Readership data and Research Impact
Ehsan Mohammadi1, Mike Thelwall 2
of Library and Information Science, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South
Carolina, United States of America
Cybermetrics Research Group, School of Mathematics and Computer Science,
University of Wolverhampton, Wolverhampton, United Kingdom
Abstract: Reading academic publications is a key scholarly activity. Scholars accessing and
recording academic publications online are producing new types of readership data. These
include publisher, repository and academic social network download statistics as well as online
reference manager records. This chapter discusses the use of download and reference manager
data for research evaluation and library collection development. The focus is on the validity and
application of readership data as an impact indicator for academic publications across different
discipline. Mendeley is particularly promising in this regard, although all data sources are not
subjected to rigorous quality control and can be manipulated.
Subject terms: readership; academic social network sites; reference managers; Mendeley
1.1 Introduction and Overview
The act of reading an academic publication is a key point at which knowledge is transferred from
the author to someone else. With the prevalence of the web and social web, scholars now often
read and register academic publications online, leaving electronic records of their activities. This
readership data can reveal which outputs are used as well as giving insights how the scientific
enterprise works. It is important to exploit such information to improve research evaluation
practices and to investigate how science communication is evolving. The main advantage of using
readership information rather than citations is that reading occurs before citing and can
therefore give more timely information. A second advantage is that the reading public for
academic research is wider than the citing public since it includes students, professionals and
This chapter reviews research about download and readership data for academic outputs
from the perspective of its value for research evaluation. It is mainly concerned with journal
articles but books and conference papers are also briefly mentioned. The chapter has extended
coverage of readership information from online reference managers, such as Mendeley, because
of their practical value for research assessment. It also discusses publisher usage data, since
“using” an article in this context often means reading it.
The usage statistics component complements the Usage Bibliometrics as a Tool to
Measure Research Activity chapter in this Handbook, which gives an extended case study of arXiv
and analyses research evaluation at a more systemic level. The current chapter also discusses
usage data from the academic social network sites ResearchGate and which are
changing the way in which articles are discussed and shared. Previous works have reviewed usage
bibliometrics (Kurtz & Bollen, 2010), readership metrics (Haustein, 2014), and social media
metrics (Thelwall & Kousha, 2015a). This chapter updates the previous readership metrics
chapter (Haustein, 2014) with newer topics and findings. It is intended for research evaluators,
scientometricians and bibliometricians as well as those interested in recent changes in the
scholarly communication ecosystem.
This chapter opens with a discussion of reading, terminology and research impact assessment
to set the context for the ways in which readership data may be used. It continues with a
discussion of online usage data from publishers and repositories, before analysing the effect of
online reference managers on the availability of readership data and discussing social networks.
Finally, the chapter discusses research evaluation applications.
1.2 Reading research: Background and terminology
Although knowledge has been traditionally communicated in human societies orally and by
imitation, the written record is a cornerstone of modern science. Academics read scholarly
publications to inform their current research, for current awareness purposes, to support their
teaching, or to help them fulfil a professional advisory role related to their expertise. In addition,
other professionals may read journals to inform their day-to-day practice. This is the case for
medical doctors, who need to be aware of the latest developments in medical practice that are
relevant to their role or expertise (Tenopir et al., 2007). For example, 73% of non-publishing
Canadian physicians read journal articles (McAlister, Graham, Karr, & Laupacis, 1999), and
hospital residents consider journal articles to be valuable sources of information for them
(Schilling, Steiner, Lundahl, & Anderson, 2005). Information about which academic documents
are read and by whom can help the librarians that buy them, the managers and policy makers
that need to evaluate the impact of the research produced, and the scholars that investigate
science itself.
Many different terms have been used for reading-related data, especially within electronic
contexts. The most general is perhaps usage, which does not imply a reason why an item was
accessed but is often employed in digital contexts as an umbrella term to describe accesses of all
kinds of digital resource. It is helpful to use more specific terms, when justifiable, to aid
The more explicit term download refers to a local copy being taken of an electronic
resource, such as a journal article, whether by a human or a robot. The terms hit and view refer
to online accesses of electronic information without necessarily downloading it. For example, a
digital library visitor might view a webpage containing the title, abstract and metadata of an
article and then download a full-text copy of the article to their local computer. The term full-text
download (Haque & Ginsparg, 2009) can be used for emphasis. Although the term download
usually connotes accessing a full text version of an article, some publishers provide non-
downloadable full-text copies of articles and readers may view full-text articles online without
downloading them to their local computer storage (e.g., Grabowsky, 2016).
The most specific term is read/reader/readership, which implies that the item accessed has
been read by a human. This term can be justified for a data source if it is reasonable to believe
that the items accessed will usually be read. For example, it would be reasonable to believe that
a book is usually read when it is borrowed from a library. Thus, borrowing statistics could be
claimed to be (non-exhaustive) reading indicators. In contrast, most accesses of documents on
some websites may be from web crawlers and so it would not be reasonable to interpret
download counts as readership counts (but see the paragraph below). Moreover, human users
may also systematically download journal articles if they are concerned that their access will be
interrupted before they know which articles to read (Emrani, Moradi-Salari, & Jamali, 2010). To
describe download counts as a readership indicator, evidence would be needed to connect
downloads to reading. Thus, if full text downloads from a specific source are likely to be of human
origin and frequently lead to reading, then it would be reasonable to refer to full-text downloads
as readership data.
More specifically, and following an argument for citations (van Raan, 1998), to be a
readership indicator, download or access counts should positively correlate with reader numbers,
even if not all downloads/accesses lead to reading. If this condition is fulfilled, then the counts
convey information in an information theoretic sense about how often an item has been read.
To give an example, a positive correlation implies that if article X has more accesses than Y then
there is a greater than 50% chance that X has been more read than Y. In general, the higher the
correlation, the higher this chance is. Aggregating sets of documents also, in general, increases
this chance. Thus, a moderate positive correlation between accesses and reading would give a
high change that research group A’s outputs had been read more than research group B’s outputs
if they had been accessed more on average. In practice, the exact number of readers of any
academic document is never known because of ways of accessing documents that cannot be
tracked, such as from print copies of journals. Statistical correlations therefore need to be
supported by arguments that the untracked readings are rare compared to the tracked readings
or that the tracked readings are likely to be a relatively unbiased sample of all accesses.
