Chapter 1
God Arrives To …
Destroy Heaven Itself
“Listen to me…. The heavens will vanish like smoke”
(Isa. 51.1, 4, 6, RSV).
One “day” the Bible says, God or Christ is supposed to return to earth again; in a “Second Coming.” And as we begin to re-read our Bibles here, especially the Biblical prophesies of the Second Coming, we can already, amazingly enough, come to see the outlines of a “second” Christ. But the Christ that we now suddenly see? The Christ of the Second Coming, that we begin to see in part even here and now … as foretold, reverses many common ideas that we heard in church.
First, the God or Christ that we now suddenly see, does not really stress “faith” as much as our preachers did. Indeed, the God or Christ that we now suddenly see, warned continuously, about sins and errors, in essentially “all” our holiest men and angels:
“All have sinned” (Romans 3.23).
“Why do you call me good? No one is good, but God” (Jesus, in Mark 10.18).
“Speak to us smooth things, prophesy illusions” (Isa. 30.10).
“Prophesy against the prophets of Israel” (Ezk. 13.2).
“The prophet is a fool, the man of the spirit is mad” (Hos. 9.7; cf. Acts 26.24-5).
“To the angel of the church … I have not found your works perfect in the sight of my God” (Rev. 3.1-2).
“Children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come” (1 John 2.18).
“From prophet to priest, every one deals falsely” (Jer. 6.13).
“From prophet to priest, every one deals falsely” (Jer 6.13, 5.31).
“Now this is for you, O priest” (Hos. 4.4?).
“He leads priests away stripped” (Job 12.19).
Preachers try to suggest, that these passages mean that there were many false things in the religions of the past; as some note even apparent sins, even in Judaism. And indeed, God himself calls our attention to sins in the Judeo-Christian tradition; even in the very prophets of “Israel.” But finding false things in our holiest men and churches, is not just something that can be comfortably relegated just to the remote past; many false things were foretold, even deep in all that Christians thought to be absolutely holy. Indeed, false things were already being seen, in the Twelve Apostles. And many false things, were seen in the Apostles’ future - and for the entire future history of Christianity in fact.
Especially, the New Testament often warned about false things in religion that “will” come, even after the time of Jesus. Especially, the Bible warned those who came after Jesus, to look for “false Christs,” false prophets, and various “beast”ly persons, magicians, and “sorcerers.” And so forth. Especially dangerous, are these kinds of key false religious leaders. Leaders who, God said, would successfully deceive essentially the whole “world.” Who would deceive not just the whole “earth” - but also its religion, its “worship.” And among those false religious leaders was, prominently, a “false Christ.” Who is associated it seems, with “sorcery” or magic:
“For false Christs and false prophets will arise” (Mat. 24.24; Mark 13.22; Acts 13.6).
“Many false prophets will arise and lead many astray” (Mat. 24.11 Revised Standard Version).
“And authority was given it over every tribe and people and tongue and nation, and all who dwell on earth will worship it, every one whose name has not been written” (Rev. 13.7-8).
“And all nations were deceived by thy sorcery” (Rev. 18.23).
Most Christians today think that these and hundreds of others warnings from God, about people believing false things - about people following “false” things in religion, false Christs, false religious leaders, -are just warnings about other religions, other groups, other churches other than our own. Most churches today think these warnings are not addressed to “us”; to we themselves. To our own church; our own pastor. But while there might have been some special group that was somehow protected from sin and error in religion, it has been extremely hard – indeed we will show, it has been all but impossible - to know which church today, represents the right group, the “one true church.” Especially when essentially “all” those who have claimed to speak for the Lord, even the holiest apostles, are found false, in the end:
“All have sinned” (Romans 3.23).
“We all make many mistakes” (admits the apostle James).
“How can you say, ‘We are wise, and the law of the LORD is with us?’ But, behold, the false pen of the scribes has made it into a lie. The wise men shall be put to shame. From prophet to priest every one deals falsely” (Jer. 8.8-9-10).
“No one is good but God” (q.v.).
The Bible said that 1) “all” of us have sinned; that none of us is entirely good. And then it 2) warned specifically, that there were already many bad and false things being offered even in the name of Christ, or the “Lord”; even as early as the time of the writings of John. The apostle John (or author of the biblical books that appear under the name “John”), said that already, there was an “antichrist” - even in his own time, c. 90 AD. To be sure, John suggested that we, or “us” Christians, those who followed John, will have escaped such deceptions; John seeming to assure us that the false believers had left the building, and were not among “us” any more. Yet has been functionally impossible to tell which group today, represents the group that correctly followed Christ and/or John. It is hard to know, which group or church is the right, good “us.” Indeed, probably no church whatsoever could be entirely good. Not when churches follow the writings of apostles like Peter - but then Jesus himself calls Peter “Satan.” As he does in Matthew 16.23. Or indeed, we might wonder whether John himself, was entirely good. Some preachers like to assure us that the Apostle John, was the “disciple that Jesus loved,” in biblical text. But many scholars are not sure that John was the referent of that phrase. While in any case? Even if Jesus “loved” John, that does not mean that apostle was good: Jesus, after all, loves sinners.
Preachers Quote Only Misleading “Parts” of the Bible
Jesus himself called Peter himself, “Satan,” in Mat. 16.23. So why haven’t we heard about this second side of Jesus, from our preachers? The side of Jesus that severely criticizes and warns about … essentially all our holy men, and preachers? Preachers it seems obvious, want to proudly preserve their high status in society. And so they quote only the parts of the Bible that seem to support them; while they leave out other parts.
For centuries, Catholic priests and others, have loved to quote misrepresentative fragments of the Bible. Fragments that seemed, taken out of context, to have Jesus expressing full confidence in the Church of St. Peter, as the “rock” on which a perfect church would be founded. But here and now, we will begin to see a Christ who says very, very different things, than what we heard in every church. Here at last, we will begin to foreground hundreds of parts of the Bible, that our priests did not fairly or honestly present to us. The parts of the Bible where God, especially, began to warn about … preachers and churches. And the part of the Bible where in fact, Jesus himself called St. Peter, “Satan”: in Matthew 16.23 (NAB).
The Bible itself, as we will see, often warned that even our religious leaders like Paul, saw only “part” of the truth (1 Corin. 13.12; 2 Corin. 1.4?). And the Bible even warned that the “part” of truth seen by even “our” Christian “prophets” and holy men in particular, are often wrong, or misleading. Until we finally see God “face-to-face” in effect:
“As for prophesies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away. For our knowledge is imperfect, and our prophecy is imperfect; but when the perfect comes, the imperfect will pass away. When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child…. For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall understand fully” (1 Corin. 13.8-12).
And related to that? We will show here that your preachers could never quite “face” or tell you about, the larger, fuller outline of God. Instead, all our preachers always read to you, just misleading fragments, misleading parts of the Bible. As Paul warned, your own preacher saw or presented, only misleading “parts” of God. And all our preachers were false, in this way.
What parts of the Bible did preachers see and quote continually? In particular, preachers have always only quoted a “first” superficial or self-serving impression of the Bible. Especially they have quoted the surface, the part of the text, that seemed to absolutely support the authority of preachers, and churches. But here we will be looking closer at the Bible - and will be bringing out a “second” and “full”er view of what the Bible really, more fully said. By looking at the parts of the Bible, that our preachers could not face or bear.
Finally, when we take a long, hard, “Second” look at the Bible; bringing out the parts that our proud, vain preachers could not “bear,” in particular, what do we see? Here and last, we will be looking more closely at the many, many parts of the Bible, that preachers left out, or that they semantically “twist”ed and “whitewashed.” The parts … where God warned about preachers; about priests and ministers, and about “all” holy men. The parts of the Bible that our preachers hide from us and from themselves. The parts where Jesus and God, effectively retract, any apparent earlier endorsements of holy men, preachers. Where God himself retracted, canceled, any apparent endorsement of even “Christian” churches and their allegedly most holy doctrines. Were God even repudiated, core “Christian” doctrines – like “faith” in “miracles” and “spirit.” Where God himself in fact, even warned about the “Christ,” that you probably have been following. That “Christ” being largely a creation, of very, very flawed churches, and very false holy men.
Christianity is Not Supposed to Be Based on “Faith”;
But on Science
Clearly, God himself warned that there were many, many problems with religion in the past. Even in the religion of Israel. Even in the highest prophets and priests of Israel, as we will be seeing here. And there were many warnings about sins even in the earliest Christians, too. And warnings about still more false things in holy men, yet to come. But to be sure, whenever we begin to notice these things, our preachers 1) try to generate endless proud arguments, sermons, to try to prove that God of course, never meant to criticize they themselves; our own preachers and churches. In particular? Preachers assure us in effect, that 2) God told us to ignore any and all “signs” of sin in our holiest men and angels … and preachers and churches. And to simply 3) “have faith” in them, no matter what.
But did Jesus really stress “faith” that much?
There are several firm indications in fact, that God never wanted us to have too much “faith” in holy men or angels - or in their ideas about God. First, 1) God constantly warned about sins in holy men; while the logical deduction here would have to be that, since our holy men were unreliable, God clearly did not want us to have too much faith in them, or in their ideas about God either. Furthermore, beyond this logical implication …2) though Jesus at times seemed to support some kind of mild faith, there are even statements in the Bible, and by Jesus himself, of problems with, greater things than, frequent failures in “faith” and “belief” by name:
“Certain persons … made shipwreck … of faith” (1 Tim. 1.19).
“The simple believes everything” (Proverbs 14.15).
“Faith, hope, love abide, these three: but the greatest of these is love” (1 Corin. 13.13).
“Faith without works is dead” (James 2.17 & 26, paraphrased).
“Praying earnestly night and day that we may see you face to face and supply what is lacking in your faith?” (1 Thess. 3.10).
“As for the man who is weak in faith, faith, welcome him” (Rom. 14.1).
More than anyone, if was just the apostle Paul that spoke of “faith”; hundreds of times. Yet we will be showing here that the Bible overall, Jesus himself, in the end, noted problems with “faith.” The main problem with faith especially, is that there are many false things in life, and in religion, as God warned: false religious leaders, false ideas. So? If we just faithfully follow religious things … we will often end up following false leaders. While 3) indeed? One “day” we are supposed to discover that the whole “world” was following false prophets, presenting a false idea of Christ. As in effect, we are beginning to see.
God Destroys Heaven
As we begin to re-read our Bibles more closely here, we can begin, even here and now, to see the first real outlines of the foretold Second Coming of God to earth. Just from reading the Bible itself, a little closer. And in many ways of course, the second appearance of Christ on earth, is the greatest moment in a believer’s life; the greatest and most positive moment in History. But – exactly as foretold - the Second Coming of Christ is not quite as simple and reassuring, as most preachers and churchgoers assume: the God or Christ we see in the End? Is not the Christ that urges us to have “faith” in holy men, or in their vision of God. Quite the contrary. The Christ we see finally, is the Christ we are beginning to see even here and now: God, Christ warning constantly that there have always been massive and horrible and even “Satan”ic sins, even in our holiest men and angels, like the Apostle St. Paul, for example. Sins, as we will see, not only in their own personal behavior, but also sins in most of their most “inspired” “doctrines” too. So that? The “second” look at Christ that we offer here, gives us a Christ who … does not stress “faith” in holy men at all. Instead, Christ actually warns continually about essentially “all” holy men and churches. While in fact? God, Christ … explicitly tells us that even “all” the holiest men in Heaven itself, are great sinners. And that therefore? One “day,” God is supposed to destroy our traditional Heaven itself.
Heaven itself is supposed to be destroyed? For sins and errors, even in the highest holy men and angels, in Heaven itself? At first, this will seem utterly impossible to believe or face. The collapse of Heaven, would seem to be the collapse of yet another of the main pillars of Christianity: Heaven and all the apostles, saints, angels in it, is one of the very cornerstones of traditional Christianity. Therefore, the finding that Heaven is to be destroyed, “dissolved,” goes against nearly everything we heard in church; churches which constantly promised us an “eternal” life, in a presumably likewise “eternal heaven.” Yet as impossible, as shattering as it seems at first there are literally dozens of passages in the Bible itself, that strongly and continuously confirm it. With only a very few minor exceptions that we will explain later, the Bible affirmed over and over, that there have always been bad things - even in nearly all of our very holiest men and angels, on earth and in Heaven itself. Which is why therefore, one shattering “day,” our Heaven itself is supposed to be dissolved. Along with essentially “all” in it:
“Listen to me…. The heavens will vanish like smoke” (Isa. 51.4, 6 RSV).
"For our struggle is not against enemies of blood and flesh, but … against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places...." (Eph. 6.12-17 NRSV).
“On that day the lord will punish the host of heaven in heaven” (Isa. 24.21).
“He will punish the host of heaven, in heaven” (Isa. 24.21).
“The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests rule at their direction; my people love to have it so, but what will you do when the end comes?” (Jer. 5.21, 6.13).
“Though they climb up to heaven, from there I will bring them down” (Amos. 9.2).
“All have sinned” (Romans 3.23 RSV).
“His angels he charges with error” (Job 4.18).
“God did not spare the angels when they sinned” (2 Peter 2.4).
“Lift up your eyes to the heavens…. For the heavens will vanish like smoke (Isa. 51.6).
"The present heavens ... have been reserved for fire..." (2 Peter 3.7, NRSV).
"The heavens will be kindled and dissolved..." (2 Peter 3.12 RSV).
"All the host of heaven shall rot away, and the skies roll up like a scroll. All their host shall fall … like leaves falling from the fig tree. For my sword has drunk its fill in the heavens; behold, it descends for judgement..." (Isa. 34.1-4-5 RSV).
“Heaven and the highest heaven cannot contain him” (1 Kings 8.27; Ps. 108.4-5, 113.4-6, 115.3-15).
The Bible is clear enough; the parts of the Bible they never really honestly presented to you in church. Amazingly enough, there can be no doubt, about our five major points in this series of books: 1) the Bible warned that there have always – even from the days of Jesus, and the very foundation of Christianity – been huge sins in our holiest men, apostles and saints; in the very people who, tradition once said, wrote our Bibles. 2) Therefore? We were never supposed to have much “faith” in them. Instead? We 3) are supposed to always re-examine our holiest men and angels, with real “science”; to see which of them were true and which were false. And? If 4) the science of God suggests that essentially all our holiest men and angels – even those said to be in heaven – were false about their promises of “miracles” for example? And if applying science to our religion finds massive sins therefore, even in the holiest men and doctrines in Heaven itself? If indeed, a closer look at the Bible itself, and science, seems thereby, to dissolve “all”; even dissolve our Heaven itself? Then this apocalyptic, heaven –shattering conclusion, is fully justified, and is even indeed commanded – by the Bible itself. Which told us, itself, that one “day,” our Heaven itself is supposed to be dissolved. Because of precisely, longstanding sins in our holiest men and angels.
Some preachers will try hard not to face or admit this. They will come up with endless sophistical “whitewash”ing sermons, to try to explain all this away. For example: what is the “heaven” (or “Heaven: capitalized? Here use the capitalized and un-capitalized forms more or less as synonyms, interchangeably), that is to be dissolved? That Heaven moreover is not just – as some might soon claim - some past, or pagan heaven: it is also clearly our own, Judeo-Christian Heaven; it is Heaven itself. Both Peter and Jesus for example, made it clear that it was their - and therefore our – own, “present” heaven itself. It is clearly the Judeo-Christian heaven itself, with our own Christian angel associates, that is supposed to come crashing down:
“The heavens … that now exist have been stored up for fire, being kept until the day of judgement and destruction of ungodly men…. The day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the heavens will pass away with a loud noise…. Since all these things are thus to be dissolved, what sort of persons ought you to be … waiting for the hastening of the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be kindled and dissolved…?” (2 Peter 3.7-11).
“The present heavens” (NIV).
Biblically, there is no doubt: one “day,” there is to come a moment that few Christians and preachers have, until today, been prepared to believe, or face. A day when their Heaven itself – our own Judeo-Christian heaven, and “all” the highest angels and apostles and prophets and saints - comes crashing down in flames. Around our ears. And this makes logical sense, and is verified by other facts as well. Since for example, if the Bible warned that angels and holy men are bad? And heaven is full of holy men? Then after all, heaven is not so good; and is indeed, worthy of dissolving. There can be no doubt of this a) the Bible refers to this directly, b) dozens of times. While c) it makes logical sense as well; correlating to other major biblical motifs.
In conclusion: how, why is heaven itself to be destroyed? In large part, it is because, the Bible said, there have always been huge sins and errors, in all our holiest men and angels; both those on earth, and also any of those that we thought were in heaven, as well.
Could nearly “all” our holiest men and angels, be bad? In fact, the Bible constantly assured us that there were. Jesus himself warned us that there would be many “false” and bad things, in religion; including “false prophets,” “false spirits,” bad priests, and even “false Christs,” coming after Jesus; false religious leaders, that would come even in the “name” of Jesus or Christ. Many false things, Jesus himself said, would be offered in the name of Christ and Christianity - and the “Lord, Lord.”
