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etika adalah disiplin yang berhubungan dengan apa yang baik dan buruk, benar dan salah, atau dengan kewajiban dan kewajiban moral. Etika kadang-kadang mungkin tampak rumit karena bisnis diciptakan untuk menghasilkan laba jangka pendek, yang berpotensi dapat bertentangan dengan perilaku etis.1 Saat ini sebagian besar eksekutif memiliki pandangan berbeda bahwa integritas dan nilai-nilai etika memiliki tempat penting dalam bisnis dan harus membentuk fondasi budaya perusahaan.2 Sayangnya, beberapa perusahaan dan individu masih berperilaku tidak etis, mungkin, karena etika beralih ke pembakar sementara eksekutif berfokus pada apa yang mereka yakini sebagai masalah yang lebih penting.
Federal Law Review, 2019
The concept of human rights due diligence is now embedded in many transnational regulatory instruments and is finding its way into national regulatory frameworks. As a means of conceptualising and operationalising responsible business conduct in a global economy, human rights due diligence is new, shiny and compelling. This article argues, however, that institutionalisation, even legalisation, of the concept may not necessarily bring about widespread, significant improvements in corporate behaviour. This is because companies may adopt internal policies and compliance structures that have all the formal hallmarks of human rights due diligence, but that fail to lead to genuine and substantial improvements in practice. This article argues that, in light of this susceptibility to cosmetic compliance, it is important for international and national lawmakers to engage not only with the question of how to encourage or mandate human rights due diligence, but also with the question of how regulatory initiatives should be designed to minimise the risk of companies performing human rights due diligence cosmetically. Drawing on the normative concept of 'meta-regulation', the article identifies a number of principles that may help ensure due diligence regulation is crafted to enable businesses to implement respect for human rights in a way that is adapted to their unique circumstances, while ensuring the steps they take are meaningful and that they are held accountable for their self-regulatory systems. CONTENTS
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 1984
At least 2.34 million people died from work-related incidents or diseases in 2008, and the number is growing. Workplace hazards range from physical to chemical and organizational, and change continually. Since the 1970s, many countries (as well as EU and ILO standards) have shifted to "regulated selfregulation" for the control of occupational health and safety (OHS) in systems which involve workers and management in regulating safety at a workplace level, while reducing technical standards. At the same time, corporate downsizing, outsourcing, casualization of work, and work intensification have had a negative impact on OHS which must be addressed in order to reduce work-related harm.
Prefácio É com grande satisfação que eu apresento esta nova edição do Compêndio de Reprodução Animal, da Intervet, a vocês, colegas veterinários, estudantes de medicina veterinária, ou ainda, a todos os que compartilham minha paixão pela ciência da reprodução. A principal meta deste trabalho foi apresentar as sofi sticadas descobertas científi cas na forma de soluções aplicáveis ao trabalho do dia-a-dia, em benefício do médico veterinário e de seus clientes, os proprietários dos animais.
Since about 1980, globalization has rapidly become one of the most employed and debated concepts of our time. But it has also acquired buzzword status, invoked in a broad range of contexts and for a large number of purposes. Globalization has many dimensions in the twenty-first century. The challenges of global politics include the practice of governance and democracy in a world of diverse economic and social realities. As cultures meet, religions act and interact within core areas, along adjoining borders, and in far-flung diasporas. The encounter between religion and globalization is a crucial feature of our world. In this paper, the phases of globalization and their characteristics as well as religion as a source of opposition to globalization will be examined. There will be a definition of globalization, an examination of the models of the phases of globalization and then a proposal for a personal model. Having established the phases of globalization and their characteristics, effort is turned to describing religion in each phase. This paper will also provide a few brief comments on five dimensions of globalization, and then examine religious complaints against globalization from two diametrically opposed perspectives: Islamism, which has been successful in rallying opposition to globalization, and liberal Christianity, which has not. As different as these two complaints are in style and substance, they are structurally similar. Religious opposition to globalization is based on demands for justice and a defense of tradition.
Nuevo Itinerario, 2024
Sociologia e História do Constitucionalismo Brasileiro, 2024
Séminaire Quand l’Antiquité se délite. Dégradations, pollutions et altérations dans les mondes anciens, Toulouse, 2023
Congreso Internacional el Modernismo en el Arco Mediterráneo. Arquitectura, arte, cultura y sociedad. CIMAM 2016, 2016
Annals of Contemporary Developments in Management & HR, 2020
Canadian Social Science, 2016
The American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 2005
Heritage Science, 2024
International Journal of Clinical Urology, 2019
American Journal of Ophthalmology, 2004
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2010
PLoS ONE, 2014
Math Didactic: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 2019