Chemical Engineering Science, Vol. 51, No. 10, pp. 1569-1594, 1996
Copyright © 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd
Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved
0009-2509/96 $15.00 + 0.130
Computational Fluid Dynamics for Chemical Reactor Engineering
C.K. Harris, D. Roekaerts'% F.J.J.Rosendal,
F.G.J. Buitendijk, Ph. Daskopoulos, A.J.N. Vreenegoor and H. Wang
Koninklijke/ShelI-Laboratorium, Amsterdam
P.O. Box 38000, 1030 BN, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
~"~Also at Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Applied Physics,
2628 CJ Delft, The Netherlands
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) involves the numerical solution of conservation
equations for mass, momentum and energy in a flow geometry of interest, together with
additional sets of equations reflecting the problem at hand. In this paper the current
capabilities of CFD for chemical reactor engineering are illustrated by considering a series of
examples from industrial practice. These examples form the basis for the identification of
future trends and potential stumbling blocks.
Recent progress in the predictions of flow in baffled stirred tank reactors is reviewed.
Improved turbulence modelling and high-performance computing have a particularly important
part to play in the future applications of CFD to this type of reactor. In the next example, which
concerns non-Newtonian, non-isothermal flow in an extruder, CFD turns out to be helpful in
understanding the r61e of temperature profiles and residence time distribution in determining
the product quality. In this application area limitations in available computing power and
experimental validation of rheological models are both important. CFD simulations of gaseous
turbulent flow with competing parallel and consecutive reactions constitute the third example.
Apart from the need for accurate kinetic rates, the main problem in this case is the optimal
choice of closure of chemical source terms in the mean transport equations for species mass
fractions. Several models have been implemented in a commercial'CFD code and validated
with plant data, thus allowing CFD model calculations to contribute to an improved reactor
design. Finally, a discussion of future needs and expectations of the chemical processing
industry with respect to CFD modelling, mainly focussing on multiphase flow, is given.
1. General Introduction
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a discipline that encompasses the numerical solution
of the equations of motion (mass, momentum and energy) in a flow geometry of interest,
together with subsidiary sets of equations reflecting the problem at hand. Three examples of
such subsidiary equations are (1) equations for turbulence quantities in the context of the
Reynolds-averaged formulation of the equations of fluid motion, (2) equations describing
chemical species present in the flow and (3) equations describing the dynamics of solid
particles, liquid droplets and gas bubbles dispersed in the flow. All these types of equations
may well need to be considered in a reactor engineering problem. Further complicating factors
could be that the flow occurs in a complex geometry, the fluid has non-Newtonian properties,
and/or the chemical kinetics (homogeneous and heterogeneous) contains many steps. All
these factors cannot always be taken into account in an appropriate way in a CFD calculation,
which means that there is no universal answer to the question of what the rSle of
Computational Fluid Dynamics should be in the development of new chemical reaction
processes or the optimisation of existing ones.
It is important to note that the term 'subsidiary' is used here to describe the transport, diffusion
and reaction of chemical species only from a fluid flow perspective and is not, of course,
intended to imply that they are of minor importance. In fact, they are of paramount importance,
C.K. HARRIS et al.
as the purpose of chemical reactors in industry is the transformation of feedstocks into useful
products. Indeed, from the point of view of a reaction engineering specialist it is the flow that is
'subsidiary' and, until relatively recently, it was always treated using a combination of highly
idealised models. Although, in many cases, optimising the flow may only result in an increase
in selectivity of one or two percent, the low margins in the industry mean that this can
represent a staggering increase in profitability. The realisation of this has already motivated
the application of detailed flow models to specific processes involving chemical reactions,
while the continuing development of CFD technology, which has proceeded hand-in-hand with
a corresponding development in computational capacity, has meant that CFD calculations are
now increasingly being seen as an integral part of optimisation or development plans for a
much wider range of chemical processes. These calculations help to identify the possible
causes of problems occurring in existing systems and provide useful insights to be used in
design of experiments. Furthermore, once they are accepted as a reasonably accurate
description of the processes in a reactor they can be used for scale up.
Here no attempt will be made to cover the past and projected achievements of CFD in all
areas of chemical reactor engineering to which it has been applied or could be applied. We
shall rather attempt to illustrate what the current capabilities of CFD modelling are by
considering a series of examples from industrial practice. The examples will form the basis for
the identification of future trends and potential stumbling blocks in the increasingly wide
application of the CFD modelling approach, and its gradual emergence as a technology in its
own right.
In Section 2, we consider the application of CFD to baffled stirred tank reactors, and focus
specifically on advances in treating the flow domain in these systems, which differs from
virtually every other reactor type in that its shape changes with time. Simulations carried out
using a variety of methods are presented, and compared with work carried out in the literature.
Although an enormous amount of progress has been made in the past decade, simulation
predictions for mean velocities and turbulence quantities are still not entirely satisfactory, even
for single-phase non-reacting flows. Improved turbulence modelling and high-performance
computing have a particularly important part to play in the future application of CFD to this type
of reactor.
Non-Newtonian, non-isothermal flow in an extruder forms the topic of Section 3. The main
feature of this flow is the fact that the viscosity of the fluid, which is a novel type of polymer,
exhibits a combined shear-rate and temperature dependence, as well as the fact that it is
flowing through a complex geometry. In this application CFD modelling can help to optimise
the process by improving the residence time distribution of the fluid so as to avoid hot spots
which cause degradation of the polymer. The limits of current computing capability are again
easily reached with this type of application, while another issue, particularly for fluids that are
rheologically more complex than the one considered here, is experimental validation of the
rheological models used. CFD simulations can provide the link between the rheological
modelling and experimental results, thus enabling tuning of the models.
The final example, described in Section 4, concerns gaseous turbulent flow in a reactor with
competing parallel and consecutive reactions. Here the main physical problem to be
considered is the influence of turbulent transport on the progress of the reactions. Various
models for treating the turbulence-chemistry interaction are described, and their
implementation into a commercially available flow solver is outlined. Again, currently available
computer resources limit the application of the most sophisticated of these models to two
dimensions. Comparison of the simulation predictions with experiments indicated that the
widely used Eddy Breakup model yielded the worst predictions for the selectivities of the five
product components considered.
Computational fluid dynamics for chemical reactor engineering
The present article is concluded, in Section 5, with a discussion of future needs and
expectations of the chemical processing industry with respect to CFD modelling. These will
mainly concern two-phase flow, as it is in this area that scale-up problems are most acute and
general predictive tools are lacking. Space limitations preclude a detailed exposition, but the
way we believe the development of CFD modelling should proceed in this fascinating and
relatively uncharted area, and the pitfalls of some of the approaches that are currently
appearing in the literature, will be outlined.
2. Computational Fluid Dynamics for Stirred Tank Reactors: New Methods and Old
2.1 Introduction
The application of Computational Fluid Dynamics to stirred tank reactors dates back to the
late 1970's, but it is in the last few years that this particular reactor type has become a
showcase for the development of CFD simulation technology. (3FD simulations of flow in
baffled stirred tank reactors (BSTRs) are desirable because they can provide a useful
supplement to the poorly established scale-up criteria that are traditionally used to design such
reactors, in conjunction with the results of laboratory or pilot -scale tests. These criteria, as
well as being of doubtful validity or even contradictory in some cases, involve global quantities
such as power per unit mass, impeller Reynolds number and impeller tip speed, while local
levels of the flow variables, particularly turbulence quantities which can vary by two or three
orders of magnitude within the flow domain, may well have a crucial impact on reactor
performance. The route from (3FD simulations of (single-phase) turbulent flow in BSTRs to the
ultimate goal of predicting reactor performance usually requires phenomenological modelling
approaches, backed up by extensive experimental validation, as a bridging step, though some
multiphase (3FD simulations in BSTRs have been carried out recently.
