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2016, Optimal Cost Structure and Effective Scale Economies
4 pages
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How do firms choose their cost structure? What is the nature and function of scales of operation? What are sources of functional and dysfunctional scales of operation? These policy questions relate to the optimal overhead of a business enterprise-the appropriate mix of expenditures that maximizes the return on investment and shareholders' wealth while minimizing the cost of operations, simultaneously. Clearly, effective economies of scale (MES-Minimum efficiency scale) are correlated with optimal cost structure and critical to sound business strategies designed to maximize the wealth producing capacity of the enterprise. In these series on effective expenditure management, we will focus on the pertinent strategic overhead questions and offer some operational guidance. The overriding purpose of this review is to highlight some basic cost theory, strategic expenditures relationships, and industry best practices. For specific financial management strategies please consult a competent professional. As we have already established, the optimal cost structure and appropriate scale of operation for each firm differs markedly based on overall industry dynamic, market structure-degree of competition, height of entry/exit barriers, market contestability, stage of industry life cycle, and its market competitive position. Indeed, as with most market performance indicators, firm-specific cost structure position in insightful only in reference to the industry expected value (average) and generally accepted industry benchmarks and best practices. One of the most important contributions of economic science to management science is the principle of optimality-derivative of Bellmann Equation-the dynamic programming method which breaks decision problem into smaller sub-problems and early applications in economics by Beckmann, Muth, Phelps and Merton, and the resultant Recursive model. In practice, any optimization problem has some objectives often referred to as the objective functions such as maximizing output, maximizing profit, maximizing utility, minimizing total cost, minimizing cycle time, minimizing distribution cost, minimizing transportation cost, etc. Types of Cost Structure: Cost Structures consist of a mix of fixed costs, variable costs and mixed costs. Fixed costs include costs that remain the same despite the volume of goods or services produced within current scale of production. Examples may include salaries, rents, and physical manufacturing facilities. A number of high capital-intensive businesses, such as airlines and manufacturing companies, are characterized by a high proportion of fixed costs which may constitute effective barriers to entry for new industry entrants. Please note that effective exit barriers are effective entry barriers. When firms cannot easily exit unprofitable markets due to high exit barriers, they should not enter such markets in the first place. Variable costs vary proportionally with the volume of goods or services produced. Labor-intensive businesses focused on services such as banking and insurance are characterized by a high proportion of variable costs. In practice, variable costs frequently factor into profit projections and the calculation of break-even points for a business or project. Mixed cost items have both fixed and variable components. For example, some management salaries typically do not vary with the number of units produced. However, if production falls dramatically or reaches zero, then attrition may result. This is evidence that all costs are variable in the long run.
cost accounting
Pyrenae, 2024
This article provides a comprehensive survey of the necropolis of El Toro (Alcubillas, Ciudad Real, Spain), as well as a detailed study of burial T5 a/b/c. This is the archaeological context of an Egyptian scarab which can be dated to the early reigns of the 26th Dynasty, dating to the 7th-6th centuries BC. This object is one of the eleven pieces that made up the grave goods of the mentioned tomb, which contained three ceramic urns with the cremated remains of three well-represented individuals. Some conclusions from the anthropological study of this tomb are also presented, as well as a detailed morphological, typological, and chronological analysis of the scarab of a pharaoh by the name of Psamtik. KEY WORKS IRON AGE, ORETANIA, COLONIZATION, PSAMTIK, NAUCRATIS, MEMPHIS Se presenta el estudio general de la necrópolis del Toro (Alcubillas, Ciudad Real), así como el estudio de detalle de la sepultura T5 a/b/c. Este es el contexto de un escarabeo egipcio que puede datarse en los primeros reinados de la Dinastía XXVI, fechable en los siglos vii-vi a. C. Se trata de una de las once piezas incorporadas al ajuar de esa tumba, que contiene tres urnas cerámicas con los restos cremados de tres individuos bien representados. Se presentan además algunas conclusiones del estudio antropológico de la tumba, así como un detallado análisis morfológico, tipológico y cronológico del escarabeo de un faraón llamado Psamético. PALABRAS CLAVE EDAD DEL HIERRO, ORETANIA, COLONIZACIONES, PSAMÉTICO, NÁUCRATIS, MENFIS
Diacritica, 2023
The transition between the Late Bronze and Iron Age, often described as a collapse, is most often characterized by comparing the changes between these two periods. As trade and connectivity is one of the hallmarks of the Late Bronze Age, the lack of evidence for international trade during the early Iron Age is seen of evidence of the profound changes that occurred during this transition. In this paper, I will reassess the evidence for international trade during the early Iron Age in Philistia and neighboring regions, demonstrating that while there was a substantial degrading in the volume of international trade during this period, it did not cease completely. And based on this, what does this tell us about the processes and mechanisms occurring during the Late Bronze Age/Iron Age transition in the eastern Mediterranean.
Hace casi 10 años, al enterarme de mi ingreso a la planta de investigador del Conicet, escribía esta nota en las recientes redes sociales. Una década más tarde, desde la otra orilla, me acusan de ñoqui, parásito y acomodado. Todo un visionario...
