The bluestones of Stonehenge
How and why the bluestones arrived at Stonehenge, the UK’s most
revered ancient monument, has long held people’s imagination. The key to
understanding these questions relies heavily on the location of their sources.
Following early studies in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries,
which proposed various places but in particular south-west England, H.H.
Thomas, in 1923, suggested that they came from the Mynydd Preseli, in
north Pembrokeshire, Wales. Thomas proposed a number of key locations for
the geographical origin of the stones. However, recent investigations have
called those locations into question, identifying different sources albeit
from the same broad area in north Pembrokeshire. Identification of these
proposed new sites has led to archaeological excavations and important
new discoveries including new suggested routes for the transport of the
bluestones from the Preseli Hills to Stonehenge some 230 km away.
Stonehenge, in the English county of Wiltshire, is
one of the most visited and most distinctive ancient
monuments in the world, and certainly architecturally
the most sophisticated ancient stone circle known.
This iconic site is protected, together with the stone
circle at nearby Avebury, as a World Heritage Site.
The significance of these sites to World Heritage
was neatly summarized in the UNESCO designation
in 2009: ‘Stonehenge is the most architecturally
sophisticated prehistoric stone circle in the world,
while Avebury is the largest in the world. Together
with inter-related monuments and their associated
landscapes, they help us to understand Neolithic and
Bronze Age ceremonial and mortuary practices. They
demonstrate around 2000 years of continuous use
and monument building between c. 3700 and 1600
For at least 700 years people have speculated on
Rob Ixer1 &
Richard Bevins2
Institute of Archaeology,
University of London,
[email protected]
Department of Natural
Sciences, National Museum
of Wales, Cardiff, CF10
Fig. 1. Oblique aerial view
of Stonehenge. (Photograph
courtesy of Adam Stanford.)
© John Wiley & Sons Ltd, The Geologists’ Association & The Geological Society of London, Geology Today, Vol. 33, No. 5, September–October 2017
Fig. 2. Simplified map of north
Pembrokeshire showing the
location of Mynydd Preseli and
the outcrop of the Fishguard
Volcanic Group.
the origin of the stones of Stonehenge and even more
on how they were transported to their site on the
distinctive chalk downlands of the English county of
Wiltshire. For most of that time the ideas were rather
fanciful (some still are) but now serious speculation
has centred around two main agencies, namely
mankind or ice.
Geological studies of the Stonehenge lithologies
are less than 150 years old and interest has been
sporadic, with decades of inaction between bursts of
activity; the last decade is one of those latter times
and so the rocks have been subjected to intense
study, largely involving detailed petrography and
whole-rock and mineral geochemistry, together with
microfossil and radiometric dating techniques. This
work, jointly led by ourselves but involving other
Earth science specialists, including Peter Turner, Nick
Pearce, Peter Webb, Jane Evans, Stewart Molyneux
and Andy Gize, has produced unexpected results that
really can claim to rewrite the history books—even
if only slightly.
The stones of Stonehenge (Fig. 1) comprise two
main classes, the bigger attention-grabbing sarsens
that make up the ‘trilithons’ (two large upright stones
with a connecting lintel) of the large outer circle and
inner horseshoe, and the far smaller bluestones (here,
defined as any non-sarsen rock used as an ‘orthostat’
or standing stone) that make up the inner circle and
the inner horseshoe, plus one anomalous, very large,
calcareous Devonian sandstone, the recumbent Altar
Stone. Some of these bluestones are present in the
circle only as buried stumps and perhaps up to half
of the original stones (bluestones and sarsens) are
missing and are now only present as rock debris,
most of it small and lightweight, sometimes found
on the surface but usually buried, throughout the
Stonehenge Landscape.
The sarsens (which were the subject of a note
in Geology Today, v.33, n.1, p.17) are a silcrete
sandstone, which are local to Salisbury Plain and
may have only been moved dozens of kilometres,
unlike the transposition of hundreds of kilometres
that the bluestones have undergone.
Of the standing bluestone orthostats most
are dolerites from the Mynydd Preseli, in north
Pembrokeshire (Fig. 2), the majority (the spotted
dolerites, the iconic so-called ‘preselites’) show
diagnostic pale-coloured spots (Fig. 3); they are often
misidentified as being feldspar clots but in fact are
aggregates of low grade, secondary metamorphic
minerals that (probably) have replaced feldspar. A few
orthostats are fashioned from unspotted dolerite found
at different source locations to the spotted varieties.