2.2. Brief History of the Development of (3FD Technology as a Tool for Modellinq Turbulent
Flow in BSTRs
From the point of view of numerical simulation, a particular challenge presented by a baffled
stirred tank is the fact that the shape of the flow domain (bounded by the liquid surface, the
tank walls and baffles, and the impeller and its shaft) changes with time. This distinguishes it
from most other reactor types in use in the chemical process industry. The first (3FD
simulations of turbulent flow in BSTR's were two-dimensional, with the effect of the moving
impeller blades and stationary baffles being smeared out in the tangential direction and
represented as momentum sources and sinks, respectively, in the azimuthally averaged
equation for the tangential mean velocity component. Appropriate momentum sources,
depending on the type of impeller, were also included in the azimuthally averaged equations
for the radial and axial components of mean velocity. Good examples of such simulations can
be found in Refs. 1 & 2. The overall flow patterns obtained in these simulations were in
encouragingly good agreement with experiment, and encouraged the further development of
BSTR modelling using (3FD. Prior to the advent of (3FD modelling of BSTRs, the need for a
more detailed description of the hydrodynamics than that implicit in the idealised (3STR model
had long been realised in the industry. These included the network-of-zones model [3], based
on experimentally observed flow patterns, while those without access to state-of-the art
computing technology were attempting to work with grossly oversimplified versions of the
hydrodynamic equations [4,5].
To the authors' knowledge, the first three-dimensional simulation of a BSTR to be reported in
the open literature was the one by Middleton et a~ [6]. Prior to publishing their paper these
authors, from 1(31and Imperial College, had already spent six years developing their code,
which was specifically developed for BSTR modelling rather than for general-purpose
C.K. HARRIS et al.
applications. In addition to performing flow simulations, Middleton et al simulated a
consecutive-competitive reaction sequence, with Iocalised injection of one of the components,
so that the final outcome was dependent on the mixing produced by the flow circulation in the
vessel• The simulations were able to provide a reasonably accurate prediction of the final
yield, as a function of impeller speed, for a 30 L vessel and to demonstrate the failure of
conventional scale-up criteria in extrapolating to a geometrically similar vessel with a capacity
of 900 L. The reaction speed of the faster of the two reactions was, however, slow enough
that only the large-scale features of the flow pattern could influence the progress of the
The three-dimensional character of the simulation reported by Middleton et al did not extend to
modelling the change in shape of the flow domain and, although the baffles were resolved, the
effect of the impeller was smeared out in the azimuthal direction• It was to be several years
more before CFD simulations of BSTRs were carried out that resolved both the baffles and
the motion of the impeller blades. The intervening period saw the publication of increasingly
large-scale simulations using 'impeller boundary conditions', in which the region swept out by
the impeller is treated as a black box whose surfaces either contain inlets and outlets for the
flow generated by the impeller, or which contains momentum sources distributed within it.
Although some progress can be made by applying aerodynamic theory to the motion of an
individual impeller blade [2], setting impeller boundary conditions normally requires
experimental input, which is usually azimuthally averaged, and the resulting simulations smear
out the effect of vortex shedding by the impeller blades and the subsequent interactions of the
vortices with the baffles• Experiments have shown the latter effects to be quite striking [7].
These considerations motivated the development of alternative methods of treating the
impeller which will be discussed at the end of the present section•
3D CFD simulations that have been carried out for BSTRs using impeller boundary conditions
since the pioneering work of Middleton et al have involved both disc turbines [8-10] and
downflow axial impellers [11,12] and have used in-house [8,11] as well as commercial
[9,10,12] codes. Many of the simulations were carried out using 'standard' impeller and tank
geometries. The work of Gosman et al [13] on Eulerian-Eulerian two-phase turbulent flow
modelling in stirred vessels represents an important step forward, although the solids loading
they considered was so low that there was negligible back-coupling to the fluid and the lack of
coalescence and break-up mechanisms in their gas-liquid simulation work proved a serious
shortcoming on attempting to compare the simulation work with experimental data.
Returning to single-phase flow simulations, the comparison between 3D simulation predictions
and experimental results for BSTRs reported in the literature exhibits generally good
agreement for mean radial and axial components of mean velocity, while the tangential
component is less well predicted, with the simulations often predicting spurious flow reversal
near the tank floor and liquid surface. It is this aspect of the simulation predictions that is most
sensitive to the choice of turbulence model, with anisotropic turbulence models yielding
superior results• The only attempts to take the flow-induced deformation of the liquid surface
into account have been for laminar flow - see for example Ref 9. Although some of the work
reported in the literature yielded good results for the prediction of turbulence quantities in the
impeller stream, elsewhere in the vessel predictions of turbulence quantities are generally poor
• This is an area of major concern, as a knowledge of turbulence quantities, especially the
turbulent dissipation ~, is needed in order to attempt to quantify processes on which the
operation of commercial BSTRs operating in the turbulent flow regime depend, namely, the
degree of micromixing, bubble break-up and turbulent diffusion. Reliable predictions of ~, in
particular, would be particularly valuable as experimental values are always inferred rather
than measured, since direct measurement would involve the simulataneous determination of
nine independent velocity gradients at each measuring point (see, Eg., Ref. 14). Recent
attempts at simulating consecutive-competitive reaction sequences, where turbulent
Computational fluid dynamics for chemical reactor engineering
micromixing limits the conversion rate of the fastest of the reactions, are reported in Refs. 15 &
16. After fitting coefficients in the turbulent micromixing models used to the data, moderate
agreement with experimental work was obtained.
The disadvantages of setting effective, steady, impeller boundary conditions, namely the
neglect of transient coherent structures such as eddies shed by the trailing edges of the
impeller blades as they move through the fluid, and the need for experimental input have
already been mentioned. Compilations of the latter exist for standard impeller types, but a
substantial experimental effort would be involved in providing impeller boundary conditions for,
say, testing a series of novel impeller designs. An elegant way around this problem that does
not involve any additional computational effort is to carry out CFD simulations in a frame that is
rotating with the impeller, so that the latter can be explicitly modelled, while incorporating a
momentum source model for the baffles in the rotating frame. This approach was applied by
Hutchings etal. [17] for a BSTR and by Dong e t a l [ 1 8 ] for an unbaffled tank, in which case
the boundary condition at the tank wall is simply set by imposing a tangential wall velocity in
the rotating frame. For a BSTR, it is a natural step to azimuthally average the flow solution,
and use the resulting values on the surface of the impeller swept volume to generate synthetic
impeller boundary conditions, which can then be used as input for a conventional simulation in
a frame of reference fixed with respect to the tank wall.
The inner-outer method takes the approach just outlined one step further, by defining a
fictitious cylindrical boundary with a radius intermediate between that of impeller blade tips and
the baffle edges furthest away from the wall, azimuthally averaging the flow solution over this
surface, and using the resulting values as an outer boundary condition for a second simulation
in the rotating frame. Repeating this iteration process a number of times will result (hopefully)
in a converged steady-state flow solution. This technique was applied successfully by Brucato
et al [19]: the inner and outer boundaries used are depicted schematically in Figure 2.1a.
Alternatively a single, common boundary could be used for both the inner (rotating reference
frame) and outer (fixed reference frame) simulations, as illustrated in Figure 2.1b. A largescale flow simulation of this type, using a parallel version of STAR-CD, was reported very
Common boundary
recently by Jones [20].
for inner/outer method
or sliding mesh simulations
Outer boundary
for inner zone
Inner boundary
for outer zone
/~ simulation
. . . . .
