Posted April 12, 2016
In Autoimmune/Allergy Medicine, Gastrointestinal, Pain Medicine
By Alex Vasquez, DC, ND, DO, FACN
Introduction: For the accurate understanding and effective treatment of any disease, all
components of the disease should first be integrated into a cohesive and consistent model that
explains all aspects of the disease, including risk factors, pathophysiologic findings, and
responses to treatments. For fibromyalgia (FM), the most cohesive model centers on the
disease’s genesis in the GI tract, resulting from overgrowth and/or imbalance of luminal
bacteria. This short article will present gastrointestinal dysbiosis as the GUT – grand unified
theory – of all aspects of fibromyalgia, based on previous and recent reviews by this author. 15
The pathophysiology of FM is illustrated in Figure 1, and described in the sections that follow.
Patients with fibromyalgia have high rates of gastrointestinal dysbiosis in proportion to
the severity of musculoskeletal pain.
Small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) – also referred to as “intestinal bacterial
overgrowth” or simply “bacterial overgrowth” – provides the single best model for explaining
the clinical and pathophysiological manifestations of FM, as well as irritable bowel syndrome
(IBS). Although underappreciated by many clinicians, SIBO is common in clinical practice,
affecting, for example, approximately 40% of patients with rheumatoid arthritis, 84% of patients
with IBS, and 90-100% of patients with FM. In a study of 42 FM patients, all 42 patients showed
laboratory evidence of SIBO, and the severity of the intestinal bacterial overgrowth correlated
positively with the severity of the fibromyalgia, thus indicating the plausibility of a causal
The links between FM and IBS are also strong; many IBS patients meet strict diagnostic
criteria for FM, and many FM patients meet strict criteria for IBS. Lubrano et al7 showed that FM
severity correlated with IBS severity among patients who met strict diagnostic criteria for both
conditions. The high degree of overlap between these 2 diagnostic labels suggests that these
conditions are 2 variations of a common pathophysiological process – SIBO.8 SIBO causes
altered bowel function, immune activation, and visceral hypersensitivity, and it is the best
causative explanation for the clinical and pathophysiological manifestations of IBS. For more
details and citations, see the excellent review by Lin, published in JAMA in 2004.9 IBS is
characterized by visceral hyperalgesia (hypersensitivity to pain), just as fibromyalgia is
characterized by musculoskeletal hyperalgesia.
Originally published as © Vasquez A. Microbial Origins of Fibromyalgia. Naturopathic Doctor News and Reviews 2016 Apr
ndnr.com/pain-medicine/microbial-origins-of-fibromyalgia derived from Inflammation Mastery, 4th Edition excerpted as Pain
Revolution (full-color) and Brain Inflammation (discounted grayscale printing). Copyright © 2014-present by Dr Alex Vasquez
https://www.InflammationMastery.com/fibromyalgia • PDF archived/updated at https://www.academia.edu/37747319
See related video archive at https://www.inflammationmastery.com/fibromyalgia-migraine-videos-news
Given this strong evidence indicating that IBS is caused by SIBO and that IBS and FM are
variations of the same pathophysiological process, it is reasonable to conclude that SIBO may
cause FM. SIBO is highly prevalent in FM. Several studies6,10-13 have shown that 90-100% of
fibromyalgia patients have evidence of SIBO; such relationships imply causality and must be
integrated into any science-based model of fibromyalgia. As generally expected with GI
dysbiosis, FM patients show evidence of increased intestinal permeability, so-called “leaky
Successful treatments for GI dysbiosis include monotherapy with berberine
from Berberis vulgaris14 and/or Origanum vulgare (emulsified oil of oregano, time-released for
proper dispersion)15 and combined use of Artemisia dracunculus, Tinospora cordifolia,
Equisetum arvense, Thymus vulgaris, Pau d’Arco, Anethum graveolens, Brucea javanica, Pulsatilla
chinensis, Picrasma excelsa, Acacia catechu, Hedyotis diffusa, and Achillea millefolium.16
Figure 1. A
Model of
(Illustration by
Vasquez A,
Mastery, 4th Ed
2016). Image
licensed to
NDNR. No other
use, replication,
or derivation permitted without written permission from the author. Image of brain by
IsaacMao per Flickr.com via creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0.)