H.H. Thomas in 1923 was the first to recognize that
the spotted dolerites cropped out in a number of places
on the tops of the Preseli Hills (Fig. 4) and suggested
specific localities including Carn Menyn (also known
as Carn Meini) and Cerrigmarchogion. In 1991 a
team from the Open University resampled many of
the bluestone dolerite orthostats from Stonehenge
and also dolerites from the Preseli outcrops and,
primarily based on their geochemistry along with
© John Wiley & Sons Ltd, The Geologists’ Association & The Geological Society of London, Geology Today, Vol. 33, No. 5, September–October 2017
Fig. 3. A cut face of spotted
dolerite from the Mynydd Preseli.
The spots were previously
thought to represent altered
feldspar phenocrysts but X-ray
diffraction shows them to be
fine-grained intergrowths of
chlorite, epidote and albite. The
scale bar is 5 cm.
work previously published by Bevins, Lees and Roach,
suggested that Carn Menyn on the main Mynydd
Preseli ridge was the origin for many of the spotted
dolerites, a view that had been popular for much
of the twentieth century. Our re-examination of the
interpretation presented by the Open University team,
together with new analyses, has shown that many
of the Stonehenge dolerites are in fact a better match
to Carn Goedog on the northern slopes of the Preseli
(Fig. 5) and very recent excavations at Carn Goedog
have revealed evidence for Neolithic working of the
There are only four above-ground, non-dolerite
igneous orthostats (stones SH38, 40, 46 and 48) and
these are volcanic rocks, two being dacites and two
are rhyolites. They are all different from each other
suggesting four discrete geographical origins and, as
yet, no specific location can be suggested for them
although as evidenced by recent age dating for stone
48, they are almost certainly part of the Fishguard
Fig. 4. Oblique aerial view of
the eastern extremity of Mynydd
Preseli showing some of the
key localities that have featured
in the bluestone literature.
Photograph courtesy of Sid
Volcanic Group, of Ordovician age, which crops out
to the north of the main Preseli Ridge. The Fishguard
Volcanic Group (Fig. 2) forms a bimodal basic-silicic
sequence and the dolerites are the high level intrusive
equivalents of the spectacular pillow lava sequence
as exposed, for example, at Strumble Head. The
silicic rocks (rhyolites and dacites) were erupted as
extrusive domes, rare silicic pillowed flows and as
rhyolitic ash flow tuffs. All took place in a submarine
environment and reworking of the volcanic material
is evident as debris flow deposits which commonly
incorporate mudstone intraclasts.
It must be of significance that amongst the many
thousands of debris/debitage samples that have been
investigated no more than 25 pieces of debris have
been recognized from all four of the upright dacitic/
rhyolitic stones. One orthostat, SH38, is unusual in
carrying graphitizing carbon (Fig. 6). This has been
rarely recorded in rocks (it is normally seen as an
artificial component in coke) and may represent the
thermal maturation (‘cooking’) of mud rip up clasts
into the base of a hot subaqueous rhyolitic ash flow.
It is hoped that this peculiarity will help in finding the
exact provenance of this particular Stonehenge stone.
The buried orthostats are all unsampled
but descriptions made during excavations and
photographs suggest that they are a mixture of tuffs
and sandstones and indeed it is just those lithologies
that dominate the debris/debitage. The debitage is
remarkably uniform throughout the Stonehenge
Landscape and alongside some sarsen and dolerite it
is dominated by a very distinctive, strongly foliated
rhyolitic tuff and by more variable, poorly cleaved
argillaceous tuffs, as well as with lesser amounts of an
indurated Lower Palaeozoic sandstone which shows
a poor fracture cleavage. The last rock type is very
different from the calcareous (non-cleaved) Devonian
sandstone that makes up the flat-lying Altar Stone
(once again, like the other four extant bluestones the
Altar Stone lithology is almost totally absent from
the debitage).
