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1995, Proceedings of the Boston area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy
59 pages
1 file
Academia Letters, 2022
This study investigates Virtual Reality as a professional learning tool. Participants had the opportunity to virtually explore a Scottish Nature Kindergarten at child's eye level, alongside the site director. With input from the VR producers and 126 participants, debrief facilitators, and project initiators, this piece presents findings and provocations for future thinking about professional learning. In a context of multiple realities, 'reality' has spilled into the digital world, with talented designers creating illusions of objects and messages. These creations are commonly described as 'augmented' or 'virtual' and are now entering early childhood landscapes (Madanipour and Cohrssen, 2019). Adults' perceptions, knowledge-base and experience impact pedagogy. In order to support educators, professional learning must incorporate constituents of adult learning: agency (choosing involvement), relevance (targeted), accessibility (on-site), and engagement (opportunity to 'debrief') (Fleet & Patterson, 2001; Hodgins & Kummen, 2019). The Study Understanding adult reactions to VR experiences can enhance future pedagogical possibilities for children and adults, providing springboards for researchers and policy-makers. While musing about possibilities for enriching adult learning through newer technologies, an opportunity arose when an early childhood conference (Inspire, Melbourne, 2020) offered registrants a virtual experience. Data analysed from initiators, facilitators and participants is summarised here. A survey was emailed to all registered participants (approximately 600), three days postconference, enabling at-home reflection. Of the 226 people completing the survey, 135 rated
This study investigates the challenges impacting educational performance in Kwale County, Kenya, with a specific focus on the effects of poor role modeling, teacher motivation, sociocultural influences, and community engagement. Employing a mixed-methods approach, the research utilized surveys and in-depth interviews with school heads, teachers, board members, and parents to gather comprehensive data. The findings reveal that effective role modeling by school leaders significantly enhances student performance, while poor role modeling contributes to teacher demotivation and negative academic outcomes. Additionally, inadequate financial compensation and a lack of professional development opportunities were identified as critical factors undermining teacher motivation. The study also highlights the socio-cultural perception of Madrassa education as superior to formal schooling, coupled with the prioritization of cultural practices like lavish weddings, which detract from educational investments. Furthermore, the research underscores the lack of community support and engagement in educational initiatives, though some successful community-led efforts indicate the potential for improved collaboration. The study concludes that addressing the interconnected issues of leadership, motivation, cultural influences, and community involvement is essential for enhancing educational quality in Kwale County. Recommendations include enhancing leadership practices, improving teacher motivation through financial and professional support, addressing socio-cultural challenges, and fostering community engagement. These measures aim to create a more conducive educational environment, ultimately improving student outcomes.
Queda prohibida la reproducción o transmisión total o parcial del contenido de la presente obra en cualesquiera formas, sean electrónicas o mecánicas, sin el consentimiento previo y por escrito del editor. Impreso en México Printed in Mexico Primera edición ebook: 2014 info Este trabajo está dedicado a la memoria de mi señor padre, Antonio Barrera Pelcastre (1903-2005), de quien aprendí que el trabajo hace la diferencia entre los individuos y a la vez los hermana.
bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas Wikisumber memiliki naskah sumber yang berkaitan dengan artikel ini:
History of Political Thought, 2021
This paper offers an in-depth analysis of Volksentscheid und Volksbegehren, a hitherto untranslated short monograph of Schmitt's that offers both an interpretation of the Weimar Constitution's provisions for popular referenda as well as a reflection on the limits of direct democracy. The paper argues that Schmitt was concerned to limit the scope of popular legislative initiative under the Weimar Constitution as much as possible. This result suggests that it is wrong to interpret Schmitt as a defender of direct democracy who was concerned to preserve the constituent authority of the people against a parliamentary system controlled by political elites.
REVISTA BOLETÍN BIOLÓGICA Nº 31 AÑO 8 2014 pág. 29 ¿Por qué Richard Evans Schultes?, por varios motivos que irán emergiendo a lo largo de este artículo, o al menos eso espero. Lo que puedo adelantarles es que Schultes no ganó el Premio Nobel ni fue un científico de esos que usan guardapolvo y hacen experimentos raros y magistrales (Figura 1). Schultes fue un investigador, pero de los que tienen poca prensa; tal vez sea esto lo que motiva este artículo: conocer, a través de él a muchos otros investigadores y disciplinas biológicas menospreciadas.
Como su propio nombre indica, la segmentación paginada intenta aunar lo mejor de los dos esquemas. La segmentación proporciona soporte directo a las regiones del proceso y la paginación permite un mejor aprovechamiento de la memoria y una base para construir un esquema de memoria virtual. Con esta técnica, un segmento está formado por un conjunto de páginas, y por tanto, no tiene que estar contiguo en memoria. La MMU utiliza una tabla de segmentos, tal que cada entrada de la tabla apunta a una tabla de páginas.
Publicado originariamente en Revista Actualidad Psicológica, num 377, agosto del 2009 1) Introducción:
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Durnovo N.N. Die grossrussische Dialektologie in den letzten fünf Jahren (1897—1901) // Archiv für slavische Philologie. – 1905. – B. 27. – H. 1. – S. 91–125.
Journal of Language Teaching and Research
Routledge Handbook of Conspiracy Theories, 2020
Acta Arachnologica, 2018
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1997
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2017
Cardiovascular Research, 2021
J.Env.Bio-Sci.,, 2024
Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2021