Indeed, a) many false things in religion, even the religion and “prophets of Israel,” were already in evidence, even in the time of the Old Testament. While b) next Jesus noted many false things in religious leaders – “scribes and Pharisees” in his own time. In fact, c) Jesus would note sins, even in his own apostles, like the Apostle Peter (Mat. 16.23). Furthermore, d) Jesus warned about many false things that would come, even in his name, after the death of Jesus. Many would cry “Lord, Lord”; there e) would be even “False Christs.”
“False Christs and false prophets will arise … to lead stray, if possible, the elect… But in those days … the stars will be falling from heaven, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken. And then they will see the Son of man coming in clouds with great power and glory” (Mark 13.24-26).
“If I am not doing the works …then do not believe me” (John 10.37).
If essentially all our holiest men and preachers, were often horrible, even “Satan”ic sinners and liars? Then finally, can believers, churchgoers, even be sure that the vision of “Christ” or “Jesus” that they got from preachers, in church … was entirely accurate and good? Can we even be sure that “Christ” as he was presented to us, was the true, right outline of Christ as he really, fully is? In fact remember, the Bible warned that f) “false Christs” will have begun to come, even in the time of Jesus and 1John. The Bible warned over and over, that there would be people who would claim to follow or even be, Christ; and yet all would be found to have been deceptive. Indeed, we were warned in Revelation, the final book of the Bible, that many false Christians, a false “worship” following “magician”s and “sorcerers,” following a false “Christ,” would “soon” (2,000 years ago), deceive the whole “world” (Rev. 13). Indeed, g) portions of the Bible even suggest that crucial false things - even false Christs, “anti-Christs,” had already appeared, in the time of 1 John. While indeed, h) much of the New Testament, especially the writings of the apostles, is dedicated to noting, and constantly trying to correct, sins and errors, even in the very first, foundational Christian churches; while warning that the whole “world” would be deceived by a false Christ; and indeed the world was already in the grip of the “evil one,” and anti-christs, even in the first days of Christianity.
So are our own preachers and religious traditions, trustworthy? Probably not. Early biblical warnings about false things even in early Christian churches and so forth, can be found in hundreds of quotes, from the Bible itself. Here are just a few samples, of the hundreds of such warnings, about every element of even “Christian” religion, from “angels” and “churches,” on. Note that we were warned furthermore, that these abuses, false things, “will” continue. False and bad things in religious leaders and all their works, will continue, indeed, to the end of time.
And finally? Even the “Christ” that all our preachers offered us, it seems, may even be a false Christ. May even be the foretold “False Christ,” after all.
But if so? If essentially “all” of Christianity, and all our holy men, were deceived; and if they even offered to the whole world, a “false Christ”? Then if so? Then today after all, we have come; to partially offer, even here and now, the “second” and truer, “full”er appearance of Christ.
The Second Coming,
The Second Appearance of Christ
Here our book is mainly about … beginning to show how the Bible itself, began to offer a strong first hint, of the nature of the “second coming” Christ; of what Christ looks like, in the end. Or what Christ was always in fact like; but how all our preachers missed his truer, fuller nature. In fact, our present books will show that God himself, 1) constantly warned that there have always been huge sins and errors, in our holy men; even in their most “inspired” doctrines. So that finally? 2) God told us that our Christ, our Christianity, were not supposed to be based on “faith” at all; but 3) instead, we are to learn and base ourselves, even our religion, our Christianity, on Science. And? If 4) discovering all this seems to shatter our childhood vision or image, of God, Christ, in “Heaven”? Then after all, precisely all this was warned about by the Bible itself: one “day,” after all, God is supposed to expose sins in all our holiest men and angels … and related to that, God is supposed to destroy Heaven itself. But if this seems impossibly hard to “bear” or “face”? Then after all … 5) all this shattering revelation is finally, to the good: since all this is for God to show us – show you yourself – a foretold “second” and “fuller,” “second” “appearance” / (“parousia”), a Second Coming, of Christ to earth. Where Christ clears up, exposes longstanding errors in our preachers and angels; and gives us at last a truer, fuller understanding, appearance, of God, on earth. While indeed? Our present study, begins to do that, in part.
Ultimately indeed, what are nearly all our many books about? Ultimately, they are about presenting, assisting God in the presentation of … the foretold second and better second appearance, the Second Coming, of Christ. The vision of Christ, God, really, finally is; when “judgement” comes: God … revealing longstanding sins even in priests and prophets especially; and their core promises and prophesies. But this is not an entirely negative development of course: God is exposing and burning off sins and errors in our holy men; in order to clear the way, after all, for a second and better appearance of God, Christ, on earth.
And here and now? We are beginning to see some of the first “signs” of that. Simply from re-reading the Bible itself.
Our books indeed, are about the arrival - in part, even here and now - of a “second” and better vision, coming, of God and Christ. An event which in part, begins for many, here and now. The second that you notice many sins in the traditional pillars of traditional Christianity, the second that you see problems even in “faith” in “miracles” and “spirituality,” the second you even just the bare possibility of a destruction of Heaven itself? Then indeed, our traditional heaven has already begins to dissolve, in our mind’s eye. In order to show us after all, a second and better, fuller appearance of Christ. A Christ who, however, no longer seems to stress such great “faith” in holy men, angels, churches, or in their inspired doctrines. A Christ who on the contrary, noted constant sins in our holiest men. A Christ who know tells us to therefore, learn a critical science of God; to advance beyond the blind faith of our childhood. To a second and better sense of Christianity.
Did Jesus really intend for Christianity to be based just on “faith”? Since all our holiest men and their churches, so often fail us, clearly God did not want us to have much faith in them, or in their ideas about religion. Instead finally God told us to learn to examine “all” our holy men and their doctrines, far, far more carefully than we have in the past; to examine them all specifically, with real science; with a Science of God. Far from blindly following holy men and angels, that have so often betrayed us in the past? Instead, we are supposed to, henceforth, all of us … learn to always take a far, far more careful look, at all our would-be holy men; learning to examine them very, very, very carefully. Specifically, since there are so many “lies” and “empty words” and “false prophesies” and empty “dreams” and “false spirits,” in religion? Therefore, we are not supposed to even trust, the sermons, the verbal arguments and tales of alleged holy men. Since it is all too easy, for an irresponsible tongue, to say, boast of anything, and to enchant the world with false statements? Finally, we are to insist – just as empirical Science always insists – that any given alleged true statement, “prove” itself. Prove itself … by producing real, visible, empirically-verifiable results.
If we are to have any “belief” or “faith” at all? Ultimately, God himself put the stress on believing … only in things that can be empirically proven to get real physical results. Or, in the language that the holy books used, we are not even consider a man holy or good … until he produces real physical “fruits,” “works,” “signs,” “deeds,” “proofs,” “prosperity,” in the “earth” and “flesh”; here on this material “earth.” Real physical results, that we can “observe” with our real “eyes”; and “test.” In a timely way (“soon,” “at hand,” right now). As proven by real “science”:
“Beware of false prophets…. You will know them by their fruits” (Mat. 7.15-16 RSV).
“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are of God; for many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit which confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit which does not confess Jesus is not of God. This is the spirit of antichrist, of which you heard that it was coming, and now it is in the world already…. If any one says, ‘I love God,’ and hates his brother, he is a liar” (1 John 4.1-3, 20, 2.9-19; Rev. 16.13, 19.20, 20.10).
“And the king commanded unto Ashpenaz… that he should bring certain of the people of Israel, … Children without blemish, but well favoured, and skillful in all wisdom … and understanding science” (Dan. 1.4 KJE).
“And if you say in your heart, ‘How may we know the word which the LORD has not spoken?'’ - when a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word which the LORD has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously, you need not be afraid of him” (Deut. 18.21-22).
Far from continuing to follow holy men based just on blind faith in them? Instead, God constantly warned about false things in them. And told us to submit every holy man and his words, to close examination, even scientific testing. To find out if they were really from God – or not.
Many preachers insist that when the Bible tells us not to “put the Lord your God to the test,” that means we cannot test religion with science. But ultimately, that quote is better translated as merely telling us not to “tempt” God with immoralities or excessive Greed. While in fact, God often tells us, even strongly commands us, to apply empirical testing to him;
“Put me to the test says the LORD of hosts” (Mal. 3.10).
“Ask a sign” (Isa. 7.9 ff).
“Test everything” (1 Thess. 5.21).
Ultimately, we will be showing here, Christianity was never supposed to be faith-based; it was supposed to be based on Science. God himself warned us constantly of bad and false things, even in the highest saints and prophets and apostles. Therefore, God did not want us to simply follow them, as priests have, with such total faith. Instead, God commanded us to always be examining all things in religion, even in the name of Christ, with science. Looking to see if following them produces not just “spiritual,” but real, physical, empirical results: real “fruits,” “works,” “signs,” “deeds,” and “proofs”; as seen with our literal “eyes” on this “earth”; as verified by real empirical “science” (q.v., Bibliography). Looking to see which things “come to pass” in physical life. And if they do not? Then far from continuing to follow them, instead we are supposed to simply conclude … that they are false. They belong to a false Christ. And then, we are to move on. To see the real Christ at last. Christ supporting Science, over Faith. Or supporting at least the new, more sophisticated, Science of God.
Ultimately in fact? In a highly consistent reading, that fits the entire Bible? A reading that is available in every single passage, as a plausible reading? Jesus told us not to believe, even in Jesus himself. Unless or until he and his followers, produce real, visible, material “works”:
“If I am not doing the works …then do not believe me” (John 10.37).
Here amazingly, we begin to see a totally different Christ than the one you were introduced to in church. Here we see Jesus himself, saying something that the Christ of blind “Faith” would never say: telling even, “do not believe me.” Do not have faith, even in Jesus himself. Unless or until? He and his followers, produce lots of real, empirical evidence, that their claims are true. Until they produce real, physical “fruits,” “works,” “prosperity,” “deeds,” “signs,” and “proofs.” As verified by real “science.”
To be sure, the language of the extremely complex; almost every sentence of the New Testament, is open to at least two or three major readings. (Namely? Among others, the - 1- physical miraculous; the –2 – spiritual. And then the – 3 – scientific). And any given phrase – like our last example say, John 10.37 – might be open to one or two other readings (which no doubt, your local priest will fix upon). Yet, while the New Testament especially is written in quite, quite ambiguous, equivocal, polysemic language? A difficult “tongue”? Finally, God himself told us that one “day,” he would return, to end the “confusion of tongues”; and to speak “plain”ly. While here we see that the one reading that is most consistent, with the most material of the Bible? The one reading that finally is “plain”est and clearest, and most consistent with all the many various ideas in the Bible? The one reading that really does that? Will finally be shown to be the reading … that at last hears God commanding us to learn and use … a Science of God. (In contrast? Consider the vast amount of biblical material other readings, merely ignore: like the constant warnings about holy men; like the passages on the destruction of heaven; etc.). No doubt, it is possible to read much of the Bible “spiritually”; or as promising “miracles.” But finally, there is only one reading, one theology, that best deals with the most biblical material. Only one that indeed, begins to fulfill so many, many prophesies. Including the most scary and yet liberating, apocalyptic prophesy of all: the prophesy that one day or another, God is going to … destroy heaven itself. And “all” in it. Which is one key prophesy that of course, all those priests trying to get to “Heaven,” will have failed to deal with, abjectly.
The fact is, that Heaven itself is supposed to be destroyed; in favor of a “new heaven” that comes down to be a place not above us, but here on earth (Rev. 21). And as we begin to see the side of Jesus that supported not blind “faith,” but science? We do in fact begin to see a second and better Christ.
All this is surprising, shocking, even apocalyptic enough. But if so? Then after all, it is the fulfillment of a crucial part of the foretold Apocalypse. It is the crucial part that preachers have never been able to face or admit: the moment that God exposes huge signs in our holiest men, and their vision of “Christ”; and God shows us a second and even “terrible” or frightening second appearance to us all.
No One Knows the Exact Hour
When does all this happen? When do we see Christ in the Second Coming, as he really is? And when is Heaven destroyed? Famously, no one knows the exact time. But most will know it when they see the first “signs”; and then when it comes, apparently. But perhaps we are seeing some “signs” here and now.
Roughly a) speaking, much of this seems to happen in the “End Time.” But b) when, in turn, is that? There are many scholars, who note that may End Time events, were already being said to have been wholly or partially “fulfilled,” even by the New Testament authors, in their own time: 1 John 2.18 for instance seems to say that the “last hour” was already starting in the time of John; c. 90 AD (“Children, it is the last hour”). Still though, c) there are other scholars, and there is other biblical evidence, to suggest that not all the events predicted for the End, have already happened. Especially not, popularly the “Second Coming”; or – famously, in current scholarship - the coming of the ideal “kingdom” of God, on earth. Indeed, d) there are parts of the Bible that tell us that “no one knows” the exact “hour” of the Second Coming; whether it is here or there. While e) time itself is distorted by Peter; who tells us that with God, a single day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like a day. So that indeed, it seems very hard to fix a time for all this. Yet while no one knows the “exact hour,” some say they can guess the approximate day. Or in any case, e) we ourselves do not claim here to know the exact time or hour. Though we agree with many, that the eschatological or End Time, Second Coming prophesies … seem to involve rather more extended time frames than many might have thought. Or indeed? Perhaps f) the destruction of Heaven, is the mental or spiritual moment that we at last, “grow” up, or “mature” - and at last notice the warts on our former religious heroes. In that case? It is all about a moment whose exact timing, no one can say: since no one knows when you yourself for example, will grow up. In any case? We agree with everyday notions that g) in one way or another, the End should always be in the back of our minds, and “present” in that way; and always effecting, lending gravity and direction to – and being present in - our actions. Every single day. Therefore, the exact timing will not be specified here, too definitively. But h) indeed, the Bible implies that we will know it – as we begin to see it; see the “signs” (like the “olive tree” and so forth; seeing the “desolating abomination” and so forth). While perhaps, after all, not just a few individuals, but many of us are beginning to see it … even now.
In a (for once) “spiritual” sense in fact, for many of us, the foretold apocalyptic day, when Heaven itself is destroyed has … already long since begun. The End of our childhood heaven, began all over again, recently. When 1) many of us looked at the newspapers and news sites - and saw stories about child-molesting priests, and 2) deceitful bishops, covering it all up, whitewashing the sins of priests and churches. Or 3) it began again, when some of us we heard Science (and even St. Paul?), telling us over and over, there were few if any miracles. Or 4) the foretold End began, when we ourselves saw, in our own immediate experience, that no one at all, in our own line of sight, was working all the giant miracles that had been promised to us. Our childhood “Heaven” offering “miracles,” began to collapse for many of us long ago; when as even a 5-year old child, we found that no matter how good we or others were, no one in our own experience, was literally, physically walking on water. Or perhaps the end 5) begins to come to many, when they go to seminary, and at last are exposed to contemporary theology, as it begins warning us about other, even worse sins, deep in our very holiest men and angels. Or finally? Maybe 6) the Destruction of Heaven begins here and now, for many people? When they begin to read at last, all those seventy or a hundred or more quotes, themes from the Bible itself. Showing them God himself, saying some very dark things about their religion; things that they had never really heard before, in church.
Some of us therefore, notice one or more of those disillusioning things, “signs” of problems, in our traditional religion, our traditional churches, long ago. And for many of us? Our traditional Heaven itself begun to dissolve, in our mind’s eye, long ago. While for others though, it is a recent and startling development; probably the recent uncovering of thousands (historically; through time) of child-molesting priests, for example, began to open some formerly blind eyes at last. Yet to be sure, even “just” the exposure of a few thousand priests, as child molesters, homosexual pederasts, is still only the merest tip of the iceberg; far down beneath even this horrible scandal, are a massive series of even more devastating scandals, that are yet to be faced by religious believers. Some of these scandals though are already well- and long- known, to scientists and theologians Many sins in our churches, are known even especially to many of our preachers, themselves; if secretly, privately. Though they have not chosen to make them honestly and fully known.
Much of this will be a literally Apocalyptic shock, to many ordinary people. But at least some of us are already well prepared to at last acknowledge the, after all, constant signs of sin in our holiest men. Probably a few people – even many ministers - are already fairly well prepared, even for the Destruction of Heaven. No doubt, some rough sense of longstanding errors in our holy men or clerics, some kind of “dark night of the soul,” or some other quick preview of the Destruction of Heaven, has long since come, for many scholars, atheists, and scientists. Yet while a few are prepared for this? Still, probably hundreds of millions of ardent, faithful believers, religious ladies lighting candles every day in church, may not have seen the collapse coming. Even in spite of constant signs of acute failure in our religion. In large part, many will have managed to suppress all the signs, have managed to miss all that – because they believe that they have been commanded by God, to “have faith.” And to … simply ignore all that. More than anything, of the greatest sins of bad priests, was to convince millions – cumulatively, billions of people – to believe that they are commanded by “faith,” to overlook any and all signs of bad things, in their holy men and religion. Millions of blindly faithful believers, think that they were commanded to have “faith” in our old holy traditions - no matter how many times our old traditions seem to fail. No matter how many times they prayed … and yet miracles did not come, they were constantly told by priests in effect, to ignore all that evidence of failure, falsity, in their religion. By the command to “have faith.” Indeed, traditional Christianity, with all its illusions and misstatements, has been held together by a misconceived “faith,” that compelled blindness.
But some are now prepared to open their eyes, and see.