Microbial molecules from the gut account directly and indirectly for nearly all of the
clinical manifestations of fibromyalgia.
Bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and other antigens absorbed from the intestine during SIBO
contribute to a subclinical inflammatory state that results in pain hypersensitivity and increased
cytokine release, both of which are characteristics of fibromyalgia. In animal models and in
human research studies, exposure to LPS has been shown to increase the brain’s sensitivity to
and perception of pain.
Originally published as © Vasquez A. Microbial Origins of Fibromyalgia. Naturopathic Doctor News and Reviews 2016 Apr
ndnr.com/pain-medicine/microbial-origins-of-fibromyalgia derived from Inflammation Mastery, 4th Edition excerpted as Pain
Revolution (full-color) and Brain Inflammation (discounted grayscale printing). Copyright © 2014-present by Dr Alex Vasquez
https://www.InflammationMastery.com/fibromyalgia • PDF archived/updated at https://www.academia.edu/37747319
See related video archive at https://www.inflammationmastery.com/fibromyalgia-migraine-videos-news
Immune-mediated and inflammation-mediated pathways that promote pain sensitivity
and pain perception include increased production of nitric oxide with increased production of
prostaglandins and cytokines, resulting in the sensitization of peripheral and/or central neurons
to pain perception/transmission. In support of this concept, Lin (mentioned above) wrote, “The
immune response to bacterial antigen in SIBO provides a framework for understanding the
hypersensitivity in both fibromyalgia and IBS.” A 2008 paper by Othman, Agüero, and
Lin17 stated, “…a recent animal study demonstrated that exposure to endotoxin [aka LPS]
increased the production of prostaglandins and simultaneously decreased nitric oxide
production, resulting in inflammatory hyperalgesia … These observations suggest that SIBO is
a common feature in both [IBS and FM] disorders and that altered gut microbiota in SIBO may
play a role in the induction of somatic or visceral hypersensitivity, with affected patients
meeting the diagnostic criteria for IBS, fibromyalgia, or both disorders.”17
Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth leads to systemic absorption of toxins that impair
brain/nerve and muscle/mitochondrial function.
SIBO is associated with overproduction and absorption of bacterial cellular debris (eg, LPS,
bacterial DNA, peptidoglycans, teichoic acid, exotoxins) and anti-metabolites – substances
which are directly toxic to cellular energy/ATP production and muscle and nerve function – such
as D-lactic acid, tyramine, tartaric acid, and hydrogen sulfide (H2S).
Intestinal gram-negative bacteria produce endotoxin (LPS), which impairs skeletal
muscle energy/ATP production. Endotoxin also raises blood lactate under aerobic conditions in
humans.18 Thus, via direct and indirect effects on cellular metabolism, chronic, low-dose,
bacterial LPS exposure can result in impaired muscle metabolism and reduced ATP synthesis
via impairment of mitochondrial function.19Intestinal bacteria also produce D-lactate, a
metabolic toxin in humans; SIBO often results in variable levels of D-lactate acidosis, severe
cases of which can progress from fatigue and malaise to encephalopathy (ie, confusion, ataxia,
slurred speech, altered mental status) and death.20
Supporting the proposal that bacterial overgrowth with D-lactate-producing bacteria is
a contributor to the chronic fatigue syndromes including fibromyalgia is an excellent study
published in 2009,21 showing that patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) have intestinal
overgrowth of bacteria that produce the toxin D-lactate; specifically the research showed that
these chronic fatigue patients have a 7-fold increase in D-lactate-producing Enterococcus and
an 1100-fold increase in D-lactate-producing Streptococcus. Energy/ATP underproduction and
lactate overproduction cause muscle fatigue and muscle pain.