Alternatively, if the tracked accesses can be directly shown to correlate with research impact or
value then this additional step is unnecessary.
1.3 Readership data from libraries
Two traditional sources of journal readership data are sales and library circulation information –
either the number of libraries that hold a journal or circulation data for that journal. Both give
journal-level rather than article-level evidence and are limited by the increasing share of reading
that occurs online. For university libraries, the main journal readers are students, who are likely
to be readers but not citers (Duy & Vaughan, 2006), and it is not clear whether they are also the
main consumers of academic journals, or whether there are disciplinary differences in this. These
students are likely to have different uses for academic journals and librarians need to consider
this factor when analysing readership evidence to build collections (Rowlands & Nicholas, 2007).
Circulation information has been analysed for a long time (Gross & Gross, 1927) from
practical (White & McCain, 1989) and mathematical modelling (Egghe & Rousseau, 2000)
perspectives to support librarians (Kurtz & Bollen, 2010). Some examples illustrate the
approaches used and give background for more current strategies.
The earliest usage records kept by libraries were lending or reshelving statistics and these
have been used as proxies for usage or readership data for books and journals (King, Tenopir, &
Clarke, 2006), even though they do not cover all ways in which they may be read (Davis, 2004).
This data has been shown to correlate positively with Journal Impact Factors (JIFs), at least when
comparing journals from the same discipline, and journals from specialisms that are similarly
served by the library (Stankus & Rice, 1982; Tsay, 1998). This might be due to some readers
subsequently citing articles in the journals or more cited journals tending to have more useful
information. For example, Nature and Science target non-citing audiences in parallel with the
acknowledged high quality of their scholarly content. In contrast, other journals primarily target
a professional audience (e.g., nurses, librarians, lawyers) and may be less concerned to attract an
academic readership. High correlations between online downloads and local readership
information in one context give some evidence that downloads can be good indicators of
readership (Emrani, Moradi-Salari, & Jamali, 2010).
Inter-library lending information and direct observations of library users can also give
readership information, although the latter is too time consuming to be routinely used
(Butkovich, 1996).
1.4 Research impact assessment
The publication of peer-reviewed research is a critical scholarly activity and the analysis of
scholarly publications is important for assessing the research impact of scholars or teams in most
disciplines. This assessment can be qualitative, quantitative or both. It can be combined with
other sources of evidence or judgements and it can be made for formal evaluations, formative
self-evaluations, or to investigate an aspect of science or science communication.
1.4.1 Peer review
Peer review is the central evaluation mechanism for modern science (Kostoff, 1997). The value
of research is judged by experts from the same field because non-specialists are less able to
understand the work or its contribution to scholarship. Ultimately, however, the scholarly
community is collectively responsible to the governments or others that fund them and so
experts may adjust their expectations in response. For example, this may lead a community to
regard work as better if it offers societal benefits.
Peer review is also at the heart of the publication system, with journal articles being usually
subject to critical evaluation before a decision is made about whether to accept them, and the
same is often true for monographs (Wouters, 1997). It is also central to research funding
applications (Jayasinghe, Marsh, & Bond, 2003), perhaps as one of a checklist of attributes to
assess. In some countries, peer review is used to periodically assess research to allocate block
research grants. In the UK, the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) uses panels
of field experts to evaluate the quality of research from government funded universities and
other academic organizations to share out funding on a merit basis (HEFCE, 2011).
The main disadvantage of peer review is that it is slow and expensive, consuming a substantial
amount of expert time (ABRC, 1990; Smith, 2006). It is also fallible because reviewers may be
consciously or unconsciously biased against others’ work based on personal characteristics,
research competition or the research paradigm followed (Lee, Sugimoto, Zhang, & Cronin, 2013).
Moreover, even expert reviewers can disagree about the merits of papers (Welch, 2014).
Nevertheless, peer review is often the most credible single source of evaluation evidence for
academic research.
Although peer review primarily assesses prior work rather than predicting future
performance, experts can also assess applicants’ plans if these are relevant for appointments and
1.4.2 Citation analysis
Citation-based indicators are the primary quantitative tools to evaluate research, whether on
their own, to support human judgements or to cross-check reviewers’ opinions (van Raan, 2000).
Citation data may come from a recognized citation index, such as the Web of Science (WoS),
Elsevier’s Scopus, or Google Scholar. There are also specialist citation indexes for some fields and
others with a national or linguistic scope, such as the Chinese Citation Index.
The best-known citation indicator is the Journal Impact Factor (JIF), which estimates the
average number of citations to recently-published articles in a journal. The JIF is informally used
as an indicator of the quality of a journal perhaps because of its simplicity and intuitive
reasonableness. Nevertheless, there are numerous problems with the accuracy of the
calculations and their ability to reflect impact (Egghe, 1988; Dellavalle, Schilling, Rodriguez, Van
de Sompel, & Bollen, 2007). There are also major problems of over-interpretation, leading to
inappropriate uses (Opthof, 1997; Boell & Wilson, 2010), such as those that ignore disciplinary
The average number of citations per publication is known to vary by field and year and so
it is not reasonable to compare the average citation count between groups of publications. Field
normalized indicators, such as the Mean Normalized Citation Score (MNCS) (Waltman, van Eck,
van Leeuwen, Visser, & van Raan, 2011ab) and Mean Normalized Log-transformed Citation Score
(MNLCS) (Thelwall, 2017ab) solve this problem by normalizing citation counts for the publishing
field and year so that a score of 1 always means citation impact equal to the world average.
For individual authors, the h-index has become popular (Hirsch, 2005), although it is
biased towards senior researchers and male researchers.
All citation-based indicators suffer from several weaknesses. At a theoretical level,
citations may reflect scholars acknowledging prior work that has influenced them (Merton,
1973), but they are not used systematically for this, can be influenced by spurious factors and
can be negative (MacRoberts & MacRoberts, 1989; MacRoberts & MacRoberts, 1996). Moreover,
citations only reflect knowledge advancement rather than wider contributions to academia or
society (Kostoff, 1998; Merkx, Weijden Besselaar, & Spaapen, 2007). For example, academic
publications can be used in education, the professions (Schloegl & Stock, 2004), and to inform
health (Bennett, Casebeer, Kristofco, & Strasser, 2004; Lewison, 2002). The people affected in
these cases may be thought of as “pure readers” in the sense of consuming academic outputs
without subsequently citing them (Stock, 2009; Tenopir & King, 2000). Governments and
research funders may explicitly state the need to consider non-academic impacts in their
evaluations (NSF, 2013; Piwowar, 2013; Research Councils UK, 2011, para.1).