Was Christianity really supposed to be based on such, very strong “faith”? Did God himself really command us to just continue to “faith”fully ignore constant signs of inadequacies and failures and falsity and massive sins, in our priests and ministers? Did the Bible itself, really order us to just ignore it when things that were promised, did “not come to pass” in any timely way (Deut. 18.21-22)? Did the Bible really say what our preachers assured us that it meant? That we should continue to follow our traditional religious leaders, our holy men … even when they seemed to be doing very bad things? As it is turning out here, in the final analysis, even the Bible itself did not stress such a very great or strong “faith” at all. Overall in fact, the Bible itself confirmed over and over - that even our holiest men and angels have sinned; indeed, “all have sinned” (Rom. 3.23; 1 John 1.8-10; etc.). Even the saints, the prophets, the apostles, the very angels in Heaven (Mat. 16.23; Job 4.18; Gal. 1.8; Isa. 34.4). So that in this end, that many of us will have come to here and now? Many of us are prepared to at last, hear the fuller words of the Bible itself; to see the more “awful” side of God himself. As they themselves, lead us by the hand, to the apocalyptic, heaven-shattering moment: to the realization that, far from ordering us to continue to have such total “faith” in our holy men, even when they appear to sin, even massively? Instead, our holiest books eventually said - to those who can at last “hear” the “second” voice in the text - that we were never supposed to be so entirely trusting and blindly believing; that we were always supposed to always be far, far more critical - or better said, far more scientific and objective - in regarding religion. Since essentially “all” our religious leaders often sinned, far from being based on any very strong or “blind” faith in them, instead, God himself constantly commanded those who can hear Him … that we should always to be prepared to accept evidence of error in our religious leaders. And indeed? We should be prepared to move on, to a rather different Heaven and Kingdom and vision of God, than the “image” of Christ that we heard supported, constantly, in nearly every single Sunday School and church, worldwide.
All of this adds up to a startling, unbelievably stressful moment of awful, Apocalyptic, Heaven-shattering realization, to be sure. And it leads to a series of lesser but still unconventional conclusions: that Religion, Christianity, ware not supposed to be based on “faith,” for example. And at first, the mind, the spirit, rebels, reflexively: all this seems impossible to believe. Or in any case, impossible to face, or “bear.” And yet the Bible itself told us – John told us for example – that they had many things to tell us later, but that we could not “bear” to face, long ago (John 16.12; Hos. 10.2?). While hearing such things – and especially, knowing that every major word of our present book, is supported by the Bible itself (so far as we know) – should give many ordinary people and even some preachers, the courage and conviction to at last, at last begin to “hear,” and “see,” and “face” all of this; face the deepest sins. Even the sins deep in the very heart of all that we were taught from infancy, was absolutely holy and sacred and perfect. Especially, people should be able to face this on discovering that after all, this does not contradict the Bible – but is supported by it, over and over. By dozens, hundreds of quotes. On finding that – amazingly – all this is authorized, even commanded, by the Bible itself; by God, himself. And furthermore, this does not “deny” or “debunk” the Bible; but indeed begins to fulfill the (threats and) promises of God. That one “day,” he would expose sins in our holiest men. But all in order to show us all something better. And what “day” do we see that? The “Day” could be any time; perhaps it is even a different time, for different individuals. But no doubt any of us can come to see at least a foreshadow of that day, any time; even here and now. Though facing that light, is not easy.
Indeed, readers should be seeing some important things, here and now. First? What is the thing that God really wants for us? That is so much better than blind faith? What turns out to be so much better, than the blind faith … that will led us to follow all-too-flawed holy men? What is so much better, will be the “second” and fuller appearance of God and Christ. And in part, we begin to see what that second appearance will be like, even here and now. And as foretold, that second appearance will shock many; even believers. Even those who thought that they were following Christ, crying “Lord, Lord.” And indeed? The whole world of faithful Christians will be shocked to see Christ’s appearance here and now; as he tells us not to stress faith. As he tells us to follow a more critical science of God.
No doubt, there are many false things in religion, as the Bible itself says. So how do we know the truth? In part, just reading our Bibles a little better, would undoubtedly help. And so, in our books here, we have absolutely centered ourselves around the Bible, and its quotes. While furthermore, those who read their Bibles with us, here and now? Anyone who does that should in fact, “see” a second and better appearance to Christ and Jesus. Anyone and everyone who just reads the neglected, denied parts of the Bible that we at last present here, should be able to at last 1) “see” the Bible, “hear” God himself, see Christ himself, more fully, at last. And as foretold, this apocalyptic second appearance, is shocking, shattering: here and now, we see God and Jesus … warning over and over, that “all” our holiest men and angels, often sinned; sinned not just in their daily behavior, but sinned even in formulating their most allegedly “inspired” doctrines. Finally, anyone reading say, just the biblical quotes that we present here often enough, should be able to see 2) that the final, ultimate theology of the Bible, the fuller outline of Jesus … did not stress Faith as much as preachers have taught. Finally, 3) almost anyone should be able to make out the quick outline, of “second” and better idea, a second appearance, of God. Seeing specifically? 4) Christ and God as they really are: supporting not blind or very strong “faith.” But God commanding us all to learn instead, a more objective science of God (Dan. 1.4-15 KJE; 1 Kings 18.21-39; Mal. 3.10; Deut. 18.21-22; etc.). And 5) if this seems to demolish our childhood vision of Christ? If it seems to dissolve an idea of Christ, a Heaven, that promised “miracles” and “spirit”uality? Then after all, precisely that very ending, exactly matches what the Bible itself constantly foretold: finally, the second coming of God to earth, or the End Time, destroys Heaven itself.
At first, all this is utterly shocking. Could the Bible have really authorized, commanded, all this? That Christianity, religion, is not supposed to be based on “faith”? But on … science? A Science of God? Could it have really said that our Heaven itself, is supposed to “dissolve”? At first, all this seems impossible, or heretical. Over and over for two thousand years, nearly all our holy men quoted us many parts of the Bible, that seemed to assure us firmly, that our religion, our lives, should be absolutely based on “faith”; on faithfully, loyally following, even blindly believing, whatever our holy men told us. For two thousand years, our priests quoted parts of the Bible that stressed believing or having faith in our priests and ministers; or faith at least, in their ideas, their sermons, on God. Actually we are about to find out here that this classic core of traditional Christianity was simply, wrong. The fact is, that one “day” or another, the Bible said, God himself is supposed to dramatically uncover longstanding sins, errors, “false” sayings about God, in our holiest religious leaders; in priests and ministers, saints and angels.
So when does this happen? Though almost no one knows the exact “hour,” perhaps after all though, each of us knows the “day” when … we see it. When it happens to us; individually. While it may be however, that events, the news, will bring this awareness to many people simultaneously. Even soon; even “today.” Even as you read this very book.
The Second Appearance
Whenever that “day” is for you yourself, you should be prepared for it; and know what is happening. While our books here should help you see at least a preview, and even perhaps the substance, of it all. In sum? The End Time, the Second Coming, the Second Appearance of Christ, reverses many accepted religious ideas. Indeed, the Second Coming, the more vivid appearance or return of God, reverses many “Christ”ians’ beliefs, about who the “Lord” God or Christ really is. First, in the End, 1) God is to expose false things in our holiest men and angels. And in fact, here and now, suddenly, we are beginning to uncover a few of them; specifically; even right now; to “day.” First of all for example: a) preachers have too often explicitly insisted, even explicitly, that they were themselves, reliable. Or b) by putting themselves before us every week as our leaders, preachers at least implied that they were reliable enough to present themselves as our leaders, and to tell us who and what God was like. Yet our preachers proud presentations of themselves, as our leaders, was too proud and vain. Here and now, we find that this major implied or de facto doctrine, was false: the Bible warned continuously about errors in “all” our holiest men and preachers.
The Second Appearance therefore, is supposed to expose sins in our holiest men; and here we have followed that, finding a first great sin in them: they proudly over-stressed their own reliability and importance. And as it turns out, God is now telling us that preachers committed countless other sins as well. Next for example, we come to see 2) a second, major error in our holy men and their idea of God: all our preachers insisted constantly, that the essence of religion, of Christianity, was “faith.” Faith in God; but which in actual practice, boiled down to faithfully following preachers, and/or their sermons, their vision, their idea of Christ. But while our preachers stressed faith? Here we will be reminding the reader, that that if God was constantly warning that there have always been massive errors in our holy men? Then clearly, God did not want us to base ourselves on “faith” in them. In them personally; or in their sermons about, their verbal pictures of, God or Christ.
All have sinned; especially our preachers and religious leaders. Therefore? Implicitly, God did not want us to have too much “Faith” in religious things. Indeed, 3) finally the Bible – God – explicitly tells us that instead of basing ourselves on the blind “faith” that our preachers wrongly asked for? Instead, God really wanted us all to base ourselves, on a kind of slightly more critical religious science. God wants us to follow science-based religious study; a Science of God.
The Bible told us that one “day” or another, we would see a startling “new,” “second” appearance to Christ. And that second appearance, would reverse, shatter, many things our religious leaders have taught us. While here and now, exactly as foretold, we are coming to see Christ … exposing huge sins and errors, in the very “household of God’; in our priests and ministers.
What startling new appearance to Christ, do we see, here and now? In the main, see now suddenly 1) see Christ … telling us that all our holiest men were great sinners. Telling us that 2) therefore, Christianity is supposed to be based not on faith; 3) but on science. When “all” our holiest men and angels often sin? Then clearly, we should not have been following them, or their verbal pictures of God, with such total blind obedience or “faith.” Indeed, Christ as we see him, present him here? Tells us amazingly, that because of so many sins in holy men, finally Christ himself de-emphasized “faith.” And came to stress a more critical Science of God. Far from telling us to continue to follow flawed holy men, preachers and their vision, their “image” of God, now we see a second appearance to Christ, even in the Bible itself. And 4) this appearance of Christ fulfills one End Time prophesy after another. Especially, prophesies of a Second Coming. And a 5) Destruction of Heaven.
As foretold of the Second Coming, here we indeed, see a startlingly different appearance of Christ; who does not, here and now, stress “Faith” at all. But who exposes sins in holy men and angels and the household of God - and tells us to learn a and follow a kind of religious science. Jesus here and now, warns about false things in holy men – and rather than stressing faith in them or their vision, instead Christ tells us to learn and employ, a critical science; to find out what things were true, and what things were wrong and false, in religious leaders and doctrines. Christ as we see him now, directing us to use Science to begin continually re-examining all our holiest men and angels, and their most “inspired” doctrines. To see if our religious leaders are really from God - or not.
Here now, we begin to see Christ giving us a scientific methodology, to determine whether this or that person, or angel, or saying, was really from God. But more specifically? Since it is all too easy, for people, ministers, to issue false words, empty speeches, hot air? We are finally not to trust any mere words at all - other than “The Word”; Jesus himself. While Jesus as we now see him, tells us that there were many false “words,” false prophesies, issued in his “name”; indeed, the world was hypnotized by a false image, a false “word.” So that? We must actively discover, which words are really from God; which words are “The Word,” the real commands of God. And this we can only do, not by listening to still more sermons. But by scientific study. Far from continuing to trust to the often false “word”s, the sermons, of preachers, instead we are supposed to trust far, far more, to empirical evidence. Rather than listening to still more possibly empty words, still more sermons? Instead, we are supposed to look to see if – as the Bible said over and over – following this or that prophet, or priest, or saying, produces real, visible, physical results. Far from following our preachers endlessly on the basis of just “faith,” instead we are to take a long, hard look at what material, physical good they have done. Looking to see if they are producing, not just more and more words and sermons; but are producing the promised physical – not spiritual – “fruits,” “works,” “signs,” “deeds,” “prosperity,” and “proofs.” Which Christ himself calls for. From the New Testament, itself.
We are seeing a startling, shocking, heaven-shattering second appearance to Christ, here and now therefore. Here and now, we see Christ - exactly as foretold of the End – warning of sins even in holy men and angels. Warning us that therefore, many things are really the reverse of what our holy men told us. Christ even telling us even – among other startling reversals - that Christianity was never supposed to be based on “faith.” And for that matter, Christ beings telling us that our religion was not supposed to be based on “spiritual” things either: instead, our Religion is supposed to be based far more than most thought, on looking to see which alleged holy men, actually bring us real, material, physical wonders.
Finally, what does Christ say, regarding your own preacher? Your own priest or minister? What should we say and do? As Christ said often enough in the Bible itself, those persons who are really from God, are supposed to be able to demonstrate, produce, real, physical, “fruits,” “works,” “signs,” “deeds,” “prosperity,” and “proofs”; as “observe”d and confirmed, with our physical “eyes,” in a timely way, before witnesses. If a holy man supports physical “miracles,” then we should ask him to work one, in front of us. And if any alleged holy man, cannot do that? Then? Far from continuing to follow a religious leader with total “faith” – instead, Christ himself now tells us that we are supposed to simply, conclude this: that the religious leader, the preacher, the priest or minister who could not get the promised physical results … was simply one the foretold, bad and “false” priests; a “false prophet”; one of the foretold false “minister”s. If a preacher cannot prove, by his physical material works, that he is from God? Then, far from continuing to follow him with strong faith, instead, we are supposed to simply deduce that our own preacher is one of the foretold “false” priests, following “false prophets.” And we should not continue to follow him (Deut. 18.21-22; 1 Kings 18.21-39). Those countless preachers who promised physical miracles, but do not produce them reliably, on the same scale they promised? “All” and “whatever” we “ask”? Those ministers should be simply pronounced to be, an “abomination” (Isa. 41.24).
Can all this really be? Many people - as foretold - will not believe the second appearance of Christ. Many “Christ”ians, the faithful, ardent believers … will be far too fixed to their old preconceptions, far too “stiff-necked,” to change, to see a “new heaven” on earth. Many will simply be unable, to “face” the “terrible” side of God; face seeing sins even in the very heart, of all that they were taught from infancy as holy. Yet facing all this … has often been almost easy, for a few scholars. And theologians. And scientists. And for many everyday lay people. Many of whom have already, long since, begun to notice many apparent errors/sins, in the very holiest men, and churches, and their doctrines. Many ordinary “secular” people, have already long noted evidence, “signs,” from many directions, constantly, calling attention to a lack of fruits, in most holy men. Many have noted 1) Science, calling attention to the problems with preachers’ promises of “miracles,” for example. Many people have already noted 2) their own experience, what “comes to pass” in daily life … suggesting that our preachers are not producing all the miracles that they promised. Then too? Many people note 3) History, calling our attention to how often the churches failed to be as good as their ideals. Then too? Many have paid attention to 4) the News; warning of the current priestly molestation scandal. In addition? Some have read 5) scholarly theology, religious studies … noting problems in traditional theology. While 6) some will have read their Bibles … noting constant warnings in it, about preachers and so forth. All these sources, and more, should have begun to suggest, even to the most uneducated person, that there are problems, sins, in the churches. Yet though many scholars and others are perhaps ready to face all this? Still, there are millions of people who have been, until today, unprepared to face and bear, something as disillusioning as all that.
Facing all this – facing the signs of very real and serious sin and error, in our churches – errors even in their major doctrines of “faith” and so forth – has always been very hard for the average, faithful believer. It will be especially difficult say, for that Spanish or Irish woman, that you see in church every week, kneeling and praying in the apse, or before the altar; praying before the carved icon of Jesus or Mary. And no doubt, facing all this will have been especially hard for preachers. Though surprisingly many preachers are prepared to face this, and almost prepared to confess all this publicly. To give up their comfortable life as a minister, and take up their cross, to really follow Christ, as he really is; as he now presents himself.
It is not easy. Many will see Christ, and speak to him; but still fail to follow him. It will be hard for the vast bulk of humanity. Because for centuries the whole “world” (to c. 1964) – was taught to follow, that all-too-simple theology of all-but-blind faith. The whole world in fact, was long ago firmly taught to listen reverently to their priests and ministers. And to simply “have faith” in whatever preachers taught; to have total “faith” in whatever “Christ” our religious institutions presented. Total faith in miracles and spirituality - even when those promises seemed to fail. To such people – millions; billions of them perhaps – it will be, at first, all but impossible to accept Christ, as he tells us that 1) there are always evils deep in our holiest men. As Christ now tells us that 2) therefore, our religion was never supposed to be based on “faith.” That religion, a Christianity, 3) must actually “prove” itself to be true, daily, with physical empirical evidence. To see and hear and obey this true voice of Christ, will at first be extremely difficult; it will seem utterly alien and seems wrong-headed. It is very nearly the exact opposite, to what millions, billions of people – the whole “world” - has been taught to follow, and to “worship” (Rev. 13). But if the whole world has long been deceived, and has been following a false “worship,” a “False Christ”? Then after all, all that is exactly as foretold (Rev. 13). While finally, there is now finally, a way to escape all that.
In the past, most believers, would not accept countless warnings of sin in their churches; because those warnings often came from “secular” sources; science, history, the newspapers. While religious churches, would not mention sins in themselves, much at all. But more recently, even The Church, has begun to tentatively “confess the sins of the Church,” as they say. While finally? There is one way to at last, capture the attention of the faithful; by showing them that one of the few books that they pay attention to, one of the few authorities they do follow – the Bible, itself - began to warn about false preachers, and churches; about “all” of them, furthermore.