IL . . . . .
Figure 2. l a&b. Alternative subdivisions of flow domain into zones for the inner-outer method.
Finally, in the sliding mesh method, one again has the arrangement of meshes depicted in
Figure 2.1b, but the simulation is carried out in time-dependent fashion with the relative motion
of the meshes and consequences for data transfer across their common boundary taken into
account. There are a number of specialised techniques available for doing this. Luo et al [21]
report a simulation of this type, though one can infer from their article that the flow is laminar
rather than turbulent.
C.K. HARRISet al.
In the following section we report in-house simulations using three different commercial c o d e s
and all three methods of treating the flow domain. The simulation results are compared with
the experimental data of Ranade & Joshi for a Rushton turbine [22] and a pitched-blade
impeller [23]. We consider this data the most comprehensive available in the open literature.
2.3. Review of In-House Simulation Work
2.3.1 Simulations Using Impeller Boundary Conditions
These simulations were carried out using FLUENT for the tank fitted with a Rushton turbine
and CFDS-FLOW3D for the tank fitted with a pitched-blade impeller. The data reported by
Ranade & Joshi in Refs. 22 & 23 was used to set the impeller boundary conditions. Both cases
involved standard geometries, with the height of the liquid zone being equal to the tank
diameter, and the tip-to-tip diameter of the impeller and baffle width being one third and one
tenth, respectively, of the tank diameter. The tanks were fitted with four baffles, equally spaced
around the tank wall, and the impellers were of a standard type. The Rushton turbine was
located in the centre of the liquid zone, while the pitched-blade impeller was placed one third
of the way from the tank floor to the liquid surface, along the axis of the vessel.
Turning first to the simulations of the tank fitted with the Rushton turbine, the liquid surface
was modelled as a no-slip boundary in order to be able to consider the impeller centre plane
as a symmetry plane. This would be appropriate for a tank that was completely filled with liquid
and operated with a lid: it is not entirely clear whether this was the case in the experiments
performed by Ranade & Joshi. In any case, provided that one limits comparisons with
experiments to the bottom two-thirds of the tank, the effect of the boundary condition at the
liquid surface will be fairly minor. By utilising the symmetry plane just mentioned, together with
the four-fold rotational symmetry exhibited by the flow domain with azimuthally-averaged
impeller boundary conditions, it is in principle sufficient to discretise one-eighth of the domain
in order to perform flow simulations. Because of difficulties in implementing 90-degree
periodicity in FLUENT, however, a 180-degree sector of the lower half of the tank was
simulated. The grid size used was 20 × 20 x 23 in the axial x radial x tangential directions,
amounting to a 40 x 20 x 46 grid for the entire tank. These dimensions compare with an
effective grid size for the entire flow domain of 60 × 15 x 32 as used by Ranade & Joshi in Ref.
8. Simulations were carried out using the standard k-~ turbulence model, an RNG version
implemented in FLUENT, and the standard differential Reynolds stress model. Figure 2.2a
shows radial profiles of mean axial velocity (measured vertically downwards) in a mid-baffle
plane at various distances (0.933, 0.833, 0.667 and 0.5 in units of tank radii) below the
impeller centre plane, while Figure 2.2b depicts corresponding flow profiles for the turbulent
kinetic energy nearer to the tank centre (0.2, 0.333 and 0.5 radii below the impeller centre
plane). The k-£ and RNG turbulence models yield good agreement with the experimental data
for mean axial velocity, except very close to the tank floor, where they underpredict it. The
Reynolds stress model, on the other hand, severely underpredicts the mean axial velocity
throughout the bottom quarter of the tank. The standard k-~ model overpredicts the turbulent
kinetic energy in the wall jet below the impeller, with the RNG and Reynolds stress models
yielding better results. However, the Reynolds stress model underpredicts k in the bottom
quarter of the tank (not shown, though this trend is already seen for the bottom curve in Figure
2.2b). Figure 2.3 shows radial profiles of tangential velocity a little way below the impeller and
near the tank floor. In contrast to the experimental data, the k-~ and RNG turbulence models
predict a fluid rotation in the opposite sense to the impeller rotation throughout much of the
flow domain. This deficiency of the simulations is largely corrected by using the Reynolds
stress model, but quantitative agreement with the experimental results is generally poor.
Computational fluid dynamics for chemical reactor engineering
IZlR=0'2 I
0 0 0 0 0 0
o o
Figure 2.2.
Radial profiles of (a) mean axial velocity and (b) turbulent kinetic energy in a
baffled stirred vessel fitted with a disc turbine. Grey solid line, black stippled
line and grey stippled line: in-house simulations performed using the
standard k-~, RNG k-~ and Reynolds stress turbulence models, respectively.
(a) Bullets: Measurements Ref. 22, Solid line: k-~ simulations Ref. 8 - viceversa in (b). Dashed line in (a) and open circles in (b) are k-~ simulations
from Ref. 8 performed with the vessel wall treated as a free surface.
I z,R=
- ..........................
~"-°"I I
i z/R=0.933
~ m . ' , ~ ~-
Figure 2.3.
0,Z 0'~
0",~ 0.6
Profiles of mean tangential velocity in a baffled stirred vessel fitted with a
disc turbine. Notation is as in Figure 2.2a.
C.K. HARRISet al.
In order to test the effect of grid refinement, especially on the predictions of turbulence
quantities, additional simulations were carried out, using the standard k-£ turbulence model, on
a 38 x 38 x 44 grid (corresponding to a 76 x 38 x 88 discretisation of the entire flow domain).
Some of the results for mean velocities and turbulence quantities are compared with coarsegrid simulation results in Figures 2.8 and 2.9. The main conclusions to be drawn from these
results is that, while predictions of mean velocity profiles exhibit little change, overprediction of
k in the wall jet worsens on refining the grid. Nearer to the tank axis, and especially in the
bottom quarter of the tank (not shown), the refined grid yields improved predictions of k. Some
simulations were also carried out with the liquid surface modelled as a free surface instead of
a no-slip boundary. These confirmed, as expected, that the different boundary condition had
little effect on the predictions of mean velocities and turbulence quantities in the bottom half of
the tank.
The simulations of the tank fitted with a pitched-blade impeller were carried out on a 90-degree
sector using CFDS-FLOW3D. The standard k-~ and differential Reynolds stress models were
used. The grid size used was 60 x 58 x 16, which amounts to 60 x 58 x 64 for the full tank.
Ranade and Joshi used a grid size corresponding to the entire flow domain of 45 x 30 x 16
[11]. Figure 2.4a shows radial profiles of mean radial velocity in the mid-baffle plane at a
sequence of increasing distances measured downwards from the impeller centre plane. The
top profile in Figure 2.4a is located just above the impeller swept volume, while the remaining
three are at increasing distances below it. Figure 2.4b shows corresponding profiles for
turbulent kinetic energy. Except, curiously, for the profile that is the smallest distance
downstream of the bottom face of the impeller, where impeller boundary conditions were set,
the simulation predictions for the mean radial velocities are in good agreement with the
experimental data. The two turbulence models yield very similar predictions in this region of the
tank. The striking feature of Figure 2.4b is the remarkable underprediction, by an order of
magnitude, of the turbulent kinetic energy in the impeller stream. This is not reflected in
Ranade and Joshi's simulation results, obtained using their own code, and merits further
investigation. The predicted mean tangential velocity is, unlike the case of the tank fitted with
the disc turbine, in fair to good agreement with experiment below the impeller, with the two
turbulence models yielding very similar results. This situation changes drastically on
approaching the liquid surface. Figures 2.5a and 2.5b compare horizontal sections just below
the liquid surface through the velocity field predicted by the k-£ and Reynolds stress models
respectively. The k-~ model predicts that most of the fluid is swirling in the opposite direction to
the impeller, while the Reynolds stress model predicts a seemingly more realistic flow pattern.