An additional cellular toxin produced by intestinal bacteria is hydrogen sulfide, which
causes DNA damage22 (noted previously to be increased in fibromyalgia patients) and impairs
cellular energy production, a finding relevant to, but not limited to, the pathogenesis of
ulcerative colitis.23,24 Bacteria and yeast in the intestines produce H2S, which can bind to the
Originally published as © Vasquez A. Microbial Origins of Fibromyalgia. Naturopathic Doctor News and Reviews 2016 Apr
ndnr.com/pain-medicine/microbial-origins-of-fibromyalgia derived from Inflammation Mastery, 4th Edition excerpted as Pain
Revolution (full-color) and Brain Inflammation (discounted grayscale printing). Copyright © 2014-present by Dr Alex Vasquez
https://www.InflammationMastery.com/fibromyalgia • PDF archived/updated at https://www.academia.edu/37747319
See related video archive at https://www.inflammationmastery.com/fibromyalgia-migraine-videos-news
mitochondrial enzyme cytochrome c oxidase (part of Complex IV of the electron transport
chain), thereby impairing oxidative phosphorylation and ATP production. This may partly
explain the association of GI dysbiosis and SIBO with conditions such as CFS and fibromyalgia. 25
Mitochondrial dysfunction in muscle leads to the cellular/cytologic and histologic/tissue
changes that are typical and well documented in cell and muscle samples of patients with
FM.26,27 These peripheral (eg, non-brain) changes in muscle also prove beyond any doubt that
fibromyalgia is not a “brain disease” or solely a “disorder of pain processing.”
Oral supplementation with coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinone) has repeatedly been proven to
be the most effective mitochondrial-supportive nutritional intervention in FM.26,28
Central sensitization in fibromyalgia is caused by microbial debris and secondary
metabolic and inflammatory effects.
As a result of SIBO, FM patients suffer increased sensitivity to pain due to heightened sensitivity
of the brain and spinal cord, as well as from peripheral sensitization and impaired muscle
function due to the previously detailed mitochondrial dysfunction. SIBO leads to intestinal
absorption and systemic distribution of low levels of bacterial endotoxin (endotoxemia) and
other inflammation-generating molecules (“inflammogens”); this results in low-grade
inflammation (including release of cytokines, prostaglandins, and other inflammatory
mediators and oxidants).29
Microbial inflammogens cause systemic inflammation, and cytokines and prostaglandins
produced peripherally (ie, outside of the CNS, which is the brain and spinal cord) can readily
traverse the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and enter the CNS to promote glial activation, ie, brain
inflammation.30 Some of these microbial inflammogens may be able to bypass the BBB directly
when the BBB becomes permeable/leaky following induction of systemic inflammation.
In the brain, mitochondrial dysfunction exacerbates brain dysfunction and the vicious
cycle of microglial activation.31 Microglia are immune cells in the brain that respond to
cytokines, prostaglandins, and microbial inflammogens; when microglia become stimulated, or
“activated,” by inflammatory triggers/signals, the microglia signal/activate/irritate the nearby
astrocytes, which are cells in the brain that respond by causing an increase in neuron-to-neuron
communication (neurotransmission) via the neurotransmitter glutamate (stimulatory to
neurons).32 While glutamate is necessary in small and regulated amounts, higher levels of
glutamate promote central sensitization, pain amplification, “brain fatigue,” depression, and
anxiety; when very elevated, glutamate can promote migraine headaches, seizures, and
epilepsy.33 High levels of glutamate promote excitation of brain neurons, and this increased
activity leads to increased production of free radicals, which cause additional local inflammation
and mitochondrial dysfunction within the brain, leading back to microglial activation and a
vicious cycle.
Originally published as © Vasquez A. Microbial Origins of Fibromyalgia. Naturopathic Doctor News and Reviews 2016 Apr
ndnr.com/pain-medicine/microbial-origins-of-fibromyalgia derived from Inflammation Mastery, 4th Edition excerpted as Pain
Revolution (full-color) and Brain Inflammation (discounted grayscale printing). Copyright © 2014-present by Dr Alex Vasquez
https://www.InflammationMastery.com/fibromyalgia • PDF archived/updated at https://www.academia.edu/37747319
See related video archive at https://www.inflammationmastery.com/fibromyalgia-migraine-videos-news
The brain is now in a “positive feedback loop” that promotes additional
pain/fatigue/depression independently from ongoing stimulation from the original trigger.
Excess or prolonged microglial activation promotes neurodegeneration via hyperexcitation of
neurons, basically causing them to “burn out” in a process that has been described as “brain on
fire.”34 The exception to this occurs after a period of particularly protracted microglial activation,
which can cause damage or “burn out” of the astrocytes as well; this “astrocyte degeneration”
leads to neurodegeneration when the astrocytes become impaired and cannot perform their
supportive functions to the neurons. Persistent pain is also facilitated by concomitant vitamin
D deficiency, which promotes pain sensitization,35 as well as myalgia and bone pain
Human clinical trials have shown that vitamin D supplementation can alleviate
inflammation,36 intestinal hyperpermeability,37 FM pain,38 and other neuromusculoskeletal pain.
