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modest length. It also presents both an academic and a practical perspective on its subject matter, thus providing an enriching piece of scholarly work of relatively advanced quality. Despite this range of perspectives, the book is thematically coherent. It is a unique innovation in financial markets and financial crime literature, providing an inquiry into the global financial crisis from a distinctive criminal law perspective and, at the same time, bringing some fresh analyses generally, on the current state of the law and practice in this field. Importantly, it also raises a few pertinent unanswered questions, which provide a clear roadmap for further inquiry. For instance, what is the rationale, legal or otherwise, for mandating solicitors to do police work for the state by undertaking the onerous and conflict-prone reporting responsibilities under the UK's Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 and the Money Laundering Regulations 2007? Is the time not now ripe to chart an alternative regulatory path for the financial industry, which requires the establishment of an industryspecific police force composed of the same financial industry players, in the same way that military police exist for the members of the armed forces? Unlike existing conventional law enforcement units, like the UK's National Crime Agency, such a body might be made up of industry participants who know the ins and outs of the industry, and are in a position to easily identify when an offence or an attempted offence has been committed.
La pensée de Derrida donne à penser une subjectivité aporétique dans divers contextes. C'est le cas, par exemple, à propos de la réflexion sur la mort chez Heidegger dans Apories : Mourir, s'attendre aux " limites de la vérité " (1996). Dans ce texte, il est question d'une doublure de la loi dont le caractère antinomique ne peut être réduit au sens kantien d'une apparence ou illusion transcendantale : il s'agit d'une antinomie aporétique. L'aporie dont Derrida nous parle n'est pas dialectisable, ni au sens de Hegel ni à celui de Marx 1. On peut dire que le terme d'« aporie » sert à redéfinir la subjectivité comme « une expérience radicale » dans laquelle le sujet ne devient pas ce qu'il est selon une logique qu'imposent les termes de la relation avec son objet, mais en faisant l'épreuve du non-passage. L'impossibilité de prendre une décision responsable grâce à une procédure prédéterminée face à cette doublure de la loi et l'urgence de le faire dans une situation déterminée caractérisent la subjectivité éthique et politique chez Derrida. Je vais tenter de situer cette notion de subjectivité dans un certain rapport intellectuel entre l'Allemagne et la France, entre Hegel et Lacan, entre l'idéalisme allemand et la psychanalyse. Dans la Phénoménologie de l'Esprit, il y a une subjectivité qui s'éprouve comme substance pour retourner à soi-même dans le savoir absolu. C'est ainsi que Hegel décrit sa tache dans la Préface : « tout dépend du fait de saisir et d'exprimer le vrai, non comme substance, mais tout autant * Je remercie Christian Ferrié de m'avoir aidé à rédiger cet article en français. 1 J. DERRIDA, Apories (1996), p. 37. caphi39_6_direk.indd 73 20/01/16 10:57
The production of fuel ethanol from corn grain is widely carried out in the US, with total current production at 7 billion gallons. This may soon reach 10 billion gallons or more. This chapter addresses the potential of fuel ethanol as an additional source of product based on utilization of the cellulosic (non-food) portions of maize, and in particular the pericarp, cobs, stalks and leaves of the corn plant. An analysis of the composition of corn, and possible processing schemes that transform the cellulosic portions to ethanol are addressed. Technologies for the bioprocessing of cellulose to ethanol, as well as the impact of cellulose utilization on supplementing corn ethanol, are presented.
