Before there were written words, there was art – communicating ideas across boundaries of time, space, language, and culture. Long after other creations of humanity have outlived their usefulness or crumbled to dust, art remains. Artists compel every human being to engage with the story of the other. Our works are a cry of the heart; the yearning of a soul given physical form through color and light, sound and motion, image and imagination. From those who painted on living stone far beneath the sun's reach, to those who shape their thoughts with light and energy, artists are united in a single goal: to clothe the ephemeral in tangible garments, and breathe life into ideas. As an artist, I pledge to question the unquestionable, to speak the unspeakable, and to reveal that which has never before been perceived. My body, my breath, my very being serve my art. I refuse to be silenced, nor will I bow to the will of another, conforming my works to none but my own vision. My soul is my own. Without reservation, I express my skill, knowledge, and passion to light the paths where others have yet to tread. My dreams will shape the reality that is to come. I am an artist, and I lead the way.