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Scientific Reports, 2024
The Islamist group ISIS has been particularly successful at recruiting Westerners as terrorists. A hypothesized explanation is their simultaneous use of two types of propaganda: Heroic narratives, emphasizing individual glory, alongside Social narratives, which emphasize oppression against Islamic communities. In the current study, functional MRI was used to measure brain responses to short ISIS propaganda videos distributed online. Participants were shown 4 Heroic and 4 Social videos categorized as such by another independent group of subjects. Persuasiveness was measured using post-scan predictions of recruitment effectiveness. Inter-subject correlation (ISC) was used to measure commonality of brain activity time courses across individuals. ISCs in ventral striatum predicted rated persuasiveness for Heroic videos, while ISCs in mentalizing and default networks, especially in dmPFC, predicted rated persuasiveness for Social videos. This work builds on past findings that engagement of the reward circuit and of mentalizing brain regions predicts preferences and persuasion. The observed dissociation as a function of stimulus type is novel, as is the finding that intersubject synchrony in ventral striatum predicts rated persuasiveness. These exploratory results identify possible neural mechanisms by which political extremists successfully recruit prospective members and specifically support the hypothesized distinction between Heroic and Social narratives for ISIS propaganda.
Кибрик А.Е. Материалы к типологии эргативности: 17. Хиналугский язык 18. Будухский язык 19. Крызский язык 20. Аварский язык / А.Е. Кибрик ; Под ред. В.Ю. Розенцвейга. – М., 1981. – 55, [1] с. – (Предварительные публикации / Институт русского языка АН СССР ; Проблемная группа по экспериментальной и прикладной лингвистике. Выпуск 141). Настоящий выпуск является продолжением сравнительно-типологических наблюдений над эргативными дагестанскими языками и использует ту же схему и методику описания, а также терминологический аппарат. Настоящий выпуск содержит материал языков шахдагской группы, расположенной в Азербайджанской ССР: хиналугского, будухского и крызского, а также описание представителя одного из южных говоров аварского языка – чадаколобского. Будухский и крызский языки генетически весьма близки, но они значительно отстоят от своего соседа хиналугского и все вместе существуют обособленно от остальных дагестанских языков.
Boone sabía ahora que de todas las precipitadas promesas hechas a medianoche en nombre del amor, ninguna era más fácil de romper que: «Nunca te abandonaré.» Lo que el tiempo no nos roba ante nuestras narices, lo roban las circunstancias. Era inútil esperar otra cosa, inútil esperar que de algún modo, el mundo te deparase algo bueno. Cualquier cosa de valor, cualquier cosa a la que te aferrases por tu salud, se consumiría o te sería arrebatada a largo plazo, y el abismo se abriría tras de ti, como se había abierto ahora para Boone, y de pronto, con una explicación que no duraría más que un abrir y cerrar de ojos, te habrías ido. Al infierno o peor, con las declaraciones de amor y todo lo demás.
Localization is an important aspect in the field of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) that has developed significant research interest among academia and research community. Wireless sensor network is formed by a large number of tiny, low energy, limited processing capability and low-cost sensors that communicate with each other in ad-hoc fashion. The task of determining physical coordinates of sensor nodes in WSNs is known as localization or positioning and is a key factor in today's communication systems to estimate the place of origin of events. As the requirement of the positioning accuracy for different applications varies, different localization methods are used in different applications and there are several challenges in some special scenarios such as forest fire detection. In this paper, we survey different measurement techniques and strategies for range based and range free localization with an emphasis on the latter. Further, we discuss different localization-based applications, where the estimation of the location information is crucial. Finally, a comprehensive discussion of the challenges such as accuracy, cost, complexity, and scalability are given.