A systematic search of outcrops within the
Fishguard Volcanic Group suggested a petrographical
similarity between the main strongly foliated rhyolitic
debitage and outcrops in the Fishguard Volcanic
Group around Pont Saeson (see Fig. 7). More detailed
sampling of the area showed that a 70 metre long
outcrop, Craig Rhos-y-felin (Fig. 2), was the source
of this debitage and small scale, systematic sampling
along this outcrop demonstrated Stonehenge debitage
could be pin-pointed to a large (at the time hidden)
north-west facing planar face, a surface that does
not look natural (Fig. 8). Subsequent archaeological
excavations have shown features consistent with
ancient quarrying. More recent detailed mineral
geochemistry and high precision radiometric dating
have continued to confirm the initial petrographical
© John Wiley & Sons Ltd, The Geologists’ Association & The Geological Society of London, Geology Today, Vol. 33, No. 5, September–October 2017
provenancing of this material to Craig Rhos-y-felin,
whilst also showing that the four rhyolitic and dacitic
orthostats do not come from there.
Flakes of argillaceous and calcareous tuff are
almost equal in amount to the Craig Rhos-y-felin
rhyolite debris in the Stonehenge Landscape. Their
fine-grained mica-rich nature make them difficult to
work on microscopically and they are compositionally
highly variable, with many rhyolitic, vesicular lava
and micro-tonalite clasts contained within a finegrained quartz, white mica and chlorite-rich matrix
determined by X-ray diffraction. Finding a provenance
for these tuffs will no doubt be very exacting and they
may turn out to be the most difficult of all the rock
types to investigate.
The final significant lithology in the bluestone
assemblage is the Lower Palaeozoic sandstone.
Although petrographically this is very different from
the Altar Stone sandstone, some of the archaeological
literature has conflated and confused them, even
suggesting that they come from shore-line outcrops at
Mill Bay close to Milford Haven. However, the Lower
Palaeozoic sandstone is an indurated rock with a poor
fracture cleavage and with mudstone intraclasts and
has been palaeontologically dated, using acritarch
assemblages, to a likely Late Ordovician age, clearly
separating it from the Altar Stone and the Devonian
rocks cropping out at Mill Bay. Eliminating any
Milford Haven connection with Stonehenge has
archaeological significance.
The Altar Stone may be the most interesting of all
the bluestones; it is certainly the largest and heaviest
and the only one lacking a north Pembrokeshire area
origin. It is a slightly unusual, probable Devonian
carbonate-cemented, fine-grained sandstone, with
few if any, ‘unique’ petrographical characteristics. It
could come from anywhere within a broad outcrop
pattern of the Senni Beds from west Wales to the
Fig. 5. Oblique aerial view of
Carn Goedog, now thought to
be the source of the majority of
the analysed spotted dolerite
bluestones. (Photograph courtesy
Adam Stanford.)
Herefordshire hills. Unlike the other lithologies, where
routine microscopy or geochemistry are the main
provenancing tools, it may be that field studies, and in
particular matching the dimensions of the Altar Stone
to bedding-jointing characteristics within the many
Senni Beds outcrops, will lead to its geographical
Other lithologies found within the Stonehenge
Landscape are minor to very minor in amount and
often found in molehills or rabbit burrows; they
reflect the local/regional geology or are post-Victorian
imports and include rail ballast, road metal and New
Age rock crystals. This lithological litter has also
been investigated and where possible identified and
provenanced and then eliminated from any ancient
Stonehenge association. The task of separating true
Stonehenge lithologies from adventitious material is
important, as Ice Age proponents have suggested that
these rocks (or rather the wide range of rock types) are
indicative of glacial dumping, despite glacial deposits
elsewhere on Salisbury Plain being remarkable for
their absence.
Although our studies are far from over, indeed our
first pass has only just finished, it is clear that the
accepted archaeological explanation (up to 2010) for
the origin and the transport route of the bluestones
(Fig. 9), namely that they were obtained from outcrops
on or close to the main ridge of the Mynydd Preseli
then moved southwards to Milford Haven where they
were transported by sea to Somerset (possibly losing
Fig. 6. Graphitizing carbon
droplet in stone 38 from
Stonehenge. The image is
200 µm across and was taken
under oil immersion, reflected
white light and crossed polars.
(Photograph by Andy Gize.).
Fig. 7. Thin section
photomicrograph of the foliated
rhyolitic tuff from Craig Rhosy-felin showing the strong
planar fabric and the presence
of included micro-tonalite lithic
fragments. Plane polarized light.
