Fides et Ratio (Faith & Science) & Science & Islam
Interdisciplinary PhD studies in Strategic Communication and
What is being done in aligning the Qu’ran with scientific
knowledge is similar to the two volumes written by Karol Jozef
Wojtyla (Pope John Paul II), entitled in Latin, Fides et Ratio, which in
English is Faith and Reason, aimed to translate the scriptures, based on
the common Abrahamic tradition of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
based on anthropological studies, similar to surviving communities
such as the Crimean Tatar living among Orthodox and Karaites, that
linked the travelled learning group format in semi-nomadic military
and business trade protected communities, who had real exposure
outside of their local, hegemonous, activities.
These learning groups, supported through military and business
trade sponsors, worried about developing a universal principle, or
commandment, and principles (identifying facts, loyalties, values, and
issues) of ethical reasoning (Limburg, 1994), concerning what is
morally correct in any situation (Limburg, 1994), and the actual
military leadership and business management role of men and women
Vatican/Napoleonic era western colonization intrusions that violated
the integrity of morals, destroying the civilized integrity of the Middle
East and Mediterranean, including Italian, civilizations beginning in
the 18th century (Farahian, 2000 & 2002, & and pre-Napoleonic
Fides et Ratio (Faith & Science) & Science & Islam
Muslim law and women’s citizenship rights Washington State
University scholar Prof. Mary Bloodsworth’s lectures on Wing, 2000).
A similar learning group proto-type of tolerance, is the Church
of Latter Day Saints, who are a native U.S. religion that developed in
the specific context of the American continent, finding that amid
diverse populations of indigenous and immigrants, a universal
commandment and set of reasoning codes were required protecting
one’s allegiance to their sovereign nation, particularly in managing
electronic media within the citizenship obligations as U.S. citizens
(Limburg, 1994). The goal is not conversion, persons are born into their
citizenship biosphere that has evolved organically over millennia, often
this has no affiliation to an ‘official’ religion and instead to generational
ethical military or business family cultures, in continental Europe these
are Moral Codes of Nobility and Rank and Order, with standards for
subjects to elevate, uphold or to be marginalized to a lower rank,
faithful to their sovereign nation. In this model the nation, its military
and businesses, are the temporal power, not to be over-ridden by,
though informed with the coexisting religious contemplating the
Universal, particularly in cases of life or death, and the outcome of each
(Brady, 2005, Stein, 2017 & Stevenson, 1997).
The goal is tolerance, reflecting the intensity of the quality of
meeting one another's expectations, while exchanging knowledge and
a profitable business according to organizational and personal mission
priorities, and growing in one’s religious identity as children through
adulthood as a form of personal moral learning and salvation (Brady,
2005, Farahian, 2002 & Limburg, 1994).
Knowledge and
understanding written in the language of spiritual enlightenment, or
Fides et Ratio (Faith & Science) & Science & Islam
intuition, needed to also be understood in the language and
knowledge of current scientific doctrines.
The reasoning is that the Word of Allah, or God, cannot be in
contradiction with the natural sciences nor other religions, for both
religion and science are describing the same phenomenon, just from
two different spectrums (diachronic and synchronic magnetic fields
of personal and collective experience/memory) on the field of
Knowledge itself. What we know through intuition, or Faith (John
Paul, 2002), should be scientifically, logically, verifiable, and in
balance with differing religions (Farahian, 2002), researched and
tested. Faith, any Faith, and reason are two differently explained views
to describing the same phenomena (John Paul. 2002).
My interest is pragmatic, if war is a science, and we are at war
with evil, Faith and Science must not contradict one another,
contradiction in cognitive organization of mental structures, such as
using imagery that contradicts the written or spoken narrative, is the
logical basis of mental illnesses, particularly in psychological warfare,
whence the tool is the science of communication in verbal and nonverbal forms including lethal (Stein, 2002).
My Grandfather, in World War I, as a very young Italian military
police enlisted person, quickly rose in rank by fighting against the
Austrians as well as participating in execution squads of his own
Italian enlisted and officers, to win in WWI at the Austrian front. For
upholding the Honour of the Monarchy and Italy he was much later,
Knighted. In Italy I was taught that military ranked Nobility is above
Fides et Ratio (Faith & Science) & Science & Islam
the Church, since pacifists do not win wars nor effectively defend
their nation from immorality.
1. About the Universe
[Quran, 41:53] “We shall show them our signs in the universe and
within themselves, until it becomes clear to them that this is the
truth. Is it not enough that your lord is the witness of all things?”