For many centuries, there have always been a few intellectuals and others, who were aware of problems, sins, in our churches. Sometimes, there were many; as when Protestants and Catholics, began noting sins and errors in each other. But overall, the problem has been a sort of conspiracy of silence among the churches, not to rock the boat; not to note sins in each other any more. So that most believers are unaware, of the many signs of sin, in their own church. Unless or until? Until they are shown at last … the seventy, the hundred and more parts of the Bible itself, that warned of such things. Until they are presented, in a rather dramatic way, with the “second” “appearance” of Christ. When all this is presented, from the Bible itself, and in very dramatic form? Then even most of the millions, billions of blindly faithful believers, might well come to “see” Christ as he really, more fully is. Billions might at last see Christ rightly, more fully. Christ as he no longer supports any strong faith in holy men, or their images and sermons. Millions at last, seeing Christ as he really is: Christ supporting a crucial, Science of God.
But What Does Science Say
About Miracles
And Spirit?
A Second And Better Understanding, Coming,
Of Christ
Amazingly therefore, the Bible itself told us that in the End, few if any of the things we thought were “eternally” true, will really stand. In the end, regarding out holiest temples? “Not one stone will be left standing on another.” While finally? Even everyone’s “Christ” will turn out to have been a “false Christ.”
First we find that the Bible itself overall, did not really support the Christ of “faith,” as much as St. Paul and many preachers did. Instead, God constantly warned that essentially “all” our holiest men and angels sinned; and that there was really nothing at all, that could really, with absolute assurance, wash away those sins. Nothing at all: there are finally no special gifts at all, that can, with absolute reliability, wash away the sins and errors of holy men. Nothing at all from Angels and Anointings and Baptisms and the Blood, to Worship, and Zeal. Finally, there is nothing that is very reliable at all … except, God said, the Science of God. But if we follow Science, what do we see? If Christ really supported Science, then … what about the everyday ideas of Christ, the “Christ” that the whole world followed? The Christ who stressed “faith” in “miracles,” and “spirituality”?
All over the world, billions of people have confidently followed a Christ, a Christianity, that historically promised us over and over, that if we follow it, we will get 1) giant physical miracles. Though many preachers also say that we get not so much physical wonders from God, as 2) spiritual benefits, there seems little doubt that the heart of traditional Christianity, was promising very, very physical miracles to people. Jesus, we were constantly told, walked on water, and made bread appear out of thin air. And historically we were even told at times, in nearly all the churches, that if we follow our priests, we too will get “all” the wonders that Jesus did. Or even that we will get “greater wonders than these.” Indeed, many of us were read parts of the Bible, that seemed to promise that if we follow our preachers, if we are Christians, we will get “whatever you ask” from God:
“Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I go to the Father. Whatever you ask in my name, I will do it, that the Father may be glorified in the Son; if you ask anything in my name, I will do it” (John 14.12- John 14.14; cf. Mat. 7.7, John 15.7, 16; 16.23; James 1.5).
“Ask for whatever you will, and it shall be done for you” (John 15.7).
“You will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you’” (Mat. 17.20; Mark 11.23; cf. John 4.20, 1 Corin. 13.2).
For 2,000 years, in a billion sermons, homilies and religious paintings, in millions of churches worldwide, 1) Christ was pictured to us constantly, performing giant physical miracles: as literally walking on water, making bread appear out of thin air; and promising us the power to move real actual “mountains” with just faith and a prayer (Mark 11.23-24). And indeed for thousands of years, 2) the thing that more than anything else, attracted billions of people to follow Christianity, was the promise that if we become Christians, we too can get wonderful material miracles. Biblical passages like those quoted above, promising that Jesus worked miracles, and that we would too … were read to us constantly in church. Over and over, the people of the world were taught by their preachers, that Jesus worked giant physical wonders – and that if we just followed our preachers, we ourselves would also work all the wonders that Jesus did – and “greater things than these.” That we would get in fact, “whatever you ask.” We would in effect, get huge physical wonders if we followed priests. And 3) all this was very, very firmly insisted; indeed anyone who said anything different, was often labeled a “heretic.” And was jailed, beaten, or even tortured to death; often, burned to death at the stake.
For centuries in fact, the whole “world” was presented, by priests, with a Christ who was essentially a conjurer: who made things appear out of thin air. A Christ who made bread appear in empty baskets - like a stage magician, making a rabbit appear in an empty top hat. The world in fact, believed in the priests’ Christ – who was essentially, a magician or sorcerer. A Christ who was mostly spiritual …but who, if he dealt with physical, material things at all … simply made them appear out of thin air. As Jesus was said to, in the following passages, of what came to be called as the “Miracles of the Loaves and Fishes” (from Mat. 14.17,15.34, 16.9; Mark 6.3, 8.5; Luke 19.13; cf. John 6.26):
“They saw the dumb speaking, the maimed whole, the lame walking, and the blind seeing…. Then Jesus called his disciples and said, ‘I have compassion on the crowd, because they have been with me now three days, and have nothing to eat; and I am unwilling to send them away hungry, lest they faint on the way.’ And the disciples said to him, ‘Where are we to get bread enough in the desert to feed so great a crowd?’ And Jesus said to them, ‘How many loaves have you?’ Then said, ‘Seven, and a few small fish.’ And commanding the crown to sit down on the ground, he took the seven loaves and the fish, and having given thanks he broke them and gave them to the disciples … and the disciples gave them to the crowds. And they all ate and were satisfied…. Those who ate were four thousand men besides women and children” (Mat. 15.32-38 Revised Standard Edition).
In the Bible - as the Bible was taught in Sunday School classes and many churches - we were constantly assured in effect, that Jesus had somehow fed, satisfied, thousands, “multitudes” … with just seven loaves of bread. And to explain this? Rather than suggest that the Bible was somehow false or misleading or metaphorical, it was constantly asserted by many sermons, that somehow, Jesus had caused “a miracle”; that out of broken bits of seven loaves, somehow the bread multiplied in the baskets. Enough to feed and “satisfy” thousands of people.
This was the famous miracle of the “Loaves and Fishes.” And it and stories like it, became the very backbone of Christianity. Indeed, the miracle-working Christ that preachers pictured from reading and interpreting passages like the above, became the core reason for the success of this new religion. The whole world came to follow Jesus, Christianity became a success, Christianity came to dominate the whole “world” … in large part because it promised that those who followed it would get not just “prosperity,” but even huge, amazing, physical miracles. Jesus, we were constantly assured in Sunday School and church, worked many miracles; including conjuring bread in mostly empty baskets. (As well as healing the blind, the lame, the dumb). And furthermore, we were constantly assured, those who trusted and believed and “had faith,” would also get all these wonders; even “all” or “whatever” we “ask”ed for. This was what “Christ” himself had promised, hungry people were constantly told. And because it promised us everything, because it promised us all huge material benefits, and even magical-seeming physical powers? This “miraculous” image of “Christ,” became fantastically successful; dominating popular religion, and dominating countless sermons, for many centuries. Indeed, the miracle-working image of Christ, eventually dominated the whole “world” and its worship. Crucially, this kind of Christianity was accepted by Roman authorities, with Constantine, around 300 AD; and this kind of vision, this miraculous Christ, became the official, ruling religion of Rome, c. 400 AD. Thus, the miraculous Christ ruled Rome. And when Rome itself – the heart of ancient civilization – endorsed this Christ … in effect, the miracle-working Christ, had a power platform from which to dominate the entire Roman Empire. And the West. And through that, eventually, the miracle-working Christ conquered the whole “world.” As this Christ conquered Rome, then Europe, then America; the leading powers that in turn, ruled the whole earth. And spread the worship of this Christ to every part of the entire world, through conquest, and much later, satellites.
The miracle-working “Christ” therefore, promising bread out of thin air, long dominated the earth; dominated the whole “world.” However? At times, there were churchgoers, pastors, who were not entirely satisfied with this (vision of) “Christ”; Christ as miracle-worker. Though millions, billions of people followed this Christ – and millions still do, to this very day – still, at times, some of our more intellectual or educated preachers, questioned the accuracy of this view of Jesus; the truth of this Christ. Possibly, some preachers found that in real or day-to-day life, somehow, they themselves could not make bread appear out of thin air, at times. Even today, now and then a follower of Christ, will experimentally try, him- or her-self, to pray for God to make physical bread appear out of thin air, or pray for the ability to walk on water. And yet? Though we were often firmly promised these abilities by countless preachers? Still, somehow, even some very good holy persons, found that we could not literally walk on the surface of the backyard pool. No matter how good we were; no matter how many times we prayed; no matter how good we were. No matter how many of the demands of the preacher that we met.
While surprisingly, St. Paul, himself, began to question miracles. Paul questioning specifically, whether in fact whosoever asked, actually got them as promised:
“Do all work miracles?” (Paul, 1 Corin. 12.29 RSV).
“Let not many of you become [religious] teachers, my brethren, for you know that we who teach shall be judged with greater strictness. For we all make many mistakes, and if any one makes no mistakes in what he says he is a perfect man…. [But] the tongue is a little member and boasts of great things…. No human being can tame the tongue” (James 3.1-8).
As we will see, there were problems with ancient, “boast”ful and proud promises of miracles; even according to the Bible itself (to say nothing of what experience teaches many of us). And so? Though televangelists still present this miraculous Christ, as late as say, today, 2011, already by about 1950 or so, many ministers, were no longer spending so much time, on 1) the physical promises of God; or on the view of Christ as a worker of physical “miracles.”
Preachers once daily promised such giant physical wonders; miracles. But eventually, even many preachers came to no longer stress, Christ as the worker of physical miracles. Instead, most of our more intellectual preachers eventually began to present yet another, slightly different Christ. Some preachers long ago in fact, began subtly stressing not miraculous physical rewards, but began to stress instead, 2) the mental or “spiritual” Christ; stressing not physical rewards, but the mental or “spiritual” rewards that were said to come, from following Jesus. No longer were physical miracles foregrounded; instead we were told that if we followed this Jesus, we would however get benefits in our mind or “spirit”: we would get “love” and “faith” and “hope” and so forth.
This spiritual Christ, moreover, we were constantly told by preachers, could be found in the Bible itself; apparently even edging out - or even replacing? - the miracle-promising Christ Jesus. And if this replacement of one Christ, with another one, might have seemed to bother some people? There were in fact, many parts of the New Testament, that were written in such a way, as to seem in one increasingly popular way of reading, to justify this new Christ. Even the Apostle/Saint Paul for example, had at times wondered out loud about how common and reliable, the old promises of physical miracles, might be: “Do all work miracles?” Paul wondered (q.v.; look up the quoted words, in your Bible). While Paul began to stress the idea that perhaps the main lesson or promise of religion, was not physical wonders. Rather, perhaps the real core of religion, Christianity, consisted in teaching us mental or spiritual things; like suppressing our mental or spiritual “lust” and greed and anger; suppressing our destructive mental “passions.” While giving us more positive emotions, like “faith” and “love” and “hope.”
And the Spiritual Christ?
The relatively new “spiritual” vision of Christ, has been remarkably successful, in worldly terms. Without explicitly denouncing the old miracle-working Christ, it nevertheless subtly shifted the emphasis in religion; from promising physical things – especially, promising miraculous powers, that seemed problematic to many; shifting the emphasis in all of Religion – including especially Christianity – to “spirituality.” Without ever explicitly attacking the old idea of Christ offering us physical things, the average preacher today however, rarely mentions that old vision; instead the average preacher spends most of his sermons and services today, speaking on mental or “spiritual” things. Following apostles like Paul, many priests and ministers and religious leaders, to our very time today, came to “subtl”y shift the emphasis in our religion, the picture of Christ we are offered in church. Changing us over gradually, from the miracle-working Christ … to a more spiritual one. Instead of emphasizing physical miracles, today about half (if not all) of our preachers, about half of all sermons or more, are not primarily about 1) getting physical rewards from God, like physical food or “bread”; but 2) at most, getting a tiny token, symbolic bread wafer, at communion or Eucharist. While 3) shifting the emphasis from a religion that promises to take care of – even miraculously – the physical side of life. To a religion, a Christ, that offered only primarily, mental or spiritual gifts.
Today to be sure, a few preachers – especially televangelists – still promise us huge, amazing, “prosperity”; and even physical miracles. Especially magical-seeming healings of sick persons; “faith healings.” But the vast bulk of sermons today, are dedicated more to “healing” or training our mind or “spirit.” They are especially about a) learning to control our more destructive emotions; like the spirit of “hate” and anger, and greed, and “lust.” And b) replacing them with more positive emotions or “spirits.” Like, as it was said by Paul especially, “faith” and “hope” and “love.” Especially we are told, of course, that “faith” was the real, core message of Jesus; that “faith” is the true heart of Christianity. Indeed, we are constantly assured in churches all over the world, that if we just have faith in our preachers, or faith in the picture of Christ that they offer us? Then we can forget about mere physical rewards, which now seem unimportant; and instead we will indeed get huge spiritual benefits. Like “hope.” Hope of future material rewards; or even hope of a new spirit in us; a spirit that will be immortal.
And so, if we don’t really get real, physical miracles much any more? If we don’t get literal “bread” say, out of thin air, much today? Then that does not matter, we are now told in effect. Because physical things, like food, physical “possessions,” are relatively unimportant. What is really, truly important - as legions of very spiritual preachers have constantly assured us – is not material or physical things. But only our mental or spiritual hopes. And if we suffer from poverty and material deprivation in this life? We were told by spiritual preachers, that our physical needs for literal food, and our attachment to our physical lives, are unimportant; that what really matters, is perfecting our spirit. And if we still want some future rewards? Then we are often told that physical, material things, the material life, eventually passes away; we all get old, and our physical bodies die (as Paul noted, especially). Therefore, attachment to physical things is not good, since all physical things are fated to pass away. And yet however, we are assured (rather dualistically, Platonically), that if the material side of life is fated and unimportant, still however, there are essentially two aspects to the universe: the 1) Physical, and the 2) Spiritual. And of these two? All physical things are fated to get old, and “rust,” or “rot,” or die. But it is said that the universe is full of invisible “spirits”; which, not being material things, cannot rot or rust or die; which are even, immortal. And therefore finally? Pursing, desiring physical things, “riches,” “possessions,” is short sighted. The more important thing, we are told by our many spiritual preachers, is perfecting our “immortal spirit” as they say. Perfecting it so that when we die, or spirit will not separate from our body and go to Hell; but will instead, go on to eternal life, immortality - in a spiritual “Heaven.”
Today and for some time, Historically, institutional Christianity therefore has presented the world, with at least two different Christs. First, 1) sermons speak of the magical-seeming Christ, that promised us all huge, amazing, physical “miracles”; that promised bread, food, appearing for starving people, out of thin air. Bread appearing mysteriously, miraculously, in mostly empty baskets. Bread appearing in mostly empty baskets – rather like rabbits appear in allegedly empty, stage magician’s hats. Bread and other physical things were promised to us, often by “miracle”; by appearing it seemed, out of thin air. But to be sure, at times people tried to get physical miracles … and found that they were not absolutely reliable; they did not arrive every single day, in time to provide our daily meal; the promised miracles did not arrive, some said, “all” and “whatever” and whenever, we “ask”ed. So then, in addition to this magical or miraculous Christ, the whole world was also presented with 2) a more spiritual vision – or “image” – of Christ. This “new” Christ all but giving up on material things, and the physical “world” and “flesh” and material “riches”; these things, which were so often offered to us in the name of God, in the past, are now subtly de-emphasized. Indeed, the old physical promises, are now read as having been not literal, but as having been mere metaphors, symbols, for mental or spiritual things. So that the old physical promises, that were once presented to us as absolutely holy and sacred? Are subtly disappeared; metaphoricalized, spiritualized. And we are now offered instead, mostly mental or spiritual things only. Today, the average preacher – the average Catholic or Orthodox priest, the average Protestant minister – no longer emphasize the physical, or miraculous side of religion; instead, Christianity – and all Religion - is now thought of as being mostly about “spiritual” things only. Today, preachers teach us mental or spiritual convictions and feelings: “faith” especially; but also “love” and other feelings and emotions or spirits; the spirit of hope and so forth.
Today, most of religion – including especially Christianity - presents itself as “spiritual.” Yet to be sure? Historically, there was not just one, but there were two slightly different Christs in fact, that have been the very “heart,” the two major “pillars,” of traditional Christianity: the 1) physical miracle-promising Christ; and the 2) spiritual Christ, that seemed to turn completely around, into a complete opposite; to tell us that physical wonders, riches, possessions, were all but totally unimportant.
And so preachers have presented to us all, at least two – and two directly contradictory - Christs. Including first the Christ who promises physical miracles, vs. the spiritual Christ who said that physical things were unimportant. And these two images of Christ, have dominated religion, and the West, and the world, for almost 2,000 years. For almost two thousand years, these two – albeit somewhat contradictory – Christs, defined and dominated what has been universally called “Christianity.” And yet however? Though the whole world and its “worship,” have long been utterly controlled by these and other Christs? As we begin looking into all this, here and now, we will be discovering that actually, there are some biblical and practical problems, with both of these two views of say, Jesus. As it turns out? None of the most common images of “Christ” is exactly true, even to the Bible itself.
