Chapter 13
The bacterial dcw gene cluster: an island in the
Centro Nacional de Biotecnología (CSIC)
Campus de Cantoblanco
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ALMA Bioinformática.
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Tres Cantos. 28760 Madrid
*corresponding author
The bacterial dcw cluster is a group of genes (16 in Escherichia coli, Fig.
1) involved in the synthesis of peptidoglycan precursors and cell division
(Ayala et al., 1994). A prominent feature of this cluster is that it is conserved
in many bacterial genomes over a broad taxonomic range (Vicente et al.,
1998; Nikolaichik and Donachie, 2000; Tamames et al., 2001). A finding
that is further underscored by the fact that in the prokaryotes genome
organization is very dynamic in evolutionary terms, meaning that the gene
content as well as the gene order within operons and gene clusters diverge
quickly with increasing evolutionary distance (Tamames et al., 1997; Itoh et
al., 1999; Tamames, 2001; Xie et al., 2003; Chapter 11). An analysis of gene
order conservation in the genomes of several bacteria and archaea found
eighteen highly conserved groups including nearly 120 genes. This means
that less than 3% of the E. coli genes have a genome organization highly
conserved across the prokaryotes (Tamames, 2001). Nine of the groups
included ribosomal protein genes and other genes related with the processes
Mingorance and Tamames
Figure 1. Schematic representation of the dcw cluster in several bacterial genomes. Adjacent
boxes represent contiguous genes. White boxes correspond to genes that are not known to be
related with division or cell wall synthesis. Groups of genes separated by spaces represent
groups that are separated in the genome. Isolated genes are not represented but most are
present in all the genomes (Chapter 8).
of transcription and translation. Among these, there was a large cluster of
ribosomal protein genes that is the most conserved, and is found in bacterial,
archaeal, and organelle genomes (Wächtershäuser, 1998; Hansmann and
Martin, 2000; Tamames, 2001). Other conserved groups included the dcw
cluster, the atp operon (coding for the subunits of ATP-synthase), and the his
operon (coding for the enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of histidine). In
most cases it is obvious that the clustered genes are functionally related
(Tamames et al., 1997), what is not evident at all is which are the selective
forces that hold these genes together in a precise order over large
evolutionary distances.
Comparison of the dcw cluster from several bacterial genomes using
phylogenetic analysis tools has shown that there is a strong relationship
between the organization of this gene cluster and the morphology of the cells
(Tamames et al., 2001). This correlation suggests that the organization of
these genes in the chromosome is related to the processes of cell growth and
division. We postulate that for the rod-shaped bacteria the mechanism
linking gene order in the chromosome with cell shape is the co-translational
The dcw gene cluster
assembly of the products of the mur and fts genes to form the multiprotein
complexes responsible for cell wall growth and cell division.
The dcw cluster: structure and function
Part of the dcw cluster was initially identified in Escherichia coli as a
region containing genes related to the synthesis of murein precursors, and
was called mra region (Miyakawa et al., 1972) or mra operon (Donachie,
1993). Later several cell division genes were found to map adjacent to this
region, and therefore the name dcw cluster, standing for division and cell
wall, was proposed to include the whole set of linked genes (Ayala et al.,
1994). In the context of comparative genomics the term cluster seems more
appropriate than operon, because in most organisms the transcriptional
structure of this region is not known. And in fact in some organisms, like
Neisseria ghonorrhoeae, the cluster might not be an operon but be composed
of several independent transcriptional units (Francis et al., 2000; but see also
Snyder et al., 2003).
