International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET)
Volume 10, Issue 01, January 2019, pp. 1646-1656, Article ID: IJCIET_10_01_150
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ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316
© IAEME Publication
Scopus Indexed
Arseniy Aleksandrovich Lebedev
Laboratory of Innovations, Ltd, Kazan, Tatarstan, Russian Federation
In this study, the main goal is to measure, evaluate predict student’s metasubject
educational results. Federal state educational standards (FSES) of primary, secondary
and basic education of Russian Federation distinguish three types of educational
results: personal, metasubject, subject.
The FSES formulates requirements for all three types of educational results, which
implies availability of methods for measuring or evaluating these results. Personal
educational results are left out of framework of this SRP, since only for subject and
meta-subject educational results there are more or less well-established methods of
assessment and measurement.
Most well-developed ones are methods for measuring and evaluating subject
educational results. A huge number of different measuring and measuring instruments
(tests, assignments, essays, etc.) have been developed primarily to evaluate these
Methods and tools for measuring and evaluating metasubject educational results
have been developed to a much lesser degree. This research continues those recent
works on experiments, in which analysis of user activity log files is used to evaluate
metasubject educational results. In the course of such experiments, the task is
demonstrated to a student on a computer screen, and all user interactions with the
computer are recorded into log files.
Keywords: Distance learning, Method for measuring, Monitoring, online courses,
Structure, Information technology, Educational outcomes prediction, Federal state
educational standards, Metasubject educational results.
Cite this Article: Arseniy Aleksandrovich Lebedev, Methods of Measurement,
Evaluation and Prediction of Metasubject Educational Results, International Journal of
Civil Engineering and Technology, 10(01), 2019, pp. 1646–1656
[email protected]
Arseniy Aleksandrovich Lebedev
Section II of the FSES of elementary general education indicates that meta-subject educational
results include adoption of interdisciplinary concepts and universal learning activities (ULA)
by students. The same section provides a list of metasubject results.
ULAs are divided into FSES into following subgroups [1]:
1. regulatory ULAs: management of its activities; control and correction; initiative and
2. communicative ULA: speech activity; cooperation skills;
3. cognitive ULA: work with information; work with training models; use of symbolic
means, general solution schemes; performing logical operations of comparison,
analysis, generalization, classification, establishment of analogies, summarizing
After examining lists of metadisciplinary educational results and description of ULA given
in FSES, one can come to conclusion that these concepts are similar to the notion of problemsolving skills, the importance of development of which has been actively pointed out by foreign
researchers since mid-70s of the past century [2]. According to A.A. Kuznetsova, meta-subject
educational results are methods of activity that are applicable both within the framework of
educational process and in solving problems in real life situations mastered by students on the
basis of one, several or all subjects [3].
The sphere of automating measurement and evaluation of metasubject educational results
in difference to subject educational results, is extremely young [4]. One of earliest methods for
diagnosing meta-subject educational results is the TAP protocol. The paper by Yu B., Voll K.,
“Probing student problem solving skills in mathematical induction using a scenario-based think
aloud protocol” describes the use of this method to evaluate problem solving skills in the study
of mathematics.
Nevertheless, the method of recordation of allegations aloud is extremely cumbersome, its
automation is extremely difficult and its application to large groups of students (including
taking mass open online courses) is almost impossible [5].
A peculiar simplification of the TAP method is the use of various tools for questioning
students. As an example of using this method, experiments using MAI or MSLQ can be given
as an example.
However, the method of questioning suffers from a number of shortcomings, the most
serious of which, according to Veenmann, is the difficulty of verifying obtained results [6]. A
number of studies show that the survey does not reflect the use of specific problem-solving
skills during completion of a task [7]. Students do not apply methods that they declared before
the start of completion of tasks themselves during their completion. Moreover, many students
do not remember exactly how they performed a particular task. When questioning, a student
must reconstruct the course of his actions from memory, and therefore he can easily forget or
distort his actions [8].
