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PhilPapers PhilArchive PhilEvents PhilJobs Sign in PhilPeople Conferences, CFPs, and seminars in philosophy 678 upcoming events | Brought to you by PhilPapers and the Institute of Philosophy, University of London Upcoming events Recently added Search Browse Submit an event My events Widgets Help Search events by keyword Fenómeno y cosa en sí en sus diferentes significados. La reformulación crítica de Husserl Irene Breuer part of: Ciclo de Conferencias 2019 I Simposio Internacional del GEK; II Simposio Internacional del GEK; III Simposio Internacional del GEK; IV Simposio Internacional del GEK June 26, 2019, 5:00pm - 7:00pm Print Map Grupo de Estudios Kantianos Puan 480, 4° piso Buenos Aires Argentina Go to conference's page Details Discutidor: Dr. Matías Oroño Email: grupodeestudioskantianos Supporting material flyer.pdf Add supporting material (slides, programs, etc.) Reminders Add to Outlook Add to Google Calendar Email: the day before | the same day Registration Is registration required? No Who is attending? No one has said they will attend yet. Will you attend this event? Yes RSVP Let us know so we can notify you of any change of plan. © 2014 The PhilPapers Foundation Terms and conditions of use Page generated on philevents Edit this event