In E. coli the cluster contains 16 tightly packed genes (Fig. 1), some
overlapping, and all of them transcribed in the same direction (Vicente et al.,
1998; Dewar and Dorazi, 2000). There is one initial promoter upstream of
mraZ (mraZ1p) several internal promoters, and a single transcription
terminator downstream of envA (lpxC), the gene after ftsZ. There are four
known promoters in the 5’ end of the cluster and six in the 3’ end, in the
region upstream of ftsZ (Vicente et al., 1998). The first promoter, mraZ1p, is
essential for transcription of at least the first nine genes of the cluster
(Mengin-Lecreulx et al., 1998). Six internal promoters have been
characterized in the region containing the genes ddlB-ftsQ-ftsA-ftsZ,
contributing to about one third of the total expression of the ftsZ gene
(Flärdh et al., 1998). The remaining two thirds are derived from promoters
located upstream of ddlB (de la Fuente et al., 2001). The absence of internal
transcription terminators suggests that in E. coli there might exist a large
transcript arising from mraZp1 and spanning the whole cluster, but
experimental evidence for the existence of this transcript is still lacking. In
any case this hypothetical transcript could be differentially processed to
yield shorter transcripts due to the presence of RNase targets at specific
regions of the sequence, for example the ftsZ transcript (Cam et al., 1996). A
high-resolution transcript analysis of the whole cluster using DNA
microarrays has shown two peaks with higher steady-state transcript levels
just downstream of the promoters mraZ1p and ftsQ2p1p, and a central region
with lower levels. In addition it was found that the transcripts from this
Mingorance and Tamames
central region are more stable than those from the lateral ones, which might
have a faster turnover (Selinger et al., 2003).
The transcriptional pattern may be different in other organisms, for
example in Bacillus sp. there are two ftsI homologs (pbpB and spoVD)
separated by a transcriptional terminator (Daniel et al., 1996) and
responsible respectively for the synthesis of peptidoglycan during vegetative
and sporulation septum formation (Daniel et al., 1994).
The function of the first gene of the cluster, mraZ (yabB), is not known.
The next gene, mraW (yabC), codes for an S-adenosylmethioninedependent methyltransferase of unknown substrate and unknown function
(Carrión et al., 1999). The mur genes, together with mraY and ddlB code for
the enzymes responsible for the synthesis of the murein precursors (van
Heijenoort, 1996). These genes are considered to be unique and essential
(Boyle and Donachie, 1998; Kobayashi et al., 2003). The gene ddlB has an
additional copy in the E. coli chromosome, ddlA, and therefore although it is
not essential in itself in E. coli, the activity of the enzyme coded by these
two genes, D-alanine:D-alanine ligase, is essential for cell wall synthesis
(Zawadzke et al., 1991; van Heijenoort, 1996). The cluster contains six fts
genes (ftsL, ftsI, ftsW, ftsQ, ftsA and ftsZ), all of them are essential for cell
division, and all of them code for proteins that have been shown to localize
to the division site during septation (Chapter 5).
Downstream of ftsZ there are some genes that are specific of some
bacterial groups, like the envA gene found in the -proteobacteria, or a
cluster of up to six additional genes, namely ylmD, ylmE, ylmF, ylmG, ylmH
and divIVA, found in the Gram-positive bacteria (Massidda et al., 1998).
Conservation of the genes in the dcw cluster
Some generalizations can be made from the comparison of the dcw
cluster in several genomes (Nikolaichik and Donachie, 2000; Tamames et
al., 2001). First, although most of the genes of the cluster are conserved in
the majority of the genomes studied (see Chapter 9), they are not invariably
found in the cluster, and most of them can be found in other locations in
some instances. The frequency with which the genes appear in the cluster is
also variable, and there are genes, like murB, that are found more often in
other locations, while others, like ftsQ, ftsA and ftsZ only rarely are found
Second, the relative order of the genes is highly conserved, and a
hypothetical archetypal, or ancestral (Nikolaichik and Donachie, 2000),
cluster can be defined that contains all the genes (Fig. 1). Most of the
clusters analyzed can be derived from this archetypal cluster by deletion, and
The dcw gene cluster
Figure 2. Schematic representation of the dcw cluster from two deep branching bacterial
sometimes insertion of extra genes, without changing the relative order of
the remaining genes (by relative order it is meant the ordering of neighbour
genes in relation to the direction of transcription). In some organisms, like
Caulobacter crescentus, or Neisseria gonorrhoeae the cluster has been split
by insertions. In others, like Thermotoga maritima, or Rickettsia prowazekii
it is dispersed into two or three separated groups, and even more in
Helicobacter pylori and Campylobacter jejuni, but the same relative gene
order is almost invariably maintained within each group (Figs. 1, 2 and 3).
