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Keeping it weird (with psychedelics)

Keeping it weird (with psychedelics)

David Luke
Keeping it weird (with psychedelics) - Invited symposium at Breaking Convention: 4th International Conference on Psychedelic Consciousness, University of Greenwich, London, 30th June - 2nd July, 2017 (Chair and curator). Chair: David Luke 14:30 Psychedelic Ceremony: A User’s Guide Julian Vayne 15:00 The Witches’ Garden Karen Lawton & Fiona Heckles 15:30 Egalitarianism And The Age Before The Shaman Bruce Parry 16:00 The Southwark Mysteries: A Psychedelic Magical Praxis John “Crow” Constable 16:30 BREAK 17:00 Psychedelic Experience And Morphic Resonance Rupert Sheldrake 17:30 PANEL SESSION

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