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[Book reviews in cultural press] Susan Sontag, „Despre fotografie”, Traducere din limba engleză de Delia Zahareanu, Cu un eseu de Erwin Kessler, Editura Vellant, București, 2018, 232 p. Marius Turda, Știință și etnicitate. Cercetarea antropologică în România anilor ’30, Editura Muzeului Municipiului București, București, 2018, 160 p.
Culegerea de articole reprezintă materialele celei de-a 2-a ediții a Conferinței Internaționale "Lectura ca bază pentru cultură, cunoaștere și dezvoltare", organizată de Biblioteca Națională a Republicii Moldova în septembrie 2020. Temele abordate de către autori sunt de ordin teoretic cât și practic. Volumul al II lea reprezintă diferite abordări ale fenomenului lecturii.
viXra, 2015
Despite the last decades' growing interest in discussing Cicero's philosophical works there is still no consensus among scholars regarding the purposes these works were written for. In this article, by focusing on some fragments from works like the ‚Hortensius‛ and ‚Consolatio‛, I will try to offer new grounds for reading and interpreting Cicero not only as a philosopher of public and political affairs, as he is usually seen by modern scholars, but also as a philosopher of the theoretical life.
Dr. Gabriela Rusu-Păsărin este conferenŃiar la Facultatea de Litere a UniversităŃii din Craiova, unde susŃine cursuri de comunicare audiovizuală, comunicare politică, comunicare şi persuasiune. A publicat cărŃi, articole şi studii în domeniile: comunicare în spaŃiul public, jurnalism cultural, etnografie şi folclor. Este realizator-coordonator la Radio Oltenia Craiova (post public regional al SocietăŃii Române de Radiodifuziune), promovând astfel o perspectivă aplicată a jurnalismului cultural şi a comunicării audiovizuale. Rezumat Prima carte de legi în limba română (1640), Pravila de la Govora, sau Mica Pravilă este totodată un corpus referenŃial de tradiŃii şi credinŃe populare referitoare la ceremonialul existenŃial. Scopul este de a realiza o analiză comparativă a celor două nivele de referinŃă, mentalul tradiŃional românesc şi rigoarea bisericească, cea din urmă funcŃionând sub influenŃa stravechilor legi bizantine şi a canoanelor stabilite de sinodul Bisericii Orientale. Cred...
The article highlights the printing activity in Chisinau in the old period and the circumstances in which the synodal exarchate was abolished. The idea of creating a new religious administrative unit and framing the annexed territory in a new diocese is analyzed. Important contributions regarding the history of printing in Chisinau are reflected
Deleted Journal, 2024
In the history of Romanian literature in Bessarabia Creangă's modelling role is exem¬pli¬fied especially during the turning periods, when the concept of literature is radicalized (years 20-30, 60, 80). Across different searches and wanderings of prose writers, namely, the organicist perspective of the structure of the Bessarabian literary phenomenon elucidates the importance of the Creangă model in overcoming the different complexes, among which, especially, of the narrow-minded Romanian.
Ion Pop's most recent book, Cărţi la alegere with its subtitle Poeţi şi poezie (Tracus Arte Publishing, 2020) represents more than the title makes is believe, more than what the poet himself says. The book brings together the literary reviews published by Ion Pop in different cultural magazines between 2000 and 2019, exposing before the readers a series of "fragmented readings" dependant to a great extent on the editorial context of these years. The critic, an "active spectator" of the Romanian literary scene, admits his inappetence for the often confusing image of the backstage, of biased manoeuvres, movements and image strategies, preferring, as he writes in the Foreword, to be left "alone with the texts and texts alone". On the other hand, one cannot ignore the ambition of his thesis, as Ion Pop confesses his "secret impulse of fitting a mosaic piece of these types of glosses in a more comprehensive assembly", capable of highlighting the "figure in the carpet" "calling to unity the capillaries of the entire organism".
Studia Universitatis Moldaviae: Stiinte Umanistice, 2015
Eugen Dorcescu, NIRVANA. CEA MAI FRUMOASĂ POEZIE, Editura Eurostampa, Timișoara, 2015., 2015
Volum antologic, ne-varietur, al poeziei publicate de Eugen Dorcescu între 1972 și 2015. Selecție, biobibliografie, ediție critică și eseu hermeneutic de Mirela-Ioana Borchin.
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Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Journal, 2022
Texila International Journal of Public Health , 2024
Journal of the Society of Automotive Engineers Malaysia
Regional Formation and Development Studies, 2022
Child & youth care forum, 2018
Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer, 2022
Cancer control : journal of the Moffitt Cancer Center, 2016
Nucleic Acids Research, 1992
2010 Fifth International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM), 2010
IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 1997
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 1995