Pragmatism Today, 2017
Should social interactions be explained by individual cognitive capacities?-or conversely, can these capacities be explained by social interactions? In order to answer this question we adopt a pragmatic perspective for which the cognitive activity cannot be understood as detached from the social milieu, which precedes the relations which it makes possible. In addition, if one takes the view that inter-individual interactions participate in the constitution of phenomena of social cognition, one must provide explanatory schemes making it possible to account for abilities such as the recognition of other subjects, the perception of their intentions or the imitation of their facial expressions, rather than presupposing them as given from the start. We contribute here to the search for such schemes by proposing a minimalist experimental paradigm in which one can observe the genesis or the functioning of such abilities. These observational situations, which are extremely simple, should then enable a precise discussion of the mechanisms at work by proposing a way of disentangling what explains what in the relation between individual abilities and social dynamics. In the framework of an enactive approach we will then be able to demonstrate the role of the body-object in the collective organisation of interactions and in the reconfiguration of individual structures.
Research is required to determine the key variables that have a positive relationship with customer loyalty in the independent financial adviser environment. Knowledge of the factors that could assist in fostering customer loyalty might help independent financial advisers firstly in maintaining their client base, and then secondly, to strategise with them over the long term to behave more financially responsible, achieve their saving goals, and become financially independent. Therefore, the primary aim of this article is to explore the relationship between key variables and customer loyalty within the independent financial adviser environment in Gauteng. The population was defined as all the clients of independent financial advisers in the Gauteng region. A convenience non-probability sampling technique was applied and self-administered questionnaires were distributed to the clients in Gauteng who matched the sampling frame. A total of 123 questionnaires were completed and could be used in the analysis. Descriptive and standard multiple regression analysis as well as the one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) technique was used to analyse the results. Trust and commitment can be viewed as predictors of customer loyalty within the independent financial adviser environment in Gauteng and must form part of the core of the financial adviser’s relationship building strategies. It is therefore important for independent financial advisers to ensure that their clients have confidence in their ability to provide sound financial advice. Clients must be convinced that financial advisers have their best interest at heart and as such, should remain committed to their practices.
Lippmann's Note: The Interference Colour Photograph Considered as an Array of Self-Referenced Image-Plane Holograms.
A reforma da Previdência vem sendo colocada pelo governo Bolsonaro como a solução para o déficit das contas públicas que está estimado em R$ 139 bilhões no orçamento de 2019. Trata-se de um engodo que se vende para a população brasileira, porque este déficit e aqueles que aconteceram em 2015, 2016, 2017 e 2018 resultaram, fundamentalmente, da crise recessiva que levou à queda do crescimento econômico do Brasil desde 2014 e contribuiu para a redução da arrecadação de impostos, dos encargos excessivos do governo federal com o pagamento da sempre crescente dívida pública e, também a gigantesca dívida de grandes empresas para com a Previdência Social
Background: Easter is an important celebration in Huayacocotla municipality, Veracruz. The residents traditionally decorate the streets with representations of the Viacrucis, using plants for biocultural traditions. Methods: The study took place in Huayacocotla municipality in Veracruz (Mexico) at Easter. We register plant species used in 11 floral arches and religious decorations. Some semi-structured interviews with people involved in the decorations and their perceptions are reported. We calculate IUCN categories based on species distribution. Results: Every Good Friday, the local community includes several plants as Dasylirion sp. and bromeliads, for the decoration of arches and streets. Four tillandsias have been reported as being employed for these religious celebrations: Tillandsia usneoides, T. deppeana and principally T. imperialis, and recently T. botterii. Tillandsia imperialis is the main species used (at least 230 individuals) and it appears in the list of Mexican protected species in the NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010. Photographs of the biocultural process and suggestions for species conservation are included to promote species protection and implement strategies to continue using these plants, but with less impact on the wild population. Conclusions: This study provides ceremonial plants data with current conservation status in Huayacocotla, Veracruz. We propose strategies that could be implemented by the authorities and addressed to the residents who can help to preserve cultural rituals while conserving the species.
Cahiers numismatiques SÉNA , 2021
The Clarion- International Multidisciplinary Journal, 2017
European Journal of Medicinal Plants, 2020
Genetics, 1980
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2023
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2017
Fertility and Sterility, 2002
Sovremennye Issledovaniâ Socialʹnyh Problem, 2021
Journal of Correctional Health Care, 2006