The use of telecommunication technologies in conducting experiments has become
possible online over the past decade. Natural development of methods for recordation
allegations aloud and questioning were obtained in connection with the development of such
technologies [9]. In this case, behavior of a students is evaluated by independent experts in real
time according to predetermined criteria.
[email protected]
Methods of Measurement, Evaluation and Prediction of Metasubject Educational Results
An external observer who seeks to identify the presence or absence of a metasubject
educational result, virtually all aspects of student's behavior are available, but in many cases
they are analyzed intuitively [10]. This was reported by many teachers participating in the
survey on the GlobalLab platform. Only in some cases, an observer can accurately describe on
what signs in a student's behavior he was able to conclude about absence/presence of a
metasubject educational result [11]. This feature is the main reason for numerous difficulties
in formalization of procedures for measuring and evaluating metasubject educational results
From this point of view, the SSR has two important multidirectional features [13]:
• rich means of accurate recordation of almost all user actions therein;
• almost complete absence of any means of monitoring the cognitive process.
On one hand, these features expand possibilities of very accurate recordation of actions
performed by a user and components of behavior variation, and, on the other, they impose
significant restrictions on fullness of manifestations of behavior variations in SSR [14].
The manifestation of behavior variation at the SSR level is composed of a large number of
uniform user actions, which are recorded in SSR as a set of its “physical” actions (scrolling,
mouse movements, etc.) [15]. Moreover, not all elements of behavior variations are expressed
in SSR. It can be assumed that manifestation of the SSR level is just as poorly represented as
the observed behavior variation, as a behavior variation itself weakly represents a cognitive
process occurring in the student's mind [16].
Thus, in SSR, deep signs of a cognitive process, characterized by presence or absence of a
metasubject educational result, pass through two filters that filter out some of these signs —
through the observed behavior variation (filter 1) and its manifestation in the SSR (filter 2)
The fact that there are signs sufficient to distinguish metasubject educational result after
the first filter is confirmed by the fact that an experienced expert, carefully observing a student,
can measure and evaluate this result (using TAP, MAI, MSLQ recordation and questioning
method described therein) [18].
The high correlation of diagnostic results with use of Otter SSR by the TAP Otter group
diagnostics (0.96) confirms that the second filter also lets through a number of signs sufficient
to detect a metasubject educational result [19]. This prediction is also supported by the accuracy
of forecasting in papers in which the subject educational result is predicted solely on the basis
of data on metasubject: Prediction accuracy ranges from 69 to 83%.
Recently, a few works on experiments, in which analysis of user activity log files is used to
evaluate metasubject educational results, began to appear. In the course of such experiments,
the task is demonstrated to a student on a computer screen, and all user interactions with the
computer are recorded into log files.
Of particular interest for this SRP is an experiment using the Otter e-learning environment
conducted by a group of Dutch researchers led by Veenmann in 2014 [20]. The main goal of
Veenmann's research was to test the hypothesis of sufficient sensitivity of the method of
analyzing log files to detect differences in development of problem-solving skills among
students of different sex and age.
[email protected]
Arseniy Aleksandrovich Lebedev
The learning environment used in the experiment is a Learning-by-discovery SSR. During
performance of research tasks, students should reveal the effect of 5 independent variables on
the growth of otter population while conducting virtual experiments. Among these variables
were following ones: the habitat area (its size and fragmentation), degree of environmental
pollution, people's access to the habitat, emergence of new pairs of otters and presence of a fish
diet in the winter season.
These independent variables may not affect the population size (for example, people's
access to a habitat), they may have a general effect on it (pollution and habitat) and may interact
with other variables (for example, the habitat and appearance of new pairs).
In each virtual experiment, student chooses a value for all 5 variables by clicking on
appropriate icons, and then the program calculates the resulting size of otter population. All
results of experiments, together with values of variables are placed in the scrolling area so that
a student can view them while planning the next experiment.