So that in point of fact? We should say that until today, the whole world has been dominated by … several “False Christs.” As the Bible itself long warned (1 John 2-4.1; Rev. 13).
So that? The old apocalyptic prophesies – of the entire “world” dominated by false “worship,” “false Christs” (Rev. 13, etc.) – were long ago, already partially fulfilled. Just as 1 John suggested (1John 2-4.1). So that we will need to finally see another, better, “second” Christ; indeed we will need a “Second Coming” of God, to straighten things out, and present us with the “full”er, more accurate vision, understanding, manifestation, of Christ and God. A Second Coming which however, surprisingly, we can begin to see, in its first clear outline; even in part, here and now. Thanks to the new discipline of, the Science of God; part of the continuing efforts of science-based religious studies. Though finally the Science of God is not just an academic enterprise, alone: finally it presents to the world, as partial fulfillment of Biblical prophesy.
Indeed, the Science of God presents to the whole world the first outline, the first signs of the foretold Second Coming; the “second” “appearance”/ (Gk. “parousia”) of Christ. Indeed, the foretold Second Coming of Christ, already begins to appear to our mind’s eye… just by looking closer, into the Bible itself. Re-reading here, dozens of quotes from the Bible, that our preachers left out; or that preachers could not “face” or “bear” (as per John 16.12, etc.).
Amazingly, as it turns out, there are even problems especially, with the “spirituality” that dominates our highest and loftiest churches.
The Sin in Spirituality
For many centuries, doubtless, many preachers have occasionally had trouble working all the huge physical miracles – even “all” and “whatever” we “ask”ed - that they often proudly promised to us, with great Pride and even Vanity and Boasting. And so, when our preachers could not always make good on their huge physical promises, what did they do? Over the centuries, they developed a huge range of “apologetics” as they are called: arguments that try to defend their religion and their assertions, against accusations that they have been simply, false. In particular, over the ages, holy men proposed the idea in effect, that if our religion at times does not give us quite as many physical wonders as promised – not “all,” or “whatever” and therefore whenever, we “ask”? Then that does not prove our preachers and their religion are false or in vain; for countless reasons, preachers claim. But among the many reasons, we are sometimes assured that God never really promised physical things at all; that the old apparent promises of physical “miracles,” were really just figures of speech, metaphors, symbols, for spiritual things. While the important thing in any case, are not physical rewards, possessions (even though God himself constantly promised them). But instead, religion and life is really about … mental or “spiritual” things, after all.
Indeed we have been told in countless church sermons and homilies, that the very essence of being good and following God, is to be “spiritual.” Indeed, the idea of Spirituality has been so popular, as to all but utterly dominate Christianity, and indeed all of religion. To the point that to be religious, and to be “spiritual,” are thought to mean one and the same thing; they are synonyms. And yet however, as we are about to show here, there are some really evil things deep in spirituality itself. Just as the Bible warned, Satan himself came to us disguised as the very angel of light.
God indeed, remember, told us that one “day,” God would show us, reveal, uncover, massive sins in our holy men. While even here and now, we are beginning to see some of them. But just as serious as any of the others, and often worst of all, their main error and sin, is the very “spirituality” that has become the very core of their profession. Their spirituality; that has been thought by many, to be the very latest and best and most enduring, of all their accomplishments. If the physical promises of miracles, by religion, seemed to fail us, or to be too “low” and “materialistic,” at least, our preachers have semi-secretly thought, our religion offers a higher, better mental or spiritual orientation; offers a “spiritual” sense of things, that lifts us far above crass, materialistic life.
1) But note here already, a problem with Spirituality itself. For one thing, a) in a casual way, just right up front, some might notice a sort of Pride in spirituality; spiritual people are thought to be much better than other, crass, materialistic folks. There is a powerful, irresistible temptation to Vanity in spirituality.
2) Then too, related to this Pride, the feeling of being better than other people? Better than mere materialistic, working people? Better than physical things? Note that in effect, this means that spirituality in effect, overvalues itself … and puts down the other side of life. Indeed, spirituality puts down the physical, material side of life. To the extent, that it has a dark side: an even massive “hate.” A hate for materialistic people. Or a hate in fact, for the whole physical world. Which is a truly massive hate indeed. Especially for a religion that claims to be founded in part on “love.” This hate can be seen in the isolated fragments of the Bible, that spiritual folks like to quote. Especially the sayings of the non-synoptic writings of “John”:
“If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple” (Luke 14.26).
“He who hates his life in this world will keep it” (John 12.26).
“Do not love the world or the things of the world” (1 John 2.15; also 1 John 2-5; cf. Rev. 12.9. John 3.16).
“My kingship is not from the world” (John 18.36).
“The whole world is in the power of the evil one” (1 John 5.19).
The first secret sin, the first dark side of spirituality, that indicates that most of Christian spirituality follows a false spirit? Is its “hate.” The dark underside, the flip side of “love” for spirit … is “hate” for those who do not share that value; or even hate for all physical things. Hate for the physical universe that God himself had made, and said was “good.”
How much hidden, even massive “hate” is there, therefore, in our priests? Preachers traditionally hear and follow, only misleading parts of the Bible; especially the parts that tell them to be ascetic, spiritual … and to “hate” their lives in this physical “world”; to even hate the “flesh” or our bodies it sometimes seems. Indeed, ascetic monks often even whipped and injured their physical “bodies,” in order to try to punish them, and control our physical “desires” and “lusts” and “passions” for food, sex, and so forth. To even “hate” our natural, biological brothers and sisters; in favor of elective spiritual communities, like our church. Yet to be sure, though there were many such ascetic elements in the Bible, the spiritual side of the Bible was not finally, the prevailing or predominant voice, we will show here. In fact, the Bible often warned about problems with even Spirituality itself. While the problem with Spirituality, should be obvious enough; first of all, it is indeed, “hate” that spiritual people are partially feeling; not “love.” After all? They “hate” the “world,” or the “flesh,” and so forth. Even though there were parts of the Bible that a) warned about “hate” specially. And about b) “despisers of the flesh” or physical body, specifically. While c) indeed finally, though there were Spiritual elements in the Bible, finally the New Testament can to eventually warn about massive problems even in the Spirituality that is today often thought to be the predominant, highest value in Christianity. And among other warnings? 1 John had to finally remind our very spiritual new Christian priesthood and monks, that feeling hate is not good; as 1 John warned above. And that whatever Jesus may have said here and there, finally he was said to have come to “love the world” and save it; not condemn it (John 3.16 etc.).
The first great sin in spirituality then, is that most forms of it, divide all the universe into just two things: material things and physical things. And while it loves spirituality … it ends up “hating” a lot of other things. In the main, often, in many common ascetic readings, hating the whole material, physical side of existence. Which is a sin d) finally of Gnosticism; a too-spiritual movement that developed in part, out of Christianity itself in fact. While e) the ascetic monasteries, retained this “hate,” even in spite of the Church’s prohibition on spirituality.
And then, what is the next great sin in spirituality? 3) The next grave sins with preachers, relating to their spirituality? Is that their spirit, when it all-too-often came to hate this material world, is not entirely consistent with the entire, overall Bible. It ignores the times that even the normally over-spiritual, priestly/Platonistic John, finally relented. And began to suggest that those who “hate” their physical brothers and sisters are actually evil. So that Jesus is finally depicted as after all, “lov”ing the world. And not just in the abstract; or by issuing mere compassionate words or hot air; but by helping it physically. Physically healing the physically sick, feeding the hungry, and so forth. Or in any case, “loving” the world:
“God is love” (q.v., Bible).
“He who … hates his brother is in the darkness still…. He who hates his brother is in the darkness and walks in the darkness, and does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes” (1 John 2.9-11).
“If any one has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s live abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or speech but in deed and in truth” (1 John 3.17-18).
“Any one who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him. By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us…’ (1 John 3.15).
”If any one says, ‘I love God,’ and hates his brother, he is a liar” (1 John 4.20).
“No one has ascended into heaven but he who descended from heaven, the Son of man…. For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whosoever believes in him shall have eternal life. For God sent the Son into the world, not to condemn the world but that the world might be saved through him” (John 3.16).
To be sure, the Bible has two voices in it. And they are plain to see, when we review the anti-“World” statements above, versus the pro-world statements, here. Clearly, some parts of the Bible itself, seem at first to love “hate” for this material existence, our “flesh,” this “world.” But finally, those parts were very extreme, Gnostic, and over-spiritual. So that eventually the Bible itself, countered, balanced those extremist statements out. With far more positive statements about this physical, material existence – and a very, very firm condemnation of the Christ who seemed to have condemned this “world,” and our physical, biological families and so forth.
4) There are many problems with – sins in – the “spirituality” that is typical of almost all our preachers, therefore. Indeed, the extremely spiritual Jesus that we heard in almost every church (say, c. 1950-63), was a false Christ. That Christ reflected only less than half of what the Bible really said, overall. That Christ went against the God who said that from the very “beginning,” God made the physical universe … and said it was “good,” not evil.
More Sins in Spirituality
The sins in the “spirituality” that preachers taught as holy in fact, are endless. And huge.
For example? As the next great sin of spirituality? And its opposition often to physical things? Consider how it goes against the many times that God made and approved, of physical, material things.
If Adam sinned, and if God for a while “cursed” the “earth,” Jesus is said to have “redeemed” the world, and made it good again. While indeed, God himself said that God himself, “fills all things,” in heaven “and earth.” And if the “desires” of the “flesh” can at times be excessive, on the other hand, God so valued physical things, that he told us to take care of our “body” often; while God himself descended to the “flesh,” himself; as Jesus. So those spiritual people, who often condemn or even merely ignore or degrade, the physical side of existence – the earth, our bodies, real material food, and so forth – finally, end up condemning part of what God said was “good.” Those who condemn “flesh,” in the sense of our physical bodies, even end up indirectly condemning part of God himself. Since Jesus was said to be God made “flesh.” Indeed no doubt, spiritual ministers will likely condemn the Second Coming, for the same thing. And for the same reason their predecessors condemned Jesus the first time: for daring to say that Jesus was God appearing in physical things; as flesh.
These three sins are in themselves, massive; they pit the priest directly against God himself in fact, finally. But there are even worse sins in Spirituality itself, yet to come.
5) So what in fact, is perhaps the gravest sin in priests? In their vaunted spirituality? It is not just that their “love” of spirit, has a dark underside, in “hate” for so much of life. It is not only that their spirituality is not consistent with the overall Bible, or the Word of God. But in particular, finally? It is that – as one might expect – their sin, their “hate” finally has some really horrible, physical consequences, in real life. In fact, traditional ascetic/priestly spirituality is literally, physically, crippling, deadly. Often spirituality is even physical fatal; it physically kills people.
This, the great evil in spirituality, seems hard to understand, at first. But the Apostle James for example, began to comment on it, long ago. James beginning to note in James 2, that there was in fact something evil, deadly, even in the heart of spirituality itself. Particularly, in its inevitable neglect for, hate for, the physical half of life. The problem was simply, that those who hate or even merely strongly disregard the physical, material side of life … often neglect physical necessities. They often neglect say, the needs of our physical bodies. Many spiritual persons neglect to, or even actively oppose, physically feeding themselves. Or helping other starving people, with actual, literal, physical food or “bread.” So that ultimately our spiritual priests committed a very gross evil: they lead themselves - and worse, probably millions of others - into literal, physical starvation, and other forms of physical disaster. Due to neglect of the physical side of life. Of even physical material necessities; like the need to farm, and mill, to make food for ourselves.
The Letter of James, in the New Testament, began to outline a deadly, literally fatal side to spirituality. There the apostle James began to ask what happens, when priests or “spiritual” persons give physically starving people, only kind words, or thoughts, or spirits - but not physical food? James began to show that the very spiritual religion of priests, that gives us kind words and sermons, inevitably, criminally neglects the physical side of life. And thus leads us to physical disaster. For example, said James, the religion of priests, which gives us primarily sermons, but no so much physical assistance, leaves us often, physically exposed. And say, physically starving to death:
“If a brother or sister is ill-clad and in lack of daily food, and one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace, be warmed and filled,’ without giving them the things needed for the body, what does it profit?” (James 2.14-17; Isa. 22.8; Job 15.2 etc.).
“What does it profit, my brethren, if a man says he has faith but has not works? Can his faith save him?” (James 2.14). Do you want to be shown, you shallow man, that faith apart from works is barren?” (James 2.20). “Faith apart from works is dead” (James 2.26).
After many centuries of very “spiritual” religion, the Apostle James rightly began to note … a strange evil or neglect, in spiritual religiosity: it failed to take care of the physical side of life. Spirituality often said that only mental or spiritual things are important; and that the physical side of life was transient, and fated. But when priests confidently declare this, it causes those who follow them, to therefore disregard, to neglect the physical side of life. To the point that they typically begin to neglect physical necessities; like the need to help others with not just “spiritual” “bread,” or kind thoughts; but real physical, literal food. While ultimately, this neglect of - and even active antagonism to, attacks against - the physical side of life, soon lead to the point that … this radical over-spirituality of preachers, even lead many priests- and millions of others no doubt - to actual, literal, physical death. From neglect of pressing physical problems, that might otherwise have been taken care of; if the people had been directed to take care of them.
Shockingly therefore, there is actually … a massive evil in the very core value of the traditional priesthoods: under the superficial appearance of “love” for others, there has always been a massive, black “hate.” And a massive evil, in spirituality itself. The great evil in priests’ and ministers’ spirituality, is that it neglects the physical side of life and of God - to the point of often, failing to help deliver the physical necessities of life. Too much spirituality, distracts the people from taking care of practical physical things. And leave them often, physically dying. From lack of physical food. Or medical care. And so forth.
Worse, the brief example of the sin of spirituality that was noted by James – the spiritual man who leaves physically hungry people to starve to death - is only the tiniest tip of the really massive disasters, caused by spirituality. It is only the visible tip, a giant iceberg. As we will be showing in our books here and elsewhere, the spirituality of priests not only passively left, the already-starving, to starve; we will show that the active selling of spirituality, anti-materialism, actually, actively lead millions, billions of human beings into various forms of physical deprivation; including starvation. Persons that otherwise would have had enough commonsense to take care of physical necessities and so forth, were actively discouraged from doing so. By priests who oversold spiritual hate for the world.
The fact is therefore, there is a massive, literally physically fatal, practical evil, in spirituality. Here and elsewhere, we will show that spiritual priests, misled many millions of people, who would otherwise have had enough common sense to taken care of themselves, of the physical side of life. Spirituality caused millions of otherwise quite functional human beings, to be actively lead away from their better judgement. By priests. Who told the people that the physical side of life was unimportant; that our own “work”s were totally futile; that taking care of our own physical “body” was insignificant or even evil. And who even suggested that physically dying was good, was “gain”; because it freed our spirit from our “evil” flesh, so that it could go up to spiritual “heaven” (see Paul, “to die is gain”).
But if parts of, a voice in the Bible itself – especially parts of Paul - at times supported a milder spirituality, finally, that formula was literally, physically debilitating, and even physically fatal. So that ultimately, it is now time for preachers and others to look at the fuller message of the Bible; that take us partially back to the physical world after all.
In the meantime? We find here that shockingly, just exactly as the Bible itself warned, the very things that we thought were most “noble” and godly, turn out to have been from Satan himself. Specifically in fact, we now find that the very things that ancient and even modern priesthoods thought was the highest good - spirituality itself – was actually, in many ways, extremely, massively evil. Just as the Bible foretold: the very thing that was presented to us, as the very essence of Good, as the very “angel of light,” turns out to have been a disguise of … Satan himself (q.v.).
Therefore, we now find massive sins, in the very heart, the very core of priestly, Christian religion: in “spirituality” itself.
Possibly the greatest virtue – and the greatest sin - of traditional priests and ministers, has been their spirituality. Priests taught millions, billions of people – most rural; or third world; many women – an essentially, magician’s or magical vision of life. Millions were taught that 1) physical things were not important; only “spirits” are important (/only the spirit is immortal). Thus millions of people were taught to despise physical reality; science and technology, and even taking care of physical necessities. But here we will have seen that if man does not live by bread “alone,” he lives on it in part. So that, as James noted, those who do not get physical bread, starve to death. We cannot live on the mere “hope” of future physical rewards, or the mere thought of them. This means we were mislead, by those millions of priests who often implied that the physical side of life was insignificant or even evil. That any old promises of physical wonders, were just metaphors for spiritual rewards; who all but said, often, that spiritual things were all God really promised. Priests even often taught in effect that “hope” or spiritual, mental sensation of “hope” of bread, are as good as real bread. But those religious leaders who said and followed this, were often in effect, asking everyone to live on mere mental sensations, spirit, or “wind” (q.v.); which leaves us physically starving.