Vitamin D reduces experimental microglial activation,39 a component of neuroinflammation and
central sensitization.
Clinical improvements in fibromyalgia following eradication of SIBO prove causality.
In 1999, Pimentel et al11 showed that oral administration of antibiotics leads to alleviation of
pain and other clinical measures of FM. In 2004, Wallace and Hallegua12 showed that eradication
of SIBO with antimicrobial therapy leads to clinical improvements in FM patients, in direct
proportion to the antimicrobial efficacy.
Per this data, we can see very clearly that 1) FM patients have a high prevalence of gut dysbiosis,
and that 2) microbial molecules from the gut can create the pathophysiology noted in FM,
specifically 3) mitochondrial toxicity and 4) pain sensitization; 5) eradication of SIBO alleviates
As such, fibromyalgia in its classic form can be easily explained/understood as SIBOinduced central sensitization and mitochondrial dysfunction, resulting in pain and fatigue.
Other conditions, such as vitamin D deficiency, hypothyroidism, hemochromatosis, persistent
infections and viral (re)activations, chemical overload, and heavy metal toxicity, can mimic
and/or contribute to the clinical picture of FM.
Treatment of SIBO can be accomplished with berberine, emulsified oregano, and
combination botanicals, while supplementation with vitamin D and ubiquinone alleviate
mitochondrial dysfunction and the central and peripheral contributions to pain, respectively.
Most FM cases will respond favorably to this pathophysiology-based approach, while others
may require more intensive therapy.3,5
Originally published as © Vasquez A. Microbial Origins of Fibromyalgia. Naturopathic Doctor News and Reviews 2016 Apr
ndnr.com/pain-medicine/microbial-origins-of-fibromyalgia derived from Inflammation Mastery, 4th Edition excerpted as Pain
Revolution (full-color) and Brain Inflammation (discounted grayscale printing). Copyright © 2014-present by Dr Alex Vasquez
https://www.InflammationMastery.com/fibromyalgia • PDF archived/updated at https://www.academia.edu/37747319
See related video archive at https://www.inflammationmastery.com/fibromyalgia-migraine-videos-news
Alex Vasquez, DC, ND, DO, FACN, is the author of many books,
including Functional Medicine Rheumatology, AntiViral Strategies and
Immune Nutrition, and the recent 700-page textbook Functional
Inflammology: Volume 1). He has also authored more than 100
publications in professional magazines and peer-reviewed medical
journals, such as British Medical Journal (BMJ), Journal of Clinical
Endocrinology and Metabolism, Journal of the American Medical
Association (JAMA), Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine,
and Arthritis & Rheumatism, the official journal of the American College of Rheumatology. Dr
Vasquez has served as a lecturer and researcher at Biotics Research Corporation.
1. Vasquez A. Musculoskeletal
Pain: Expanded Clinical
Strategies. Gig Harbor, WA:
Institute for Functional
Medicine; 2008
2. Vasquez A. Fibromyalgia in
a Nutshell: A Safe and
Effective Clinical Medicine
Strategy. Philadelphia, PA:
BookBaby; 2012
3. Vasquez A. Naturopathic
Rheumatology, v3.5.
Barcelona, Spain:
International College of
Human Nutrition and
Functional Medicine; 2014
4. Vasquez A. The
Microbiome Arrives to
Prime Time in Primary
Care, Implications for the
Anti-Dysbiotic Treatment
Fibromyalgia. Nutritional
Perspectives. 2015 Oct: 4550
5. Vasquez A. Inflammation
Mastery. 4th Ed.