After 15 experiments, a student can finish working with the system, but the exit from it is
the result of his free choice in this case.
In the course of completion of the assignment, all user actions are recorded to a log file, which
is then used by algorithm for calculating the degree of development of problem-solving skills.
Table 1 presents metrics that are calculated based on these log files and then used by the
Table 1. Intermediate Metrics for Problem Solving Skills in the Otter Environment
The total number of virtual experiments performed by the user.
The time in seconds elapsed from the moment the last experiment was completed by the
first click in a new experiment. The amount on all experiments.
The frequency of scrolldown to earlier experiments.
Frequency of scrollup for later experiments.
The number of transitions between experiments that differ in the value of only one
The average number of variables changed in the next experiment minus 1.
The number of unique experiments out of 48 possible ones.
The total number of virtual experiments (Number.exp) is considered as a metric varying in
proportion to the degree of development of problem-solving skills. The more experiments a
student has conducted, more complete the general experiment is considered. Evaluation and
development of new solutions provokes a student to conduct new experiments.
The time elapsed from completion of the last experiment to the first click in a new
experiment (Thinktime) is considered by researchers as a positive metric reflecting the
student’s ability to evaluate the result, reorient and plan the next experiment.
The frequency of scrolling to earlier and later experiments is also a positive metric
reflecting the development of problem-solving skills. Scrolling indicates at least a student's
intention to take into account previous experience when planning a new step in learning.
The fourth metric, Votat.pos, reflects the number of variables that changed between
experiments. Changing only one variable is a positive sign indicating a student's desire to
conduct an experiment in accordance with a pre-planned scheme.
[email protected]
Methods of Measurement, Evaluation and Prediction of Metasubject Educational Results
The average number of variables changed between experiments is a negative metric. If
more than one variable is changed between experiments, a student will not be able to attribute
the resulting change to a specific variable. The systematic repetition of such an error indicates
a low metasubject result.
Finally, the fifth metric (Unique.exp) reflecting the degree of coverage of experimental
space is certainly positive. Students with advanced problem-solving skills usually monitor the
experimental space and plan their next experiment accordingly.
The total degree of development of problem-solving skills is calculated according to the
following algorithm:
• the z-score is calculated for all seven metrics;
• the sign of metric Votat.neg is inverted;
• for Scrolldown and Scrollup metrics, the average Scrolling z-score is calculated;
• for metrics Votat.pos and Votat.neg, the average z-score for Votat is calculated;
• For 5 metrics obtained, the average z-score, which is considered to be a general
measure of development of problem-solving skills, is calculated.
Interestingly, the correlation of results obtained by methods of analyzing log files with
results of experiments using the method of recordation reflections aloud conducted earlier by
the same group of researchers amounted to 0.84 and 0.96.
Despite very harsh and limited conditions, the experiment of the group of Veenmann
demonstrated the possibility of successful using the journal data on user behavior in SSR for
evaluation of metasubject educational results. It is also important to note that in the experiment
of the group of Veenmann, researchers had to select variables and a mathematical model
describing the relationship between user actions in SSR and metasubject educational result
intuitively. The clear advantage of using any type of neural network compared to the approach
of Veenmann's group in automating assessment and forecasting of metasubject educational
results is the fact that when using a neural network, the function of dependence of educational
result (including non-linear) on the recorded data is generated as a result of network training
rather than being developed by a researcher. Nevertheless, results of Veenmann's group
convincingly show the existence of a connection between such simple characteristics of a
student's behavior such as time between tasks or the number of training experiments conducted
and meta-subject results which are so difficult to evaluate.
The use of data that accumulates when journaling user actions in SSR to predict
metasubject educational results of students requires formulation of a hypothesis explaining the
fundamental relationship between simple data on user behavior in SSR and their significance
and sufficiency for evaluating and predicting metasubject educational results. Such a
hypothesis should answer the question: why SSR journaling data is enough to reflect at least
some problem-solving skills and forecasting metasubject educational results.
