Kirk Lougheed (McMaster University): "Epistemically Possible Worlds and the Counterpossible Objection to the Axiology of Theism" •

ISSUES ON THE (IM)POSSIBLE VII May 30-31, 2019 (Bratislava, SLOVAKIA) Matthew Braham (University of Hamburg, Germany) Gregory Currie (University of York, UK) Peter van Inwagen (University of Notre Dame, USA) Peter Lamarque (University of York, UK) Scott Shalkowski (University of Leeds, UK) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Kirk Lougheed (McMaster University): "Epistemically Possible Worlds and the Counterpossible Objection to the Axiology of Theism" Gonzalo Rodriguez-Pereyra (Oxford University): "Are the laws of metaphysics metaphysically necessary?" Yael Loewenstein (University of Houston): "Against the Standard Solution to the Grandfather Paradox (And How Not to Understand Time-Indexed Modals in Contexts with Backwards Causation)" Nathan Wildman (Tilburg University/TiLPs): "Necessity by Accident" Martin Glazier (University of Hamburg): "What time is it in other possible worlds?" Michael De (University of Bern): "Truthmakers or Truthmaking Supervenience?" Benjamin Marschall (University of Cambridge): "Carnap’s Internal Platonism" Michael Bertrand (Auburn University): "Two Concepts of Metaphysical Grounding" Jan Heylen & Felipe Morales (KU Leuven&KU Leuven): "Circularity and Modality" Shuyi Feng (Hunan University): "Is the CP Thesis Self-Defeating?" Augusto Trujillo Werner (University of Malaga): "Metaethics: Aquinas, Hume and Moore" Dan Marshall (Lingnan University): "Against Linguistic Ersatzism" Krzysztof Wójtowicz (University of Warsaw): "The Modal Character of Program explanations" Peter Marton (Bridgewater State University): "Without Conceivability. (A Moderate Anti-Realist Approach to Possibility, Meaning ... and Zombies)" Karol Lenart (Jagiellonian University): "Actualism and Haecceitism" Vladimir Lobovikov (Ural Federal University): "Analytical Metaphysics of Modalities, and a Formal Epistemology Axiomatic System Based on Not-Normal Modal Logic" Riccardo Baratella (Universität Salzburg): "No Chance for the Change Argument – A Reply to Stout’s “The Category of Occurrent Continuants" Rheanna Trevino (University of Texas at San Antonio): "Actualism and Being: Ontological Commitments and Modal Logic" Dirk Franken (University of Mainz): "On Confusions of Ground and Existence" Anthony Fisher (University of Manchester): "David Lewis and the Role of Theoretical Virtues in Metaphysics" Giacomo Giannini (Durham University): "A Crowded World. Dispositionalism and Necessitism" Alessandro Torza (National Autonomous University of Mexico): "Ground and Modality" Ethan Brauer (Ohio State University): "Metaphysical Nihilism and Modal Logic" Zach Thornton (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill): "Distinctness as Possible Difference" Michael Wallner&Anand Jayprakash Vaidya (University of Graz&San Jose State University): "The Structure of Essentialist Explanations of Necessity" Current Trends in Deontic Logics II panel • • • • • • Roberto Ciuni (Department FISPPA): "Information-based Oughts and their Interaction with Knowledge and Beliefs" Tereza Novotná (Brno University): "Network Analysis in Law" Meha Mishra (Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur): "Tolerating Inconsistencies: A Study of Logic of Moral Conflicts" Igor Sedlar (Czech Academy of Sciences): "Hyperintesional Deontic Logic" Vít Punčochář (Czech Academy of Sciences): "A Semantics for Free Choice" Daniela Glavaničová (Comenius University in Bratislava): "Defining Responsibility" Truth in Time and Open Future Stream II panel • Daniel Steele (University of Dallas): "The Indeterminacies of Future Contingent Propositions" • Vincent Grandjean (University of Neuchatel): "A Model for the Open Future" • Andrew Cortens (Boise State University): "On the Metaphysical Necessity of the Past" • Elton Marques (University of Rio de Janeiro): "What is Fatalism?" • Roberto Ciuni&Carlo Proietti (University of Padua&University of Amsterdam): "Postsemantics and the Future Contingents Problem" The Semantics of Fictional Discourse II panel • Marco Hausmann (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München): "Fictional Realism and Negative Existentials: Why Kripke’s Proposal Fails" • Manuel Rebuschi (Université de Lorraine): "IF Modal Logic for Fictions" • Fredrik Stjernberg (Linkoping University): "The No-name Theory of Fictional Names" • Elisa Paganini (Università degli Studi di Milano): "Fictional Knowledge" • Nathan Wildman (Tilburg University/TiLPs): "A Puzzle about Fictional “I”s” Contact: Martin Vacek