Unfortunately Ranade & Joshi did not report any measurements in the upper part of the tank.
2.3.2 Simulations Performed using the Inner-Outer Method
For the tank fitted with the Rushton turbine, these simulations were carried out using the code
STAR-CD, as part of an evaluation of the code, and used the standard k-£ model. A common
inner/outer boundary was used, which was located midway between the tips of the impeller
blades and the inner edges of the baffles. Although, in principle, symmetry would allow one
eighth of the outer zone to be simulated and one twelfth of the inner zone, for ease of
programming the simulations were in fact carried out using a quarter of each zone,
corresponding to the lower combined symmetry of the inner and outer zone. The grid size
covering the entire flow domain was 66 x 31 x 50. The sensitivity of the results to a local
refinement of the impeller region was also tested (STAR-CD allows embedded meshing).
Figure 2.6a compares simulation results for mean axial velocity at the same locations as
Figure 2.2a and should be compared with the latter. Axial velocities are underpredicted,
suggesting the smearing out of the wall jet by numerical diffusion. The turbulence in the wall jet
is grossly underpredicted, which tends to corroborate this view, and Figure 2.6b shows that
serious underprediction of the level of turbulence even extends to the impeller stream (these
Computational fluid dynamics for chemical reactor engineering
i z / R = 0.356
. .* . . ~. . o
3 o
,, !
r / R
r / R
Figure 2.4.
Radial profiles of (a) mean radial velocity and (b) turbulent kinetic energy for a baffled
stirred vessel fitted with a pitched blade impeller. Grey lines: in-house simulations
performed with the standard k-E model using impeller boundary conditions (solid line) and
the inner-outer method (stippled line). Stippled black line: in-house simulations performed
using the differential Reynolds stress model (impeller boundary conditions). Solid lines: (a)
k-~ simulation predictions from Ref. 11 and (b) experimental measurements reported in Ref.
23. Symbols: (a) experimental data reported in Ref. 23 and (b) simulation predictions from
Ref. 11 (bullets: k-~ simulation predictions with wall functions, and open circles: k-E
simulation predictions with tank wall considered as a free surface).
Figure 2.5
Horizontal cross-section through simulated flow field in baffled stirred vessel
fitted with pitched blade impeller, 1 mm below liquid surface. (a) k-~
turbulence model, (b) differential Reynolds stress turbulence model.
C. K. HARRIS et al.
i I
<-- (a)
Figure 2.6.
Radial profiles of (a) axial velocity and (b)
turbulent kinetic energy in a baffled stirred
vessel fitted with a disc turbine. The
profiles shown in (b) are located in the
impeller centre plane. Stippled grey line:
Present simulation results using the innerouter method (k-~). Bullets (a)
measurements reported in Ref. 22 and (b)
k-E simulation predictions reported in Ref.
8. Solid line and dash-dotted line:
measurements reported in Ref. 22. Dashed
line and open circles represent k-~
simulations carried out in Ref. 8 with the
tank wall treated as a free surface.
Axial Velocity
Radial Velocity
Tangential Velocity
Turb. Kinetic Energy
Turb. Dissipation/100
. . . - ......
...... ........
Axial Velocity ~
~ ......Y
Radial Velocity . . . . .
Tangential Velocity ......
.......... "
Turb. Kinetic Energy ...........
Turb. Dissipation/100 ........
. . . . .
[] [] [] []..G...~..~.-m--6"'
• .~,.o.-- ~:~.::.:.:.:.:.:L .iLL .......................................
.~ Z . . 6 . L I - L ~ - ~ . . * - . A _ . , ~ - . ~ . ~ _ I L ~ - . ~ . ~ _ & - ~ g
Figure 2.7.
0.03 0.035
(a) Surface of inner mesh used in inner-outer simulations of a baffled stirred
vessel fitted with a pitched blade impeller. (b) Comparison of impeller
boundary conditions on the bottom face of the impeller swept volume (lines)
with corresponding values recovered after iterating between the meshes.
Computational fluid dynamics for chemical reactor engineering
results can
2.9 below).
depicted in
be compared with the ones obtained using impeller boundary conditions in Figure
Again, the direction of swirl of the fluid below the impeller is wrongly predicted: the
obtained using the present method are broadly similar to the k-~ simulation results
Figure 2.3.
CFDS-FLOW3D was used to perform simulations of the tank fitted with the pitched-blade
turbine. Overlapping inner and outer zones were employed in the simulations, as depicted in
Figure 2.1a. The standard k-~ model was used. An impression of the impeller geometry, as
modelled in the CFDS-FLOW3D code, can be obtained by inspecting Figure 2.7a, which
shows surface meshes on the impeller blades, hub and shaft and on the outer boundary of the
inner zone. These simulations were limited to a test of the inner/outer method in which a
converged flow solution obtained using impeller boundary conditions was used to set the
boundary conditions for the inner zone simulation, and the resulting flow field was azimuthally
averaged over the surface of the impeller swept volume. The flow variables on the bottom face
of the impeller swept volume were then compared with the impeller boundary conditions
applied in the original simulation. The results of this comparison are shown in Figure 2.7b.
While the mean velocity profiles are recovered with a moderate degree of accuracy, the profile
of turbulent kinetic energy is underpredicted by a factor of two (though it has the correct
shape) and the turbulent dissipation is grossly underpredicted, being a factor of about 30 too
small. It is interesting to note that the inner zone simulation yields values of k in much closer
agreement with experiment below the impeller than the simulation using impeller boundary
conditions (see Figure 2.4b).
2.3.3 Simulations Performed using the Sliding Mesh Method
The recently released FLUENT sliding mesh module was used to perform simulations, using
the k-~. model, of the tank fitted with the Rushton turbine. Figures 2.8a and 2.8b, respectively,
compare simulation results with experimental data for radial profiles of mean axial velocity and
turbulent kinetic energy below the impeller. The locations of the profiles are as in Figures 2.2.
The profiles of mean axial velocity predicted using the sliding mesh method are similar to those
obtained using impeller boundary conditions, while the turbulent kinetic energy profiles exhibit
severe underprediction. This underprediction is, however, not as drastic as that obtained using
the inner-outer method (not shown). Figure 2.9 shows that the severity of the underprediction
of k in the impeller stream is comparable to that obtained using the inner-outer method (cf.
Figure 2.6b). The simulation predictions obtained using impeller boundary conditions and the
standard k-£ model on coarse and fine grids are also shown in Figure 2.9 for comparison.
Finally, the prediction of mean tangential velocities exhibits the same deficiencies as for the k-£
model implemented using impeller boundary conditions.
The fact that the CFD simulations of flow patterns in BSTRs reviewed in the preceding section
were carried out using off-the-shelf commercial codes is of particular relevance to industry,
since most industries involved in CFD modelling have chosen to purchase such codes rather
than develop in-house software. A serious disadvantage of these codes is that the details of
the algorithms used to obtain a flow solution are often only partly available to the user. Thus,
on considering the simulation results obtained with impeller boundary conditions, it is difficult to
determine whether a difference in the quality of the prediction of turbulent kinetic energy in the
impeller stream obtained using different codes (compare Figures 2.2b and 2.4b) is due to a
different way of treating the inlet boundary condition.
For the simulations performed using the inner-outer and sliding grid methods, it is probably
safe to conclude that insufficient spatial resolution, especially near the impeller, is responsible
for the low levels of turbulence observed in all cases. A striking feature of the study reported
in the previous section was the excessive computational run time involved - as long as 20-50
C.K. HARRIS et al.
