Journal of
Gastroenterology and Hepatology Research
Journal of GHR 2013 June 21 2(6): 555-560
ISSN 2224-3992 (print) ISSN 2224-6509 (online)
Online Submissions:
Sedation for Colonoscopy in Children
Somchai Amornyotin
Somchai Amornyotin, Department of Anesthesiology and Siriraj
GI Endoscopy Center, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok 10700, Thailand
Correspondence to: Amornyotin S, Associate Professor of Department of Anesthesiology, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok 10700, Thailand.
[email protected]
Tel: +066-2-4197990
Fax: + 066-2-4113256
Received: May 11, 2012
Revised: November 19, 2012
Accepted: November 20, 2012
Published online: June 21, 2013
The field of pediatric sedation and analgesia has evolved
over the past two decades. The growing number of pediatric
procedures requiring sedation and analgesia are recognized even
in developing countries[1-3]. Procedural sedation and analgesia
is the use of sedative, analgesic and dissociate drugs to provide
anxiolysis, analgesia, sedation and motor control during painful
and unpleasant procedures. The purpose of sedation is to reduce a
patient’s anxiety and discomfort, minimize patient’s risk for injury
during the procedure, to improve tolerance and performance of
endoscopy as well as to provide patient satisfaction. However, the
negative outcomes of sedation are increased overall costs, delayed
recovery from the procedure and increased risk of cardiopulmonary
Pediatric colonoscopy differs significantly from its adult parallels
in nearly every aspect including patient and parent management,
preprocedural assessment, selection criteria for sedation and general
anesthetic, bowel preparation and others. It is generally considered
to be the preferred method of screening, evaluation and treatment
of gastrointestinal abnormalities such as gastrointestinal bleeding,
unexplained iron deficiency anemia, clinically significant chronic
diarrhea, failure to thrive/weight loss, polyposis syndrome, clinically
significant abdominal pain, rejection of intestinal transplant, foreign
body removal, decompression of acute nontoxic megacolon or
sigmoid volvulus, and balloon dilation of stenotic lesions. The
contraindications for colonoscopy are the absence of signed consent
or competent medical personnel, coagulopathy, suspected bowel
perforation, neutropenia and suspected bowel ischemia[4].
The level of sedation targeted and the sedative agents chosen
depend on the characteristics of the endoscopic procedure including
type and length of procedure, degree of invasiveness and the
endoscopist experience. Additionally, the patient factors involved
in the choice of sedation regimen include age, patients’ physical
status and existing medical conditions, patient anxiety, prior
experience with endoscopic procedures, current use of opiates or
other sedatives, need for patient cooperation, patient satisfaction and
patient preferences.
Colonoscopy has become an essential modality for evaluation and
treatment of lower gastrointestinal tract. This endoscopic procedure
is complex and may be unsafe if special concerns are not considered.
It is well accepted that children undergoing colonoscopy should
receive sedation for the procedure. Nevertheless, considerable
practice variation prevails. The goal of procedural sedation is the
safe and effective control of pain, anxiety and motion as well as
to provide an appropriate degree of memory loss or decreased
awareness. Regardless of regimen used, the safe administration of
sedation to children requires an awareness of the particular needs
of this population. Although colonoscopy is considered safe, the
procedure has a potential for complications. Procedure and sedationrelated complications can more easily occur in pediatric patients.
Increased awareness of the complications associated with sedation
during colonoscopy in children and involving the anesthesiologists
in caring for these children may be optimal for safety. Proper patient
preparation, endoscopic personnel and endoscopic unit are imperative
to successful sedation and procedure. Additionally, postprocedural
monitoring is important to insure that children have fully recovered
from sedation.
© 2013 ACT. All rights reserved.