As a result, a pattern of conservation can be outlined in the hypothetical
cluster: the 5’ region is variable, as it contains the mraZ and ftsL genes that
are missing in many genomes; then there is a conserved block comprising
the genes ftsI to murG; this is followed by another variable region that may
contain the genes murC, murB and ddl, though only rarely the three genes
are found together; and finally there is another conserved block comprising
the division genes ftsQAZ. This pattern was clearly seen when conservation
of the cluster was measured as occurrence of gene pairs (Fig. 4 in Tamames
et al., 2001).
On the origin of the dcw cluster
Is the dcw cluster an ancient and conserved trait, or is it of recent origin?
It seems very unlikely that a complex gene structure like this, with such
precise gene ordering, might be a recent acquisition arisen independently by
convergent evolution in phylogenetically distant bacterial groups. Other
possibilities are that the cluster might be an ancient trait that was already
present in the last common ancestor (LCA) of extant bacteria, or
Mingorance and Tamames
Figure 3. Hypothetical pathway of assembly of the dcw cluster indicating the four gene
groups implicated. The order of the different events shown is arbitrary. The pathway starts
with a primordial mur operon containing the genes responsible for the synthesis of the
peptidoglycan precursor. An operon containing the rodA/ftsW and the pbpA/ftsI ancestors was
duplicated, and then the pathway could diverge into septal and lateral peptidoglycan synthesis
pathways. Incorporation of the fts genes might have facilitated the localization of the Mur
complex to the septal zone during division.
alternatively, that it might have originated after the LCA, and might have
been later spread through the bacterial domain by lateral gene transfer. The
phylogenetic analysis of the sequences of individual genes shows trees that
are congruent with the standard 16S rRNA tree (Faguy and Doolittle, 1998).
There are a few exceptions but these correspond to different genes in
different organisms showing that in general the genes have evolved in a
manner consistent with that of the organisms to which they belong, and
arguing against extensive lateral gene transfer after the LCA (Fig. 8). The
cluster is found in Thermotoga maritima, and in a very reduced version in
Aquifex aeolicus (Fig. 2), both belonging to the deepest branches of the
bacterial phylogenetic tree (Bocchetta et al., 2000). In T. maritima the cluster
is split in two groups plus several isolated genes. One of the groups contains
some mur genes and the other contains the ftsA-ftsZ pair. In A. aeolicus the
cluster is reduced to the murB and ddlB genes clustered with the ftsA-ftsZ
pair. The fact that both organisms have clusters but these do not overlap
might be explained in several ways, but the most parsimonious explanation
The dcw gene cluster
is that the genomic organization of the cluster in these two bacteria is
derived secondarily by reduction from a large cluster that contained all the
genes, and that this has happened also in other groups. A corollary of this is
that the LCA had a large dcw cluster that has been maintained in some
lineages and has been reduced in others (Fig. 1).
How did this cluster arise? Although this is rather speculative,
examination of gene function and gene order suggests that it might have
arisen from the blending of four gene subsets (Fig. 3): i) the mur genes
(including mraY and ddlA/B), responsible for the synthesis of peptidoglycan
precursors; these genes code for the enzymes of a single biosynthetic
pathway, and might have been maintained together forming an operon before
the LCA; ii) the ftsI and ftsW genes that participate in the specialized
peptidoglycan synthesis at the septum, and have counterparts in the pbpA
and rodA genes, involved in the synthesis of lateral wall peptidoglycan;
these two pairs of genes must have arisen also by duplication from a single
ancestor pair; iii) the ftsL and ftsQAZ genes, that code for proteins that
localize at the division ring; iv) the mraZ and mraW genes, that are of
unknown function, and might belong to some of the other groups. The order
in which the different rearrangements shown in Fig. 3 occurred is unknown.