An important practical drawback of citation-based indicators is the considerable time that
they take to accumulate. A research team might think of an idea, submit a grant proposal, get
funded, carry out their research, submit a write-up to a journal, get it reviewed and accepted and
then wait for the article to be published online or in a formal journal issue. This process might
take several years and several more years would be needed before their article had attracted a
reasonable number of citations from others who had read their work and then followed the same
process to conduct related research. A citation window of three years is sometimes
recommended for research evaluations (Abramo, Cicero, & D’Angelo, 2011). Thus, whilst
academic evaluations often have the aim of predicting future research excellence so that it can
be funded, or the promising academic can be appointed/promoted, in practice citation-based
indicators reflect performance that occurred several years in the past.
2 Online access and download data
In response to the time delay and limited impact coverage problems of citation analysis as well
as the expense of peer review, science policy makers and managers may seek alternative
indicators to reflect wider types of research impact or to give earlier evidence of impact (Drooge,
Besselaar, Elsen, & Haas, 2010; De Jong, Van Arensbergen, Daemen, Van der Meulen, & Van den
Besselaar, 2011; Priem, Taraborelli, Groth, & Neylon, 2010).
Another important driver towards new indicators is the changing nature of scholarly
communication, with increasingly diverse types of scholarly output being published online and
valued even if they are rarely cited (Czerniewicz, Kell, Willmers, & King, 2014; Van der Vaart et al.
2013). In parallel, an increasing amount of scholarly communication takes place in public and
online, leaving traces that may be used to evaluate its importance (Cronin, Snyder, Rosenbaum,
Martinson, & Callahan, 1998).
Given that an academic publication must be accessed and read to be valuable but that
not all readers are citers, it is logical to look to access and readership data for evidence of the
wider impacts of publications (Haustein, 2014). This information can also ameliorate the time
delay problem of citation analyses because an article must be read before any action can be taken
based on its contents. Hence, unless the impact of an article is predicted from its metadata (e.g.,
from Journal Impact Factors), evidence of downloads or readership gives the earliest impact
evidence. Away from research evaluation, this argument has also been made for library collection
development. At the level of entire journals, readership and citation may be thought of as two
separate, overlapping dimensions of the impact of research and giving librarians or evaluators
information about both can help them to make more informed choices (Haustein, 2011;
Haustein, 2012).
Although rarer in research evaluation contexts, the importance of readers is a natural concern
for scholars, who may submit to journals partly based on the readership that they hope to gain
(Tenopir & King, 2000), librarians who choose journals primarily to service their potential readers,
and editors or publishers that monitor the overall audience or sales for a journal as an indicator
of its value or health (Rousseau, 2002).
Readership data reflects something different from citations, even when only considering
academic journal articles and restricting attention to academic readers. This is because there are
some types of articles that are often read but rarely cited, such as a series of annual summaries
of astrophysics (Kurtz, Eichhorn, Accomazzi, Grant, Demleitner, Murray, et al., 2005).
2.1.1 Online access and download data for journal usage assessment
Statistics about local online accesses of journals are the modern way for librarians to monitor
readership levels, although they are not comprehensive. Libraries keep print copies of journals,
researchers and faculty may subscribe to individual serials, and educators may photocopy articles
for students. In addition, article preprints may be shared from institutional and subject
repositories and home pages, as well as by email and post. These uses will not normally be
recorded electronically by a library or publisher but online accesses nevertheless are likely to give
more comprehensive and timely information than library circulation data. Online usage data may
be able to separate out people that browse journals from those that read articles by accessing
their full text, giving more substantial information than circulation data. Local data is more
relevant to libraries than generic publisher data that covers all uses because each library serves
a user community that has specific information needs – including research interests and
educational provision. Moreover, local usage data seems to be more tied to reading since robots
would presumably rarely access local library copies of articles, even though humans may still
systematically download them (Emrani, Moradi-Salari, & Jamali, 2010).
Online usage information originates from the log file of a web server recording accesses
of journal pages or downloads of electronic copies of articles. There are many technical pitfalls
with this information, including accesses by robots and repeated accesses by individuals for
spamming purposes or by accident, and so online accesses do not equate with human readership.
Since publishers gain extra sales if their access statistics are higher, they do not have an incentive
to clean their data from spurious downloads before delivering it to libraries or others. There have
been initiatives to standardize the process of cleaning the data to ensure that compliant
publishers generate credible and comparable final statistics for their end users. The main
initiative for this is COUNTER (Counting Online Usage of NeTworked Electronic Resources), which
standardizes the reporting of usage information (COUNTER, 2017; Pesch, 2015).
As discussed above, usage data is inaccurate because it is always an incomplete record of
readership and there will also be unrecorded readers. In addition, there are other important
limitations that apply to some or all contexts.
For all applications, the lack of contextual information with most usage data (Mendeley
and questionnaire data are exceptions) is an important restriction. Librarians may consider usage
by faculty to be more valuable to the university mission than uses by students, at least on an
individual level, but can rarely distinguish between the two in their data. In addition, no current
major data source gives evidence about how a document was used by the reader (Kurtz & Bollen,
2010). This is an advantage of citations, because, in theory, the reason for a citation can be
deduced from the accompanying text.
2.1.2 Online access and download data for research evaluation
The shift to electronic publishing has led to the widespread availability of electronic access
information at the level of individual articles, such as from publisher websites. This has made
usage or readership data a practical source of evidence for research evaluations. In many cases
usage and readership information can be used in a similar way to citations for impact assessment,
although it has different advantages and limitations. It has also not become as generally accepted
as citations for this purpose. For example, the Journal Impact Factor is much more widely
reported and recognized than any of the proposed usage-based alternatives.
For research evaluations rather than collection development purposes, statistics that are
available for entire journals but not individual articles are unhelpful, although monograph
circulation data can help research evaluation in the arts, humanities and some social sciences
(White, Boell, Yu, Davis, Wilson, & Cole, 2009).