Z~ ~
0 0 00 0 0 0
~_ lO
-.&,~._...J . . . . . . . ,.&__
@# # ~ . ,
, ........ L
Figure 2.8.
Radial profiles of (a) mean axial velocity and (b) turbulent kinetic energy in a
baffled stirred vessel fitted with a disc turbine. Thick grey and black solid
lines: in-house simulations performed using the standard k-~ model and
impeller boundary conditions on a coarse and fine grid respectively. Grey
stippled line: present simulation results carried out using the sliding mesh
method on a coarse grid (k-~). Remaining lines and symbols pertain to
measurements and simulations carried out in Refs. 8 & 22 and are as in
Figure 2.2.
e / R ~ C,.O~
~ ~.0,L
Figure 2.9.
Radial profiles of turbulent kinetic energy in the impeller centre plane for a
baffled stirred vessel fitted with a disc turbine. Symbols as in Figure 2.8b,
with the dash-dotted line corresponding to the thin solid line in the latter.
Computational fluid dynamics for chemical reactor engineering
CPU hours, on an RS6000 580 workstation, for the FLUENT sliding mesh simulation, with the
inner-outer method requiring a factor of four less computing time. Parallel versions of all the
most commonly used commercial codes have recently or shortly will become available and the
next year or two will see these being applied to perform impeller-resolved BSTR simulations on
ever larger grids. The work of Jones et al [20], which involved an effective grid size for the
entire fluid zone of almost two million cells, provides a good foretaste of future trends in this
area. Another very recent development is the application of Large Eddy Simulation using the
lattice Boltzmann method to this flow [24]. Very fine meshes of up to 14 million cells have been
used and the passage of the impeller blades has been modelled by applying appropriate timedependent constraints on the fluid velocities within the impeller swept volume. Good results for
flow quantities, including turbulent intensities, have been obtained.
The traditional method of using impeller boundary conditions will still be used for routine
applications, especially if these are extended to include multiphase, reacting flows, for some
time to come. Here the emphasis will be on turbulence modelling, especially on the
development of an appropriate multiphase flow model that is able to take account of relevant
features of the phase dynamics in a physically sensible way. Even for single-phase
hydrodynamics, certain features of the flow patterns are wrongly predicted that can be
attributed to deficiencies in the turbulence model used. For example, poor predictions of the
magnitude and even the sign of the mean tangential velocity are a recurring feature of the
simulation results reported in the previous section. It is for the reasons mentioned in this
paragraph and the previous one, in conjunction with the central importance of the BSTR within
the chemical process industry, that the stirred tank reactor will remain an exacting benchmark
carried along at the forefront of CFD simulation technology.
3. Numerical Simulation of Polymer Flow through an 8-to-O section
The design of commercial scale extruders is often based on experiences built up in the past.
Although these experiences are very important, they are difficult to use in, for example, the
scaling up of existing extruders to larger machines. Experiences are also often related to a
certain polymer which makes it difficult to use them for the design of a set-up for a new, totally
different product. To obtain more insight in the physical phenomena occurring in an extruder
detailed measurements might be very useful. However, the results of the measurements can
not always fully explain the observed phenomena. In that case, numerical simulations can give
additional information. The present example concerns a measurement programme carried out
on a commercial scale double screw extruder. Although a lot of information was obtained from
the measurement results, some questions remained. Numerical flow simulations on this
complex geometry could be performed at KSLA because of the availability of an SP2-machine
which contains 30 RS6000/390 nodes. The calculations were carried out on one "fat" node
with an internal memory of 1024 Mbytes and a swap space of 1500 Mbytes. These extensive
numerical simulations resulted in plausible explanations for the observed phenomena, thus
proving again the strong combination of experiments together with numerical simulations.
The experiments performed consisted of measurements of temperatures on a commercial
scale double screw extruder to study the distribution of the polymer melt temperature over the
die plate. In order to obtain the temperature data the die plate has been fitted with 24
thermocouples distributed evenly over the die plate area. The results of these measurements
are depicted in Figure 3.1. The polymer melt temperature distribution has been determined by
interpolating and extrapolating the 24 measured values. Figure 3.1a shows the temperature of
the polymer melt at the start of the extrusion where a nearly homogeneous temperature can be
seen of about 245 °C with a variation of only a few degrees Celsius. Figure 3.1b shows the
temperature distribution near the end of the extrusion. The homogeneous temperature
C.K. HARRISet al.
distribution at the start has disappeared and two "hot spots" can be distinguished at 4 and 10
o' clock, with temperatures up to 265 °C, while the other areas measure 255 - 260 °C.
During the measurements degraded material flowed occasionally from specific die holes at 4
and 10 o'clock positions (seen from the downstream side of the die plate). It was unlikely that
the degradation of this material was caused by a temperature of only 5 % higher. In order to try
to identify the reason for the outflow of degraded material at the two "hot spots" the
measurements were supplemented with numerical simulations performed using the
commercial POLYFLOW code.
Setup of the CFD problem
The simulations involved non-isothermal flow of a generalised Newtonian fluid through the 8to-O section of a co-rotating twin screw extruder. The quantities computed were streamlines,
and temperature and residence time distributions. The 8-to-O section of a double screw
extruder is the location where the two screws end and the 8-shaped barrel gradually turns into
a cylinder. The cylindrical part guides the flow towards the die plate. The simulations have
been performed on a geometry which included some previously proposed modifications to the
original set-up. As a result, the geometry used for the numerical simulations differed slightly
from the geometry used during the experiments. This may affect the detailed comparison of
the present simulations with the experimental observations.
The computational mesh and flow domain are shown in Figure 3.2a. The mesh includes the
tips of two co-rotating screws. The present state-of-the-art software does not allow the user to
account for a rotating flight on both screws. The rotation of the tips induces the highest shear
rates on the rotating tip walls. The mesh has been refined towards the tip walls as a
In order to calculate the viscosity q(y ,T) a power law was used to describe the shear-thinning
behaviour of the polymer. The POLYFLOW code has been modified and extended to account
for the non-standard temperature behaviour of the polymer. The boundaries are displayed in
Figure 3.2a. The boundary where the polymer melt is in contact with the outer steel wall is
associated with zero slip and zero heat flux boundary conditions. Outflow conditions hold on
the exit of the cylindrical section where developed flow has been assumed as a consequence.
Developed flow is also assumed at inflow together with a homogeneous inlet temperature. The
screw speed was set at the same value as during the measurements. A zero heat flux has also
been assumed along the walls of the rotating tips.
Numerical aspects
The five equations of motion expressing the conservation of mass, momentum and energy
must be solved on the computational mesh for the appropriate material parameters and
boundary conditions. Viscous heating will be taken into account while inertia and gravity are
neglected. Starting from a trivial solution POLYFLOW will not converge as a result of the highly
non-linear nature of the problem. Therefore, a special numerical strategy must be followed, to
be defined by the user.
Boundary conditions and material parameters generate the following orders of magnitude for
the dimensionless numbers of interest: Re = O(10-4), Pe = O(104), Ga = O(106).
The order of magnitude for Reynolds number Re indicates that, as expected, viscous forces
dominate over inertia forces. The P6clet number Pe shows that convective heat fluxes
dominate the diffusive fluxes and the Galilei number Ga demonstrates that gravitational forces
may be neglected with respect to viscous forces. The high Peclet number emphasises the
convective (hyperbolic) nature of the energy equation, giving rise to non-physical oscillations in
the temperature field caused by numerical instabilities if this equation is not treated in a special
Computational fluid dynamics for chemical reactor engineering
Figure 3.1.