Phylogenetic distribution of the dcw cluster and
bacterial shape
A phylogenetic analysis of the clusters from several completed genomes,
based not on gene sequences, but on gene content and gene order, produced
a tree different from the standard 16S rRNA-based tree (Tamames et al.,
2001). A complete description of the procedure for coding gene order
information is given in Tamames et al. (2001). Briefly, a set of vectors is
created, one vector for every genome. The vectors contain as many positions
as possible pairs of genes (only dcw cluster genes), and each position codes
for a given pair of genes, being set to one if the pair exists, and to zero if it
does not. A pair of genes might be defined as a pair of adjacent genes
(distance 1), or a pair of genes separated by n intervening genes (distance
n+ 1). The resulting set of vectors contains information about the gene pairs
that are found in the genomes analyzed. If a given position is zero in all
vectors, meaning that the corresponding gene pair is never found, it is
considered uninformative, and it is removed. These sets of vectors allow the
building of phylogenetic trees by several methods. Two different approaches
were used: a parsimony analysis (Felsenstein, 1996) (using the "mix"
program in the Phylip package), and a hierarchical clustering algorithm,
Mingorance and Tamames
Figure 4. Schematic representation of the dcw cluster of bacteria with different shapes
belonging to two different lineages. T. thermophilus (rod) and D. radiodurans (coccus)
belong to the Thermus/Deinococcus group, while B. subtilis (rod) and S. aureus (coccus)
belong to the high GC Gram-positives, but regarding the composition of the dcw cluster the
two rod-shaped species are clearly more similar, and the two cocci have in common a reduced
SOTA (Herrero et al., 2001). Both methods produce very similar results,
with minimal disagreements.
The tree showed two main branches, one that included organisms with a
compact cluster, and the other formed by organisms in which the genes are
more dispersed through the genome and the cluster is reduced, or does not
exist at all. The distribution of bacterial species in the tree was found to
correlate with their cell morphologies. Bacilli and filamentous bacteria fell in
the group that had a large dcw gene cluster, while cocci, helicobacteria and
spirochetes formed the branch in which the dcw cluster genes are more
dispersed or lost altogether. In some instances the trees separated organisms
that belong to the same phylogenetic group but have different shapes, like
the low GC Gram-positive bacilli and cocci, the rod-shaped Thermus
thermophilus and the coccus Deinococcus radiodurans, or the helicobacteria
(Campylobacter and Helicobacter, -proteobacteria) and the rest of the
proteobacteria (Fig. 4; Tamames et al., 2001).
To test the robustness of the conclusions drawn in the original work with
twenty-six sequenced genomes, the same study has been repeated including
The dcw gene cluster
Figure 5. Dendrogram of the dcw cluster based on gene content and gene order. The tree
shown in this figure was obtained with distance 2 as explained in the text. Names in black
correspond to rod-shaped or filamentous bacteria, while those in grey color correspond to
bacteria with other shapes.
twenty-four additional genomes. The results of this new study fully
confirmed the previous results, the rod-shaped and filamentous bacteria tend
to branch together, and separate from cocci, spirochetes and helicobacteria,
although there are a few exceptions. The pattern was less clear (there were
more exceptions) when the analysis was done with adjacent gene pairs,
probably because even in the organisms in which the cluster is reduced or
dispersed several gene pairs are conserved (see for example H. pylori, Fig.
1). When the analysis was done with a distance 2 (Fig. 5) or a distance 3
(Fig. 6) between genes (meaning that there are respectively one and two
intervening genes between the pair being considered) the pattern was more
pronounced. The fact that increasing the distance between genes improves
the pattern of separation of rod-shaped cells from other cell types supports
the conclusion that the pattern found is due to the clustering of the genes,
and not to the individual genes.
The branching pattern observed might be due to differences in gene
content between genomes, and independent of the positions of the genes in
their genomes. To test this possibility an analysis was done taking into
Mingorance and Tamames
Figure 6. Distance 3 dendrogram of the dcw cluster. The tree was obtained as described in the
legend to Fig. 5 but using distance 3 (two intervening genes between each pair of genes).
Names in black correspond to rod-shaped or filamentous bacteria, while those in grey color
correspond to bacteria with other shapes.
account only the presence or absence of the genes from the archetypal
cluster, independently of their positions in the genome. In this case the
correlation with cell morphology was not found (Fig. 7). The tree obtained
was poorly informative, there were some groups consistent with the standard
bacterial phylogeny, but several others were mixed and no trends could be
discerned, probably because the tree is based on few and highly conserved
(uninformative) characters. This shows that the correlation between the
organization of the dcw gene cluster and the cell morphology is not an
artifact due to the different gene contents of the genomes, but is due to the
fact that these genes are clustered and that the degree of clustering is
different in different genomes.