Also for research evaluation purposes, the limited nature of local access data from
individual libraries for journal articles can be resolved by forming a consortium of libraries to
share data (Bollen & Van de Sompel, 2008) or by substituting publisher statistics. The former may
be a realistic possibility for libraries that already have a common infrastructure to access
electronic journals and so that data sharing can be added as an additional service rather than a
completely new contribution.
Whatever the source of usage data, its principal advantage over citations for research
evaluations is timeliness because usage logically comes before the publication of citations. A
second advantage is scope because usage data includes, but does not differentiate, readers that
do not cite the work. Hence usage data may provide a timelier source of impact evidence with a
wider scope. The reason why it is rarely preferred to citations is that it is much easier to
manipulate and so it is not credible enough for formal research evaluation purposes, even if from
a COUNTER-compliant source. Nevertheless, it can be valuable for informal evaluations, selfevaluations and assessments of the science system as well as to cross-check the results of peer
review or citation analysis.
Because of the accuracy limitations of usage data, it is important to assess whether it
gives evidence of academic impact before it is used for article-level research evaluations. The
primary strategy so far for this is to assess the extent to which article-level usage statistics
correlate with citation counts. A perfect correlation cannot be expected because of the absence
of pure readers from citation statistics, but a moderate or high correlation would suggest that
the usage source assessed is not too affected by manipulation or fake data from robots. In
contrast, a correlation close to zero would suggest that either there are many readers that have
very different needs to citers or that the results have been intentionally or unintentionally
Correlation analyses have mostly found moderate or high correlations between
downloads and citations, which tends to confirm the value of usage data. A small study (n=153)
of article downloads in their first week found a moderate correlation (Pearson r=0.5) with WoS
citations five years later (Perneger, 2004). Similar correlations have been found for downloads of
articles in the physics preprint server arXiv in the first six months and their citations after two
years (Harnad & Carr 2006), for RePEc economics preprint downloads and citations (Chu, Krichel,
& Blvd, 2007), for PLoS PDF downloads and citations (Yan & Gerstein, 2011. In contrast, a
correlation of only 0.1 was found between early downloads (2 months) and later citations (25
months) for the fast, organic chemistry journal Tetrahedron Letters, suggesting that for this
journal, early accesses represent a different type of use to citation (Moed, 2005). For downloads
within Elsevier’s ScienceDirect and Scopus citation counts, the two correlate in all disciplines at
the level of journals and articles; early downloads also correlate with later citations. These
correlations vary in strength by discipline, are lowest in the arts and humanities (0.2-0.3) and
reach as high as 0.8 (life sciences). Despite this, the most downloaded articles tend to differ from
the most cited articles for individual journals (Moed & Halevi, 2016). Confusingly, a study of
Chinese journals found higher correlations between downloads and citations within the arts,
humanities and social sciences than for other academic disciplines (Vaughan, Tang, & Yang,
At the level of journals, various download-based indicators have been defined in similar
ways to the JIF, including the Usage Impact Factor (Bollen & Sompel, 2008) and the Download
Immediacy Index (Wan, Hua, Rousseau, & Sun, 2010). Correlation tests have been used to help
assess the value and validity of download-based indicators, with typically weaker results than at
the level of individual articles (e.g., Wulff & Nixon, 2004), and with some negative correlations.
Usage data for Rouen University Hospital digital library had a low positive correlation with JIFs in
one study (Darmoni & Roussel, 2002), and correlations were not significantly different from zero
for JIFs and Concordia University chemistry and biochemistry journal usage data (Duy & Vaughan,
2006). A comparison of JIFs with aggregate full text download data for a set of universities found
low negative correlations, suggesting that journals most used by students (the main
downloaders) were the least cited (Bollen, Van de Sompel, & Rodriguez, 2008; see also: Bollen
and Sompel, 2008). Thus, whilst download data seems to reflect a high degree of scholarly impact
at the level of individual articles, when articles are aggregated into journals, scholarly impact is
substantially less important and download data may predominantly reflect educational value.
Electronic usage data can sometimes incorporate information about the origins of the
users from the internet address of their computers. It is therefore possible to break down the
readers of an article by institution and country and perhaps also organization type, if this data is
made available by publishers or web server operators (Duin, King, & Van Den Besselaar, 2012;
Kurtz, Eichhorn, Accomazzi, Grant, Demleitner, Murray, et al., 2005). This can reveal where
articles and journals have had impact. This may be relevant to national funding bodies that want
to demonstrate international impact or, conversely, want to make sure that the home nation
rather than a competitor is benefiting from their investment.
2.1.3 Limitations of online usage data
As discussed above, usage data can include false hits, whether robot accesses or downloads by
people that did not intend to read the article, and articles can be accessed from multiple print
and online sources (Haustein & Siebenlist, 2011). These limitations apply unequally between
journals and even between articles so it is not fair to compare the impact of articles using any
source of download data. For example, one article’s publisher download count may be half that
of another because it is available free online from the author, or is available in print in addition
to electronic versions (Anderson, Sack, Krauss, & O’Keefe, 2001). The main disadvantage of
download counts from a research evaluation perspective is that they are easy to manipulate
unless extensive measures are taken to protect them (Zimmermann, 2013). An additional
disadvantage is that the data is not transparent because publishers do not share the identities of
those that accessed an article and so authors and evaluators have no means of verifying
2.2 Readership data from online reference managers
In addition to manual methods to collect readership information, such as surveys, reader
observation and reshelving information, and computerized methods, such as library, publisher or
repository download statistics, the web has made possible an additional indirect method to find
whether an article has many readers: online reference managers. A reference manager is a
program that records metadata about some or all the resources that a person is interested in,
typically to keep track of what they have read and to automatically generate reference lists for
their documents, whether they are journal articles, conference papers, books or reports.
Reference managers like EndNote, RefWorks, CiteULike, Connotea, Mendeley, Bibsonomy and
Zotero all perform this role in different ways.
If it is assumed that reference manger users tend to record articles that they have read,
then the collective databases of reference managers form a large source of information about
what has been read by whom. Some reference managers do not share this information but
others, such as Mendeley and Bibsonomy, do, and so reference manager records are an
alternative source of readership information (Neylon & Wu, 2009).
At first glance, reference manager data is an unpromising source of readership evidence.
Not all readers use reference managers and so they form an incomplete readership record. No
reference manager is dominant and so if one is used as a data source then its information will be
partial even with respect to all reference manager users. Reference manager users are likely to
be a biased subset of all readers because technophobes might avoid learning a new program and
people that do not write documents that include references would have little need for them.
