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Talk presented at The Fifteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting - MG15, University of Rome "La Sapienza" - Rome, July 1-7, 2018
21 pages
1 file
We analytically calculate the time series for the perturbations induced by a general disturbing acceleration on the mutual range and range-rate of two test particles orbiting the same spinning body. We apply it to the general relativistic Lense-Thirring effect, due to the primary's spin, and the classical perturbation arising from its quadrupole mass moment for arbitrary orbital geometries and orientation of the source's symmetry axis. The Earth-Mercury range and range-rate are nominally affected by the Sun's gravitomagnetic field to the 10 m, 10^-3 cm s^-1 level, respectively, during the extended phase (2026-2028) of the forthcoming BepiColombo mission to Mercury whose expected tracking accuracy is of the order of 0.1 m, 2 X 10^-4 cm s^-1. The competing signatures due to the solar quadrupole, if modelled at the $10^-9 level of the latest planetary ephemerides INPOP17a, are nearly 10 times smaller than the relativistic gravitomagnetic effects.
Paper H0.5-0007-18 presented at the COSPAR 2018 42nd Assembly, July 14-22, 2018 Pasadena, California, USA
We analytically calculate the time series for the perturbations Δρ (t), Δρ˙ (t) induced by a general disturbing acceleration A on the mutual range ρ and range-rate ρ˙ of two test particles A, B orbiting the same spinning body of mass M, angular momentum S, equatorial radius and oblateness J2. We apply it to the general relativistic Lense-Thirring effect, due to the primary’s spin S, and the classical perturbation arising from its quadrupole mass moment J2 for arbitrary orbital geometries and orientation of the source’s symmetry axis Sˆ. The Earth-Mercury range and range-rate are nominally affected by the Sun’s gravitomagnetic field to the 10 m, 10−3 cm s−1 level, respectively, during the extended phase (2026-2028) of the forthcoming BepiColombo mission to Mercury whose expected tracking accuracy is of the order of ~ 0.1 m, 2 × 10−4 cm s−1. The competing signatures due to the solar quadrupole J20, if modelled at the σJ0 10−9 level of the latest determinations based on the MESSENGER data analyses, are nearly 10 times smaller than the relativistic gravitomagnetic effects.
Astrophysics and Space Science, 2003
The perihelion advance of the orbit of Mercury has long been one of the observational cornerstones for testing General Relativity (G.R.).
We numerically work out the impact of the general relativistic Lense–Thirring effect on the Earth–Mercury range caused by the gravitomagnetic field of the rotating Sun. The peak-to-peak nominal amplitude of the resulting time-varying signal amounts to 17.5 m over a temporal interval Dt = 2 yr. Future interplanetary laser ranging facilities should reach a cm-level in ranging to Mercury over comparable timescales; for example, the BepiColombo mission, to be launched in 2014, should reach a 4.5–10 cm level over 1-8 yr. We looked also at other Newtonian (solar quadrupole mass moment, ring of the minor asteroids, Ceres, Pallas, Vesta, Trans- Neptunian Objects) and post-Newtonian (gravitoelectric Schwarzschild solar field) dynamical effects on the Earth–Mercury range. They act as sources of systematic errors for the Lense–Thirring signal which, in turn, if not properly modeled, may bias the recovery of some key parameters of such other dynamical features of motion. Their nominal peak-to-peak amplitudes are as large as 4 10^5 m (Schwarzschild), 300 m (Sun’s quadrupole), 81 m (Ceres, Pallas, Vesta), 4 m (ring of minor asteroids), 80 cm (Trans-Neptunian Objects). Their temporal patterns are different with respect to that of the gravitomagnetic signal.
arXiv (Cornell University), 2022
Of all the solar fundamental parameters (mass, diameter, gravity at the surface, angular momentum...), the gravitational moments have been quite often ignored in the past, mainly due to the great difficulty to get a reliable estimate. Even though the order of magnitude of the solar quadrupole moment J2 is now known to be 2.10 −7 , its accurate value is still discussed. Furthermore, stellar equations combined with a differential rotation model, as well as the inversion techniques applied to helioseismology, are methods which are solar model dependent, i.e. implying solar density and rotation laws. Hence the need for checking new ways in estimating the dynamical solar quadrupole moments based on the motion of spacecrafts, celestial bodies or light in the gravitational field of the Sun. Indeed, the expansion in multipoles J(l, l=2,...) of the gravitational potential of a rotating body affects the orbital motion of planets at a relativistic level. We will recall here the recent progresses made in testing General Relativity through the contribution of the first solar quadrupole moment. Using the Eddington-Robertson parameters, we recall the constraints both on a theoretical and experimental point of view. Together with γ, which encodes the amount of curvature of space-time per unit rest-mass, the Post-Newtonian Parameter β contributes to the relativistic precession of planets. The latter parameter encodes the amount of nonlinearity in the superposition law of gravitation. Even though in principle, it would be possible to extract J2 from planetary ephemerides, we observe that it is significantly correlated with other solution parameters (semi-major axis of planets, mass of asteroids...). Focusing on the J2 correlations, we show that in general, when β and γ are freed, the correlations [ β, J2] and [γ, J2] are ≈ 45% and ≈ 55% respectively. The situation could be improved with additional spacecraft measurements but remains difficult. Moreover, all the planetary dynamics-based values are biased by the Lense-Thiring effect, which has never been modeled and solved for so far but can be estimated to ≈ 7%. It is thus possible to get a good estimate of the solar quadrupole moment:1.66 × 10 −7 ≤ J2 ≤2.32 × 10 −7 .