Barcelona, Spain:
International College of
Human Nutrition and
Functional Medicine; 2016. [ISBN-10:0990620484]
Originally published as © Vasquez A. Microbial Origins of Fibromyalgia. Naturopathic Doctor News and Reviews 2016 Apr
ndnr.com/pain-medicine/microbial-origins-of-fibromyalgia derived from Inflammation Mastery, 4th Edition excerpted as Pain
Revolution (full-color) and Brain Inflammation (discounted grayscale printing). Copyright © 2014-present by Dr Alex Vasquez
https://www.InflammationMastery.com/fibromyalgia • PDF archived/updated at https://www.academia.edu/37747319
See related video archive at https://www.inflammationmastery.com/fibromyalgia-migraine-videos-news
Originally published as © Vasquez A. Microbial Origins of Fibromyalgia. Naturopathic Doctor News and Reviews 2016 Apr
ndnr.com/pain-medicine/microbial-origins-of-fibromyalgia derived from Inflammation Mastery, 4th Edition excerpted as Pain
Revolution (full-color) and Brain Inflammation (discounted grayscale printing). Copyright © 2014-present by Dr Alex Vasquez
https://www.InflammationMastery.com/fibromyalgia • PDF archived/updated at https://www.academia.edu/37747319
See related video archive at https://www.inflammationmastery.com/fibromyalgia-migraine-videos-news
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Originally published as © Vasquez A. Microbial Origins of Fibromyalgia. Naturopathic Doctor News and Reviews 2016 Apr
ndnr.com/pain-medicine/microbial-origins-of-fibromyalgia derived from Inflammation Mastery, 4th Edition excerpted as Pain
Revolution (full-color) and Brain Inflammation (discounted grayscale printing). Copyright © 2014-present by Dr Alex Vasquez
https://www.InflammationMastery.com/fibromyalgia • PDF archived/updated at https://www.academia.edu/37747319
See related video archive at https://www.inflammationmastery.com/fibromyalgia-migraine-videos-news
Originally published as © Vasquez A. Microbial Origins of Fibromyalgia. Naturopathic Doctor News and Reviews 2016 Apr
ndnr.com/pain-medicine/microbial-origins-of-fibromyalgia derived from Inflammation Mastery, 4th Edition excerpted as Pain
Revolution (full-color) and Brain Inflammation (discounted grayscale printing). Copyright © 2014-present by Dr Alex Vasquez
https://www.InflammationMastery.com/fibromyalgia • PDF archived/updated at https://www.academia.edu/37747319
See related video archive at https://www.inflammationmastery.com/fibromyalgia-migraine-videos-news
23. Magee EA, Richardson CJ, Hughes R, Cummings JH. Contribution of dietary protein to sulfide
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Originally published as © Vasquez A. Microbial Origins of Fibromyalgia. Naturopathic Doctor News and Reviews 2016 Apr
ndnr.com/pain-medicine/microbial-origins-of-fibromyalgia derived from Inflammation Mastery, 4th Edition excerpted as Pain
Revolution (full-color) and Brain Inflammation (discounted grayscale printing). Copyright © 2014-present by Dr Alex Vasquez
https://www.InflammationMastery.com/fibromyalgia • PDF archived/updated at https://www.academia.edu/37747319
See related video archive at https://www.inflammationmastery.com/fibromyalgia-migraine-videos-news
Originally published as © Vasquez A. Microbial Origins of Fibromyalgia. Naturopathic Doctor News and Reviews 2016 Apr
ndnr.com/pain-medicine/microbial-origins-of-fibromyalgia derived from Inflammation Mastery, 4th Edition excerpted as Pain
Revolution (full-color) and Brain Inflammation (discounted grayscale printing). Copyright © 2014-present by Dr Alex Vasquez
https://www.InflammationMastery.com/fibromyalgia • PDF archived/updated at https://www.academia.edu/37747319
See related video archive at https://www.inflammationmastery.com/fibromyalgia-migraine-videos-news
Originally published as © Vasquez A. Microbial Origins of Fibromyalgia. Naturopathic Doctor News and Reviews 2016 Apr
ndnr.com/pain-medicine/microbial-origins-of-fibromyalgia derived from Inflammation Mastery, 4th Edition excerpted as Pain
Revolution (full-color) and Brain Inflammation (discounted grayscale printing). Copyright © 2014-present by Dr Alex Vasquez
https://www.InflammationMastery.com/fibromyalgia • PDF archived/updated at https://www.academia.edu/37747319
See related video archive at https://www.inflammationmastery.com/fibromyalgia-migraine-videos-news