Nevertheless, some reference managers have an advantage over download data: their
information is freely available from a single source (rather than multiple publishers), they are not
affected by multiple copies of articles being available (e.g., preprints in repositories) and they
seem to give more definite evidence of readership than downloads because the latter could be
from a crawler or a casual user. For this reason, they can be a more realistic data source for
research evaluations than download data.
Data from reference managers that are also social websites and provide an Applications
Programming Interface (API), such as Mendeley, CiteULike and Bibsonomy, falls within the scope
of altmetrics (Holmberg, 2015). These are indicators derived from data harvested from social web
sites via APIs. The altmetrics movement has led to the creation of many new indicators. Indicator
companies, such as, and Plum Analytics, systematically collect
altmetric data (including from reference managers) and make it available to publishers, scholars
and institutions (Wouters & Costas, 2012)., for example, attempts to provide
accurate and transparent article-level indicators (Liu & Adie, 2013). Although it includes
readership data from Mendeley, it treats this as a secondary data source since it is not
transparent (i.e., does not reveal the identity of readers). In addition, there are public initiatives
to harvest and share altmetric data, such as one from PLoS (Fenner, 2013).
The promise of altmetrics is that it will deliver faster impact evidence that encapsulates
wider types of impact (Priem, Piwowar, & Hemminger, 2012; Priem, Taraborelli, Groth, & Neylon,
2010). Within this, reference manager data fits as a fast and wider source of evidence since
reference manager users may be students (e.g., Winslow, Skripsky, & Kelly, 2016) and other nonpublishing article readers. Each altmetric has its own strengths and weaknesses, and potentially
reflects a different type of impact. For example, tweet citations (Eysenbach, 2011) seem to reflect
attention rather than impact and are probably the fastest indicator to accrue. Reference manager
data can therefore be thought of as an alternative to download counts as a source of readership
evidence, or as a type of altmetric to be analysed in parallel with other altmetrics.
2.2.1 Online reference managers: background
Online reference managers have broadly similar functions but each has its own software design,
individual features and user demographics. The national, disciplinary and age composition of the
adopters of each one is likely to be influenced by its age, national and disciplinary origins and the
fit of its affordances within disciplinary missions. For example, most have Western origins and
did not prioritise language support, which may have alienated potential users in China, Russia
and Japan. User demographics are unknown for most, however. The descriptions below of some
of the major social sites give a flavour of their differences but their capabilities evolve over time
and so may have changed now. All are online social reference managers in the sense that they
manage references, are online, and allow users to create a public profile.
Bibsonomy ( manages web bookmarks as well as references and
incorporates social features (Benz, Hotho, Jäschke, Krause, Mitzlaff, Schmitz, & Stumme,
2010; Jäschke et al., 2007; Ortega, 2016). Users typically have about 20% more references
than bookmarks (Ortega, 2016). Probably like the other sites, most references are for journal
articles (Borrego & Fry, 2012). Bibsonomy provides a copy of all its data free for researchers
CiteULike ( is free, has the basic reference manager capabilities described above
and allows users to annotate references and share them with others (Reher & Haustein,
2010). It also has discussion fora and blogs (Bogers & Van Den Bosch, 2008). Because of its
communication and sharing capabilities it is also a type of academic social web site.
Mendeley ( is a free reference manager (Henning & Reichelt, 2008) that has
been bought by Elsevier and offers social networking features, such as the ability to follow
other users, as well as discussion groups and the ability for users to list their own publications.
It therefore serves as an academic social network site as well as a reference manager,
although its social features do not seem to be extensively used (Jeng, He, & Jiang, 2015).
Mendeley offers a free and comprehensive API to access its readership data for all articles in
its catalogue so that anyone can find out how many Mendeley users have recorded any given
document within their libraries. Although Mendeley does not report which users have
registered each document, it gives a breakdown of user types by status (e.g., undergraduate,
professor, other professional), geographic location (country) and main academic discipline
(Gunn, 2013).
Zotero ( is a free, open source reference manager that originated as a Firefox
web browser plugin but is now available as a separate program. It has features to support
group discussions and group reference sharing.
In addition to the above, RefWorks is a reference manager owned by ProQuest, and
EndNote is owned by Thomson Reuters. Neither share readership data publicly at the time of
2.2.2 Online reference managers: Coverage
Readership data from online social reference managers needs to be publicly available, or at least
shared with researchers, and to have many records to be useful. If a site has few users, then these
are likely to be a very biased subset of readers so the results may be misleading. For example,
article readers tend to be from the same country as the authors (Thelwall & Maflahi, 2015) so
any national readership biases will translate into international readership indicator biases. If most
articles do not have a record of readers in the site, then its data is unlikely to be powerful enough
for research evaluation purposes unless used on a large scale to compare average reader counts
(e.g., using the EMNPC: Thelwall, 2017bd). Of the online reference managers sharing data,
Mendeley has the widest coverage and probably the most users. It had records for 80% of PLoS
articles compared to 31% for CiteULike (Priem, Piwowar and Hemminger, 2012) and indexed
more Nature and Science articles (Li, Thelwall, & Giustini, 2012).
Bibsonomy: Bibsonomy has much lower coverage of physics journal articles 2004-2008 than
CiteULike and probably less than 1% (Haustein & Siebenlist, 2011). Journal articles comprise
half (47%) of the items recorded, with conference papers (25%) and books (12%) also being
common (Borrego & Fry, 2012).
CiteULike: Most (65%) PloS Biology articles have a record in CiteULike (Fenner, 2013). Less
than 3% of physics articles 2004-2008 are in CiteULike (Haustein & Siebenlist, 2011).
Mendeley: Virtually all (97%) articles from Journal of the American Society for Information
Science and Technology 2001-2011 (Bar-Ilan, 2012) and PloS Biology (95%) have a record in
Mendeley (Fenner, 2013). Most (66%) PubMed articles 2010-2012 that are also in the Web
of Science have a Mendeley record (Haustein, Larivière, Thelwall, Amyot, & Peters, 2014). For
Scopus medical fields, 78% of articles had at least one reader (Thelwall & Wilson, 2016).
