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2019, Historia Universal
8 pages
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Historia Universal
1.000 Ouroboric Short Pieces for ad libitum Improvisers
he appearance of a volume of essays devoted to the subject of universal history will doubtless please many in the fields of Classics and ancient historiography. The steady growth of interest in this and related areas over the last several decades has made a broad study something of a necessity for the purposes of synthesising prior research and outlining paths of future study. While the fifteen essays of Historiae Mundi lack the kinds of cohesiveness and dialogue ideally suited for this purpose, they do offer a broad perspective. Drawn chiefly from the proceedings of an international conference held at the University of Manchester in June , ‘Universal Historiography in Antiquity and Beyond’, the essays cover a wide set of themes and interpretive approaches, ranging from the familiar (e.g., particular studies of Polybius and Diodorus of Sicily) to the less conventional (e.g., universalism in epic poetry and in ancient economic thought). The focus is predominately upon Greece an...
THE paper offer a response to Zizek's theory of 'revolutionary event' from the perspective of Heidegger's history of being.
Critical Times, 2021
The legacies of colonialism tend to find expression in a language that contemporary audiences find familiar and compelling, and hence remain largely unquestioned. In the run-up to the conference The White West IV: Whose Universal? (July 8 to 10, 2021), the podcast invites participants of the conference to discuss the overlaps between metaphysical predicates and colonial formations. A podcast by Kader Attia, Ana Teixeira Pinto and Anselm Franke with contributions by Denise Ferreira da Silva, Barnor Hesse, Donna V. Jones, David C. Lloyd, Dirk Moses, Nikhil Pal Singh, Françoise Vergès, Norman Ajari, Olivier Marboeuf and others:
… –Les techniques au …, 2007
iii Contents Preface Part I: Museology, a Field of Knowledge: Museology and Techniques Ago, Fabrizio (Italy): Towards a New Museology in China -Results of a Research Activity 01 (English) Barblan, Marc-Antonio (Switzerland): Engineering Works and Scaled-down Models or Industry Laid Bare 10 (English) Brulon, Bruno C. Soares (Brazil): How the Museum Deals with reality: from Museum Techniques 25 to Ethical Matters (English) Boucher, Louise N. (Canada): La muséification du patrimoine industriel: pour un projet de 32 paysage créatif Abstract (English) Chung, Yun Shun Susie (USA) : Universal Knowledge through Heritage in Science, Technology, 40 and Industry Museums. Case study: Museum of Science and Industry Chicago/Illinois (English) Decarolis, Nelly (Argentina): Museology and New Technologies -a Challenge for the 21 st . Century 46 (English) Museología y Nuevas Tecnologías: Un Desafío Para el Siglo XXI (Spanish) 50 Decharneux, Sophie/Gob, André (Belgium): Les techniques au Musée : questions éthiques (French) 55 Harris, Jennifer (Australia) : Obsolescence Overcome ?: Natural History Museums. Respond to 61 History Museums (English) (Abstract (English) Resumé (French) Lengyel, Alfonz (USA and China): Abstract: High Tech natural Science Museum 69 of the City of Jagdaqi (English) iv Lima, Diana F.C (Brazil): Muséologie, Patrimoine Universel et Techniques: espace multidisciplinaire. 70 Maranda, Lynn (Canada): Museology, Techniques and the ICOM Code of Ethics (English) 76 Nazor, Olga (Argentina): The Young and Revolutionary: technological Museums (English) 81 Saldaña, Freire Rodriguez (Mexico): Cambio Social, Naturaleza y Tecnología Ser Himano y Museos 84 en el Nuevo Milenio (Spanish) Scheiner, Tereza M. (Brazil): Mousàon and Technè -Reflections of Contemporary Culture 89 (English) Shah, Anita (India): Museology, Responsibility and Techniques (English) 99 Guelbert de Rosenthal, Eva (Argentina): Museology and the Preservation of Universal Heritage (English) 113 Museología y la Salvaguarda del patrimonio Universal 117 en una Sociedad en Constante Cambio (Spanish) Hernández-Hernández, Francisca (Spain): Retos de Los Museos Cientificos ante el Desarrollo 121 de la Sociedad del Siglo XXI (Spanish) Kossova, Irina (Russian Federation): Cultural Heritage and the Modern Museum (English) 129 Risnicoff de Gorgas, Mónica (Argentina): La Mise en Question du Concept du Patrimoine Universel (French) 133 El Patrimonio Universal, Un Concepto en Cuestión (Spanish) 140 Resumen: El Patrimonio Universal, un Concepto en cuestión (Spanish) Abstract: The Universal Patrimony, a Concept to Consider (English) v Xavier Cury, Marilia (Brazil): Toward a Universal Paradigm for Museums -Discussion (English) 147 Por um paradigma universal para os Museums 155 -em Discussão (Portuguese) (Brazil): 16 Museum Information and Communication in the Internet and the Virtual Visitor 169 Resumo and Abstract (Portugues/English) Cristofano, Mariaclaudia (Italy) The State of the object in the Italian demo-ethno-anthropological contemporary museology 170 (English) Smeds, Kerstin (Sweden) The Escape of the Object? -crossing territorial borders between collective 172 and individual, national and universal (English) vi vii Preface
Journal of History Culture and Art Research
The article deals with the phenomenon of Latin as a universal cultural code that continues to be actively used in various spheres of life. Knowledge of Latin not only facilitates the study of many languages, but also allows to attach oneself to the world cultural values, promotes the establishment of links between Latin, ancient culture, and European civilization, gives access to the perception and understanding of works of literature and painting, enhances general erudition and professional competence, expands the cultural horizons. Using non-traditional linguo-cultural forms enables to form traditional ideas about the subject, and to synthesize the information received, integrate it into the modern world and start the replication process in real life situations. The formation of a holistic view of the world around involves not only mastering a number of special disciplines of the chosen specialty, but also the awareness of the connection between them, the addition of one science to another. That is why the use of the interdisciplinary approach is a prerequisite for the organization of the educational process. The interdisciplinary approach allows us demonstrating the ways of meaningful use of the gained knowledge and providing an exhaustive answer to the question: Why should I know this? What is the benefit of this? Where can I apply it?