Sequence-based phylogenies were done for the individual genes and were
found to be fairly similar to the standard 16S rRNA phylogeny (Fig. 8). Most
groups were correctly identified, although the relations between them were
sometimes inaccurate. Only the helicobacteria, C. jejuni and H. pylori, were
found to branch consistently apart from the other proteobacteria, suggesting
that in this group at least some of the genes of the cluster might have been
The dcw gene cluster
received by horizontal gene transfer. The differences between the individual
sequence-based gene trees and the tree of the cluster indicate that while
individual genes have evolved at the pace of the chromosomes in which they
are contained, there have been genomic rearrangements within the dcw
cluster that have affected differently to different bacterial lineages.
Assuming that the ancestor of extant bacteria had a dcw cluster similar to the
archetypal cluster represented in Fig. 1, it can be concluded that the cluster
has been maintained in most rod-shaped bacteria and tends to be lost from
bacteria with other morphologies. This agrees with the inference that
coccoid, helical, and other cell shapes have arisen several times
independently from a rod-shaped ancestor (Siefert and Fox, 1998; Chapter
How is the dcw cluster maintained?
Figure 7. Dendrogram based on the dcw gene content in the different bacterial genomes. For
each genome the presence or absence of the dcw genes (those from the hypothetical ancestor
cluster shown in Fig. 1) were recorded independently of their chromosomal positions, and the
resulting vectors where used to construct a tree using the methods described in the text.
Mingorance and Tamames
Figure 8. FtsZ sequence tree. Tree based on the FtsZ predicted protein sequence using a
neighbour-joining method. The -proteobacteria H. pylori and C. jejuni branch in an
anomalous position, the rest of the tree agrees fairly well with the standard 16S rRNA
If the cluster originated in the ancestor of extant bacteria then what are
the forces that have maintained the cluster for billions of years? And why in
some lineages these forces are relaxed or do not operate anymore? We have
shown that there is a relation between the genomic structure of the dcw
cluster and the shape of the cells, but it is very unlikely that the cluster in
itself has any morphogenetic properties. Transferring the cluster from a rodshaped bacterium into a coccus would not transform it into a bacillus
because most cocci lack several other genes, like mreB, also involved in the
determination of the cell morphology (Chapter 9). Furthermore, breaking the
continuity of the cluster in E. coli has several effects, and may cause
filamentation, but does not convert E. coli cells into cocci (Palacios et al.,
1996; Mengin-Lecreulx et al., 1998).
There are currently several models to explain the clustering of genes and
the persistence of clusters for long evolutionary periods (reviewed in
Lawrence and Roth, 1996). These models are based on different
mechanisms, and therefore do not exclude each other, but might operate
The dcw gene cluster
The natal model postulates that clusters originate by gene duplication
and subsequent sequence divergence. In this case the order of genes in the
cluster simply reflects the order in which duplications occurred. This model
might apply to the origins of part of the dcw cluster (Fig. 3), as four of the
genes (murC, murD, murE and murF) are paralogues that must have arisen
by gene duplication in the ancestor of all eubacteria, but it cannot explain the
presence in the cluster of other, unrelated, genes, the long persistence of the
cluster, or its relation with cell morphology.
In the selfish operon model clustering benefits the cluster itself, and
conservation of gene order reflects the spreading of the cluster by lateral
gene transfer. This model applies successfully to weakly selected functions,
but it has difficulties with housekeeping genes. To apply the selfish operon
model to the dcw cluster it should be assumed that 1) a full cluster is
acquired via LGT, and 2) the old (endogenous) division genes, initially
dispersed through the genome, are immediately lost, since in most cases they
will interfere with the new (exogenous) genes (for example, exogenous ftsZ
genes are often toxic for E. coli). A simple mechanism to effect the rapid and
simultaneous loss of the dispersed genes is difficult to envisage, and the
model is useless if it assumes that they were already clustered. Moreover, the
selfish operon model might explain why the cluster has such a broad
phylogenetic distribution, but not why it is related to cell shape.