Another study found high coverage for WoS Medicine 2008 articles (72%) but lower (about a
third) for Physics, Chemistry, Engineering and Technology (Mohammadi, Thelwall, Haustein,
et al., 2015). Less than half of recent social sciences WoS articles (44%) are in Mendeley,
varying from Psychology (54%) to Linguistics (34%) and only 13% of humanities articles were
indexed, from Education (34%) to Literature (4%) (Mohammadi & Thelwall, 2014).
Nevertheless, 61% of Swedish humanities journal articles from 2012 were in Mendeley
(Hammarfelt, 2014). Compared to other altmetrics from, Mendeley had the
highest coverage (63%) of a large sample of Web of Science articles (Zahedi, Costas, &
Wouters, 2014). Very few books have records: only 7% of recent WoS science and medicine
volumes (Kousha & Thelwall, 2016). Thus, whilst Mendeley has wide coverage overall and
particularly for medicine, it is weak in the humanities and very weak in some disciplines and
for books. This may have changed since the studies described here however.
Zotero. No coverage information is available.
2.2.3 Online reference managers: Correlation with citation counts
When a new indicator is proposed for an aspect of research evaluation then the logical first
method to assess whether it has any value is to calculate its correlation with citation counts on
the basis that a positive result would be evidence that the data was not random and related to
scholarly impact in some way (Sud & Thelwall, 2014). Even though a negative or zero correlation
is also consistent with a new indicator reflecting a completely different type of impact, in practice
most types of impact relate to each other to some extent and so this test is reasonable. There is
extensive evidence of this type for Mendeley and a little for CiteULike. For Mendeley, readership
counts correlate positively and moderately strongly with citation counts (and peer review
judgements) in most fields, with the arts being the main exception.
CiteULike records and citations have a significant positive correlation for Science and
Nature (Li, Thelwall, & Giustini, 2012). Usage data dominated by CiteULike have low
Spearman correlations (0.1) with Journal Impact Factors for physics journals (Haustein &
Siebenlist, 2011)
Mendeley records and citations have a significant positive correlation for Science and
Nature (Li, Thelwall, & Giustini, 2012), for PLoS ONE, PLoS Biology and PLoS Pathogens
articles (Priem, Piwowar, & Hemminger, 2012) and for selected genetics and genomics
articles (Li & Thelwall, 2012). Mendeley readers have a moderate overall correlation (0.5)
with WoS article citations (Zahedi, Costas, & Wouters, 2014). For PubMed articles 20102012 in WoS, Spearman correlations between Mendeley readers WoS citations were
positive and statistically significant in all broad disciplines except the Arts. They varied
from 0.2 (Humanities) to 0.6 (Engineering and Technology), with an average of 0.5
(Haustein, Larivière, Thelwall, Amyot, & Peters, 2014). For WoS articles from 2008, five
social science fields had Spearman correlations of 0.4-0.6 and five humanities fields had
Spearman correlations of 0.4 or 0.5 (Mohammadi & Thelwall, 2014; see also: Thelwall, in
press). Similar correlations were found for science and medicine fields (0.4 or 0.5) except
for Engineering and Technology (0.3) (Mohammadi, Thelwall, Haustein, & Larivière,
2015). Within Medicine the correlations later (and for narrower fields) rose to 0.7
(Thelwall & Wilson, 2016). The most systematic analysis so far checked 325 narrow Scopus
fields, finding strong positive correlations in almost all (Thelwall, 2017f). For books,
correlations between Mendeley reader counts and citations are about 0.1 (Kousha &
Thelwall, 2016). Engineering conference papers have a very low correlation with citation
counts (Aduku, Thelwall, & Kousha, 2017).
A more direct source of evidence of the value of readership counts is their correlation with peer
review scores. Peer review judgements are impractical to obtain for large samples of articles
unless the data is a by-product of a research evaluation. For articles published in 2008 and
submitted for evaluation by subject experts in the UK’s Research Excellence Framework (REF)
2014, correlations between Mendeley reader counts and expert ratings in 33 of the 36 fields
examined were positive, with the highest being for clinical medicine (0.4) and the lowest for
Music, Drama, Dance and Performing Arts (-0.1) (HEFCE, 2015). Given that these articles were
selected by their authors for being high quality, the correlations are likely to substantially
underestimate the underlying level of agreement between peer judgement and Mendeley reader
counts and so this is strong evidence that in most fields Mendeley reader counts reflect the
quality of journal articles. A weaker corroborating piece of evidence is that UK clinical guideline
references have more Mendeley readers than do comparable articles (Thelwall & Maflahi, 2016)
2.2.4 Online reference managers and reading
References can be logged within a reference manager by users that have not read them (Weller
& Peters, 2012) or as part of training exercises (MacMillan, 2012) and so it is not clear that it is
reasonable to characterize reference manager data as “readership counts”. The best way to find
out why users enter reference data is to ask them. A survey of Mendeley users found that most
(85%) added articles to cite them, but many also added articles for professional (50%) or teaching
(25%) purposes. Moreover, most added articles that they had read or intended to read. Thus,
Mendeley readership data clearly represents readership and a wider type of impact than
scholarly impact, although mainly still within a broad academic context (Mohammadi, Thelwall,
& Kousha, 2015). Some articles are added for educational reasons, having many readers but few
citations (Thelwall, 2017c).
Since undergraduates use reference managers, it is logical to look to readership data for
evidence of educational reading. This is undermined by evidence that undergraduates and
researchers tend to register similar articles (Thelwall, 2017a)
2.2.5 Online reference managers: Reader types and demographics
Readers of research can originate from any country in the world, from any discipline, from any
academic status. They can also be professionals using the information for their work or could be
members of the public with an interest in a specific topic or fact. Within these groups, some read
more academic research than others, and even when considering academic researchers alone,
younger researchers read and cite more (Larivière, Sugimoto, & Bergeron, 2013; Tenopir, King,
Spencer, & Wu, 2009). Undergraduates sometimes read scientific papers but their reading is
often directed by their lecturers (Korobili, Malliari, & Zapounidou, 2011; Whitmire, 2002). To
interpret the type of impact reflected by readership data, it is therefore important to investigate
the nature of people that use online reference managers. Partial information is known for
Bibsonomy and Mendeley.
In terms of geography, almost half of all Bibsonomy users are from Germany (Ortega,
2016), undermining its value for general impact assessment. Probably all the major services have
relatively low numbers of users from China and from countries with little scientific publishing or
a low level of technology use in universities.