But can this really be? Doesn’t this go against the Bible, to suggest problems in spirituality itself? In fact, it does not. First, the apostle James noted problems with it. Then too, we now add, there is Biblical language, that suggested problems with “spirits,” and those who gave us mental or spiritual things, mere ideas instead of material help. In effect, those millions of priests who asked us to believe that all we need is spirituality, or just the hope or thought of things to come, were, asking us to live on mere mental or spiritual ideas, spirits. But if the mere “hope” or “dream” of bread, is not enough for a physically hungry person? But leaves us starving? Then those hopes, dreams, spirits, are more exactly … the foretold “empty promises,” false promises, false spirits, “empty” “wind.” And all those who gave us spirits only, and not enough physical support (beyond physical charity, guidance in physical sense, science), were in effect the foretold false prophets. Or in this case? The foretold evil “illusion”ists; “magicians,” “sorcerers,” disguised as priests. By asking us to live on mere mental phenomena and/or “spirit,” mere illusory ideas, our spiritual priests have been part of a particular class of foretold, false religious leaders: when they asked us to live mere ideas or spirits, expectations of things that did not come physically true? Then what our spiritual priests gave us were really just the forewarned a) “false hopes,” b) “false dreams,” c) “empty consolations,” d) “false prophesies,” e) “empty wind,” f) “empty words,” g) “illusions,” h) “delusions,” i) “enchantments,” and j) “lies.” All these are some of the many different words that the Bible used, for the attempt of evil and false priests, to tell us we can live on mere words, ideas or spirits. Instead of physical food, etc.. (Q.v.: see these words in a concordance).
Part of Isaiah, seems to have gotten to the evil in spirituality, the evil in taking mental ideas or sensations to be far more real than physical nature. Because? Often mental ideas are simply, wrong. And the more we validate them, the more we follow them, the more simply, we are deceived. Indeed, as it turns out, the whole dualistic idea that spirit can exist apart from matter, is likely wrong too. St. James rightly began to note that those who think they can live just on spirit, without food, suffer material death, no less.
So that the whole priestly notion of being a wholly spiritual being, takes us merely, into the realm of trying to live on “empty wind,” false dreams, and so forth. Indeed finally, spirituality is the very heresy the Bible had in mind, when it warned, in dozens of ways, about trying to live just on “wind,” on mere “words,” on “illusion” and “delusions,” and false “dreams.” Warnings found throughout the Bible; but the exact nature of the problem, as noted by James, might best be expanded a little, by quoting say, Isaiah. Who seconds James, and warns that man in effect is not just a spiritual being, but is also a physical one. And the spirituality that leads us to give up on the physical side of life, leads to a neglect even of physical necessities; leads us in fact, to physical death. Indeed, spirituality may even be a semi-deliberate deception, designed to snare, capture us, in illusions, delusions, the phantasms of the mind. While we ignore real physical things; and even slip into physical poverty and death. Following “spirits” that we thought were good spirits from God, that we thought were even the Holy Spirit. But that were often deceitful, bad spirits, posing at good things.
5) Indeed, the Bible itself constantly warned about false and bad things, even in “spirits”:
“Deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons” (1 Tim. 4.1).
“ ‘Precept upon precept, line upon line…; that they may go, and fall backward, and be broken, and snared, and taken….” (Isa. 28.13).
“As when a hungry man dreams he is eating and awakes with his hunger not satisfied, or as when a thirsty man dreams he is drinking and awakes faint, with his thirst not quenched” (Isa. 29.7-8).
“Stupefy yourselves and be in a stupor, blind yourselves and be blind! Be drunk, but not with win…. For the LORD has poured out upon you a spirit of deep sleep” (Isa. 29.9-10).
“The priest and the prophet reel with strong drink, they are confused with wine [cf. Eucharistic wine] … they err in vision” (Isa. 38.7).
“The word of the LORD came to me: ‘Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel…. They have spoken falsely and divined a lie; they say, ‘Says the LORD,’ when the LORD has not sent them, and they expect him to fulfill their word. Have you not seen a delusive vision, and uttered a lying divination, whenever you have said “says the LORD’…? Therefore thus says the Lord GOD: ‘Because you have uttered delusions and seen lies, therefore behold, I am against you…. My hand will be against the prophets…. [T]hey have mislead the people, saying ‘Peace,’ when there is no peace; and because, when the people build a wall, the prophets daub it with whitewash; say to those who daub it with whitewash that it shall fall!’” (Ezk. 13.2, 13.6-13.8-12).
“They are all a delusion; their works are nothing” (Isa. 41.29).
What is the main sin, in spirituality per se however? Spirituality, being lost in mental sensations, ignoring physical reality, may in fact be a deliberate trap and punishment, for potential enemies of the Lord, the Bible itself at times suggests; it is a sort of magical “enchantment,” an Opium Dream, a Lotus Land; that caused millions of people, to take mere mental illusions, for real reality. And thus it has caused millions, to back off from demanding, seeing the real Christ. Who stands as a physical reality, furnishing physical goods, in this physical world. As we will see, here. But Christ, we will see, did not promise “miracles” per se; rather he offered a rather more scientifically-verifiable prosperity.
The Real Christ;
The Second and Better Coming of God
To Earth … in
The Science of God
The “Christ” that we were presented with in churches, stressed “faith” in “miracles” and “spirit.” But that Christ was not the true Christ, that the Bible finally described.
As we carefully re-read our Bibles here, we will be revealing dozens, hundreds of biblical passages, that were not adequately stressed in church; or that were “twist”ed and “whitewash”ed, into something other than what they were. Preachers have favored only one or two aspects of the Bible – aspects like miracles and spirituality. But those two apparent themes however – offering miracles, and/or spiritual – were not the final message of the Bible, or the final, prevailing of God.
Promises of miracles, and calls to spirituality, we will be seeing here, were in fact questioned and even rejected, even in the Bible itself. So what finally, was the only reliable, good path to God, as outlined in the Bible? As we begin to re-read our Bibles here – just as happened on the road to Emmaus – the real Christ will finally emerge before our eyes (Luke 24.13 and following, or “ff”). But the Christ that we will now finally see at last, in our “second” reading of the Bible, is in many ways rather different from the Christ that we were taught in church. What we will discover is that – shockingly, shatteringly – most of what we were always taught as absolutely holy and sacred and good in church, the common “image”s of “Christ” that the world was presented by most preachers – Christ promising “miracles,” or demanding we become “spiritual,” and especially “faith”ful - was hinted at in the Bible to be sure; but was never quite entirely truly finalized.
For example? We have just noted problems with “spirit”uality in general, above; from writers like James. And then, as we look more closely at our Bibles here, regarding the stress on specific spiritual qualities - like “faith” especially? We will find that actually, far from stressing “faith” – faith in preachers and their ideas about God? Actually, ultimately 1) the Bible itself warned continuously, that there have always been massive sins and errors, in essentially “all” our priests; even in our holiest men and angels. The LORD himself warned over and over, that there have always been sins and errors in preachers and even in the very angels. Sins a) in our holy men themselves, personally, in their own personal, human mistakes from day to day. But also? Sins b) even in their most “inspired” doctrines and sermons too. So that? Shatteringly, 2) the Bible itself, in the end, did not stress faith … in holy men. Or faith in their vision of Christ - their “Christ” - either. Instead, the Bible itself finally commanded us to always take a long hard look at our preachers and angels; to see where they might have sinned and erred, after all. Where they might have sinned and erred, even in their presentation of the Christ; even in their presentation of “God.” Looking to see where they after all, presented the world with several “False Christ”s.
For centuries, our preachers have told us in effect, that the very essence of Christianity, is composed of say, two major elements or pillars: 1) promising physical miracles; and/or 2) being spiritual; and especially trusting and believing and “having faith” in God. And yet? Here we will be showing that the Bible itself also often warned us about sins deep in our religious institutions; since even in our preachers, and holy men. Indeed, the Bible even warned us that the world actually, that the very “Christ” we follow, might be a “false” or “anti-Christ.” Jesus himself had warned of “false Christs” coming after him; and writings attributed to the apostle John confirmed that there were already many false or “anti-Christ”s all around him, even in the very first days, when what was to be called Christianity, was being formed (1 John 3-4.1 ff).
The Bible itself, we will see, warned continuously about trusting preachers or holy men, too faithfully; and it began to warn now and them, about their emphasis specifically, on “mircles,” “spirituality,” and even “faith.” So what finally, was the one more reliable picture of God, of Christ, that the Bible ultimately offered? We will be coming to an amazing conclusion here: 3) finally, far from stressing “faith” in whatever “Christ” we are presented with even in church, finally the Bible itself actually pictured God himself, teaching us a kind of critical religious Science. The Bible, God telling us not to have much faith in holy men; but to learn to a) “test everything,” b) “test the spirits,” to see what is really true in Christianity … and what might be “false” (1 Thess. 5.21; 1 John 4.1).
Christianity was never supposed to be based on trusting preachers, or having much “faith” in spirituality, and miracles? Instead, it warned that our holiest men would often be false; and so our religion, was always supposed to be based not on trust in holy men, but on a critical science of religion? That, far from being based on “faith,” would “test everything” in our religion? This is a side of the Bible, that most preachers do not want to “face,” themselves; or tell you about. And so, to avoid it? Preachers usually ignore the Science of God. Or they assure us that any such science, was firmly forbidden, by one passage that they say, tells us that we are not supposed to apply critical science to religion: we are not to “put the Lord your god to the test.” But we will be showing here, c) that particular passage is better translated, as telling us merely not to “test” - or better said, “tempt” – God’s patience, with various immoralities. While d) indeed, the rest of the Bible is filled with descriptions and commands from God, to “test,” with “science,” “all” things in religion; God even commands us “Put me to the test, says the Lord,” in Malachi 3.10; in a kind of scientific test in fact. While indeed finally, e) we are told to test everything specifically, with “Science.” As God said, in an important passage in Daniel for example (Dan. 1.4-15 KJE). And as Christ finally reaffirmed, in the many times he warned about false things in holy men; and told us therefore to “not believe,” to not even think of believing or having faith even in Jesus himself; unless or until he and his followers produce – as Jesus said, in his own words – real physical, not spiritual, “fruits,” “works,” “signs,” “deeds,” and “proofs.” Jesus finally reaffirming the authority of empirical evidence, over any statements he made, that appeared to support “faith” without evidence.
For centuries therefore, preachers have presented and dominated the whole world with, in effect, a false Christ. We have been told especially, that the essence of religion, of Christ, was spirituality – and especially, “faith” in God. Which in actual effect meant, having faith in Christ … as our preachers presented him to us in church. Here and now though, we are about to show that this common vision, that has probably defined Christianity for 2,000 years, and that has thereby dominated the whole world … was not really quite what the Bible itself finally said. Indeed, our five major points, in our various books, will be this: that 1) God continually warned that “all” our holiest men and angels and preachers, often “sinned” (Romans); sinned not just in their personal, daily behavior, but sinned and erred too, in their sermons, their holiest doctrines, their very image of Christ. Furthermore, none of the various special “gifts” of the Holy Spirit and so forth, were ever said to be absolutely effective, in removing the taint of sin, even in most our apparently holiest, highest, religious leaders. Therefore? 2) Contrary to what you always heard in church, the core of Christianity, was never supposed to be “faith”; we were never supposed to have very much “faith” in a) preachers or b) any other holy men. Or, more importantly, c) much faith in their (ideas about) “Christ.” Instead of being faith-based in fact? Ultimately 3) the Bible itself – God – told us that, since our holiest men often sinned and erred, real Christianity, should be based on not following preachers and their ideas, their sermons, their verbal pictures of “God” and “Christ,” so faithfully. Instead, God finally commanded each of us, to learn to critically, continuously examine “everything” in religion, in Christianity; examine, “test everything” in it, with a critical Science of God. And 4) if seeing this, seems to contradict every preacher, or find that his major message of “faith” was a sin and an error? If finding this seems to dissolve our Heaven itself? Then after all, this fulfills prophesy: the prophesy of Heaven itself, being dissolved, after all. As part of 5) God showing us a second and better appearance to, a second coming, of God to earth.
Rather than telling us to be based on “faith” in “miracles” or “spirituality,” actually, we will show here that the Bible, God actually commanded us to learn and follow, a kind of science. A science which will critically examine, even “test,” each and every thing in our traditional religion. Examining every single aspect of Christianity, religion, A to Z: from “angels” and “anointing”s and “apostles,” to “prophets, and religious “worship” and “zeal.” Far from telling us to just trust and believe and follow and “have faith” in holy men and angels and churches, or in their idea of “Christ”? Instead, God himself finally warned that any and “all” things in religion, even in “Christian”ity, are always partially false; only God himself is good. And so, we should not have too much faith in holy men or their “Christ” at but. Instead, we need to use a kind of real, empirical “science”; to more carefully examine things, and actively determine, which things are reliable, and prove useful, in religion, and which do not? Far from continuing to have blind “faith” in our holy men and angels, the Bible finally actually commands us all, to scientifically examine, each and every single aspect of religion, of Christianity; from A to Z; from “angels,” to “zeal,” and John Zebedee (20.20). In particular, God told us not to believe or trust or have faith in, mere sermons, speeches, and religious words (other than “The Word”); we should not trust sermons, since there are many false holy men … and specifically, false voices, lying and empty “words” and empty “wind” out there. Finally, because even our holiest, most “lofty” and “high” holy men, even “spirit”s, are often false? God told us to not be content, just to believe them – and especially, not their speeches, sermons, mere words, or “spirits.” But instead, God told us that we should always compare what they promised, to their actual, physical performance. Far from just trusting mere arguments, mere verbal assertions, or mere sermons – or what today we would call “hot air” – instead, we are supposed to actively look to see if following any given saying, is true, and is really from God, or not … according not just to verbal and written arguments, but according to whether it brings real, physical, material good; here, in a timely way (“soon,” “at hand”), in this material “world” or “earth”; as confirmed by real “test”ing and finally, “science.”
Far from stressing “faith” (as Paul did at times) in holy men, or their sermons, or their idea of Christ? Overall, finally, God actually told us that we are to carefully examine, each and every individual saying attributed to God. And then? We are commanded by God to confirm – or dis-confirm – each saying. In large part, we are to (as a necessary if not sufficient test), look to see, whether following any given saying, actually produces real, physical, empirical results. Or as the Bible itself said, we are supposed to look to see whether following any given saying, produces real physical – not spiritual - “fruits,” “works,” “signs,” “prosperity,” “deeds,” and “proof”s. And if it does not? If the fruits promised do “not come to pass” (Deut. 18.21 ff)? Then, far from continuing to follow that statement attributed to God, with total faith? Instead, we are supposed to simply deduce that statement was not from God at all.
Amazingly in fact, God and the Bible ultimately told us that our religion, real Christianity, was never supposed to be based on “faith” at all; instead, Christianity is supposed to be based on … science.
At first, all this seems incredible, or impossible. But this is the point we will be proving, over and over, in our present books. And to prove it, we will be using, almost solely … quotes from the Bible itself. From God, himself.
What Remains?
To see and accept this side of the Bible and of God at last, to be sure, is a shattering experience. Indeed finally, even our Heaven itself begins to dissolve in front of our eyes. So here’s a problem: if “all” our holiest men are found to have sinned, if our childhood Heaven collapses, what is the final fate, of Christianity itself? Or even of say, God himself? If God is in Heaven, and Heaven itself is demolished … then does God perish?
The clear statement from the Bible, first, is that 1) the core of much of traditional religion, “worship” (Rev. 13), will be found “false.” And that 2) even “all” sinned; even the angels. So that 3) the host of “heaven” will “fall” (Isa. 34.4); while 4) therefore, heaven itself “will perish,” will “dissolve.” But then note that 5) still somehow, it seems that God and Christ, or their “word,” seem to survive, even when Heaven itself dissolves. God himself seems to survive all this perhaps … in part because God for example is said to exist, not just a) in heaven; but b) in “all things,” including heaven c) “and earth.” Or for that matter, God exists d) “above all heavens” (as the Bible notes).
So although many things are destroyed, in this moment, many things may survive; either 1) the Bible or the “word” of Christ. And perhaps 2) the very few people on earth who did not follow a false idea of Christ. While then too it seems, 3) God himself is not dissolved by the destruction of heaven, many would say. God himself seems to remain; and to remain even the “same” as they ever were, we are told.
“The heavens are the work of thy hands. They will perish, but thou dost remain the same” (Ps. 102.26; Mat. 24.35; Mark 13.31; Luke 21.33; John?).
“Heaven … will pass away, but my words will not pass away” (Mat. 24.35).
A major part of religion therefore, is to be found false, and is to be dissolved; Heaven itself. And “all” in it, it seems (Isa. 34.4). Including all the saints and angels in heaven it seems. Them and many of their words, formerly attributed to God himself. Yet amazingly, some things seem to remain: 1) God and 2) the words of Christ it seems, remain. Whichever words those were.
Yet indeed, to be sure, as Heaven itself falls - and “all” in it? As Heaven itself “dissolves” … including all the saints or apostles in heaven, from Peter to Paul, and practically all the messengers or angels from God? If all these are to fall; they, and their doctrines? This still means that of course, our religion changes radically. God himself does not change … but all our saints and prophets are largely discredited to some degree or another. While we see our preachers especially, fall in our estimation. We come to see them as mere mortals; the “sons of Man” in effect. And as we do that? We are enabled to at last, get beyond their more flawed ideas of God and Christ. To see a “second” and better understanding of God.