En 1920, el antropólogo Manuel Gamío encontró que, entre la población indígena que vivía en el valle de Teotíhuacán, no existía vocablo alguno que nombrara a la nación (véase Gamio, 1922). Ocho años más tarde, otro antropólogo, Robert Redfield, se topó con una situación bastante parecida en el pueblo de Tcpoztlán: muchos se reconocían como mexicanos, pero les era imposible dar un contenido preciso a ese término (Redfield, 1930: cap. xu). El propio Redfield estudió otro poblado campesino-Chan Kom, en la península de Yucatán-durante la década de 1930; ahí, a pesar de las actividades propagandísticas del Partido Socialista del Sureste y de la existencia de una escuela primaría, la idea de la nación mexicana era virtualmente incomprensible (Redfield y Villa Rojas, 1934). Ahora bien: tanto Gamío como Redfield explicaban este fenómeno en términos de la incomunicación de los indígenas mexicanos. En Tepoztlán, los mismos habitantes distinguían entre "los tontos" y "los correctos"; "los tontos" eran precisamente quienes carecían de cualquier otra perspectiva que no fuera estrictamente la del pueblo y su entorno inmediato, mientras que "los correctos" eran quienes habían viajado y podían entender el mundo cítadino y nacional. Por ello, era de esperarse que al aumentar los fl~jos informativos 1 Agradezco los comentarios y críticas de los participantes en el seminario que dio origen a este volumen, en particular, a Viviane Brachet, Alan Knight y Susan Stokes.
Intellectual History Review, 2023
Universal history as an historiographical genre can trace its origins back to the Greek historian Polybius (c. 200-c. 114 B.C.E.), who interpreted the rise of the Roman Republic as the predominant Mediterranean power between 246 and 146 B.C.E. not as an isolated national event but as a world historical event, through which the individual histories of Rome and the territories it conquered were aligned as a single body (sômatoeidês) with a single goal (telos). Slightly later, Sima Qian (c. 145-c. 86 B.C.E.), the court historian of the early Han Dynasty, produced the first Chinese version of a universal history, a chronically and thematically organized account of the two millennia of China's history from its (legendary) origins to Sima Qian's own time. Considered abstractly, universal history seeks to account for the complexity of human history in a rational and systematic manner by assimilating individual historical events and phenomena to a general scheme or narrative. There are two fundamental aspects of this process (to which Olivier Pot and Maike Oergel refer in their essays below): the syntagmatic, which follows the chronological succession of events, and the paradigmatic, which identifies connections and patterns among events and thereby establishes the coherence of history as a whole. By virtue of this second aspect, universal history distinguishes itself from chronicle. The genre of universal history has its own history, however, and a principal aim of this special issue of I.H.R. is to explore some of the variety and complexity of that history. The contributors-including the late Maurice Olender, whose death on 27 October 2022 we profoundly regret and to whose memory we dedicate this issue-address questions of form and content, method and aims, explicit and implicit assumptions of selected universal histories. We focus on the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries because, during these centuries, the genre became a preoccupation of Western European historiography precisely as its practice became increasingly problematic, owing to such factors as religious conflict, secularism, scepticism about the universalist claims of reason, and, not least, increasing geographical knowledge and cultural encounters (especially with non-Western societies) through exploration, trade, and colonization. The assumption that history could be theorized holistically, as if from a privileged vantage point outside it, had to contend with expanding empirical evidence of the multiplicity of human languages, cultures, and customs. To an extent, historiographical challenges similar to those that instigated the Greek genre of universal history-the need, with Alexander the Great's Eastern conquests and the subsequent Roman conquest of Greece, to explain new events, lands, and peoples-later threatened the genre's continuation and prompted, among the figures examined in the following essays, a rethinking of its basic assumptions and methods. The recognition of human multiplicity simultaneously encouraged and frustrated the identification of principles capable of accounting uniformly for historical developments in
The paper offers a critique of Zizek's concept of 'revolutionary event' in the context of the discussion of Heidegger's political philosophy.
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