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Actividad de aprendizaje 1.1. Escriba una síntesis de tres párrafos de cada uno de los siguientes temas del texto guía. Luego ponga un ejemplo en el que se aplique a la actividad diaria de su vida, trabajo, estudio o familia de lo que escribió en cada uno de los resúmenes hechos anteriormente. DEFINICIÓN DE ÉTICA La palabra ÉTICA, proviene del griego ETHOS que significa: costumbres, carácter, hábito, forma de ser. Por Blog de ética (jueves 14 de febrero de 2013)
Evidencia 1: " La importancia de las redes de transporte " INTRODUCCIÓN Actualmente, el Transporte tiene un fuerte impacto en la economía. El consumo energético de este sector es un factor que condiciona, sin lugar a dudas, su importancia económica y, es un factor clave en la determinación del precio de los diferentes bienes y servicios que se comercializan en un mercado cada vez más exigente. De esta manera, podemos indicar que aquella empresa que sea más eficiente en la gestión de su Transporte tendrá como resultado una ventaja competitiva sobre el resto de su competencia, lo que se traducirá rápidamente en precios más bajos y más competitivos. Mientras más temprano se entienda el rol estratégico del Transporte en los negocios y se incorpore como un aliado fundamental, antes se logrará tener una posición ventajosa y de supremacía en el mercado. El transporte es el responsable de mover los productos terminados, materias primas e insumos, entre empresas y clientes que se encuentran dispersos geográficamente, y agrega valor a los productos transportados cuando estos son entregados a tiempo, sin daños y en las cantidades requeridas.
Research into ideological applications of the medieval period is well served by the notion of ‘medievalism.’ This concept indicates both the set of post-medieval representations of the Middle Ages and the field of scholarship investigating such representations. This is a burgeoning field of research that stands at the crossroads of different disciplines and is the subject of extensive debate. The first part of the article discusses some of the interpretive hypotheses and proposes a set of six hermeneutic tools from a variety of fields of study, which are usefully applied to medievalism: palimpsest, invented traditions, alterity, entangled history, broadened historiography, regimes of historicity. The second part of the article penetrates deeper into the last of these hermeneutic tools, namely the concept of ‘regime of historicity’ elaborated by François Hartog. Medievalism stands out as a distinct ‘regime of historicity’ which relates to a significant part of various -isms (including cultural, social and political movements) from the 19th century to the first decades of the 21st century, i.e., from romanticism onward. Three applied examples follow: the essay discusses the relationships between medievalism and three -isms of paramount importance for the history of the contemporary age, that are Catholic modernism, socialism, and fascism.
Archivum Anatolicum-Anadolu Arşivleri, 2021
Batı Karadeniz kıyısında bulunan İnönü Mağarası’nda yürütülen araştırmalarda, III. tabakaya ait ahşap tabanlar açığa çıkarılmıştır. Bu tabanlar üzerinde metalden yapılmış çok sayıda alet, süs eşyası ve silah ele geçmiştir. Yine aynı kontekste, iyi korunmuş bir adet tunç boğa heykelciği ve bir adet pişmiş toprak heykelcik bulunmuştur. Heykelcik başı, stil olarak Hitit tasvir sanatından tanınan insan tasvirleri ile benzerlik göstermektedir. Buluntuların ele geçtiği ahşap tabanların her birinden alınan karbon örnekleri de Kal. M.Ö. 1431-1285 ile Kal. MÖ 1295-1123 aralığını vermiştir. Bu bağlamda Batı Karadeniz Bölgesi’nde önceki yıllarda tesadüfen ele geçen Geç Tunç Çağı’na ait bazı tekil bulgulara ek olarak, ilk kez sistemli kazılarla, tanımlı tabakalarda bulgular elde edilmiştir. Söz konusu bulguların Hitit kentlerinde ele geçen örnekler ile yakın benzerlik göstermesi, Batı Karadeniz Bölgesi’nin Hitit Ülkesi ile uzun yıllardır sorgulanan ilişkisi hakkında ipuçları sunmaktadır. Bu çal...
Dialogues in Human Geography, 2024
Technologically advanced states and large emerging economies increasingly use foreign investment screening mechanisms (FISM) to block inward foreign investment targeting sectors considered critical. Is the proliferation of FISM auguring an era of deglobalization, a re-assertion of national-state sovereignty over globalized economic ties, and the end of neoliberal orthodoxies of liberalized investment regimes? To answer these questions, the article draws upon geographic political economy and legal geographies. It argues that the multiplication of FISM is a response to a strategic context defined by three macrogeographic trends: (1) contemporary industrial restructuring and the salience of intellectual property-based monopolies; (2) a historic episode of centralization of capital driven by strategic mergers and acquisitions; and (3) evolving landscapes of state capitalism under conditions of intensified geoeconomic competition. Although FISM reproduce the fiction of state power as expressing the will of the sovereign nation to defend itself against foreign interference, market distortion, and technology theft, they consist of legally enshrining state authority to support national champions, and making sure they engage favorably with competitive dynamics of capital centralization, notably by conserving their monopoly over key intangible assets and strategic resources. FISM are best seen as tools that explicitly mobilize state power and coercion to aggressively (re)negotiate globalization.
Enciclopedia Juridica da PUCSP, 2022
BREVE RESUMO: O presente artigo aprofunda a análise da segurança jurídica como postulado limitador da atribuição e exercício de potestades marcadas pela outorga de discricionariedade administrativa, incluindo as recentes alterações na LINDB.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2020
Significance This study provides insights into the emergence and adoption of equestrian technologies in China. Analysis of ancient horse bones from Shirenzigou and Xigou in eastern Xinjiang demonstrates that pastoralists along China’s northwest frontier practiced horseback riding and mounted archery by the fourth century BCE. This region may have played a key role in the initial spread of equestrian technologies from the Altai region into the heartland of China’s early settled states, where they eventually facilitated the rise of the first united empires in China and triggered extensive social, political, and economic exchanges between China and its neighbors on the Eurasian Steppes.
Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Ageing, 2021
Journal of Aviation Technology and Engineering, 2014
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2016
International Journal of Business and Management, 2014
Conservation Letters, 2019
Conservation Genetics Resources, 2009
Brain and behavior, 2021
Current Opinion in Urology, 2018
IUL Research
JMIR Human Factors, 2021
Banat's Journal of Biotechnology, 2012