In terms of work status, Mendeley includes substantial numbers of undergraduates and
Master’s students and few non-academic users. In science, it is dominated by young users: PhD
students, postgraduates and postdoctoral researchers (Mohammadi, Thelwall, Haustein, &
Larivière, 2015). In contrast, successful senior researchers seem to avoid it (Mas-Bleda, Thelwall,
Kousha, & Aguillo, 2014) and so there is an age/seniority bias.
2.2.6 Online reference managers: Timeliness
Mendeley readers appear about a year before citations, on average. For four library and
information science (LIS) journals, the number of citations reaches the number of readers after
about seven years (Maflahi & Thelwall, 2016). A similar pattern of initially higher readership
counts than citation counts has been found for 50 fields, although the number of years needed
for citations to overtake readers varies by discipline (Thelwall & Sud, 2016). Early Mendeley
readership counts are also better predictors of later high citation counts than are journal impact
factors or citations (Zahedi, Costas & Wouters, 2015). All this evidence supports the conclusion
that Mendeley readership counts give statistically stronger impact evidence than citation counts
in the first few years after publication.
It is common for articles to have Mendeley readers as soon as they are formally published
because of the prior sharing of preprints (Maflahi & Thelwall, 2018). This makes it possible to
conduct evaluations of them immediately upon publication, if these evaluations do not require
the statistical power of high average readership counts.
Most importantly, the higher number of Mendeley readers than citations in the year
following publication makes Mendeley reader counts correlate more strongly than citation
counts with peer review judgements of the quality of journal articles (HEFCE, 2015).
2.2.7 Online reference managers: Research evaluation applications
Readership data is useful for research evaluation applications where timeliness is important and
there is little risk of deliberate manipulation of the data. This excludes formal exercises where
those evaluated are told the data sources in advance but allows their use for more routine
academic progress monitoring.
Mendeley readership counts are useful for national-level evaluations for governments to
compare their progress against that of their competitors. The goal of such evaluations is to inform
policy decisions or to assess the effect of recent policy changes. For the latter case in particular,
timely data is essential. Mendeley readership data is preferable to citations because of its
timeliness but has the limitation that it is influenced by different levels of national uptake from
its users. This is a problem because of the tendency for people to read articles from their own
country. It is possible to circumvent this issue with a modelling approach to measure the amount
of bias in caused by the readership demographics and then correct for them, but this strategy is
imperfect because it requires assumptions or information about the evolution of national uptake
of the site over time (Fairclough & Thelwall, 2015).
Funding councils are also logical users of readership data. These may monitor the average
impact of the research that they fund to identify which funding streams are most successful and
whether the average impact of their funded research has changed over time. Web indicators can
be useful for these because the time lag of citations would delay decisions about changing
ineffective funding strategies (Thelwall, Kousha, Dinsmore, & Dolby, 2016) as well as for evidence
of societal research impact (Dinsmore, Allen, & Dolby, 2014). National biases in uptake and the
bias towards younger users are relatively minor problems for this and so Mendeley readership
data is a better source than citations (e.g., Thelwall, 2017b), although it does not reflect societal
benefits or many professional uses.
One recent application harnesses readership data purely for its early impact evidence in
comparison to citation counts, emphasizing the importance of the publication lag for citations. It
used reader counts for early evidence of the success of an article promotion strategy in a
randomised controlled trial (Kudlow, Cockerill, Toccalino, Dziadyk, Rutledge, et al., 2017).
2.2.8 Illustration of Mendeley data
Three documents were compared with Mendeley data to illustrate some of the features of
Mendeley and some of the factors that should be considered when interpreting its data. Three
important scientometric papers were selected for this comparison. The first is an old Nature
article discussing citation analysis from the perspective of non-scientometricians concerned
about its uses. The second is the well-known Leiden Manifesto. The third is an article about
altmetrics (Table 1).
All three articles have high numbers of readers and Google Scholar citations. Other factors
being equal, older articles should be more cited so it seems likely that the second and third
articles, from 2015, will eventually be more cited than the first one, from 2002. The two newer
articles already have more Mendeley readers than the first article (Counting house). This is partly
because Mendeley identified readers before citations and so newer articles take less time to
catch up with older articles in terms of reader counts. It is also partly because the Counting house
article was published years before Mendeley was released so its peak years of use would have
preceded the existence of substantial numbers of Mendeley users.
Table 1. Mendeley readers and Google Scholar citations for three scientometrics articles.
Title and authors
Citation analysis: The counting house by Adam, D.
The Leiden Manifesto for research metrics by Hicks,
D., Wouters, P., Waltman, L., De Rijcke, S., Rafols, I.
Do altmetrics correlate with citations: Extensive
comparison of altmetric indicators with citations from
a multidisciplinary perspective by Costas, R., Zahedi,
Z., Wouters, P.
Year Readers GS cites Reads/Cites
Mendeley data includes users’ professions (Figure 1). Most strikingly, the altmetric article is most
used by librarians. Presumably this is due to the proliferation of altmetrics in publisher websites.
In contrast, professors seem to be more concerned with traditional citation-based indicators.
Figure 1. All Mendeley reader occupations for three scientometric articles.
Mendeley data includes users’ declared country of origin or work (Figure 2). It seems that some
countries that are taking citation analysis seriously, such as Brazil, are not concerned with
altmetrics. In contrast, Canada and Netherlands seem to be more interested in altmetrics than
citation analysis although both countries have active researchers working in both areas. The
Counting house article seems to be particularly influential in the USA but it is not clear why.
Figure 2. Countries of Mendeley readers for countries with at least 10 readers.
There are substantial disciplinary differences in the uptake of the articles (Figure 3). The
altmetrics article has attracted the most attention in the Social Sciences and Computer Science,
although both categories might be due to library and information science researchers since this
field falls within both. The citation analysis articles are of interest in the Agricultural and Biological
Sciences. This is unsurprising given the origins of the San Francisco Declaration on Research
Assessment (DORA) within the life sciences (the American Society for Cell Biology), indicating an
unease with misuses of citation analysis within this discipline. Figure 3 also confirms that all three
articles have attracted substantial interest outside of their home disciplines.
Figure 3. Disciplines of Mendeley readers for the top 10 disciplines.
2.2.9 Investigating science with online reference manager data
An interesting application of readership data is to track the flow of knowledge between fields.
