1 and figs. S1
to S3), the same culture configuration was used; actively growing cells
in the exponential phase were transferred to fresh medium three times
without entering stationary phase before innoculating the assay bottles.
Experiments using cells in stationary phase were labeled A to D and
reported in figs. S5 and S6. In these experiments, the same medium
was spiked with 18O-labeled water resulting in different d18OH2O, from
A to D, to investigate the pathway of sulfide oxidation.
In all experiments, sampling consisted of sacrificing a single vial by
taking it out of the incubator, removing the crimp seal and quickly recovering aliquots for each analysis. One milliliter was taken, vigorously
bubbled with humidified CO2 gas to remove sulfide, and stored at 4°C
until analysis by ion chromatography, as elaborated in (36) for sulfate
and nitrate concentrations. One milliliter of sample was also quantitatively added to 0.5 ml of 5% zinc acetate solution and frozen for sulfide
concentration. One milliliter was taken and immediately frozen for ammonium measurement. Thiosulfate and sulfite were quantified by sampling
0.5 ml of medium followed by derivitization by monobromobimane
following the procedure outlined in (37) and freezing at −80°C until
analysis a week later. Last, 30 ml was transferred to a 50-ml falcon tube
with 20 ml of a 5% zinc acetate solution and frozen for isotope analysis.
where dR is the measured isotopic composition of the reactant sulfide, dR0 is the initial isotopic composition of the reactant sulfide, f
is the fraction of reactant consumed over the initial amount of reactant, and eP/R is the sulfur isotope fractionation factor between
the reactant, R, and the product, P. The sulfur isotope fractionation
was also estimated using the regression of the product on a plot of
d34S versus [f/(1 − f )]ln(f ) (41)
dp ¼ dR0
eP=R ½ f =ð1
f Þlnð f Þ
where dp is the measured isotopic composition of the product sulfate and also provides an estimate of the fractionation factor. Uncertainty on eP/R is reported as the SD on the linear regressions. In
the experiments with cells from the stationary phase (A to D), specific fractionation factors were reported with regard to the maximum difference between the d34S of sulfate and that of sulfide.
d18 O ¼
R sample
1 1000
where 18R = 18O/16O and V-SMOW refers to the Vienna Standard
Mean Ocean Water international reference scale. Samples for d18OSO4
were run in triplicates, and the SD of these triplicate analyses was used
as the error (~0.3‰, 1s). Measurements of d18OSO4 were calibrated
according to the following standards: NBS 127, IAEA-SO-6, and
IAEA-SO-5 with d18OSO4 of 8.6, −11.35, and 12.1‰, respectively.
d18OH2O values were measured by a continuous flow gas source isotope ratio mass spectrometer (Thermo Fisher) coupled to a GasBench
II interface. Samples were corrected to NBS 127. The uncertainty on
the measurement was ±0.1‰. d18OH2O was reported versus Vienna
Standard Mean Ocean Water (V-SMOW). The equilibrium value of
d18OSO4 was calculated by correcting for the small concentration of
sulfate carried over with the inoculum according to
d18 Ot ¼ d18 Oeq þ xðd18 Oin
d18 Oeq Þ
where d18Ot is the value of the sulfate at the time of sampling, d18Oeq is
the value of the sulfate synthesized by sulfide oxidation, d18Oin is the
value of the sulfate carried over with the inoculum, and x is the fraction
of the sulfate, which is part of the inoculum in a given sample t.
S0, sulfite, and thiosulfate analysis
S0 (consisting of soluble, nanoparticulate, and polysulfide-bound
sulfur) was extracted in toluene following the method described
in (42). To extract all zerovalent sulfur, the samples were first acidified to pH = 7, and sulfide was fixed as ZnS before the extraction. S0
was quantified after extraction, and dilution with methanol (3:1
methanol to sample) by high-performance liquid chromatography
(HPLC) with a C18 column and a methanol/water mixture (98%
MeOH) as the eluent. Thiosulfate and sulfite were quantified by
HPLC using a C18 column following derivatization by monobromobimane (37). The method detection limit for both S2O32− and
SO32− is 0.005 mM.
Pellerin et al., Sci. Adv. 2019; 5 : eaaw1480
24 July 2019
Supplementary material for this article is available at
Fig. S1. Growth experiment 1.
Fig. S2. Growth experiment 2.
Fig. S3. Growth experiment 3.
Fig. S4. Plot of d34S as a function of ln(f ) for the sulfide or [f/(1 − f )]ln(f) for the sulfate for
experiments 1 and 3 (see Materials and Methods).
Fig. S5. Plot of d34S as a function of the sulfide consumed (f ).
Fig. S6. Water (black bars) and equilibrium sulfate (gray bars) d18O in respective water
enrichment experiments A to D.
Table S1. Compilation of sulfur isotope enrichments during MSO used for the construction of
Fig. 1 and additional information on growth conditions.
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technical assistance, and G. Dickens and two anonymous reviewers for constructive criticism,
which improved the manuscript. Funding: This work was supported by the Danish National
Research Foundation (DNRF104), the Danish Council for Independent Research (DFF-701400196), and the European Research Council (ERC Advanced Grant 294200). A.J.F. acknowledges
a Marie-Curie European Fellowship (SedSulphOx, MSCA 746872). P.W.C. acknowledges an
Agouron Institute Fellowship. Author contributions: Conceptualization: A.P., G.A., and K.F.;
formal analysis: A.P., G.A., A.J.F., and S.A.H.; funding acquisition: B.B.J. and K.F.; investigation:
A.P. and S.A.H.; methodology: A.P. and G.A.; supervision: B.B.J. and K.F.; validation: A.P.; writing
(original draft): A.P.; and writing (review and editing): A.P., G.A., A.J.F., P.W.C., A.V.T., B.B.J.,
and K.F. Competing interests: The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Data and materials availability: All data needed to evaluate the conclusions in the paper
are present in the paper and/or the Supplementary Materials. Additional data related to this
paper may be requested from the authors.
Submitted 21 November 2018
Accepted 17 June 2019
Published 24 July 2019
Citation: A. Pellerin, G. Antler, S. A. Holm, A. J. Findlay, P. W. Crockford, A. V. Turchyn,
B. B. Jørgensen, K. Finster, Large sulfur isotope fractionation by bacterial sulfide oxidation.
Sci. Adv. 5, eaaw1480 (2019).
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Large sulfur isotope fractionation by bacterial sulfide oxidation
André Pellerin, Gilad Antler, Simon Agner Holm, Alyssa J. Findlay, Peter W. Crockford, Alexandra V. Turchyn, Bo Barker
Jørgensen and Kai Finster
Sci Adv 5 (7), eaaw1480.
DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aaw1480
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