'Witness of all things' balances with research in quantum psychology
that in a holographic universe as a sound and visual, and somatic,
memory vehicle this is possible, both as the collective and individual
subconscious, what regulates this is the issue of archetype attraction
towards an "organizing principle" which is both obvious and hidden
for emergence effectiveness in the phenomena of creative problem
solving and invention, or what Renee’ Descartes described as the
‘ghost in the machine’ in philosophical dualism (Kurzweil, 1999,
Stein, 2017, Stevenson, 1997, & Zelazo, Moscovitch, & Thompson,
2. About the Origin of life:
[Quran, 21:30] “We made every living thing from water? will they
not believe?”
Fides et Ratio (Faith & Science) & Science & Islam
The origin of life' has often been described as memory/cognition
originating, and held, in water (Metzner, 1994). It is thought water is
the basis of memory, though in quantum psychology this can be
reduced to magnetic memory vehicles, not needing 'water'. This
approach is pioneered by Vallverdu’ and Castro (2018) in the study
nition_BioSystems_165_2018_57-70 ;
3. About the Sky’s protection:
(Quran 21:32) “We made the sky a protective ceiling. And yet
they are turning away from Our signs!”
'Sky's protection' falls in-line with the knowledge of the magnetic
field of the earth and in the universe, having a sort of protective dome
or cocoon effect. If the magnetic field functions as a memory vehicle
(Metzner, 1994 & Stevenson, 1997, volume two, p. 1085 discussion
of the psychophore) then altering the natural environment, even the
trashing of ancient pottery upon which Muhammad and others
handled with their hands, shall without doubt disorient humanity to
self dissolution having lost (destroyed) its magnetic energy based
memory vehicle, or organizing principle, itself (Metzner, 1994 &
Stevenson, 1997);
4. About “Seas and Oceans”:
(Quran, 55:19-20): “He has set free the two seas meeting
together. There is a barrier between them. They do not transgress.
Fides et Ratio (Faith & Science) & Science & Islam
Modern Science has discovered that in the places where two
different seas meet, there is a barrier between them. This barrier
divides the two seas so that each sea has its own temperature,
salinity, and density (1) [Principles of Oceanography, Davis, pp. 9293]
The reference to the division according to the waters (seas) of the
earth, is in-line with each ethnic sovereign culture has its organizing
archetypical principles, a safe zone/magnetic dome to protect its
followers - each culture in this sense, is a different time zone of
memory, and should not be damaged, disturbed, or violated by
imagery that violates its safety - the same for language, purity of
language is purity of moral thought. Violating this natural barrier
threatens the sphere of evolution, cognition and memory (Limburg,
1994, Metzner, 1994, Stein, 1997, Stevenson, 1997, & Vallverdu’ &
Castro, et al, 2018);
5. About “Lying & Movement”:
There was a cruel oppressive tribal leader named Abu Jahl who
lived during the time of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of
Allah be upon him). Allah revealed a verse of the Quran to warn
him:“No indeed! if he does not stop, We will seize him by the forehead,
his lying, sinful forehead.”[Quran, 96:15-16]. Allah does not call this
person a liar, but calls his forehead (the front part of the brain) ‘lying’
and ‘sinful’, and warns him to stop.
First, a book titled ‘Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology’ which
includes the results of research on the functions of this area states:
Fides et Ratio (Faith & Science) & Science & Islam
“The motivation and the foresight to plan and initiate movements
occur in the anterior portion of the frontal lobes, the prefrontal area.
The part of the brain that is responsible for movement is said to be
seized if the man does not stop. Secondly, numerous studies have
shown that this same region (frontal lobe) is responsible for the lying
function of the brain. One such study at the University of
Pennsylvania in which volunteers were asked questionsduring a
computerized interrogation, it was found that when the volunteers
were lying there was significantly increased activity in the prefrontal
and premotor cortices.
Regarding the biological based practices of masking in
deception, or lying, thermoimaging has established that as part of the
self-gratification physiology of lying, the nasal area temperature
drops, shutting off the receptivity of the smell of the target of the lie,
and the forehead temperature increases, reflecting heightened
agitation if caught lying (Beatty & McCroskey, 2001). The latest study
hge21SLS1l84BmpOfzISo7Q ;
6. About the Prophet Mohamed (May Peace Be Upon Him)
Prophet Muhammad's housing contractual context is often
ignored, except by historical scholars such as Farahian, S.J., Egyptian
lecturer at the Gregorian Pontifical University, Rome, Italy. Do not
forget that Muhammad married an older woman, who inherited
Fides et Ratio (Faith & Science) & Science & Islam
business trade wealth from her father - thus his cultivation as a
scholar was probably in part a result of his housing context - to
philosophize about the real questions of the universe requires
material security and sponsoring families (Aristotle & Wing, 2000);
My writing is based on the role of women in early Islam, and their
right of citizenship and property, in lectures by Mary Bloodsworth,
PhD, lecturer on global feminism, and the eschatological lectures of
Universita' Pontificia
Gregoriana, Rome, besides the studies of Prof. James McCroskey in
biology and communication, and former Chair of Psychiatry and
Perceptual Studies, Prof. Ian Stevenson, MD at University of Virginia
Barber, B (2003). Jihad vs. McWorld: terrorism’s challenge to
democracy, Great Britain: Gorgi.