Key words: Sedation; Colonoscopy; Children
Amornyotin S. Sedation for Colonoscopy in Children. Journal of
Gastroenterology and Hepatology Research 2013; 2(5): 555-560
Available from: URL:
Prior to administration of intravenous sedation a patient history
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Amornyotin S et al.
without any laboratory tests before the procedure. For those children
with congenital defects or diseases and patients with coexisting
severe systemic diseases, it is necessary to consider laboratory
tests such as blood type, complete blood count, electrolytes and
coagulation parameters.
and physical examination designed to identify aspects that could
adversely affect the outcome of endoscopic sedation. Children should
be routinely assessed by anesthesiologist in connection with the plan
for sedation or general anesthesia before the procedure. The general
health status of each patient must be evaluated. Physical examination
should focus primarily on the upper airway, lungs, cardiovascular
system and neurological status. Presedation assessment appears to
reduce the complications of deep sedation in children. Informed
consent should be obtained from the appropriately designated parent
or children.
The American Society of Anesthesiologist (ASA) scoring
system is helpful in the description of physical status of a patient
and is routinely used by the anesthesiologists. Many studies
have documented the fact that sedation risk in children rises with
increasing ASA physical status[5,6]. Children relegated to ASA III
and more status should have sedation/anesthesia performed by
anesthesiologist even if only minimal sedation is planned. Specific
high risk patient populations in which anesthesia consultation may be
warranted including known respiratory or hemodynamic instability,
obstructive sleep apnea, patients with anticipated difficult airway
management, ASA physical status ≥4, infants born <37 weeks and
<60 weeks post-conception, history of sedation related adverse
events, inadequate response to moderate sedation, and when sedation
to the point of unresponsiveness is necessary for optimal effect as
well as children with neuromuscular disease affecting respiratory or
brain stem function.
The recommendations of the ASA advise the pediatric patients
should be fasted for a minimum of 2 hours after ingested clear
liquids, fasting from breast milk for 4 hours and from nonhuman
milk and solids for 6 hours before elective sedation[7]. Fasting in
emergency cases must be weighed against the necessity for the
procedure and the risks of sedation.
The use of sedation for colonoscopy in pediatric population
is undergoing changes both in the developed countries and in
the developing countries like Thailand [1,2,12,13]. The majority of
gastrointestinal endoscopy in children is performed by using deep
sedation or general anesthesia. Physiologically differences between
pediatric and adult patients alter the risks for potentially serious
complications during sedation. Routine oxygen administration
has been advised because previous data suggest that a significant
proportion of children develop oxygen desaturation during sedation
for endoscopy[14]. Administration of sedative drugs should be weight
based and titrated by response, allowing adequate time between doses
to assess effects and the need for additional medication. Increasingly,
propofol, which can be given alone or in combination with other
sedatives, administered by a dedicated anesthesiologist, is being
The aim of premedication is to achieve state of controlled
periprocedural emotions and behaviors among the child. Another
effect of premedication is to cause amnesia, inhibiting unwanted
reflexes, reduction of secretion in the airways, and elimination of
pain to minimize the child’s discomfort. Adequate preparation and the
use of anxiolytic premedication are important issues. Additionally,
non-pharmacological interventions could be an alternative to the
use of sedative agents[16]. However, the use of premedication for
pediatric patients depends on the child’s physical status and the
anesthesiologist’s preference.
Colonoscopy requires thorough cleansing of the large intestine for
full visualization as well as the safe and effective completion of the
procedure. Inadequate bowel preparation is responsible for up to
one third of all incomplete colonoscopy procedures[8]. Consequently,
poor bowel preparation raises costs due to repeated procedures.
Colonoscopy in pediatric population is relatively uncommon. There
are no uniform protocols or national guidelines for colonoscopy
preparation. Several regimens are available that are based either on
lavage or cathartics. Both methods are subject to failure because
they usually rely upon the cooperation of the children. Polyethylene
glycol (PEG) is the most common bowel cleansing agent used in
children. PEG 3350 solution was studied with a dose of 1.5 g/kg for
4 days before the procedure, with clear liquid diet on day 4[9]. Other
regimens are fleet phosphosoda 22.5 ml (< 30 kg) or 45 ml (≥ 30 kg)
in morning and evening and a clear liquid diet on the day before the
procedure+, and senna syrup (8 mg/5 ml) 15 ml (5-12 years) or 30
ml (≥ 12 years) in morning and evening with a full liquid diet 2 days
before and a clear liquid diet 1 day before procedure and one fleet
enema on the morning of procedure[11].