The FSES does not give a direct definition of metasubject results; the content of this term
is revealed through listing of various skills and abilities, development of which indicates the
achievement of a metasubject educational result. Based on several definitions highlighted in
special literature, we can formulate a general definition of a metasubject educational result
adopted in various fields related to the science of learning.
Meta-subject educational results are “patterns of thinking, feeling, and behavior” that
develop throughout an individual’s life and take some part in the learning process. More
generally, these results may include personality characteristics that are not manifested in the
form of subject educational results, but are related to socio-emotional or behavioral
[email protected]
Arseniy Aleksandrovich Lebedev
manifestations of an individual in the learning process and are the object of development in a
school or influencing the formation of subject educational results.
The above given definition is too abstract for purposes of this study. This sets the task of
finding a working definition of a metasubject educational result that could be applied in
connection with the use of recurrent neural networks to predict educational results. Such a
concept should meet following important requirements:
• it should be as close as possible to the notion of behavior, since it is the behavior
that is the basic level with which algorithms that operate on data accumulated in
SSR can work;
• it should be clear to a teacher, since it is the teacher who is the main expert in
assessment of metasubject educational results (only a teacher can be the source of
empirical data that can be used to train and verify the recurrent neural network);
• it should not contradict traditional definitions of a metasubject educational result,
the general form of which is given above.
An important step in the present study is the fundamental postulation of discreteness of
metasubject educational results, numerical or categorical value of which could serve both as
an input data of the recurrent neural network and the predicted value.
A survey among teachers conducted in the course of a study on the GlobalLab platform
showed that respondents refer sceptically to the need for a separate assessment of such metaobject educational results, such as, for example, self-control when reading or drawing up a
development plan for mastering material. Many of respondents indicate that the presence of
these educational results correlates well with subject educational results since they are a
prerequisite for successful preparation for traditional forms of assessment. Some of
respondents express a suggestion that these skills are missing as such. In their opinion, they are
the part of a general cognitive process aimed at mastering the material.
It should be noted that selection of individual skills (their discretization) is a technique that
facilitates the study of cognitive processes (or one holistic process) occurring in mind of a
learner. It is reasonable to assume that discretization of different metasubject educational
results is based on two factors:
• differences in behavior;
• differences in behavior result (success/failure).
We illustrate this assumption with the example of the metasubject result “self-control
during reading”. The result of reading is assimilation of the read material, which can be verified
by such traditional methods as retelling and answering a question about the text. When reading,
a student may experience following variations in behavior leading to a successful result:
1) having an excellent memory, the reader sequentially moves from paragraph to paragraph
without changing the speed of reading;
2) having an average memory, the reader “recounts” each read paragraph to himself;
3) the reader goes through all paragraphs and then returns to places that he did not
remember or understand.
In the first variation in reader's behavior there are no signs of controlling the reading
process, and in other two variations, the reader makes efforts to control the reading process.
All of them can lead to a successful result – a student will be able to retell the text and answer
questions about it. It is differences in behavior in variations (1), (2) and (3) that suggest that in
cognitive process in this case, variants of its course can be distinguished, which can be called
the educational meta-object result "regulation of reading" for variations (2) and (3) Successful
[email protected]
Methods of Measurement, Evaluation and Prediction of Metasubject Educational Results
behavior is an important prerequisite for discretization of metasubject educational results. The
situation, in which the reader has read entire text, re-read some parts of it and still could not
complete tasks, is easily modeled. Consequently, whatever version of deep cognitive process
in this case was – even if it is very close to a successful behavioral manifestation – it cannot be
recognized as the indicating achievement of a metasubject educational result.
The cognitive process, which is at a deep level, is not available for direct observation and
assessment (including methods of machine learning). It manifests itself at the level of behavior,
which is the basic level at which observation becomes possible. At this level, various variations
of behavior can be distinguished, which in turn manifest themselves at a higher level – the level
of result of behavior, which is rated as successful or unsuccessful one.