The co-regulation model proposes that clustering facilitates the
coordinate expression and regulation of the clustered genes (Lawrence and
Roth, 1996). Contrary to this, there are many instances of known genes that
are co-regulated, and are in different chromosomal locations, or are found
together in some organisms and not in others (Tamames et al., 1997; Itoh et
al., 1999). Therefore, although gene grouping contributes to the coordinate
regulation of gene expression at the DNA level, it is clear also that these
mechanisms are very flexible in evolutionary terms, and do not require
conservation of gene order (Xie et al., 2003). An alternative to this model
proposes that clustering might be related to the co-regulation of gene
expression at the RNA level (Siefert et al., 1997). This might apply to the
cluster of ribosomal protein genes and other clusters that are known to be
regulated at the level of mRNA translation in at least some organisms, but so
far this level of regulation has not been described in the dcw cluster, and it is
not clear at all why such a strict conservation of gene order would be
Finally, the Fisher model postulates that clustering is the result of
selection acting on a co-adapted set of genes to maintain them together
because physical proximity decreases the probability of recombination
occurring between them. This model is well suited to sexual organisms,
where recombination is frequent. The discovery that prokaryotes may
Mingorance and Tamames
undergo extensive horizontal gene transfer (Nelson et al., 1999) made the
application of this model to bacteria more plausible, although the frequency
of gene exchange in most species is not known. It has been postulated that
the conservation of gene order in the dcw cluster might be explained by this
model as the result of the lateral exchange of a set of linked genes that code
for a co-adapted set of proteins (Nikolaichik and Donachie; 2000). This
argument has two parts: first, that the linked genes are co-adapted; and
second that the linkage is maintained by selection against the mixture of
genes (“alleles”) from different sources. When applied to the dcw gene
cluster, the first part of the argument is likely to be correct, as co-adapted
proteins are those that interact either physically or functionally, which is the
case in this cluster. On the other hand, it is unlikely that the cluster might
have been maintained by horizontal gene transfer. It is true that exogenous
cell division genes are usually toxic, at least for E. coli, and lateral gene
transfer is certainly more frequent in prokaryotes than previously thought,
but it is doubtful that the frequency of lateral gene transfer has been so high
as to spread the cluster throughout the entire bacterial domain. Moreover, the
division and cell wall genes are ancient genes likely to belong to the group
of orthologous genes that are not likely to participate in lateral gene transfer
(Daubin et al., 2003). The sequence-based phylogenetic trees obtained for
the individual genes are congruent with the standard 16S rRNA tree
topology (Fig. 8), indicating that the cluster has not been subjected to
extensive lateral gene transfer after the LCA.
Therefore, none of these models is able to explain satisfactorily the
existence of the dcw gene cluster, and although some of them might be
partially correct, a new mechanism should be invoked that takes into account
the properties of the cluster.
A model on the relation of bacterial cell shape and
the dcw gene cluster
Gene order reflects protein-protein interactions
It has been found that conservation of gene order in several gene pairs is
a predictor of protein-protein interactions (Dandekar et al., 1998; Overbeek
et al., 1999; Huynen et al., 2000; Chapter 11). As gene order is maintained
during transcription and translation, it has been suggested that this
correlation results from an interdependence of the folding of the proteins
involved (co-translational folding; Dandekar et al., 1998). This
interdependence should be weak in the case of the dcw cluster, as some of
The dcw gene cluster
the genes have been successfully expressed in isolation from plasmids.
Instead, we postulate that the maintenance of gene order is related to the cotranslational assembly and localization of protein complexes, and that the
order might be important to promote the correct interactions among the
different components of the complexes. Co-translational assembly and
localization might be especially important for complexes that are in low
copy numbers in the cells. It has been already pointed that some of the genes
of the cluster have been expressed from plasmids and have been found to be
functional and able to rescue conditional mutations in the chromosome,
therefore clustering is not essential for the correct folding of the proteins
produced, and is not essential for cell growth and division. Yet it has to be
remembered that in most cases the cloned genes were in multicopy plasmids,
and therefore the number of protein molecules produced was probably much
higher than in the wild type cells. The high local concentrations of the
polypeptide chains that may be reached in polysomes might favour assembly
even if only a few molecules of some of the components exist in the cell (for
example, in E. coli FtsQ is present at ca. 50 molecules/cell; Carson et al.,
1991). In addition, as some of the products of the genes in the cluster are
membrane proteins, the coupled transcription-translation-insertion of these
proteins might direct the localization of the protein complexes to specific
domains in the cell membrane (Norris et al., 1996). A co-translation
mechanism would not necessarily mean that the order of the genes should be
essential, only that it should have a significant effect on fitness. It might
work on housekeeping genes, and it might be operative over large
evolutionary distances, as far as there is some selective pressure to maintain
the function of the protein complexes involved.