Even as God himself, and his own proper “words” themselves survive, still, many things, said by saints and angels, that governed our perception of God, are to be discredited, dissolved. And so, though God himself does not change, certainly our perception of God will need to change. And change radically. God himself never changes, in some metaphysical sense. And the “words” that Jesus truly spoke, will not change. Here in fact, in our present books, we accept the Bible - Revised Standard Edition – as the word of God. Though there are many editions, versions of the Bible, that somewhat change parts of what God is said to have said, we have made every effort nevertheless, to be absolutely true to every word of the Bible, that we have. (While acknowledging to be sure, the Bible’s own self-critical side?). Yet while God “himself” never changes? And while we base ourselves here on the Bible very strongly? Still, as we will be seeing here, even if our deity himself does not change … certainly our own understanding of him, does. Especially - as the Bible itself said – our understanding, like that of the young Jesus, is supposed to “grow” and “mature.” So that we are not like “child”ren in our reasoning and so forth.
There are many passages in the Bible, that allow that God himself does not change … but our understanding of him, is supposed to change, to progress. The Bible often notes that a) we are like “child”ren in our understanding; but b) that our “knowledge” and c) “prophesy” are often imperfect; so that d) one day or another, our understanding of God is supposed to change; to especially e) “mature” and so forth. In fact, even f) Jesus himself is said in the Bible to have “grown” physically - and have only progressively became “filled with wisdom” from the time he had been a child (Luke 2.40 & 3.52; not to be confused with John the Baptist, 1.80). Adding to this, anthropological lore tells us that g) many tribal cultures included particularly, a “day” of ritual initiation; when an individual or child, was initiated into the tribal secrets, or the role and knowledge of adulthood. While the Bible seemed to speak of many days and rites, of passage, and perhaps of initiation; from circumcision eight days after birth; to h) various special “day”s; to i) while perhaps some special items of “knowledge,” were j) to be given, when we become a “priest,” or an k) “elder,” and so forth. While indeed, k) Paul or another apostle seemed to allow that God is taught to various people, in slightly different ways, according to their abilities to understand and so forth. So that? Though God himself is eternal and does not change in some ways, at the same time, our own knowledge of God, is expected to change; to mature, and grow. Therefore, if God himself, and his true “words” or rules, do not change? Still, the way God looks to us, is supposed to change; and change very radically. At the very least, our understanding, our picture of God and Truth is supposed to “mature,” and “grow.” So that at the very least, the way God looks to you, can change a great deal. Indeed, it is supposed to change. If it does not, you are not really following of obeying the holy words.
Here, we have attempted to very, very strictly honor, every single word of the Bible itself, as the word of God. So far as we have been able, and know. We have accepted the Bible as the unchanging “word” of God. But amazingly, we will begin to show here that our understanding of the words of the Bible, is beginning to change. Indeed? Here we are beginning to notice seventy, a hundred and more major aspects of the holy books, that our preachers missed, or denied. And when we see them? Then our mental idea of God, begins to change, very considerably, from what we thought we heard as children, in Sunday School and church. Indeed, as it turns out the words of the Bible turn out to mean, often - almost exactly the opposite from what we heard in church.
It this heaven-shattering? Apocalyptic? Then after all, discovering these things - and related to that, even seeing our old Heaven itself dissolving in front of our eyes - was foretold and authorized, by the Bible itself. Indeed, it might be said that suddenly seeing these more negative parts of the Bible, the parts that warned about sins in holy men, can fulfill prophesy; the prophesy especially, of 1) seeing a “second” and “fuller” appearance of Christ; 2) a second appearance that however, is not entirely smooth. But that involves 3) suddenly noticing sins in things we thought were entirely sacred and holy. So that finally we mentally see 4) the collapse of Heaven itself.
Our present book in itself, might be seen as partial fulfillment of End Time prophesy. In it, we are seeing 1) a second and fuller appearance to Christ; (as we see Jesus advocating not just faith, as much as science. And exactly as foretold, 2) this appearance is difficult and “fiery,” even for those who thought they were good Christians, following Christ, the “Lord, Lord.” Since 3) many who thought they were very, very good, who thought they were following Christ …are now found to have been following a false idea of Christ, given to us by flawed holy men. Indeed, we are here noticing huge errors in holy men; just exactly like the Bible foretold. Seeing sins even in the vision of “Christ” that they imposed on the whole world. And when this happens? Our confidence wanes, in the angels and saints of our Bibles, the holy men that are often presumed to be in “heaven” itself (or even to be, some say, waiting in “fire” or purgatory). Indeed, our mental “Heaven” and all in it, do indeed seem to collapse, dissolve, in our mind’s eye. But if all these things happen … then after all, our book once again matches and follows the Bible itself, ever more exactly: one “day,” the Bible said over and over, we were supposed to see all of all this.
At first it might seem impossible to believe; since what we are seeing here, is so entirely different, from what we often heard in church. Yet if what we see here, all but exactly reverses much of what we were taught, by preachers? Then after all, once again, the very aspect of what we find here, once again, precisely matches what the Bible itself called for. What we are saying here, is exactly as foretold (of the End, and so forth). Indeed, the Bible itself warned over and over, in dozens of ways, that the second appearance of God reverses many of our traditional expectations. Specifically? 1) People we thought were “noble” are found to be “fools” (Isa. 34.5); while then too, 2) those priests and 3) others who lead our “worship” (Rev. 13), are found to be “false.” Even 4) the (mental picture of) “Christ” that almost everyone followed, can turn out to have been a “false Christ” (1 John 2-4, etc.) While 5) even the highest saints and angels in Heaven, things that seemed sacred, “righteous,” “lofty” and “proud” (Isa. 2.12, etc.)? Are found to be bad … and are seen to fall, in the theater of our estimation. So that? Exactly as foretold, even 6) the very Heaven itself, that everyone thought was the very essence of all that is so “high” and lofty? Even Heaven itself – exactly as foretold – begins to be found to be far lower than we thought. Indeed, our old idea of Heaven collapses. Once again – reversing the expectations of almost everyone. But this very reversal, thus fulfilling the Bible even more exactly.
Re-reading our Bibles here, we therefore begin moving, through at least a preview - and perhaps the very substance – of the heretofore-neglected heart and mainspring, of the real, final meaning of the Bible: The Destruction of Heaven. As we here see at last, God exposing sins in holy men, we are seeing many values reverse; seeing many things we thought to be entirely sacred, specifically, begin to fall in our eyes. In effect, we are perhaps beginning to see the last and most important moment in the End; the foretold Destruction of Heaven. Right here and now. But if so? Then painful and unbelievable as shocking as this moment might seem, to many people? Then still, what we are showing here, might make some sense of many things that earlier could not be explained, in a biblical context. That could not be explained in a way that matches what the Bible itself said.
Matching what the Bible itself said, is important for many reasons. Among other reasons, if there have been false things deep in the core of our religions, then it is precisely the most religious persons, who need to be told about this. Yet to be sure, faithful believers are among the very hardest people to reach; since they have always been told that they already, know the truth and God, well enough. And they are resistant to any kind of “new” message. Especially to any message that seems to oppose and even reverse, much of what they heard in church. Indeed, the Bible suggested that no one is as “blind” as God’s own servants and followers; “Who is blind as my dedicated one,” God complained (Isa. 42.19). Religious persons often think of themselves as very good, or even all but perfect; and so they cannot see the “beam in their own eye.” They admit that in their personal lives, in failing to live up to God, they are “sinners”; yet however, they tend to think of their sense of Christ and religion however, as sacred; they cannot see their theological errors. They never seem to guess that the “Christ” they are following, is only their own very flawed perspective on God; not God himself.
So how can we reach this last, hard core? How can we reach our new Pharisees, who imagine that they alone perfectly know Christ … and who therefore, are fatally proud and vain? Who cannot see the sins in their very ideas of all that is good and holy? At first, it would seem to be all but utterly impossible to cut through their massive pride. (Especially since it disguises, presents itself to them - by pretending to be humility before God). Finally though, there is one way – and almost only one – to reach such people. And that is by, giving them evidence of their sins and errors, from one of the very few authorities they do acknowledge or listen to: by quoting constantly from … the Bible itself. Quoting here, constantly, from God, himself.* From God, himself.
Will churchgoers finally listen to God himself? Will they finally see Christ, as he really, more fully is? Christ supporting not the blind faith of preachers; but supporting a Science of God? It is somewhat doubtful that everyone will see Him; most believers have always followed preachers and churches, instead of God. But it may be that, after reading our books here, a few will now open their eyes. To see, beyond their priests, God himself. A second and better view of Him.
(NOTE: *God, Allah, Jahweh, etc.. It is sometimes mistakenly thought by Catholics and Muslims, that they do not have to obey the Bible; so that nothing in the Bible is binding on they themselves, personally. But Catholics for example are commanded to follow the Bible, by the Church itself; in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2nd edition, pub. Libreria Editrice Vaticana, c. 1997-2000; section 105, p. 31, to 134, p. 37, for example. Which tells us that the Bible is the word of God. Other sections make the position of the Catholic Church regarding the Bible, clear: that every Catholic is to obey the Bible. Indeed, the rulings of the Church, as the Catechism confirms, can never contradict the Bible; but only add too it, in places where the Bible does not speak. Similarly? Muslims are told in the Koran, that God and “Allah” are one and the same. While Jesus specifically, was said to be a great prophet. Therefore? The Bible should be a central authority, in many religions other than Protestantism).
Priests Chose Selectively, Among
The Many Meanings of
“The First Will Be Last”
In the end, the Second Coming that we see now, exactly matches the Bible; especially as is supposed to reverse many common ideas about God. Exactly as foretold. To be sure, preachers are infinitely clever, and “wise in their own eyes” (Prov. 26.12-27.2). In spite of their superficial humility, there is a deeper arrogance in them: they believe they are the voicepieces of God himself. And they in any case, have found within the Bible, a single, first voice, that would seem to support preachers and holy men strongly. A voice or theme that we might call the “first” voice; because it is the primary voice or theme from the Bible, that preachers have picked up, and delivered to us all. But that voice finally? Though presented to us all as the “first,” the “high”est and “loftiest” voice of God? Is finally too proud, and too self-satisfied about preachers and holy men. While we must now find the “second” voice - the more humble voice of a hard-working and practical person, following practical knowledge and humble science – to be actually, the real, primary voice of the Bible, and of God. So that we might say that, exactly as the Bible foretold, we are even now seeing the prophesy fulfilled; that the “first” is now found “last”; the “noble” are found to be “fools”; things thought holy are now found to have been following“false prophets,” and a false idea of Christ.
Thus is prophesy fulfilled: the preachers, that everyone thought were surely “first” with God, are now found last. Holy men, clerics though, to be sure, are infinitely “subtle,” and sly about written and verbal argumentation. And over the centuries, they have evolved two main sermons, at least, to try to derail this discovery. In particular? The New Testament itself was written in such a way, that the text itself for a long time, simultaneously entertains at least two or more readings, of almost every situation and phrase. In particular, the New Testament offers several quite different passages, on the meaning of the matter of being “first,” and then becoming “last,” and so forth. The New Testament text itself equivocated on this, as many subjects, offering at least three different readings of it.
1) The first reading that preachers love to give this? Preachers misleadingly, here have often used parts of the Bible, that seemed to claim especially, that it has been “worldly” and “rich” people, who have seemed to be “first” (in Luke?) to the deluded people of the world. And so it is successful, fruitful people who will be found “last,” and who will punished by God in the end, therefore:
“Blessed are the poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are you that hunger, for you shall be satisfied…. Blessed are you when men hate you…. Rejoice on that day, and leap for joy, for behold, your reward is great in heaven…. But woe to you that are rich, for you have received your consolation…. Woe to you when all men speak well of you, for so their fathers did to the false prophets” (Luke 6.20-24).
Preachers therefore, have often used especially this part of the Bible; to try to “prove” that the Bible was overwhelmingly for poor and spiritual people, and overwhelmingly against materially fruitful, working and wealthy people. A million preachers’ sermons, used this part of the Bible, to assert that God supported primarily the poor, or supported primarily spiritual people, like preachers. Such parts of the Bible were used over and over, to assure us that in the end, in the “Day” of the end especially (Luke 6.23-24), fruitful and prosperous people, who thought they were “first” in the world, will be “last.” While spiritual people – like preachers – who were often poor? Will suddenly, be found to be “first.” Yet? We are noting here that the Bible is a very complex document – that normally offers two or three meanings to any given idea. Note in fact, that the Bible especially liked to entertain a sort of dialogue, between a more priestly spiritual voice, and a good but more practical voice. The Bible often offered phrases that seemed to support to all but opposite theologies: a) an ascetic priesthood that hated the world of riches and money and so forth; b) even as other parts of the texts allowed however, that God himself often promised material riches, to those who are good.
The Bible contained two rather opposite theologies on the matter of poor and rich, spiritual and physical. And since it was for some time, of two different minds on this subject? It could never firmly, unequivocally support just one side of this debate; not without simply, flatly contradicting the other side. So it often simply … equivocated. It used language that would seem to favor one side or another at first; but then, more carefully read, would offer a reading that made concessions to the other side. In the present case for example? Even a the above passage, which taken just in itself, would seem to suggest the rich are “last” in the eyes of God, is rather equivocal on that: Jesus for example calls for “woe” for the rich … but does not condemn them exactly; only saying that they have already received rewards. So that? The rich are not entirely shut out of the kingdom, some might say; they are not necessarily, entirely “last” with God.
Then the Bible offered a variation of the first reading. Including a passage next, that supported the reading that the primary meaning of the foretold reversal of things thought “first,” was simply this: God forgives us, if we come to him late. God even rewards the latecomer equally, with those who worked with him all our lives. For that those who came “last” may even be “first.” As indeed, part of the Bible, one voice on “firsts,” seemed to say (q.v., Mat. 19.30, 20.8 on latecomers rewarded; cf. though 20.27, Mark 9.35-10.45; Luke 14.18 vs. 13.30, John 12.16):
“A householder … went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard. After agreeing with the laborers for a denarius a day, he sent them into his vineyard…. And about the eleventh hour he found others…. And when evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his steward, ‘Call the laborers and pay them their wages, beginning with the last, up to the first. And when those hired the eleventh hour came, each of them received a denarius. Now when the first came, they thought they would receive more; but each of them also received a denarius…. So the last will be first, and the first last.”
Preachers love this text; which also agrees with the first one in part; which seems to suggest that of course, the matter of “first” and “last” is all about how God loves even sinners, even latecomers. And rewards even them, even equally – or even before – others.
2) So here we already have two texts, that seemed designed to serve preachers, as support for them, and sermons supporting them. But here? We are finding that the Bible, God, “speaks with two voices,” at least, as we were told (q.v.). And when we look in a concordance, at a master index of the Bible, at the many references to “first” vs. “last” things? Here as usual, to the usual spiritual voice on the subject of “firsts,” we find that God here as usual, adds a “second” voice, in almost every extensive passage; one that criticizes preachers, and their “faith” especially, as opposed to science:
“You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them. It shall not be so among you; but whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be your slave; even as the Son of man came not to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mat. 20. 25-28).
What therefore, is the meaning, of the Biblical idea, that in the end, the “first” is “last,” and the “last, first”? In this statement, as so many others, the Bible presents hints of two different opinions; it presents one voice, one opinion, right after the other. Indeed, the meaning of any given single phrase in the Bible, usually can be seen to equivocate, “poetically,” even within itself; equivocating between the two possible meanings, voices. In the case of the idea that the “last” will be “first”? Parts of the Bible used this idea, to suggest 1) that those who come late – or even “last” - to the kingdom of God, will get the same rewards, as those who came earlier, or first (Mat. 20.1-16). Or, in support of this friendly, spiritual message? It suggests that in the end, the “rich,” who seem “first” in this world, will be left behind, by the triumph of poor, good, spiritual persons.
Yet, were the first one or two parts of the Bible, the image of “first” and “last” that they offer, the full and final meaning, of the Bible on this topic? These first passages suggested that God meant to assure us that rich people, were first in the world, but then will be found last, inferior to poor but spiritual people, in the end. And these are the passages that preachers often presented to their flocks. Yet soon enough, we noted that 2) in other parts of the Bible, we see a variation, an equivocation, on the whole idea. One that gives us in fact, the exact reverse moral of the first two passages.
So what in fact, did the Bible really mean to say? At this point, seeing the Bible itself equivocate between two opposite ideas, many people might well, with some justice, simply give up on religion and the Bible itself; as being hopelessly, systematically indecisive, vague, and “double-tongued.” But to be sure, the Bible itself at times seems to some, to have condemned those who followed two different, opposite points of view (see the Bible on “limping along with two different opinions; vs. being “double tongued”; “vacillate”ing; saying “yes and no,” and so forth). And so the Bible, insofar as it ever put its foot down, seems to have instructed us to follow one or the other. While preachers decided that finally, it is the priestly, spiritual voice or path or vocation, that gets the upper edge, and that God finally supported most.
Probably preachers became preachers in fact, in part because they picked up and “heard” and decided to follow, the “voice” that favored becoming priests; they heard and followed what we describe as the “call to the priesthood.” And yet however? We will have been showing here in part, that at worst, the Bible did in fact, have two voices on this subject; and offered two different callings. A 1) first one appearing to allow a spiritual priesthood. But then? Then the Bible began 2) offering at the same time, a second, and at-least equal call to … becoming a good but more practical, worldly, lay person. Or even secular, non-religious Good Samaritan, etc.. In fact, even in the above, the worker, the laborer after all, even seems to have some positive status with God … even over and above the preacher, as we will see.