Critical Social Policy, 2018
This article reports findings from research about trans* citizenship in 14 post-socialist countries. It evidences substantial deficits concerning trans policy making, and a lack of policy debate in this area. Most examined countries have a lack of protocols for official gender change in birth certificates, IDs, passports and other documents. Usually there are no guidelines, measures and procedures defining the standards of healthcare for trans persons. Practice concerning healthcare varies widely, and trans people and advocates exercise agency in negotiating access to care. The article suggests that trans citizenship studies need to foreground legal and social aspects of citizenship, as these are highlighted in the post-socialist context. Policy implications are discussed in relation to key citizenship debates including those concerning challenges to normative models of citizenship.
Makalenin ana eksenini oluşturan Cumhuriyet devrine bakıldığında Mahmut Makal'ın Bizim Köy adlı metni, Türk edebiyatı içerisinde "Köy Edebiyatı" tanımlaması noktasında bir eşik olarak görülmektedir. 1940'ların sonları ile 1950'lerin başlarında Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nin siyasi yörüngesinde bulunan Marshall Planı gibi kimi yönelimlerle birlikte tarımdaki yöntemlerin değişmesi, tarımda makineleşmenin yaygınlaşması, iktidarın değişimi ile birlikte köy, köylüye bakış, köylünün içinde bulunduğu durumun değişimi, Türk yazar/aydınının dikkatini bu yöne çevirmesine sebep olmuş; Mahmut Makal ile başlayan serüven Samim Kocagöz, Talip Apaydın, Abbas Sayar, Fakir Baykurt, Yaşar Kemal, Orhan Kemal, Kemal Tahir gibi birçok yazar/aydın ile devam etmiştir. Bu noktada, roman özelinde yapılan çalışmaların tarımda makineleşme, köy ve köylüye bakış, köydeki öğretmen imgesinin ideolojik konumu, yapı ve izlek boyutlarında olduğu görülür. Bu çalışma, diğerlerinden farklı olarak romanın başkahramanı olan Arif'in çocuk işçiliğine ve eğitim olanaklarından uzaklığına odaklanacaktır. Bu zamana kadar Arif'in traktör arzusu ve bu arzu için verdiği uğraş özelinde şekillenen çalışmaların yanı sıra bu makale, köy öğretmenlerinin Arif'in nezdinde eğitim sorunlarını dile getirip getirmediklerini, köyün geneli tarafından Arif özelinde eğitimöğretime dair beklentilerin olup olmadığını, bir çocuk olan Arif'e hangi sorumlulukların yüklendiği ve Arif'in bu sorumluluklar karşısındaki tavrı gibi meseleleri gündeme getirecektir.
Journal of Fluids Engineering, 1981
Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies, 2023
A través de un conjunto de textos donde se percibe la apuesta por una renovación del lenguaje, una disposición de elementos visuales, sonoros y estructurales o una recurrencia a citas o referencias ajenas y que dan cuenta de la condición de fragilidad a la que están sometidos los cuerpos, pretendo examinar los restos digitales de una poesía no solo nacida en los dispositivos, sino concebida en la cadena de sus imperativos y reglas de eficiencia. De este modo, me centraré en los poemarios, publicados en soportes impresos, pero que responden a estrategias de lectoescritura derivadas del contexto digital, La curva se volvió barricada (2016), de Ángela Segovia, Hacía un ruido. Frases para un film político (2016), de María Salgado, Donde la ebriedad (2017), de David Refoyo, y Patchwork (2018), de Pablo Velasco Baleriola, en la medida en que esta propiedad “postweb" (Saum-Pascual, 2018) se despliega como interrupción del discurso o como fallo, y que permite atender a los efectos de una realidad determinada por la velocidad y actualización permanentes. Así, entonces, pueden observarse estas operaciones discursivas ya no como meras alusiones contextuales, sino como aperturas del lenguaje a un territorio codificado, social e íntimo, donde la poesía puede permitirse no ser eficiente ni accesible.
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Departmental Papers (ASC), 1992
Naukovij vìsnik Hersonsʹkogo deržavnogo unìversitetu, 2023
Journal of African Cultural Heritage Studies
Astronomy and Astrophysics
Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science, 2017
Local Government Studies, 2006
Stem Cells and Development, 2008
Palgrave Macmillan UK eBooks, 2011
Journal of Management Information Systems, 2010