The products of the fts genes of the cluster are good candidates for such
mechanism, as they are known to localize in a ring at the septation site
during division, and it is thought that there they form a protein complex
responsible for septation (Nanninga, 1991; Rothfield et al., 1999). Moreover,
several interactions among the products of ftsI, ftsQ, ftsA and ftsZ genes have
been described (Dai and Lutkenhaus, 1992; Descoteaux and Drapeau, 1987;
Weiss et al., 1999).
Among the mur genes, on the other hand, some code for soluble and
others for membrane proteins, all of them involved in the same biochemical
pathway. Most of these proteins have been purified and characterized, and
they are active in vitro in isolation (Duncan et al., 1990; Michaud et al.,
1990; Pratviel-Sosa et al., 1991; Liger et al., 1995). However analysis of the
pool levels of peptidoglycan precursors in E. coli has shown that the cellular
concentrations of the metabolites in the pathway are below the Km values for
the corresponding enzymes (van Heijenoort, 1996). The pools of lipids I and
II in particular are very low (700 and 1000-2000 molecules/cell
Mingorance and Tamames
respectively), and seem to be a limiting factor for the synthesis of
peptidoglycan. It has been suggested that as these enzymes are not saturated
by substrate, the efficiency and the control of the pathway could be greatly
improved if they were part of a multiprotein complex and could transfer
sequentially the products of every enzyme to the next enzyme of the
pathway (van Heijenoort, 1996). This improvement might provide a
selective force favouring the presence of a cluster of mur genes if the
grouping of genes facilitates complex assembly.
Connecting the mur and fts complexes: the two-competing sites
model for peptidoglycan synthesis
The dcw cluster contains both mur and fts genes interspersed, therefore
the co-translational assembly model requires that additional interactions
between the mur complex(es) and the fts complex(es) should be operative
and physiologically advantageous to explain the persistence of the cluster
and its broad taxonomic range. We propose that the genomic structure of the
dcw cluster, as well as its phylogenetic distribution result from the
simultaneous operation of co-translational assembly of Mur and Fts proteins,
and the existence of two-competing sites for peptidoglycan synthesis in rodshaped cells (Satta et al., 1994). In these, peptidoglycan synthesis involves
different precursors and multienzyme complexes during elongation and
during septation (Canepari et al., 1997; Höltje, 1998; de Pedro et al., 1997).
Synthesis of new peptidoglycan during elongation occurs in patches, bands
and areas of diffuse insertion in the sidewall of the cell (de Pedro et al.,
2003), while the insertion of new peptidoglycan during septation occurs in a
narrow zone at the division site. The two-competing sites model for
peptidoglycan synthesis states that these two processes are in fact two
competing reactions (or pathways), and that the balance between them
regulates cell shape in rod-shaped bacteria, while in the cocci the lateral-wall
elongation reaction is severely reduced or absent (Satta et al., 1994).
Penicillin-binding proteins have been found to be part of two large
multienzyme complexes in E. coli (Bhardwaj and Day, 1997), B. subtilis
(Simon and Day, 2000) and Haemophilus influenzae (Alaedini and Day,
We propose that in rod-shaped bacteria, prior to cell division, cotranslational folding and assembly of the products of the mur and fts genes
results in the assembly and localization of a Mur-Fts complex able to
synthesize murein precursors and channel them towards septal peptidoglycan
synthesis. After cell division this complex disassembles, and the Mur moiety
might diffuse through the membrane, and then interact with the lateral wall
The dcw gene cluster
Figure 9. Schematic representation of the co-translational assembly and localization of
multiprotein complexes involved in the elongation of the lateral cell wall, and in division.
