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The paper discusses the comprehensive costing analysis involved in garment production, focusing on various types of apparel such as T-shirts, polo shirts, and sweaters. It details the raw material consumption, production time, and associated costs including embroidery, fabric, dyeing, and finishing. Additionally, the study lays out the financial metrics such as total cost, factory profit, buying profit, and FOB (Freight on Board) pricing for different garments.
On Reading and Interpretation, 2023
This is the introductory chapter to the 2023 HarperCollins edition of my Gita book translation. It includes some reflections and ideas on how to read the Gita, and which were a part of my own reading process that led to my Gita translation via modernist poetics
Ulighed i sundhed er af Bo Konberg blevet loftet frem som et saerligt nordisk samarbejdsomrade. Den nordiske velfaerdsstat star og falder med en hoj beskaeftigelse, men ulighed i sundhed handler om en alt staerkere kobling mellem kort uddannelse, ingen eller usikker beskaeftigelse og darligt helbred. Og det skaber vanskeligheder for den velfaerdsstat som med sociale investeringer vil satse pa en sund og veluddannet befolkning. For uddannelse haemmes af darligt helbred og rehabilitering haemmes af en darlig uddannelse. Sociale investeringer kan oge den sociale mobilitet men om ikke ulighed i levevilkar mindskes, sa handler social mobilitet om lige muligheder til at opna ulige levevilkar og helbred. Og om ikke ressourcer til skole og sundhedsvaesen fordeles mere efter behov og mindre i forhold til eftersporgsel kan den onde cirkel af kort uddannelse, darlig helbred og usikker beskaeftigelse ikke brydes.
Resonancias. Revista de Filosofía 12 (2021): 75-161 ISSN: 0719-790X, 2021
en lengua castellana: "Antes quebrar que doblar": "Plutôt rompre que plier". Quebrar habla a partir del verbo latino crepare, el que vale para todo lo que estalla, se quiebra, se rompe. Crepare adquiere así enseguida una acepción extrema, que conoce todavía nuestro lenguaje popular, la de los verbos "crever" ["reventar"] o "claquer" ["crujir"]. De este modo, es posible tornar a lo que da a entender esa divisa, diciendo: "Más vale morir que inclinar la cabeza". Con respecto a esto, la sabiduría de las naciones estima, más bien, que es mejor doblar [plier] que quebrar [rompre]. Desconfiando de todo lo que podría aparecer como no siendo sino testarudez u obstinación, evita, tanto como sea posible, las confrontaciones; y cuando una situación se pone tensa, se apresura a mostrar un bajo perfil.
Pembicaraan tentang korupsi dan kolusi seakan tidak ada putus-putusnya. Fenomena ini memang sangat menarik untuk dikaji, apalagi dalam situasi seperti sekarang, dimana ada indikasi yang mencerminkan ketidakpercayaan rakyat terhadap pemerintah. Tuntutan akan pemerintahan yang bersih semakin keras, menyusul krisis ekonomi akhirakhir ini. Hal ini sungguh masuk akal, sebab kekacauan ekonomi saat ini pun merupakan ekses dari buruknya kinerja pemerintahan di Indonesia. Dan, praktek korupsi-kolusi inilah yang menjadi akar masalah. Artikel ini juga akan memberikan sumbangan pemikiran tentang hal-hal seputar korupsi yang semakin menjadi isu penting.
As neurociências e as ciências do comportamento sugerem que o «jogo de comunicação», diariamente praticado entre os indivíduos, tem um profundo impacto nas suas decisões, nas suas escolhas, e na forma de influência dos comportamentos, mesmo que muitas vezes não nos apercebamos disso. Afinal, parece que não controlamos tanto o nosso comportamento como muitas vezes julgamos fazê-lo, nem muitas das nossas ações e decisões parecem resultar do simples livre-arbítrio, que julgamos possuir.
Industrial Health
Health practitioners and decision makers in the medical and insurance systems need knowledge on the work-relatedness of burnout. To gather the most reliable information regarding burnout diagnosis and recognition in Europe, we used an 8-item standard questionnaire sent by e-mail to occupational health specialists identified via the Network on the Coordination and Harmonization of European Occupational Cohorts (OMEGa-NET) within the European Cooperation in science and Technology (COsT) action. Participation rate was 100%, and the questionnaire was completed for 37 countries. In 14 (38%) countries burnout syndrome can be acknowledged as an occupational disease. However, only one country included burnout on the list of occupational diseases. The results showed a high variability in burnout diagnosis, in assessment of its workrelatedness, and in conditions allowing compensation of patients. These results reflect a lack of graded evidence on burnout and its determinants. The ongoing research on burnout conducted in the frame of the OMEGa-NET COsT action should be helpful through facilitating standardization of both existing and new data on burnout, a priority outcome requiring harmonization.
International Journal of Mechanics and Control, 2009
In this paper design and simulation of enhancements are presented for Cassino Hexapode Walking Machine. Simulation results are reported from kinematic and dynamic analyses of a suitable model for the current design and other proposed improvements. Some tests are shown to discuss main characteristics and problems for the proposed solutions. Keywords: Walking Machines, Hexapod Robots, Simulation, Design, Experimental Validations
The Conversation, Feb. 1, 2018
Curso Superior de Tecnologia em Estradas, 2018
Canadian-American Slavic Studies 51 (2017) 143-157, 2017
Energy Research & Social Science, 2021
Style and Translation 1(6), 2019. Kyiv, Ukraine, 2019
Clinical Infectious Diseases, 2020
VIA. Valors, idees, actituds, 2008
16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN24), 2024
Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2020
Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics
Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 1995
Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 2005
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2021
Place-Branding Experiences Perspectives from Intellectual Property Owners, Users and Lawyers, 2024