The Bible offered at least two voices, two paths, on the matter of spirituality vs. practicality, the vocations of the spiritual priest, vs. the vocation of the good working person, making material, physical goods. And though our preachers read to us and followed, primarily only the voice that seemed to favor spirituality? And to make it “first” in the eyes of God. Here, we have begun to ask, which of these two callings, really is first in the eyes of God? While indeed, what will we ultimately be seeing on this crucial subject? Finally, among hundreds of other examples, a close examination of various presentations, variations on the matter say, of being “first” or last, finally seem not to favor priests, as much as priests proudly thought.
What did the Bible itself finally say? After systematically entertaining these two quite different possibilities, page after page? If in fact, we must decide between one path, one vocation, or the other? Actually, finally, there is a very good argument that the final, overall, prevailing message of the entire Bible, did not favor priests.
No doubt, your preacher became a preacher, because he thought that this was what God wanted, “first” and foremost. So that, if you want to be “first” with God himself, you are encouraged to become a priest or minister. And yet however, is that really what even the Bible itself finally, ultimately determined? Here we are noting that actually, God himself warned over and over, about massive sins, even in holy men and preachers, especially. While specifically, in the context of the discussion of who might be “first” with God? Specifically, the Bible eventually began to favor, as its prevailing meaning, the suggestion that holy men, who all essentially think they are “first” with God – or as it says next, apostles who want to be “first” - must actually, be really humble, and “last” in importance among us.
Apostles and holy men, often speak as if they and only they, know how to follow God. And so deep down, they think that they personally, and/or their vocation, the vocation of the priesthood, makes them “first” with God. While they often deliver sermons that suggest that the rich, those that get material “fruits” in this world, are often simply bad and evil, greedy cheaters. But? This reading, which follows parts of the Bible, or one reading of parts of it, is not really true, to the larger, overall equivocation … or final determination or judgement. Which? Finally begins to suggest that when priests imagine they are first with God, they are simply being vain and proud; not humble. So that? Our preachers, who have thought they that were first with God, long ago fell to the sins of Pride and Vanity. And therefore? The holy men, who secretly, deep down, thought that they are “first” with God? Will in the end, be last of all. Last, 1) not just in the in the estimation of men; not 2) just in order of entering the kingdom. But finally 3) preachers are last, even in the final estimation of God himself. As it seems clear enough from the following:
God early on, called on his followers to be humble, and to serve others, rather than “lord over” them:
“On the way they had discussed with one another who was the greatest. And he sat down and called the twelve; and he said to them, ‘If any one would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all’” (Mark 9. 34-5).
“Whoever would be first among you must be slave of all” (Mark 10.44).
Then? Jesus began to warn that he would not even guarantee that even his own apostles – like John Zebedee - would succeed, and sit at his right or left hand:
“ ‘What do you want me to do for you?’ And they said to him, ‘Grant us to sit, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your glory.’ But Jesus said to them, ‘You do not know what you are asking…. To sit at my right hand or at my left is not mine to grant, but it is for those for whom it has been prepared’” (Mark 10.35-40-45).
Here Jesus and the New Testament in fact deferred to God. Remembering no doubt, God’s constant warnings about the status of alleged holy men. Remembering in fact, all the times they sinned and erred. Remember no doubt, the many holy quotes that seemed to suggest that holy men were too proud and lofty. So that they especially, who thought they were “first” with God, turn out to be “last” in the end. And not just last in the sense of last to enter the kingdom; but last in the sense that they are simply stripped of their high status, and are not allowed to enter the kingdom at all (as we will see). As one might begin to see, in quotes like the following:
"Our struggle is not against enemies of blood and flesh, but … against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places..." (Eph. 6.12-17 NRSV).
“The prophet is a fool, the man of the spirit is mad” (Hos. 9.7).
“The Lord has a day against all that is proud and lofty” (Isa. 2.12).
“The fool will no more be called noble” (Isa. 32.6).
“Now this is for you, O priest” (Hos.).
"The heavens will be kindled and dissolved..." (2 Peter 3.12 RSV).
“Lift up your eyes to the heavens … for the heavens will vanish like smoke” (Isa. 51.6).
“On that day the lord will punish the host of heaven in heaven” (Isa. 24.21).
“See the highest stars, how lofty they are!” (Job 22.12 vs. 25.5).
“The stars are not clean in his sight” (Job 25.5).
“The stars will be falling from heaven” (Mat. 24.29; Mark 13.25).
“He leads priests away stripped” (Job himself, in Job 12.19; 13.1-12).
“All the host of heaven will fall” (Isa. 34.4).
Many preachers – televangelists and bishops especially - like to strut in front of everyone; and sermonize and pontificate to them; and blast others. They love to stand in front of congregations, and be seen by everyone, as the voicepieces of God. They love their very, very high, lofty reputation and status, with men, with their congregations. Indeed, they love to be thought to be “first,” among men, with God. But here after all, our preachers have long since fallen to the sins of Pride and Vanity. And furthermore, they have had to lie continually, or to become systematically blind, to support their high opinion of themselves, and their sense of Religion. To try to convince themselves and the world, that they and their spiritual idea of God should come first of all, preachers have had to at least semi-deliberately mis-use the Bible. Specifically, they have had to willfully, proudly tune into just one reading, or just one stratum of it. While they have had to turn a blind eye, to dozens, hundreds, thousands of other parts of the Bible. The parts, the “second” and seemingly “last” parts that however, we are here presenting more fully, more prominently, here and now.
In our books here, we have begun to finally, systematically, exhaustively, present the many dozens, hundreds of parts of the Bible, and of God that your churches did not want you to know about; the parts of God that preachers could never “face” or “bear.” The “second”ary parts - where God himself after all, warned specifically and continuously and adamantly, that holy men – and preachers especially - were often very, very bad people. Indeed? We find here that they were hideously mislead by their own, previously-unsuspected Pride and Vanity. They were mislead by their lack of real humility, to overestimate their own importance, and to hideously over-estimate their own status in the eyes of the Lord. And indeed, they have descended into gross dishonesty, to pimp their own high and lofty status. In this specific matter of their being “first,” for example? To support their implied claim to be good religious leaders, higher and loftier than others, like scientists? Preachers have been sly, but ultimately dishonest: they dishonestly used mere, misleading parts of the Bible. In this particular matter of “first” vs. “last,” preachers, churches often used only the parts of the holy books, that seemed to suggest that the whole dialogue on “first” vs. “last,” finally resolved … into simply, univocally, assuring us all particularly, that 1a) materially rich people, who seem first today, will be last with God. Or related to that, 1b) to assure us that now is the time to join our spiritual preachers; that those who come “last” to the kingdom, get the same rewards as those who came first. Yet in thus framing the issue, preachers have had to deliberately or willfully, studiously fail, to look at the other relevant parts of the texts. The parts where God rather clearly warned preachers, not to think or act as if they are “first,” even with God especially.
Preachers and their sermons – on “the first will be last” among other sermons – are unreliable, to say the least therefore. Here as always, we have begun to find that all our preachers often sinned and erred; even their allegedly most holy and Holy-Spirit inspired moments. To be sure, the Bible itself was often quite ambiguous and equivocal in its wording. But if so? Then preachers should not have pretended that it came out so unequivocally in their own favor. While indeed therefore? Among the huge sins of preachers, has always to make the Bible much simpler than it was; to make it seem far more unequivocal, and definite. Particularly, their great sin was to frame, mis-quote, mis-interpret the Bible, in such a way as to make it and Christ, seem to exaggerate their own importance and holiness. Because of the vast number of texts that our preachers obviously ignored, they must have at least semi-deliberately looked at, allowed themselves to see, only “part”s of the Bible, and of Christ, and of God. While they must have to some extent even consciously, ignored and disobeyed the rest; ignoring the quote, after quote, after quote, that did not flatter preachers and their profession, their calling, at all. One of the great sins of preachers, was that they “twist”ed the complex, multi-voiced, multi-layered biblical text, which offered at least two major opinions on the status of priests – a debate that finally warned more about priests, than anyone - into a one-sided affirmation of their own wonderfulness. Here therefore, is another of the foretold, huge “deceits” and “delusions” and “enchantments” that deceived priests and the whole world: the illusion and delusion, that priests and their followers, were “first” with God. Simply by selectively choosing to feature only one side of the debate; to foreground only one of many contending voices. The one that flattered them and their own authority, especially.
Preachers therefore, have been horribly deceitful, dishonest. And now we begin to see the form and method, or their lies; as they have lied to themselves, and to the whole world. Especially, their sermons have almost always used only misleading parts of the Bible. Preachers lied to themselves and everyone else, by carefully editing, culling the Bible; for texts that, taken out of context, seemed to support only spiritual preachers and the poor. The method of their dishonesty, was to have found tiny parts of the Bible, that – taken just by themselves, or when interpreted that way - seemed to suggest, for example, that it is especially successful people, people who are fruitful in the world – secular persons for example, and rich persons – who are the foretold “first” people. Who, in the end, are to be brought low by God. But while indeed parts of the Bible might have at times seemed to suggest that? Finally, preachers ignored and disobeyed, dozens of other parts. Parts that finally told a very, very different story, than what they almost always told us, in church.
Here and now at last however, we join others who have striven to present the parts of the Bible and of God, that preachers have grossly ignored, twisted, and disobeyed. Contrary to what most have heard constantly, in church sermons, the whole dialogue against the “high” and “lofty” and the “first” for example, becoming “last”? Is here seen to apply not even so much to the materially productive, fruitful people in this world; but to apply just as much or more, to our religious “leaders.” Religious leaders, remember, have high status in the world too; very, very, very high.
In the end in fact, Jesus finally warned far more, not about secular persons, or materially-fruitful people; but about our revered, highly respected … religious persons. And especially, God warned about preachers, or “priests” and “ministers.” The New Testament noted that religious leaders, preachers, prominently religious folks – like the “scribes and Pharisees” - after all, have a very, very “high” standing in the community. Likewise? Priests are in a sense, seemingly humble before the Lord; but they are quite arrogant, before all other men. While indeed, preachers are massively arrogant: in that they claim to be holy and sacred, or to be in any case the most effectively spokesmen of God. Yet in this way, most preachers and religious talk show hosts today indeed, are simply the new Pharisees and hypocrites. Deep down, they really love to speak and pray in front of everyone, prominently in church or on the air; they love to be seen and respected by men. And they nearly all are “presumptuous” and proud; in that they think they know so much more than others, about God; enough to constantly sermonize and pontificate, to lecture and “correct” all of us. Thus indeed, they are “wise in their own eyes.” In spite of their superficial humility, deep down, in their presumptuousness in lecturing us all? They secretly think they are higher than the rest of us. And therefore? They are the “last” to see the beam in their own eyes (Prov. 26.12, etc.). And our preachers are in many respects, “last” in the eyes even of God himself, it now seems clear.
It is the holy men in fact, that have always been just as blind as anyone else, in their own peculiar way. It is not just everyone else, but the holy men themselves, that are among the last to really, fully “see” the fuller truth of God. It is the holy men, the preachers, who are last to see (or publicly acknowledge) their own sins; the sins of holy men. It is the preachers that are “last” to see that it is not just the secular and non-religious persons, but especially it is the religious persons and religious leaders that after all, are always so very, very, very Proud and Vain; and “wise in their own eyes.” While surely too, almost every preacher thinks that he or his church, is “first” or “high” and “lofty” with God, in Heaven. (Perhaps even “first among equals,” as the Catechism describes the status of the Pope).
Priests and ministers and religious leaders have in effect, always really presented themselves and their spirituality, their “faith,” their promises of miracles, as being “first” with God. But here we find that, since they were, in their public appearances, so firm in their belief of their own very, very high status, therefore, they have often been the very, very last, to see their own sins. Because preachers have constantly presented themselves as being very, very, very high – they long ago, fell, unnoticed, to the sin of Pride and Vanity; to thinking they are “first.” But, to sustain their proud illusions? They have always had to … rather studiously, willfully, misread the Bible; to ignore and disobey, many parts of what God really, finally said. Preachers have to be sure, read and repeated to us, constantly, parts of some of the texts, that had God telling us that we should not be proud, and vain, and imagine that we are “first.” But our preachers never really quite fully, publicly informed us, about the other parts of, the other voice in, the fuller message of, the Bible. The voice that after all, warned about … our preachers and holy men, themselves. The parts of the text that affirmed that not only rich persons, but also preachers and holy men, are commonly thought to be high and “first”; by themselves, and by the whole world. So that? It is not just the rich, but also our holy men, that must now be found to actually be “last,” in the end.
Preachers at times, have had a superficial – but only superficial, and misleading – appearance of being “humble.” And at times, preachers would even occasionally cite the strong readings of parts of the Bible, that would have Jesus himself, telling even the Apostles, to be humble; that a preacher should serve others, like a servant. Yet however superficially humble some preachers are at times, still all preachers, by the very nature of their profession – preaching, sermonizing to others – present themselves as higher, loftier than others. Preachers and holy men, like prophets after all, think they are the very voicepieces of the Lord himself. And therefore? Preachers and all other holy men, are among the very last. They are often very last to note the vanity, the presumptuousness, in their presuming to sermonize and pontificate so confidently to churchgoers, Sunday after Sunday. Holy men failed to notice the massive vanity, in constantly presenting themselves, as if the preacher was the infallible – or even merely, reliable – voicepiece of God himself. Thus, essentially all our preachers and holy men and churches, fell long, long ago, to the sins of Satan; to the sins of Pride and Vanity. The vanity of secretly thinking that they were high, or even “first” with God. The vanity which however, finally, in the end, insures that they are last of all.
All our preachers were always massively presumptuous, vain, pompous - and consciously, culpable dishonest too. To falsely present the Bible and Christ as they have, they will have had to eventually notice, the many parts of the Bible that their sermons slighted. To deliver their constant, self-serving message - of the wonderfulness of holy men ,and their images of God – meant having to ignore, miss, every day, thousands of times, so many parts of the Bible warning them about this. So many that finally … we can only assume that many preachers, were consciously doing these deceitful things. Preachers had to be, most of the time, at least semi-conscious of their deceptions, to so systematically ignore – and even deliberately “whitewash” and “twist” – so many parts of the Bible. To so studiously “miss” so much of the Bible? Preachers would have had to be willfully, culpably ignoring something they deep down, knew was there, all along. Priests and ministers, would have had to be willfully ignoring and disobeying that second, other voice in the Bible itself. Or perhaps, they indeed thought of that voice, as “second.” Or even “last.”
But now? In the End? Today? We find that what all our preachers presented to the whole world, as the “second,” or even the “last” - is now found to have been the first and most important message from God; the main voice of God himself. Today in fact, we must now hear that voice in the Bible; hearing at last the Christ, that preachers constantly, systematically ignored - the Christ that preachers even actively denigrated, and “twist”ed and finally all but exterminated. Finally, here and now, it is time for everyone – even preachers – to begin to hear the Christ that warned about preachers, and their faith
Indeed, now at last, perhaps even some preachers will begin to more consciously see and proclaim, Christ - as we now present him here.
But let there be no mistake: what finally, again, does the second appearance say, to all our preachers ? What indeed, should each and every one of us, now continuously say to all our own preachers? Probably, exactly, this:
“ For a long time I have held my peace, I have kept still and restrained myself; now I will cry out…. Hear, you deaf; and look you blind, that you may see! Who is blind but my servant, or deaf as my messenger [angel?] whom I send? Who is blind as my dedicated one, or blind as the servant of the LORD? He sees things many things, but does not observe them; his ears are open, but he does not hear… Bring forth the people who are blind, yet have eyes” (Isa. 42.18-20-43.8).
“From prophet to priest, every one deals falsely” (Jer. 5.31).
“Our chief priests and rulers delivered him up to be condemned to death, and crucified him” (Luke 24.20).
“The chief priests and the scribes were seeking … to arrest him by stealth, and kill him” (Mark 14.1).
“Let no one contend … for with you is my contention, O priest. You shall stumble by day, the prophet also shall stumble with you by night; and I will destroy your mother. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me” (Hos. 4.4-6).
“He leads priests away stripped” (Job 12.19).
Thus is End Time prophesy, largely fulfilled. In the end, here and now, it is in larger part the preachers, who are found to have been thought to be “first.” But who must now therefore be found “last.” It is preachers who, more than anyone else, were thought to be “high” and “lofty.” But who are now brought “low.” It is our preachers who presented themselves to everyone, as the very high, lofty voicepieces of God himself. Who however are here and now, in the end, found to have been bad and evil after all. It is the preachers of course, who were the very ones who were thought to be “noble.” But who in the End are found to be “scoundrels” or “fools.” It is your own priests and ministers, of the traditional Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox churches, who were secretly, prouder than anyone: who presented themselves as being so very, very, very high, and “first” with God. But who are now found to have been merely, the foretold bad, false “priests,” following “false prophets,” false churches. Indeed our preachers are now to be found to have been following and presenting, to the whole world, a false idea of Christ. Misleading themselves, and the whole world and its worship. With a False Christ.
Exactly as foretold (Rev. 13). By the Bible itself. By God, himself.