Coupled transcription-translation together with the insertion of membrane proteins, a process
called “transertion” (Norris et al., 1996), facilitates the localized assembly of protein
complexes at the division site. After division the Mur moiety of this complex might migrate
through the membrane to interact with the elongation complex.
elongation machinery, again to channel the murein precursors towards the
synthesis of lateral peptidoglycan (Fig. 9).
The localization of a Mur-Fts complex that synthesizes the murein
precursors at the division site provides a mechanism to channel the flux of
precursors (that provide matter and energy) towards the synthesis of septal
peptidoglycan during division. This is an intense, and highly localized
process that would be substrate-limited if the precursors were synthesized
and used throughout the whole cell surface. This mechanism might be even
more important in filamentous cells that grow apically to avoid diffusion of
the precursors through the long cell body. On the contrary, the channeling of
murein precursors might not be as important in cocci, in which there is one
narrow zone of murein synthesis either for elongation and for division
(Morlot et al., 2003; Pinho and Errington, 2003). The localization of the
complex responsible for the synthesis of the peptidoglycan precursors would
not be necessary in the cocci, and therefore the selective pressure to maintain
Mingorance and Tamames
the clustering would be relieved, and as a consequence the dcw genes have
often been dispersed. In other organisms, like the spirochetes, or the
helicobacteria the lack of a compact cluster might also be related to their
modes of cell growth and division.
The localization of a Mur-Fts complex might need assistance because it
involves the concentration of few molecules in a narrow area to form protein
complexes that are predicted to be weak and transient, as the Z-ring is not a
static protein assembly, but a highly dynamic structure (Stricker et al., 2002;
Rueda et al., 2003). Therefore, gene clustering and co-translational assembly
and localization of protein complexes might help rod-shaped cells to grow
and divide more efficiently. However these are not by themselves
morphogenetic mechanisms. Other genes have been associated to the
morphogenesis of E. coli (Chapter 9). The mreB gene seems to have a key
role, as it is found in prokaryotes (both bacteria and archaea) with rod or
similar shapes, but not in the genomes of several cocci (Jones et al., 2001).
As more genomes are sequenced exceptions arise, for example
Methylococcus capsulatus and Magnetococcus sp., are cocci but both
contain complete dcw clusters, and mreB homologs. These exceptions do not
invalidate the model, that assumes that clustering may be present in all kind
of cells, but it is a favourable trait only for the rod-shaped, and is dispensable
in others.
Some predictions can be made from our model that might be
experimentally tested. For example, it would be expected that the dcw
mRNA transcript (or part of it) and the products of the mur genes should colocalize with the Z-ring during septation in rod-shaped bacteria. Moreover,
several weak interactions between the proteins coded by the genes of the
cluster should be expected, and these should occur between protein pairs in a
manner consistent with the order of the genes in the cluster. This last
prediction is partially supported by the intriguing observation that in the
Chlamydia the genes murC and ddlA are fused (Chopra et al., 1998), as it
has been argued that the fusion of two genes in one genome indicates that
the protein products of these two genes may interact and form complexes,
even in other organisms in which the genes are not fused (Enright et al.,
1999). Although the Chlamydia lack both peptidoglycan, and the ftsQAZ
genes, they have the other genes of the cluster, and are sensitive to penicillin,
suggesting that the pathway is active in these organisms (Ghuysen and
Goffin, 1999; McCoy et al., 2003).
The dcw gene cluster
It has been shown that extant bacterial lineages descend from rod-shaped,
peptidoglycan containing bacteria (Siefert and Fox, 1998; Koch, 2003). It
seems likely that those bacteria already contained a dcw cluster that had
evolved in parallel with the peptidoglycan synthesizing machinery to allow
an efficient co-ordination between growth and division by alternatively
channelling the precursor synthesis towards the division site or to the lateral
wall. This co-ordination might still favour gene clustering in the bacilli, but
might become useless when the shape of the cells or their life cycles change
during evolutionary history making the cluster susceptible to dispersal,
reduction or reorganization.
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Ciencia y Tecnología to the laboratory of Miguel Vicente.
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