Temperature distribution of polymer melt at die plate (a) just after exhaustion
commences and (b) 408 seconds later.
flow domain
no slip q=0
,Z2- ,
nflow \,
'%.,~e.~.. -~
-,.:. :.
rotating screw tips
:~i ¸
• ,~ ~ i
Figure 3.2.
100 x heat conduction
Simulation results showing (a) Computation geometry, (b) Flow streamlines
of fluid subjected to maximum viscous heating (i.e. originating between the
screws), (c) Temperature distribution over flow domain boundary and (d)
Distribution of fluid whose residence time within the flow domain is greater
than 25 seconds.
Computational fluid dynamics for chemical reactor engineering
way. The following strategy has partially proven to be successful in achieving a well converged
solution free of numerical wiggles:
set the heat conduction coefficient k at 100 times its actual value (decrease Pe),
compute an isothermal solution by means of a double evolution scheme on a
gradually increasing flow rate and a gradually increasing screw speed,
with this solution, start a non-isothermal calculation with an evolution scheme that
gradually decreases k by a factor of 100 to its original value.
The results of the non-isothermal simulations associated with the evolution on the heat
conduction coefficient k showed that convergence worsened with decreasing k (increasing
Pe). At higher Pe number, the convective term in the energy equation starts to dominate, and
numerical oscillations appeared in the solution of the temperature field. In six steps k could be
reduced by a factor of 4.5 (a factor of 100 was required). In the corresponding converged
solution numerical oscillations were clearly present. The oscillations are generated on the
rotating screw tip walls at the location where the tips change from cylindrical into conical. Mesh
refinement around this location produced some improvement but could not eliminate the
problem. Note that the present mesh results in a job requiring 1300 Mbytes RAM, challenging
the limits of "fat node" the computer system used; the mesh cannot be refined much further.
Because of the numerical oscillations present in the solution after six evolution steps, we have
decided to present the results of the first non-isothermal solution, associated with a heat
conduction coefficient that is a factor 100 too high.
Results of Isothermal Simulations
The 3D flow simulation has been visualised with the Data Visualizer software. Although
stationary flow is considered, a clear insight into how the computed quantities vary as the flow
proceeds through the geometry is greatly assisted by animation techniques, involving various
rotations of the 3D domain and the release of massless particles to visualise streamlines. A set
of animations has been composed into a video-presentation of the flow. Some snapshots of
the animations are discussed below.
We recall that the present results are obtained with the appropriate material data, except for
the heat conduction coefficient k which is multiplied by a factor 100. Figure 3.2b shows some
streamlines. Observed from the downstream side both screws perform a clockwise rotation.
When massless particles are released at inflow from the centre of the location of maximum
viscous heating (between the screws) they eventually flow from both tips to arrive at a 2 and 8
o'clock position in the cylindrical section downstream. Figure 3.2c shows the temperature
distribution across the boundaries of the 8-to-O section. The temperature increase is small
(1 °C) as a result of the high heat conduction coefficient; decreasing k will generate higher
temperatures confined to smaller volumes. Nevertheless, it is clearly visible how hot material
on the screw tips is convected to the 2 and 8 o'clock positions mentioned above. An
inhomogeneous temperature distribution across the cylindrical portion of the geometry
downstream of the tips occurs as a result. Note that the present 8-to-O section has a different
cylinder diameter than the 8-to-O section of the experimental set-up. Evidently, this will affect
the convection of hot polymer from the screw tips to the die plate which can explain the
difference of an angle of 60 ° for the calculated and measured position of the two hot-spots. In
addition to the correct prediction of two "hot-spots" occurring at the die plate, numerical
calculation of the residence time showed another interesting result: The volume of fluid having
a residence time that exceeds 25 s is displayed in Figure 3.2d. The regions of high
temperature and high residence time obviously coincide which is unfavourable for a polymer.
These numerical results can be related to observations during the measurements where
degraded material occasionally flowed from die holes at 4 and 10 o'clock positions on the
downstream side of the die plate. Moreover, temperature measurements have shown hot spots
at these locations of the die plate.
C.K. HARRISet al.
Initially, the simulations were planned to calculate the convection of hot polymer from the
screw tips downstream to the cone and flow channel towards the die plate with the purpose to
investigate the location of hot spots in a cross-section where temperatures actually had been
measured in practice. The mesh was extended accordingly. A flow simulation could not be
performed, however, as a result of the excessive RAM requirements generated by this mesh
(note that the 840-0 section alone already requires 1300 Mbytes RAM). This simulation may
become feasible with the installation of the parallel beta-version of POLYFLOW on the SP2.
3D numerical simulations have given a clear insight into the flow of a polymer melt through the
8-to-O section of a co-rotating double screw extruder. The results predict an inhomogeneous
temperature distribution at the outflow that has also been measured in practice. The coinciding
regions of high temperature and high residence time could explain the occasional outflow of
degraded polymer at two specific positions. Only qualitative results have been obtained for the
temperature field as a result of the occurrence of numerical oscillations at low values for the
heat conduction coefficient. The nature of the oscillations is presently under investigation.
4. Turbulence-Chemistry Interaction in a Gas Phase System
4.1 Introduction
We consider a single phase system where reactants here called A and B are mixed in a
nozzle and subsequently react exothermally to form C and D. Apart from the main reaction
leading to the desired product there are other parallel and consecutive reactions leading to
unwanted byproducts E, F, G and H. The eight species participate in five reactions:
The molecules in this system are built from three different elements. The species have mass
fractions Y=(Y1 ..... Y8) and the source term for species o~(in kg m -3 s-1) is pSr~with p the
density. Both p and S depend on __Y,the temperature Tand the reference pressure. To one
species in the model correspond several species in reality, but one model species always
represents molecules with a unique element composition. The rates of the five reactions have
been determined in laboratory scale experiments and have been fitted with expressions which
take into account the nature of the underlying detailed kinetic mechanism. In previous work a
simpler version of the system was considered [25,26]. There continues to be considerable
incentive to improve the selectivity for this system and a sequence of activities has been
defined involving model calculations, cold flow tests and verification in a plant, leading to an
improved reactor design. The objective of the project is an improvement in the weight % of D in
the mixture of D, E, F, G and H by say 5 %.
Starting from the observation that the model for turbulence-chemistry interaction is an
important component of the CFD model for the reactor we have made a comparative study of
the performance of three turbulence-chemistry interaction models: the Mean Value (MV) model
in which mean reaction rates are expressed in terms of mean concentrations and mean
temperature, the extended Eddy Breakup (EBU+) model in which the MV reaction rate is
replaced by a turbulence driven reaction rate when chemical processes are faster than
turbulent mixing processes and the probability density function (PDF) model in which the exact
Computational fluid dynamics for chemical reactor engineering
definition of mean reaction rates in terms of the joint PDF of all independent thermochemical
variables is used and an approximation of the PDF is sought for.
In this work the shape of the joint PDF of the chemical variables is assumed, with the first and
second moments to be determined from modelled transport equations [27,28]. The more
general Monte Carlo solution technique in which the Lagrangian evolution of notional fluid
particles is computed to represent the PDF [25,26,29,30] has not been used here because
general purpose computer programs for the latter approach are not available yet for the case
of complex three dimensional geometries• The assumed shape PDF model we used is a
simplified one in which the fluctuations in composition and temperature due to turbulence are
represented by a joint PDF for two variables. The first variable is a conserved scalar which is a
measure of the local equivalence ratio of the mixture (the fraction of the mass coming from
one of the two inlet streams).The second variable is a reaction progress variable which is a
measure of the conversion reached locally in the reactor. Validation is done by comparing the
predicted yields with the measured yields for existing reactors.