The biology of
communication: a communibiological perspective, Creskil, NJ:
Beatty, MJ & McCroskey, JC (2001).
Brady, RA, Lieutenant General USAF (2005). The report of the
Headquarters Review Group
concerning the religious climate at the US Air Force Academy.
Headquarters, United States Air Force: 22 June 2005. Retrieved
Crollius, AAR, sj (2002). “The Christian conception of Islam”, in
Europe & Islam: evaluations & perspectives at the dawn of the
third millenium: proceedings of an international conference,
Fides et Ratio (Faith & Science) & Science & Islam
Elsheik, MS (ed.), Florence University Press.
Ehrman, BD (2005). Lost Christianities: the battles for scripture & the
faiths we never knew. Oxford University Press.
El-Dahabi, EG (2002). “Protection of human rights in Islam”, in
Europe & Islam: evaluations & perspectives at the dawn of the
third millenium: proceedings of an international conference,
Elsheik, MS (ed.), Florence University Press.
Elsheik, MS (ed.) (2002). Europe & Islam: evaluations & perspectives
at the dawn of the third millenium: proceedings of an
international conference, Florence University Press.
Farahian, E., S.J. (1999). Note Introduttorie di Teologia Biblica in
Prospettiva Missionaria.
Italy: Editrice
Universita’ Gregoriana.
Farahian, E., S.J. (2000). Bibbia e Religioni: Problematica – capitol
scelti, I antico testamento. Rome, Italy: Editrice Pontificia
Universita’ Gregoriana.
Farahian, E., S.J. (2002). Bibbia e Religioni: Problematica – capitol
scelti, II nuovo testamento. Rome, Italy: Editrice Pontificia
Universita’ Gregoriana.
Herz, RS (2005). “Odor-associative learning and emotion: effects on
perception and behavior”, Chemical Senses, V 30, N 1, pp. 250251.
John Paul II (2002). Lettera Enciclica Fides et ratio, 14 settembre 1998.
Interdisciplinare di Scienza e Fede. Rome, Italy: Urbaniana
University Press. Volume II.
Kurzweil, R (1999). The age of spiritual machines: when computers
exceed human intelligence, NYC: Penguin Books.
Fides et Ratio (Faith & Science) & Science & Islam
Limburg, V.E. (1994). Electronic Media Ethics. Boston: Focal Press.
Lawson, ET & McCauley, R (1990). Rethinking religion: connecting
culture & cognition, Cambridge
University Press.
Metzner, R. (1994). The Well of Remembrance: Rediscovering the
Earth Wisdom Myths of Northern
Europe. Boston: Shambhala.
Manhart, K (2005). “Likely story: myths persist in modern culture
because of the brain’s biological need
to impose order on the world”, in Scientific American Mind , V.
16, N. 4, pp. 58 – 63; December
Stein, S. (2002). Exploring Sexual Feelings through Roman Catholic
Images: the lust judgment of gentile religion. Masters of Arts
thesis. Pullman, WA: Washington State University.
Stein, S. (2017). Unmasking
motivation monumentalizing
generational trafficking victims. Saarbrucken, Germany:
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing.
Stevenson, I. (1997). Reincarnation & Biology: A Contribution to the
Etiology of Birthmarks & Birth Defects. Volume I: Birthmarks &
Volume II: birth defects & other anomalies. London: Praeger.
Vallverdu´, J., Castro, O., Mayne, R., et al, (2018). Slime mould: the
fundamental mechanisms of biological cognition, Biosystems.
Volume 165, March 2018, pp. 57-70. Article available at
Wing, A.K. (Ed.) (2000). Global Critical Race Feminism: An
International Reader. NYC: New York University Press.
Fides et Ratio (Faith & Science) & Science & Islam
Zelazo, P.D., Moscovitch, M., & Thompson, E. (Eds.) (2007). The
Cambridge Handbook of Consciousness. Cambridge University
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