It should be noted that such a traditional form of automated assessment of KSA as testing
deals only with highest level – the result level. While the form of assessment in the form of an
oral exam is aimed largely at study of a deeper level – the level of behavior.
The question that this behavior and its variations in terms of their assessment is the core to
the subsequent successful development of a mathematical model of use of a recurrent network
for predicting educational results. This is due to the fact that the input data of network is data
about behavior and its variations.
This study uses simplified models of metasubject educational results. This approach is
productive in terms of solving forecasting automation problems. Traditionally, the behavior is
defined as a set of actions and their characteristics in a person, an animal, a system, or an
artificial object that manifests itself in relation to itself or an environment and is a response to
external stimuli. For purposes of this study, such an understanding of behavior needs
clarification and simplification.
This study focuses solely on the behavior as the part of learning process or evaluation of
KSA. The behavior quanta are actions characterized by certain parameters and arranged in a
certain sequence. In this case, the sequence of actions is no less important than their parameters,
since it is precisely consideration of the sequence of events, that is, the main distinguishing
feature of recurrent neural networks.
Since variation of behavior plays an important role in discretization of metasubject
educational results, the question of identity of behavior becomes extremely important: what
variations should be considered identical or similar ones.
Along with selection of variations in behavior, it seems appropriate to propose a working
concept of a behavior invariant. A behavior invariant is an abstract view of common features
that unite a certain set of variations. The approach in which specific metasubject result achieved
with this variation is recognized as an invariant of behavior variations grounded within the
framework of this study.
As an illustration of variation in behavior and its invariant, Table 2 shows several examples
of successful formulations of behavior invariants with their corresponding variations.
[email protected]
Arseniy Aleksandrovich Lebedev
Table 2. Examples of behavioral invariants (metasubject educational result) and their corresponding
1. Expressing doubts about reliability of fact.
2. Formulation of a hypothetical alternative version of
3. Search for information about a hypothetical version
of the fact on Internet.
4. Analysis of information found.
5. Repeat steps 2 and 3.
A critical analysis of fact
1. Expressing doubts about reliability of fact.
2. Search for alternative versions of the fact on
3. Analysis of information found.
1. Expressing doubts about the reliability of the fact.
2. Attracting knowledge already available to a student
to refute/confirm the fact.
1. Decomposition of an object or a process under
2. Assignment to parts of the legend selected during
Creating models of objects and processes 3. Drawing up a general scheme of an object or process
consisting of symbols of their parts.
under study by presenting information in a
character-symbol form
1. Creating a simplified representation of an object or a
process as a diagram.
2. Identify duplicate fragments in a scheme.
3. Entering of a legend for repeating fragments.
4. Creating the final version of model with the legend.
1. Retelling of the just heard point of view of
2. The requirement for interlocutor to confirm
correctness of interpretation of his point of view.
3. Expressing your own point of view.
4. Bringing evidence of loyalty to own point of view.
5. Taking illustrations confirming correctness of own
point of view as an example.
The argument of own point of view in
4. Highlighting differences from the point of view of
response to hearing of the point of view of
5. Conclusion.
1. Nomination of counterexamples that contradict the
point of view of interlocutor.
2. Formulation of their point of view based on
3. Highlighting differences from the point of view of
4. Conclusion.
[email protected]
Methods of Measurement, Evaluation and Prediction of Metasubject Educational Results
A rather difficult question for predictive model of metasubject educational results to be
built is the question of criteria for recognizing one or another variation of behavior as successful
The concept of success in learning activities is traditionally associated with subject
educational results and, in particular, with specific results obtained using various assessment
methods (testing, oral examination, control paper, etc.). This understanding of success is also
relevant for evaluation of metasubject educational results. However, in the present study it is
planned to add new criteria formulated under consideration of complex project activities
conducted by users on the GlobalLab platform to traditional success criteria (for example,
estimates from electronic diary). Here are some examples of such possible success criteria:
1. User action – placing project on the GlobalLab platform; possible success criteria:
approval of the project by the moderator, participation in the project of at least n
other users, appearance of draft messages from other users on the discussion board.
