A proposed framework for fine-tuning/training a fuzzy controller
Anila Mjeda', Brendan Jackman
Automotive Control Group
Waterford Institute of Technology,
Gabriel Leen
LERO-The Irish Software Engineering
Centre, University of Limerick,
Gabriel.Leen @lero.ie
function of x in A and it maps each element of X to a
membership value between 0 and 1. The process of
formulating the mapping from a given input to an
output using fuzzy logic is called fuzzy inference.
The intelligence of the fuzzy controller lies in the
knowledge (or rule-base) system that does the
decision-making. It incorporates "everyday" language
into the control solutions and its fuzzy rules are quite
easy to read.
This paper describes a typical manual tuning
process as used for an existing EPS (Electric Power
Steering) fuzzy controller and subsequently proposes a
semi automated framework for the supervised tuning of
such a controller via changing the shape of the
membership functions of its respective variables.
This paper proposes a user-friendly methodology to
fine-tune a fuzzy controller that was initially designed
for an Electrical Power Steering (EPS) system. The
suggested methodology takes on board and integrates
existing approaches for training fuzzy controllers while
incorporating a novel approach into optimizing the
solution. While the mathematics involved are
transparent to the user, the proposed methodology
provides full visibility and control over the features
being modified. Such an approach ensures that the
automated training of the controller does not
unintentionally override or inadvertently modify
behaviours without the "approval" of the designer.
Furthermore, the final version of the product remains
easy to understand, which is an important
consideration, if changes are needed at a later date.
2. Debugging / Fine-tuning an EPS fuzzy
Fuzzy logic systems are well suited for controlling
processes or systems [2], and have been successfully
applied in a number of fields such as automatic control,
stock exchange transactions, earthquake prediction, etc
1. Introduction
Fuzzy logic is a form of mathematical logic
invented by Lotfi Zadeh [1] that expands the crisp trueand-false concept to a matter of degree of "truthness".
In fuzzy logic, the truth can assume any value in the
continuum segment of [0, 1].
In classic set theory a certain element either "is"
(truth =1) or "is not" (truth=0) member of a specific set
(e.g. John, who is 85 years old, is a member of the over
80-s set). In fuzzy sets elements are members to a
certain degree. A typical example would be saying that
John who is 168 cm high is to a certain degree a
member of the tall people set, in so far as he may be
considered also a member, to a certain degree, of the
small people set.
The degree of an elements' membership in a fuzzy
set is defined by a mathematical function that is known
as that element's membership function (MF). In other
words a fuzzy set can be formally defined as the set of
ordered couples A = { X, tA(X)I e XI.
Where X is the input space (also known as the
universe of discourse) and gA(x) is the membership
1-4244-0681-1/06/$20.00 (C2006 IEEE
This research builds on previous work and proposes
a user-friendly methodology to fine-tune a fuzzy
controller for an Electrical Power Steering (EPS)
system. The EPS that will be used to highlight the
proposed framework has been described in a previous
publication [4].
The EPS fuzzy controller was initially designed
based on the experts' knowledge of EPS and logic
inference. This approach, was a direct and natural way
knowledge/experience within the company while easily
enabling upgrades and modifications to the system.
Furthermore the approach facilitates communication
among all the stakeholders involved in the EPS
experience" from drivers.
The EPS fuzzy controller incorporates fuzzy rules
which essentially capture the controller' s behaviour
using English like syntax and semantics e.g.:
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Limerick. Downloaded on May 12, 2009 at 07:16 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
If Battery is NOT Low AND Velocity is low Then
Torque-Assist is High
The fuzzy rules for the EPS controller in question
were designed during a number of iterative cycles.
Rapid prototyping was then used to debug and finetune the EPS fuzzy controller system until the system
performed satisfactorily.
Due to the nature of rule construction, the first
prototype of the fuzzy controller was to a high degree
based on a subjective view of the system.
Consequentially, the subsequent design iterations
involved a high degree of effort as the fuzzy controller
went through several cycles of testing, manual tuning
and retesting.
The EPS fuzzy controller was built using the
MATLAB/Simulink environment. The debugging/fine
tuning process primarily entailed editing existing "ifthen" rules, adding new rules and deleting redundant
rules, in addition to modifying the shape and number of
the membership functions.
Based on experience gained during the design and
subsequent tuning of the EPS fuzzy controller, this
paper discusses work on progress on a debug and a
supervised automatic tuning framework which makes
the process more efficient. Figure 1 presents an
overview of the process flow for this fine tuning
framework, while the detailed explanation follows.