4.2 Models for Turbulence-Chemistry Interaction
The transport equations for velocity, mass fractions and enthalpy are solved numerically. As
usual for turbulent flow at high Reynolds number, the quantities solved for are not the
instantaneous values, but rather the mean values, averaged over timescales much greater
than that pertaining to the most persistent turbulent fluctuations. Because an exact closed
system of equations for mean values does not exist, modelled equations have to be used.
Here we use the standard k-~ model for the closure of the turbulent velocity field. The transport
equation for the mean mass fraction of species ct is
As usual for variable density systems, density weighted averages are used in the modelling
[29]. The gradient diffusion assumption is used for the closure of the turbulent transport of
thermo-chemical variables. To close the mean chemical reaction rate three models have been
• Mean value (MV) closure consists in the assumption that the mean reaction rate is obtained
by substituting the mean mass fractions and the mean temperature in the kinetic expressions.
It is a good model in the limit that the reactions are slow compared to the turbulent mixing rate
and the fluctuations are small.
• The extended Eddy Break-up (EBU+) model is the same as the MV model except for the fact
that when any reaction rate tends to be very fast the kinetic expression is replaced by a
phenomenological rate proportional to the frequency associated with the large turbulent
eddies. For example when SD.1 is the kinetic rate for formation of D by the first reaction:
~ l),1 ]
- CF.SU W ~
where W~ is the molar mass of species o~.The eddy breakup conversion is proportional to the
turbulent mixing frequency, i.e. turbulent dissipation rate ~ divided by turbulent energy k, and
to the concentration of the limiting reactant. CESUis an empirical coefficient.
• Probability density function (PDF) closure uses the fact that the mean source terms can be
written exactly as
Here _~ and 74 are possible (instantaneous) values of the mass fractions and the temperature
and f is their joint probability density function, which is to be determined. Closing the equations
involves the use of an approximation for the PDF.
The main challenge in the assumed shape PDF method is to make reasonable assumptions
concerning the joint PDF. In the most general case all species and enthalpy would be
fluctuating independently and many moment equations would have to be solved. In practice
the fluctuations in these variables are correlated. First of all there are a set of rigid constraints
following from element conservation: because of conservation of elements in chemical
reactions the element mass fractions Zk, k=1,2,3, which are linear combinations of the mass
fractions satisfy a transport equation with vanishing chemical source term. In the presence of
only two inlet streams and assuming equal diffusivity for all species, a unique normalised
nonreacting scalar can be defined as:
Z k -Zk, 1
where the suffices 1 and 2 denote the values in the first and second inlets respectively. If we
assume that the syslem is adiabatic, the total specific enthalpy is a linear function of ~, and
hence also a conserved scalar. These observations reduce the number of independent
fluctuations from eight to five. However, this is still more complex than necessary. Because of
the correlations following from the structure of the reaction system (e.g. all reactions rates
respond similarly to a change in temperature) further simplification is possible. The simple
model we propose, following related literature on combustion problems [27], is that the
essential characteristics of the fluctuations in the space of independent scalar variables can be
captured by considering just two fluctuating variables, one linked to the mixing of the two inlet
streams (the conserved scalar ), and one related to the conversion (a progress variable ). The
reaction progress variable is zero before reaction starts and one in the final state. In general
several alternative definitions are possible. We choose:
y;;~tx (~, Yih,7,,.,,d,tct, )
Here YDmax is the maximal attainable mass fraction of D, given a certain value of the conserved
scalar and given certain mass fractions of the unwanted byproducts (E,F,G and H). In this two
variable approach, the PDF closure consists in the assumption that the mean source terms are
given by
Computational fluid dynamics for chemical reactor engineering
Here _Y~and -/4 are the instantaneous value of the mass fractions and the temperature
corresponding to a possible value ~t of the mixture fraction and a possible value r~of the
progress variable and .f~,ris the joint PDF of ~ and r.
To characterise the PDF in the usual way one would have to solve the equations for the
variance and covariance of ~ and r in addition to the equations for their mean values. Now
and rare assumed to be statistically independent so that their covariance is identically zero. In
fact, the main reason to introduce the scaled variable ris that ~ and rare more likely to be
independent than ~ and Yo.
To obtain instantaneous values of the mass fractions needed in the evaluation of the source
term some extra hypothesis is needed. Our hypothesis is that fluctuations in mass fractions of
the byproducts can be neglected, i.e. we assume that for species E,F,G and H t h e
instantaneous mass fractions are equal to the mean mass fractions. It then follows that
fluctuations in progress variable are strictly related to the conversion of the first reaction,
producing D. Because the fluctuations have to respect energy conservation, fluctuations in
progress variable are also directly connected to fluctuations in temperature. Attributing
fluctuations in progress of the reactions completely to the first reaction, is not the same as
assuming a mean value closure for all other reactions. There can be a change in all mean
reaction rates through the difference in predicted mean temperature.For given values of
conserved scalar and progress variable the mass fractions of the species occuring in the first
reaction A,B,C and D can be obtained using element conservation and solving a linear system
of equations.. We have Ygt=f I YDmax (~1.,y~ byproducts ), where YDmax is an important auxiliary
variable. Once ~/ is known, 74 can be obtained from the caloric equation of state.
Using element conservation and statistical independence of ~ and r it can be shown that it is
sufficient to solve for the mean mass fractions, the variance of a the conserved scalar and the
variance of the mass fraction of species D, to determine the mean and variance of ~ and r a n d
by assump~ion, the PDF.
4.3 Results
The commercial CFD code CFDS-FLOW3D, extended with user defined subroutines
incorporating the three proposed models, has been used to calculate the turbulent reacting
flow in a cylindrical jet stirred reactor similar to the one described in Refs. 25,26 for which plant
data were available at a base case operating condition and at conditions with increased
pressure and with increased throughput and changes in preheat temperature. In the
computations with the PDF-model a very simple assumed shape for the PDF, the double delta
PDF, was used both for mixture fraction and for progress variable. The results of the model
calculations have been compared to plant data and the following observations have been
The total selectivity to D is predicted better by the MV model and the PDF model than the
EBU+ model. In particular the EBU+ model gives incorrect trends as the pressure increases. It
predicts a 2.5 % decrease in D in favour of all byproducts. This is not seen in the plant data
which show only 1 % decrease predominantly in favour of F. In fact, the EBU reaction rate
SAEBu is the same for the first three reactions. Because the kinetic rates of these reactions are
different and the EBU rates are equal the point at which these reactions become mixing limited
is different. This is in agreement with the ideas underlying the model, but it is counterintuitive
that parallel reactions between the same two species are treated differently with respect to
mixing limitations. It is also clear that the precise point of switching between kinetic rate and
EBU rate, which is a phenomenological property expressed in the model constant, is
interfering directly with the prediction of selectivity. The reaction rate of the EBU model scales
C.K. HARRISet al.
linearly with pressure since turbulence frequency is rather independent of pressure and the
rate is of first order in the reactant concentrations. On the other hand, to leading order, the
kinetic rates scale quadratically with pressure. Consequently at higher pressure the number of
reactions for which the EBU reaction rate is used and also the spatial domain where it is used
becomes larger and the extent to which the kinetic rates are taken into account is
correspondingly reduced. This explains why the model is sensitive to changes in pressure and
fails to predict the measured trend.
The differences between the MV model and the PDF model are very small. It is in agreement
with the expected behaviour of the kinetic rates that the PDF model predicts a higher fraction
of D than the MV model, but the predicted difference is only about 0.2 %. The differences in
selectivity to D between the different operating conditions considered are of the order 1 % and
are predicted equally well by both models.
