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Mata Kuliah : Sistem Transportasi dan Rekayasa Lalu Lintas Dosen : Dr. Ir. Firdaus Chaeruddin, M.Si Mahasiswa : Hannah Abbey G. / 1634018
Increasing the quality of urban transportation services, especially mass transportation such as Buss Rapid Transit (BRT), is a central issue at this time. Sustainable transportation development through the development of integrated mass public transportation including BRT is the main key in answering transportation problems in every city in Indonesia. Urban mass transportation development is a national development agenda. BRT managed by the government must be able to compete competitively with the private sector, so the government must focus on improving performance and improving the quality of public transport services. This study aims to evaluate the condition of BRT services that have been implemented in several cities in Indonesia. The method used is the geographical method. The results of this study indicate that the performance of BRT services in Makassar City is still low. This can be seen from the condition of facilities that are not sufficient to support the comfort, safety and security aspects of service users.
Tugas bindo, 2023
School is an institution designed as a place for students or pupils to study under the supervision of educators or teachers. Students can study the knowledge given by the teacher as learning in school is intended, but the student's desire to learn is influenced by the student's own intention to learn. Many factors can affect students' learning intentions. The analytical method uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. From the results of the analysis, it was found that several factors play a role in influencing students' intentions in learning: 1) social factors, 2) facilities and infrastructure factors, 3) teaching staff factors. This written scientific writings of research that has been successfully carried out.
Jurnal lalu lintas (bhs.indonesia) (MUh. Yusril ( 16 34 041 ), 2019
Tugas Jurnal Perencanaan Lalu Lintas Univ. Atma Jaya Makassar Nama : Muhammad Yusril Stambuk : 16 34 041 Dosen : Dr. Ir. Firdaus Chaeruddin, M.Si
The purpose of the research are : 1) to know the description for the marketing mix of product, pricing, distribution channels and promotion 2) to know the influence of product, price, place and promotion towards purchasing decision separately, 3) to know the influence of marketing mix of product, price ,placement, promotion toward purchasing decision in together. The analysis is multiple regresion analysis. The method of this research is non-probability sampling, that look 185's user of iPhone who visit PGC,Jakarta. The result of t test for product strategy is 6.770 with a value significantly is 0.000 It means product has a significant influence on purchase decisions. The result of t test for price 4.667 with a value significantly is 0.000. It means that the price has significant influence on purchase decisions. The result of t test for place is a 4.301 with a significant value is 0.000. It means place has a significant influence on purchase decisions. The result for t test for promotion strategy results is 4.354 with a significant value is 0.000. It means promotion have a significant influence on purchase decisions. The result of R 2 is 0.308 or 30.8%. it means purchasing decision is affected by marketing mix as much as 30.8%.
Infrastruktur adalah salah satu sarana penunjang pembangunan. Sistem transportasi merupakan bagian penting dan stategis bagi pembangunan suatu negara dan merupakan sarana penunjang kemajuan ekonomi karena akan mendukung mobilitas penduduk dan mendistribusikan barang dari satu daerah ke daerah lain. Namun, adanya ketidakmerataan akses masyarakat dan kesenjangan pengembangan wilayah dalam bidang infrastruktur transportasi di Indonesia. Maka perlunya pemetaan infrastruktur transportasi pada Ibukota Provinsi di Indonesia diharapkan dapat menentukan pola pembangunan dan pembenahan infastruktur transportasi pada pembangunan masa mendatang. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini adalah studi literatur untuk menetapkan indikator penilaian pada pemetaan infrastruktur transportasi di Indonesia dan penyebaran 30 kuesioner pada stakeholder terkait untuk melakukan pembobotan pada setiap indikator dengan AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) dengan perhitungan manual. Setelah mendapatkan pembobotan pada setiap indikator, dilakukan scoring atau penilaian pada setiap infrastruktur pada 33 Ibukota Provinsi di Indonesia dan didapatkan pemetaan infrastruktur transportasi pada 33 Ibukota Provinsi di Indonesiadari nilai tertinggi sampai terendah. Hasil yang didapatkan adalah pada kuadran I yaitu Kota Jakarta di posisi pertama, disusul oleh Kota Medan, Bandung, Surabaya, Semarang, Padang, Palembang dan Makassar. Pada kuadran II, Kota Yogyakarta berada pada posisi kesembilan diikuti oleh Kota Ambon, Pontianak, Denpasar, Banjarmasin, Mataram, Banda Aceh dan Samarinda. Pada kuadran III, Kota Jambi pada posisi ke -17 diikuti oleh Manado, Kendari, Bengkulu, Pangkal Pinang, Kupang, Pekanbaru dan Bandar Lampung. Pada kuadran IV, Kota Gorontalo berada pada posisi ke -25 diikuti oleh Jayapura, Tanjung Pinang, Palu, Manokwari, Serang, Mamuju, Ternate, Palangka Raya. Dibuktikan dari pemetaan infrastruktur transportasi ini sebagian besar kota-kota pada bagian barat Indonesia memperoleh penilaian yang lebih baik dari kota-kota di bagian timur Indonesia. Maka perlu adanya pembenahan infrastruktur transportasi pada kota-kota dengan nilai rendah yaitu sebagian besar berada pada kota-kota di bagian timur Indonesia.
Increasing the quality of urban transportation services, especially mass transportation such as Buss Rapid Transit (BRT), is a central issue at this time. Sustainable transportation development through the development of integrated mass public transportation including BRT is the main key in answering transportation problems in every city in Indonesia. Urban mass transportation development is a national development agenda. BRT managed by the government must be able to compete competitively with the private sector, so the government must focus on improving performance and improving the quality of public transport services. This study aims to evaluate the condition of BRT services that have been implemented in several cities in Indonesia. The method used is the geographical method. The results of this study indicate that the performance of BRT services in Makassar City is still low. This can be seen from the condition of facilities that are not sufficient to support the comfort, safety and security aspects of service users.
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