In this paper we explore a novel approach to try to measure the post-Newtonian 1/c2 Lense-Thirring secular effect induced by the gravitomagnetic field of the Sun on planetary orbital motion. Due to the relative smallness of the solar angular momentum J and the large values of the planetary semimajor axes a, the gravitomagnetic precessions, which affect the nodes $\Omega$ and the perihelia $\omega$ and are proportional to J/a3, are of the order of 10-3 arcsec per century only for, e.g., Mercury. This value lies just at the edge of the present-day observational sensitivity in reconstructing the planetary orbits, although the future mission BepiColombo should allow it to be increased. The major problems come from the main sources of systematic errors. They are the aliasing classical precessions induced by the multipolar expansion of the Sun's gravitational potential and the classical secular N-body precessions which are of the same order of magnitude or much larger than the Lense-Thirring precessions of interest. This definitely rules out the possibility of analyzing only one orbital element of, e.g., Mercury. In order to circumvent these problems, we propose a suitable linear combination of the orbital residuals of the nodes of Mercury, Venus and Mars which is, by construction, independent of such classical secular precessions. A 1-sigma reasonable estimate of the obtainable accuracy yields a 36% error. Since the major role in the proposed combination is played by Mercury's node, it could happen that new, more accurate ephemerides available in the future thanks to the BepiColombo mission will offer an opportunity to improve the present unfavorable situation.
Astrophysics and Space Science, 2010
Recent years have seen increasing efforts to directly measure some aspects of the general relativistic gravitomagnetic interaction in several astronomical scenarios in the solar system. After briefly overviewing the concept of gravitomagnetism from a theoretical point of view, we review the performed or proposed attempts to detect the Lense-Thirring effect affecting the orbital motions of natural and artificial bodies in the gravitational fields of the Sun, Earth, Mars and Jupiter. In particular, we will focus on the evaluation of the impact of several sources of systematic uncertainties of dynamical origin to realistically elucidate the present and future perspectives in directly measuring such an elusive relativistic effect. Keywords Experimental tests of gravitational theories Satellite orbits Harmonics of the gravity potential field Ephemerides, almanacs, and calendars Lunar, planetary, and deep-space probes
In GR a rotating body with spin S generates a gravitomagnetic field [Iorio 2007] whose effects on the orbit of a test particle are secular precessions of the node Ω and the pericentre ω
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy
The Mercury Orbiter radio Science Experiment (MORE) is one of the experiments on-board the ESA/JAXA BepiColombo mission to Mercury, to be launched in October 2018. Thanks to full on-board and on-ground instrumentation performing very precise tracking from the Earth, MORE will have the chance to determine with very high accuracy the Mercury-centric orbit of the spacecraft and the heliocentric orbit of Mercury. This will allow to undertake an accurate test of relativistic theories of gravitation (relativity experiment), which consists in improving the knowledge of some post-Newtonian and related parameters, whose value is predicted by General Relativity. This paper focuses on two critical aspects of the BepiColombo relativity experiment. First of all, we address the delicate issue of determining the orbits of Mercury and the Earth-Moon barycenter at the level of accuracy required by the purposes of the experiment and we discuss a strategy to cure the rank deficiencies that appear in the problem. Secondly, we introduce and discuss the role of the solar Lense-Thirring effect in the Mercury orbit determination problem and in the relativistic parameters estimation.
"By processing more than 400 000 planetary observations of various types with the dynamical models of the EPM2006 ephemerides, E.V. Pitjeva recently estimated a correction to the canonical Newtonian-Einsteinian Venus' perihelion precession of −0.0004±0.0001 arcseconds per century. The prediction of general relativity for the Lense-Thirring precession of the perihelion of Venus is −0.0003 arcseconds per century. It turns out that neither other mismodelled/unmodelled standard Newtonian/Einsteinian effects nor exotic ones, postulated to, for example, explain the Pioneer anomaly, may have caused the estimated extra-precession of the Venus orbit which, thus, can be reasonably attributed to the gravitomagnetic field of the Sun, not modelled in the routines of the EPM2006 ephemerides. However, it must be noted that the quoted error is the formal, statistical one; the realistic uncertainty might be larger. Future improvements of the inner planets' ephemerides, with the inclusion of the Messenger and Venus-Express tracking data, should further improve the accuracy and the consistency of such a test of general relativity which would also benefit from the independent estimation of the extra-precessions of the perihelia (and the nodes) by other teams of astronomers. "
Asian and African Studies
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