2. User action – posting a message on the project discussion board; possible success
criteria: receiving a reply to the message, achieving n-levels of inclusion of answers
below the user's message.
3. User action – placing the project idea, possible success criteria: creation of a project
by another user based on the idea, receiving a “like” by the idea from another user.
As mentioned above, a metasubject educational result is available for observing by the
researcher only in the form of certain variations of behavior. Behavioral variations, which are
a peculiar manifestation, the “surface structure” of a real cognitive process, occur in mind of a
learner and are not available for direct analysis. This situation is in many ways comparable to
the situation in linguistics, which deals exclusively with surface structures and is forced to build
rather complex hypothetical models reflecting deep structure of sentences. The analogy with
language behavior of a person can be continued in the following aspect. Like the surface
structure of an utterance, variation in behavior unfolds consistently over time and has a linear
and discrete character, while the cognitive process (like forming deep structure of utterance)
may have a non-linear and non-discrete nature. It should be particularly noted that analogy with
linguistic problems in this case indirectly indicates possible reasons for successful use of
recurrent networks for predicting educational results. Recurrent networks have been very
successfully applied in processing and synthesis of texts in natural languages.
An external observer who seeks to identify the presence or absence of a metasubject
educational result actually has the access to all aspects of student’s behavior, but in many cases
they are analyzed intuitively. This was reported by many teachers participating in the survey
on the GlobalLab platform. Only in some cases an observer can accurately describe, on the
basis of what signs in student's behavior he was able to conclude about absence/presence of a
metasubject educational result. This feature is the main reason for numerous difficulties in
formalization of procedures for measuring and evaluating metasubject educational results.
From this point of view, the SSR has two important multidirectional features:
• rich means of accurate recordation of almost all user actions therein;
• almost complete absence of any means of monitoring the cognitive process.
On one hand, these features expand possibilities of very accurate fixation of actions
performed by a user and components of behavior variation, and on the other hand, they impose
significant restrictions on completeness of manifestation of behavior variations in SSR.
[email protected]
Arseniy Aleksandrovich Lebedev
Manifestation of behavior variation at the level of SSR is composed of a large number of
uniform user actions, which are recorded in SSR as a set of its “physical” actions (scrolling,
mouse movements, etc.). Moreover, not all elements of behavior variations are expressed in
SSR. It can be assumed that manifestation of the level of SSR is as poorly represented by the
observed behavior variation as a behavior variation itself weakly represents the cognitive
process occurring in student's mind.
Thus, in SSR, deep signs of a cognitive process characterized by the presence or absence
of a metasubject educational result, pass through two filters that sort out some of these signs –
through the observed behavior variation (filter 1) and its manifestation in SSR (filter 2).
The fact that after the first filter there are signs sufficient to distinguish metasubject
educational result, is confirmed by fact that an experienced expert who carefully monitors a
student, can measure and evaluate this result (via recordation and questioning TAP, MAI,
MSLQ described above).
The high correlation of results of diagnostics when applying the Otter SSR of the
Veenmann group with diagnostics using TAP recordation method (0.96) confirms that the
second filter also misses a number of signs sufficient to detect a meta-subject educational result.
This prediction is also supported by the accuracy of forecasting in papers in which the subject
educational result is predicted solely on the basis of data on metasubject: Prediction accuracy
ranges from 69 to 83%.
Applied research described in this paper is carried out with financial support of the state
represented by the Russian Federation Ministry for Education and Science under the
Agreement #14.576.21.0091 of 26 September 2017 (unique identifier of applied research RFMEFI57617X0091).
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