The focus of the tuning framework proposed is to
allow the designer to retain full control over the effects
which the fine-tuning optimization process will have
on the final controllers' performance.
2.1. Manual Debug and Tuning
After having created the initial prototype of the EPS
fuzzy controller a good starting point for the
debug/tuning process is to observe the output signal
surface for any irregularities such as unexpected spikes
or slopes (for this visualization tools such as
MATLAB's Surface Viewer could be used).
The next step in the process of debugging/tuning the
rule base is to make use of a tool such as MATLAB's
Rule Viewer. This tool allows the user to visually
observe, in a graphical format, the rules as they
become active or 'fire'. This step focuses on the fuzzy
inference, facilitating an association and analysis of
input parameters and relevant rules, see Figure 2.
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Figure 2. The rule viewer.
The Rule Viewer graphically displays, all
components of the fuzzy inference process which link
the input parameters to the system outputs. Each row
corresponds to one rule, while each column
corresponds to either an input variable or an output
variable. The system' s input parameters can be
adjusted by moving the vertical index lines on the input
columns, while simultaneously observing resulting
variations in the system outputs.
Each rule has an associated firing weight. This
firing weight determines the degree to which the rule
has influence or its efficacy over the output and has a
value in the bounded range [0,1]. During this stage the
firing weight for each rule may be adjusted in order to
achieve the desired outcome. This manual tuning
process was used for the fuzzy EPS controller and was
found to be quite intuitive. Moreover, once the initial
EPS prototype incorporating the captured expert
knowledge had been designed, the process of manual
tuning the system to deliver the required torque assist
takes only a matter of hours.
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Figure 1. EPS tuning framework.
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2.2. Supervised Automatic Tuning
During supervised automatic tuning the system is
still tuned by the designer but the proposed framework
greatly assists in the process. One aspect of the process
is that the designer has to approve the changes in order
for them to be incorporated into the final controller
design, i.e. every change resulting from the automated
learning process has to be either approved or discarded
by the designer.
Such an approach is warranted, as much of the
design process is heuristic rather than bounded by welldefined mathematical limits which would otherwise
guide the automated process. In addition, this approach
ensures that the system designer maintains awareness
of the system behaviour and of the root cause for this
behaviour. This approach was investigated and chosen
in order to create a framework which would be
somewhat suitable to design automotive systems of a
more safety critical nature, where design tractability is
of the utmost importance.
In the proposed approach, the initial shape of the
membership functions may be governed, as before,
primarily by intuitive logic inference derived from
available system knowledge and expertise. However,
using this method the degree of intersection between
membership functions is somewhat less important,
provided at a minimum, the appropriate number of
membership functions are created. As recommended in
the literature [3], this method starts with a 50% overlap
of the membership functions and subsequently adjusts
this overlap through an iterative process.
The proposed framework is most applicable when
the designed team knows, a priori, to a high degree, if
not completely, the desired system behaviour.
In other words it knows, that for a given set of
fuzzy controller they all trigger the same number of
rules to fire.
For illustration purposes lets consider a cluster of
data that fires four rules. From the performance matrix
yem, the mean error ye_avg is found:
[Ye.. Yen]
Ye_avg = 1' Yei / n
Yem =
For example, for a given cluster of test data, assume
Ye_avg = 8. To calculate the mean error induced by each
rule, the average error is divided by the number of
rules that have fired at that time:
Ye-avgperRule = Ye_avg /Nr
(Where Nr is the number of rules that have fired)
Hence, in the example, ye avgperRule = 8 / 4 = 2. The
contribution of each rule to the average error is
calculated taking into consideration each rule's weight
as shown below:
Ye-avgperRule =
(21Pi) * k c> k = Ye-avgperRule /1Pi
Where pi is the respective firing weight of each rule,
while k is an "error contribution" correction factor. In
the example assume four rules have fired with the
firing weights, as shown:
RULE 1 has a FIRING WEIGHT of 0.5
RULE 2 has a FIRING WEIGHT of 1.0
RULE 3 has a FIRING WEIGHT of 0.7
RULE 4 has a FIRING WEIGHT of 1.0
Hence, E pi = 0.5 + 1 + 0.7 + 1 = 3.2
While the "error contribution" correction factor k is:
the system should produce a known set of outputs:
Y = [y.. Y, .
The performance of the system relative to the
intended ideal behaviour is computed by generating an
error signal which we refer to as the performance
Yel YenI
Taking into consideration the following equation
where ya is the actual output, y is the desired output for
a given input set and i is the running index:
Yei = Yai -Yi
The desired performance of the controlled process is
achieved if the supervised automatic tuning mechanism
forces Yei V i, to remain under a specified threshold.