The extra information provided by the PDF model has been studied in the form of contour plots
of the relevant variables (Mean and variance of mixture fraction, mean and variance of mass
fraction of species and of progress variable, standard deviation of temperature). It is seen
that fluctuations in mixture fraction and in progress variable occur in different regions of space.
Significant fluctuations in mixture fraction occur inside and close to the nozzle only (Region I in
Figure 4.1 ). A perfectly mixing nozzle would lead to a uniform mean mixture fraction with value
following from the incoming fluxes of A and B. This perfectly mixed state is not reached inside
the nozzle and a certain unmixedness remains in region I. Significant fluctuations in progress
variable occur in the center of the reaction at the border of the region where the D-formation
rate is high (Region II in Figure 4.1).
Figure 4. 1. Schematic diagram of reactor showing zones of unmixedness (I) and reaction (11).
Both fluctuations in mixture fraction and in progress variable lead to fluctuations in
temperature. In the former case this is because the two inlet streams are at a different
temperature, in the latter case this is because states with different status of progress have a
different temperature. Considering the strength of the fluctuations and the residence time in
the different parts of the reactor it can be understood why the fluctuations have only a small
impact on the predicted selectivity.
4.4 Conclusions
The observations of the model validations have lead to the recommendation that for the
subsequent modelling studies of alternative reactor geometries the predictions of the EBU+
model should not be used in the comparison and ranking of different reactor geometries. The
MV model and PDF model can both be used in comparative studies of promising reactor
geometries, but since the computational cost of the MV model is smaller and the difference in
predictions for the reactors studied until now was found to be very small it was recommended
to use the MV model with the refinement of the PDF model to be used as a check at the end.
Computational fluid dynamics for chemical reactor engineering
159 I
5. Discussion and Possible Future Trends in CFD for Chemical Reactor Engineering
Two themes common to the three applications of CFD treated in the preceding sections are
the fact that they were all carried out using commercial codes developed and marketed by third
parties and they were all limited in some way by the computer resources currently available. In
the case of the application to stirred tank reactors, this limitation meant that simulations using
the inner-outer and sliding-mesh methods had to be restricted to relatively coarse grids, with
dire consequences for the prediction of turbulence quantities. For the extruder application,
computer memory was the limiting factor, and meant that it was not possible to refine the
modelling by extending the grid. Finally, in the application to turbulent reacting flow, expected
computer run-time limitations precluded the implementation of the most sophisticated PDF
modelling approaches currently available.
All developers of commercial CFD codes either already have or are in the process of
developing parallel versions of their software that are suitable for running on workstation
clusters with both shared and non-shared memory. Many large industrial organisations have
such clusters and the future will see a large increase in the use of parallel CFD to solve
industrial problems.
The vast majority of CFD modelling for practical problems in chemical engineering (meaning
complex geometries and/or complex physics) will continue to be carried out using commercial
codes. This is because it is generally not considered cost-effective for industrial users to
develop CFD simulation codes themselves, even though such an effort could be tailor-made to
the users' applications rather than, as with an 'off-the-peg' general-purpose code, being liable
to lack some detailed features required to treat some specialised applications while containing
other unnecessary ones. It is our experience that the documentation provided by commercial
code developers is not detailed enough to answer many specific issues which arise naturally in
the process of setting up a CFD simulation, especially those of a numerical nature. Solving
numerical problems takes up a considerable amount of time, especially when attempting largescale CFD modelling in complex geometries. Commercial code developers are continually
introducing new physical models into their software but the effect of implementing the models
on the numerical performance of the code is an issue that deserves more attention.
Finally, all three applications treated in this paper involved single-phase flow simulations. In
many types of reactor, catalyst particles and/or gas bubbles are present in the fluid. Two
examples that can be singled out as being of particular importance to our industry are riser
reactors, in which the major issue is the design of internals and inlet devices to alleviate the
maldistribution of the catalyst particles across the riser cross section, so increasing selectivity,
and slurry reactors, whose commercial implementation has to overcome notorious scale-up
In a CFD simulation the simplest way of representing the dynamics of these particles or
bubbles is to treat them as structureless objects experiencing a variety of forces, of which the
most important are gravity/buoyancy and hydrodynamic drag. For low enough disperse-phase
hold-ups, the influence of the particles or bubbles on the continuous fluid phase and on each
other may be neglected. In this case, the velocity field and turbulence properties of the
continuous phase may first be obtained by solving the equations of fluid motion for that phase
in the absence of particles or bubbles, and then solving for the latter individually as a postprocess, introducing them into the flow domain with spatial and velocity distributions
appropriate to the process concerned. However many processes of interest, including the two
examples given above, involve dense dispersions of bubbles and/or particles. The interactions
of the bubbles and particles on the fluid can be taken into account, at vastly increased
computational expense, by solving the fluid flow equations in the presence of a distribution of
forces representing the hydrodynamic interactions between the disperse phase and the
continuous phase. Various ways can be envisaged to treat particle-particle interactions, the
C.K. HARRISet al.
simplest probably being a modification of the hydrodynamic drag term to include a
dependence on the solids hold-up. In the case of bubble-bubble interactions, break-up and
coalescence are additional processes that must be treated. Furthermore, for the large bubbles
that arise in fiuidised beds and bubble columns, the evidence is mounting that the detailed
dynamics of bubble shape plays a crucial r61e in the hydrodynamics of the entire system.
As an alternative to solving subsidiary equations in which particles or bubbles are tracked
through the continuous-phase flow field, the proposal has been made to treat these phases as
if they were continuous and to model them on an equal footing with the continuous phase [31].
This approach, termed Eulerian-Eulerian multiphase flew modelling, is considered an attractive
alternative, for dense dispersed multiphase flows, to the Eulerian-Lagrangian approach
outlined in the previous paragraph because it is computationally much more efficient: however,
there remain serious problems concerning the physical interpretation of a disperse phase
modelled as a continuum analogue as well as the appropriate relations to assign to effective
properties of the disperse phase such as the viscosity.
Recently there has been a flurry of articles in the literature applying Eulerian-Euterian CFD
modelling to bubble and slurry columns: unfortunately, in those cases for which quantitative
comparison with experimental results is made, the authors either use empirical input for the
radial distribution of the gas hold-up, or treat a coefficient multiplying the lift force as a free
adjustable parameter. It is also unfortunate that some authors are rather circumspect about
which parameters have been fitted to experimental data (compare, for example, Refs. 32 and
33). The best way forward may well be a judicious combination of Lagrangian and Eulerian
techniques such as described in Ref. 34. If an embedded modelling approach is adopted,
validation of the various submodels employed is essential if the end result is to capture the
complex interplay between the various physical phenomena involved in the dynamics of a
multiphase reactor in a meaningful and useful way.
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Acknowledgements - The authors wish to thank Dr. Gert Colenbrander for a critical reading of the
manuscript and the copyright holders of Refs. 8 (Gordon and Breach Science Publishers SA) and Refs.
11 & 23 (The Institution of Chemical Engineers) for their kind permission to reproduce figures from these
articles in the present work.
List of Symbols
A,B, .... H
symbols of chemical species
laminar diffusivity
radius of stirred tank reactor
chemical source term of species cc
component of velocity vector
impeller tip velocity
mass fraction of species c~
mass fraction of element k
probability density function
turbulent kinetic energy (not Section 3)
heat conduction coefficient (Section 3 only)
heat flux
radial coordinate (Section 2)
progress variable (Section 4)
spatial coordinate
mean axial velocity
vertical coordinate in stirred tank reactor
Greek letters
shear rate
turbulent dissipation
dynamic viscosity
mixture fraction
turbulent Schmidt number
Symbols denoting averages in turbulent flow
Reynolds average
density weighted average