There is a long tradition of using citations to track knowledge flows by interpreting a citation from
an article in field A to a paper in field B as knowledge flowing from B to A (Small, 1997). The same
is possible for readership data when the domains of the readers of an article are known. The
advantages of using readership data for this are timeliness and its ability to capture slightly wider
impact because of the inclusion of students. A lot of data is needed to give good results however,
which was a problem with one CiteULike study (Jiang, He, & Ni, 2011). An investigation comparing
knowledge flows based on Mendeley readership data with citation-based knowledge flows found
differences suggesting that researchers in some fields, including Business, read widely but cited
narrowly (Mohammadi & Thelwall, 2014).
A related application is the discovery of research clusters by identifying groups of articles
read by the same user and then clustering them based on co-readership information (Kraker,
Körner, Jack, & Granitzer, 2012), although this seems to be no longer possible with Mendeley.
Readership data has also been used to investigate academics through their reference lists,
when these are public (Borrego & Fry, 2012), to evaluate journals through the extent to which
they are read (Haustein & Siebenlist, 2011), and to support literature search systems (Heck,
Peters, & Stock, 2011).
2.2.10 Advantages and disadvantages of reference manager data compared to citation
The timeliness, wider impact, and reader demographic information advantages of readership
data from all sources have already been mentioned, as have the disadvantages that it is
sometimes not transparent and always open to manipulation, with a biased user base. Some
additional factors are important to consider when evaluating readership data. The advantages
are listed first.
Traditional citation indexes, such as WoS and Scopus, have national biases and limits in
coverage (Archambault, Campbell, Gingras, & Larivière, 2009) whereas there are no
restrictions on the articles that may be added to reference managers.
Readership data is often free whereas citation indexes, except Google Scholar and
Microsoft Academic, tend to charge for access.
Readership data is relatively easy to access on a large scale from sites with an API. For
example, the free Webometric Analyst software can download Mendeley records via its
API from the articles DOIs and/or metadata.
Readership data tends to be more numerous than citation counts (e.g., Thelwall, 2017e),
except for older articles, and tests using it can therefore be statistically more powerful.
There are also additional disadvantages with readership data.
Whereas, in theory, it is possible to find out how a work has been cited by reading the
text accompanying the citation, references are rarely annotated with information that
reveals why a publication was selected. Reviews are annotated readings and these are
available from sites like Goodreads and Amazon for books (Kousha & Thelwall, 2016;
Kousha, Thelwall, & Abdoli, 2017).
Despite the recognised national biases in citation indexes, Mendeley readership data
seems to be more nationally biased than citation counts (Mas-Bleda & Thelwall, 2016).
Some altmetric sources of readership data can give inconsistent results (Fenner, 2014)
and there is a need for standardisation between data providers and sources (Konkiel,
Younger readers are more represented in Mendeley (Mohammadi, Thelwall, Haustein, &
Larivière, 2015) and the share of younger readers may vary by narrow field and
publication year.
Differences in adoption levels and behaviours across disciplines is a complicating factor
when interpreting the results of any multidisciplinary analysis (Wouters & Costas, 2012).
Some publication information entered by users to record their references is incomplete,
leading to missed data (Bornmann & Haunschild, 2015). This may be more frequent for
documents with mathematical titles or in languages that are not represented by the ASCII
character set.
2.3 Usage data from academic social network sites
The online environment for science communication is continually evolving and usage data is now
not only available from publishers, academic repositories and reference managers but also from
some academic social network sites. Both and ResearchGate allow members to
log their own papers and add them to their profile pages (as Mendeley also does now). They also
provide usage data on these records in the form of download or view counts. They differ from
reference managers by focusing on each author’s own publications rather than their references
of (presumably) mainly other scholars’ works. Thus, their usage data has essentially the same
nature as the download and access statistics of publishers or repositories, even though their
appearance is more like Mendeley. Academic social network sites are in competition with
publishers as sources of published academic research and, because of this, undermine the
comprehensiveness of publisher data, apparently irrespective of copyright concerns (Jamali,
For research evaluation purposes, academic social network sites are not good sources of
usage indicators because they have an incomplete collection of articles and do not make their
usage data easily available for researchers. Nevertheless, they are important because they have
many mamebers and their scores are apparently taken seriously by many researchers (Jordan,
2015, 2017; Orduna-Malea, Martín-Martín, Thelwall, & López-Cózar, 2017).
ResearchGate article views correlate positively with Scopus citations and seem to reflect
a wider set of users than publishing academics, putting them on a par with other sources of usage
data (Thelwall & Kousha, 2017). ResearchGate also provides citation counts for uploaded articles
by extracting citations from all articles uploaded to the site. Although it indexes less citations
than Google Scholar, it finds more early citations than WoS and Scopus, suggesting that many
authors upload preprints to the site (Thelwall & Kousha, 2017b). There are differing national
levels of uptake of ResearchGate, which will bias its data, but despite being a type of web social
network site, its data does not seem to favour younger users (Thelwall & Kousha, 2015b).
There is less research about, but, like ResearchGate, its scores seem to
favour senior academics. They also tend to favour women, perhaps due to their greater
communication expertise in the social web (Thelwall & Kousha, 2014).
2.4 Summary
This chapter has summarized research into readership data, including usage data, with a focus
on research evaluation applications but also covering collection development applications. In
theory, this data is preferable to citation counts because it captures more uses of scholarly
documents, such as from students and professionals. Although there is a little evidence to
support his conjecture, readership data seems to primarily reflect scholarly uses in most fields.
Both readership data from reference managers and usage (download/view) data from publishers
have the advantage of giving early impact evidence compared to citations because of the delays
associated with the publication cycle. This is due to articles being read a year or more before the
citations generated by the reading, if any, appear in a citation index. Nevertheless, both
download data and reference manager data can be manipulated and whilst they are useful for
informal evaluations and investigations into science itself, they should not be used for formal
evaluation when those assessed can influence the data.
Readership data from reference managers has the additional promise that it can reveal
something about the demographics of the readers, including their discipline, nation and job type.
This can help with investigations of science communication. Download data in many cases has
the practical limitation that a set of articles may originate from many different publishers, which
complicates accessing it and the data may not be fully comparable. In contrast, it is reasonable
to collect reference manager readership data from a single site, such as Mendeley via its API,
making it a practical source of readership information.
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