Using national survey data, we investigate factors associated with incongruence in parents' and adolescents' reports of teens' past sexual experience and explore the consequences of inaccurate parental knowledge on subsequent sexual behaviors. Most parents of teens who have not had vaginal intercourse accurately report their lack of experience, while most parents of teens who have had intercourse inaccurately report that the adolescent has not had sex. A wide variety of adolescent-, parent-, and family-level factors predict the accuracy of parents' knowledge. The consequences of incongruence in parent-teen reports of adolescents' sexual experience differ between under-and overestimation. Teenagers whose parents overestimate their sexual experience are subsequently more likely to have vaginal intercourse, have sex outside a romantic relationship, and (for girls) have a pregnancy. Teenagers whose parents underestimate their sexual experience are less likely to have vaginal intercourse, have sex while using drugs, and have a sexually transmitted infection diagnosis.
Revista Evangélica de Teología, 2022
Resumen: Desde los años sesenta, se ha incrementado sustancialmente el número de conversiones conocidas del islam al cristianismo. Muchas de estas conversiones se han dado en el ámbito del cristianismo evangélico o pentecostal, pero también se han producido conversiones al cristianismo católico romano o al ortodoxo. También hay conversos que aseguran que, de alguna manera, son seguidores de Jesús sin dejar de ser musulmanes. Este artículo expone cómo hemos obtenido una estimación del número de conversos, la complejidad que plantea esta labor y una lista de países, distribuidos por continentes, con el número estimado de creyentes en Cristo que provienen de un trasfondo musulmán. Se incluyen gráficos con estimaciones del máximo, el mínimo y la media de este segmento de la población, desde 1960 hasta la actualidad.
Sixteenth Century Journal, 1995
On no portion of The New Testament have so many Commentaries been written as on The Epistle To The Romans. We have indeed no separate Comment extant by any of the Fathers on this Epistle; though it has been explained, together with other parts of Scripture, by Origen in the third century; by Jerome, Chrysostom, and in part by Augustine, in the fourth; by Theodoret in the fifth; by OEcumenius in the tenth; and by Theophylact in the eleventh century. But since the Reformation, many separate Expositions have been published, beside a learned Introduction by Luther, and Notes or Scholia by Zuingle and Melancthon. The first complete Commentary, as it appears, was written by Bullinger; the second by Bucer, a Professor of Theology at Cambridge for a short time in the reign of Edward the Sixth; and the next in order of time was this Work by Calvin, composed at Strasbourg in the year 1539. The fourth was by Peter Martyr; and this was translated into English in the year 1568. Another was afterwards published by Rodolph Gualter, Minister at Zurich. Early in the next century the learned Pareus 1 delivered lectures on this Epistle, as Professor of Theology in the University of Heidelberg-a work of great learning and of great merits though written in a style too scholastic to suit the taste of the present day. His special object was to rebut the arguments and expose the sophistries of Popish writers, particularly those of Bellarmine, the acutest, the subtlest and the most learned of all the Jesuits of his own age, and perhaps of any in after ages. There is hardly a subject in any measure connected with the contents of this Epistle which Pareus does not discuss: at the end of every chapter a number of questions are stated and answered, especially such as refer to the disputes between Papists and Protestants. He also controverts the perversions of Socinianism. The next work that requires particular notice is that of Turrettin, a Professor of Theology in the University of Geneva. It was published about the commencement of the last century; the author died in the year 1737. The doctrine of Calvin had somewhat degenerated in his time, though the work on the whole takes the side of orthodoxy. It yet shows a leaning to those views, which commonly issue its sentiments subversive of the essentials of true Christianity. The first Commentary published in this country, composed in English, was by Elnathan Parr, B.D., Rector of Palgrave in Suffolk. He was, as it appears the personal friend of Sir Nathaniel Bacon, an elder brother of Lord Bacon. He dedicated his work to Sir Nathaniel, and speaks of him a having been a hearer of what he published when delivered from the pulpit. 2 His style is that of his age, and appear quaint now; but his thoughts are often very striking and truly excellent, and his sentiments are wholly in accordant with those of the Reformers. Since that time until this century, no work of any note has appeared separately on this Epistle. But within the last thirty years several Commentaries have been published. Besides those of Flatt
Из истории материальной культуры Лавыш К.А. Золотоордынские изделия из кости и подражания им из средневековых городов Беларуси ………………………………………………… Путешествие по музейным коллекциям Лушина А.В. Удостоверение личности Эстеры Драбкиной на фотографической карточке 1915 года …………………………………………………….. Моисеенко М.Г. Самодеятельный наградной знак для Сергея Растеряева …... Библиография Нумизматические находки на территории Гнёздовского археологического комплекса. Библиографический указатель.
En el mundo, toda producción agrícola está basada en un sistema de abastecimiento de agua, del cual no podrían prescindir debido a que el líquido es uno de los factores más importantes para cualquier proyecto agrícola al ser la molécula fundamental de la vida. Para suministrar eficientemente el líquido a estas producciones vegetales, se deben tener lugares de almacenamiento que permitan suministrar el líquido de manera rápida y efectiva.
On the Basis of Words, 2024
Археологически открития и разкопки през 2019, 2020
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