Flood Inundation Mapping

AI-generated Abstract

This research presents a methodology for flood inundation mapping using data from the European Satellite Sentinel-1A, which employs C-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR). The paper outlines techniques such as radiometric calibration, multilooking, speckle filtering, and terrain correction, to preprocess and enhance SAR imagery. The proposed methodology aims to improve the accuracy and reliability of flood mapping through comprehensive validation.

Flood Inundation Mapping STUDY AREA AND DATASETS: Place: Kerala, India Sensor - Sentinel-1A Acquisition dates: From Jan 2017 to August 2018 ( Monthly) Type: GRD ( Ground Range Detected ) Polarization: Dual Pol (VV+VH) Data Source: Sentinel Hub (Open source) ABOUT SENTINEL-1A: European Imaging Satellite Carries C-band Synthetic Aperture RADAR Very useful for monitoring atmosphere, marine, land , climate change and emergency and security. ● GRD (Ground Range Detected) - Focused SAR data that has been detected, multi-looked and projected to ground range using an earth’s ellipsoid model. ● IW : Interferometric Wide Swath mode - TOPSAR imaging technique ● ● ● METHODOLOGY: ● ● ● ● Preprocessing Build a model Flood mapping Validation PREPROCESSING: Image Calibrate Multilook Speckle filtering Terrain Correction CALIBRATION: ● To provide imagery in which the pixel values can be directly related to the radar backscatter of the scene. Radiometric calibration, value(i) = one of β, σ, or ४ or original DNi Ai = One of betaNought (i), sigmanought t(i), gamma (i) or dn(i) MULTILOOK ● To produce product with nominal image pixel size. ● Generated by averaging over range/azimuth resolution cells improving radiometric resolution but degrading spatial resolution. ● The image will have less noise and approximate square pixel spacing after being converted from slant range to ground range. SPECKLE FILTERING ● ● ● Speckles are caused by random constructive and destructive interference resulting in salt and pepper noise throughout the image. Speckle filter is applied to the data to reduce the amount of speckle, but have to compromise with resolution. ( prone to blurred features ) We used single product speckle filter with Box car filter with 5*5 kernel size SPECKLE FILTERING Boxcar function: Boxcar (x) = ( b - a ) A f( a, b: x ) = A ( H ( x - a ) - H( x - b )) Where, f( a, b : x ) is the uniform distribution of x for the interval [a,b] and H(x) is the heaveside step function. It’s a moving average filter. TERRAIN CORRECTION ● ● ● ● Terrain correction is the process of geocoding of the image by correcting SAR geometric distortions using DEM and producing a map projected product. TC converts slant range / ground range image into a map coordinate system. It involves using a DEM to correct for inherent effects such as foreshortening, layover and shadow. To view the image in decibel scaling, Linear to/from dB to convert the data using a virtual band. STACKING Band 1 : VV Band 2: VH Band 3: VV-VH ratio Forest observation - VH/VV? BUILDING A MODEL: Pre-Event Post-Event Preprocessing Preprocessing Coregistration Flood Detected Image Band Selection SVM Classifier Inundation Map IMPLEMENTATION: AREA : Kerala Bottom ( subset ) Land / No water Inundated Area Permanent Water Classifier : SVM Kernel based: Radial Basis Function