© John Wiley & Sons Ltd, The Geologists’ Association & The Geological Society of London, Geology Today, Vol. 33, No. 5, September–October 2017
Suggestions for further reading
Fig. 8. The outcrop of Craig
Rhos-y-felin showing the
prominent northwest facing
exposure. (Photograph by Adam
Fig. 9. Map showing the
various routes proposed for the
transport of bluestones from
Mynydd Preseli to Stonehenge,
a distance of some 230 km.
(Drawn by Irene Deluis.)
a stone on Steep Holm) is no longer a tenable option.
The majority of the spotted dolerites have now been
provenanced to Carn Goedog, the main rhyolitic tuff
debitage to Craig Rhos-y-felin, both on the northern
slopes of the Mynydd Preseli, and the Lower Palaeozoic
sandstone to unknown outcrops north of the Preseli
region. In addition neither the Altar Stone nor the
Lower Palaeozoic sandstone come from outcrops at
Mill Bay (Milford Haven) and the ‘lost bluestones’
of Steep Holm are coarse-grained metabasite glacial
erratics with no Stonehenge equivalents and of a kind
not seen in north Pembrokeshire.
There is no geological evidence for or against a
sea route, indeed there is no geological evidence for
any transport route (sea and/or land) and unless a
dropped orthostat is found it is unlikely there ever
can be. Indeed, the question of movement by ice is
not ruled out by the available geological evidence
although consensus favours human transport. The
best that can be hoped for is that a number of
undisputed Neolithic quarry sites can be found and
recognized and that together they indicate the most
likely pathway along which the stones were moved.
Bevins, R.E., Ixer, R.A. & Pearce, N.J.G. 2014. Carn
Goedog is the likely major source of Stonehenge
doleritic bluestones: evidence based on compatible
element discrimination and Principal Component
Analysis. Journal of Archaeological Science, v.42,
Bevins, R.E., Atkinson, N., Ixer, R.A. & Evans,
J.A. 2017. U-Pb zircon age constraints for the
Fishguard Volcanic Group and further evidence
for the provenance of the Stonehenge bluestones.
Journal of the Geological Society of London, v.174,
Ixer, R.A. & Bevins, R.E. 2010. The petrography,
affinity and provenance of lithics from the Cursus
Field, Stonehenge. Wiltshire Archaeological &
Natural History Magazine, v.103, pp.1–15.
Ixer, R.A. & Bevins, R.E. 2011. Craig Rhos-y-felin,
Pont Saeson is the dominant source of the
Stonehenge rhyolitic debitage. Archaeology in
Wales, v.50, pp.21–31.
Ixer, R.A. & Bevins, R.E. 2013. Chips off the old block:
The Stonehenge debitage dilemma. Archaeology in
Wales, v.52, pp.11–22.
Ixer, R.A. & Turner, P. 2006. A detailed re-examination
of the petrography of the Altar Stone and other
non-sarsen sandstones from Stonehenge as a
guide to their provenance. Wiltshire Archaeological
& Natural History Magazine, v.99, pp.1–9.
Ixer, R.A., Bevins, R.E. & Gize A.P. 2015. Hard
‘Volcanics with sub-planar texture’ in the
Stonehenge Landscape. Wiltshire Archaeological &
Natural History Magazine, v.108, pp.1–14.
Parker Pearson, M., Bevins, R.E. Ixer, R.A., Pollard,
J., Richards, C., Welham, K., Chan, B.,K.
Edinborough, K., Hamilton, D., McPhail, R., Schlee,
D., Schweenninger, J-L., Simmons, E. & Smith,
M. 2015. Craig Rhos-y-felin: a Welsh bluestone
megalith quarry for Stonehenge. Antiquity, v.89,
Thomas, H.H. 1923. The source of the stones of
Stonehenge. The Antiquaries Journal, v.3, pp.239–
Thorpe, R.S., Williams-Thorpe, O., Jenkins, D.G. &
Watson, J.S. (with contributions by Ixer, R.A.
& Thomas, R.G.) 1991. The Geological Sources
and Transport of the Bluestones of Stonehenge,
Wiltshire, UK. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society,
v.57, pp.103–157.
Young, C., Chadburn, A. & Bedu, I. 2009. Stonehenge
World Heritage Site Management Plan 2009. English
Heritage, London.
© John Wiley & Sons Ltd, The Geologists’ Association & The Geological Society of London, Geology Today, Vol. 33, No. 5, September–October 2017