Hence, the error Ye provides a characterization of the
extend to which the desired performance is achieved.
The first process that the training tool executes is to
cluster the data from the desired system performance
model in sets of values, such that, when "fed" to the
Ye avgperRule 1 E pi = 2/3.2 =0.625
After this, the contribution for each rule to the
overall error is calculated as follows:
rulei-Contribution = k * pi
In our example the contribution for RULE 1 is:
rule1_Contribution = 0.625 * 0.5 = 0.3125
The output for each rule is corrected by its
new value is mapped
through the respective membership function curve in
order to arrive at the corrected value for pt - the degree
of membership.
This process of inverse reflection through the
inference function, which subsequently leads to the
change of the input variables shape of membership
functions, also takes into consideration the
implementation of the logic operators in the fuzzy
controller. (In fuzzy systems typically the AND
rulei,Contribution and the
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performance matrix values fall inside a specified
operator is defined as the Min function, while the OR
operator is defined as the Max function). The training
tool processes the AND and OR operators in the rules
and based on this outcome identifies the components of
the rule which need to be modified in order to reduce
the error created by that particular rule. In other words
this process identifies which input variables'
membership function curve has to be adjusted.
Thereafter that variable's membership function is
adjusted so as to yield the new value of pt. It is
important here also to check that the rule still yields the
new pt value i.e. that no other variable is overpowering
the new value.
The mathematical adjustment process can be easily
automated once one has mathematically defined the
membership functions. Each membership function
graph essentially represents a mathematical formula
that captures the relationship of two variables. The
values of the terms in the formula determine
characteristics such as the slope and the intersect points
for the graph. The desired adjustment in the shape of
the membership function can be achieved through
modifying these terms.
An interesting challenge which presents itself at this
stage arises from the fact that the mathematical
functions of the membership graphs, that are used for
this research, are not bijective'. Hence, while each
input value yields exactly one output value, each
output value may not necessarily be mapped to exactly
one input value. In mathematical terms this means that
the graphs in question do not have inverse functions.
This challenge in designing the supervised automatic
tuning framework for the fuzzy EPS function was
solved by observing that calculating only one of the
input values corresponding to a specific output will
satisfy the tuning requirements. Furthermore, the
membership functions may express a reasonable degree
of tolerance, insofar as it does not make a significant
difference to the solution whether the input value had a
degree of membership of, for example, exactly 0.3 or a
value which is in the interval [0.29, 0.31]. This band of
acceptable solutions made the solution computation
much quicker and required only a few lines of code to
3. Conclusions
This paper discusses work in progress for a
supervised automatic tuning framework to aid
automotive control engineers in the design of fuzzy
controller systems. The proposed approach respects the
integrity of the expert knowledge captured during the
creation of the rule base and ensures design
transparency. The designer retains full control over the
effects which the tuning process has on the final
controllers' performance, while the changes introduced
as well as the rationale behind them remain fully
traceable throughout the process. This approach proves
especially beneficial where design tractability is of the
utmost importance. Finally, the paper discusses the
mathematical adjustment process underlying the
supervised automatic tuning framework.
As the research work discussed in this paper
progresses, both the application results and the
respective detailed test data will be published.
Zadeh, L.A. 1965, Fuzzy Sets, Information and
Control, Vol. 8, pp.335-353.
[2] Altrock, C. von. 1997, Benchmark Suites for Fuzzy
<www.fuzzytech.com/e_dwnld.htm>, [02 June 2004].
[3] Reznik, L. 1997, Fuzzy Controllers, Newnes, Biddles
Ltd, Guildford and King's Lynn, Great Britain.
[4] Mjeda, A., Jackman B., 2005, A Fuzzy Logic
Approach for an Electrical Power Steering System,
SAE 2005 World Congress, Detroit, Michigan, April.
Anila Mjeda, since October 2005 has joined Lero The Irish Software Engineering Research Centre.
Following each membership shape adjustment, it is
recommended that the system is retested against the
same set of rules. The next step in the process is to run
the controller with a set of signals which fire all the
rules. The process is repeated iteratively until the
1 In terms of mathematics, a bijective function expresses one-to-one
correspondence between dependent and independent parameters.
Such a function that is both injective ("one-to-one") and
surjective ("onto"), and therefore bijections are also refered to as
'one-to-one' and 'onto' functions. A bijective function creates a
correspondence that associates each input value with exactly one
output value and each output value with exactly one input value.
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licensed use limited to: University of Limerick. Downloaded on May 12, 2009 at 07:16 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.