Procedural sedation and analgesia (PSA) must provide a safe
environment for the patient and the result must be effective control
of pain, anxiety and movement. It also is intended to result in a
depressed level of consciousness that allows the patient to maintain
oxygenation and airway control independently. PSA encompasses a
continuum of altered state of consciousness, varying from minimal
sedation to deep sedation[17].
Minimal sedation (anxiolysis)
Minimal sedation is a drug-induced state during which patients
respond normally to verbal commands. Although cognitive function
and physical coordination may be impaired, airway reflexes,
ventilatory and cardiovascular functions are unaffected. Minimal
sedation could be accurate and sufficient type of sedation for
gastrointestinal endoscopic procedures performed in older children.
Moderate sedation (conscious sedation)
Moderate sedation is a drug-induced depression of consciousness
during which patients respond purposefully to verbal commands,
either alone or accompanied by light tactile stimulation. No
interventions are required to maintain a patent airway, and
spontaneous ventilation is adequate. Cardiovascular function is
usually maintained. This type of sedation is usually performed for
smaller and for older children.
There are controversial issues about the necessity of the laboratory
tests among the children before the endoscopic procedures. The
need of these tests depends on the invasiveness of procedure and
comorbidity of chronic diseases of pediatric patients. Healthy
children (ASA physical status I and II) should be able to be sedated
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Amornyotin S et al.
are toxic to the central nervous system at high doses and in patients
with renal impairment. Meperidine 0.5-1.0 mg/kg IV combined
with midazolam 0.05-0.1 mg/kg IV provides effective sedation for
gastrointestinal endoscopy. However, meperidine is not recommended
for sedation in the emergency department[20].
Deep sedation
Deep sedation is a drug-induced depression of consciousness
during which patients cannot be easily aroused but respond
purposefully following repeated or painful stimulation. The ability
to independently maintain ventilatory function may be impaired.
Patients may require assistance in maintaining a patent airway, and
spontaneous ventilation may be inadequate. Cardiovascular function
is usually maintained.
Propofol is a phenol derivative with sedative, hypnotic and anesthetic
properties. It has antiemetic, anxiolytic, hypnotic, amnestic and
anesthetic properties, but it does not have analgesic effects. The
disadvantage of propofol is its narrow therapeutic range and risk of
inadvertent general anesthesia and that is the reason why it should
be routinely administered by anesthesiologists. The most serious
adverse effect of propofol is potent respiratory depression and apnea
can occur suddenly. Propofol can also produce hypotension, although
this effect is typically transient and of little clinical importance in
healthy patients[21]. Initial intravenous bolus dose of propofol is 1.0
mg/kg and is followed by 0.5 mg/kg, and the repeated dose is needed.
Continuous intravenous infusion of propofol dose is 100-150 mcg/
Today, physicians feel that propofol is the agent of choice for
sedation for colonoscopy[22,23]. Propofol guarantees an excellent level
of procedural success, optimal timing and maximal patient comfort.
Increasing demand for sedating and properly monitoring patients
may not be met by anesthesiology departments. Currently, the use of
propofol in this setting by non-anesthesiologists is controversial[24,25].
Propofol-based sedation is safe and highly effective. Mild respiratory
adverse events occur frequently and major complications may happen
rarely, but adverse events do not occur more frequently compared to
other sedation regimens[26]. Kaddu et al showed that deep sedation
with propofol is an equivalent alternative for general anesthesia[27].
The endoscopy room should be equipped with an oxygen supply,
suction system, airway management equipment, resuscitation drugs
and equipment, as well as cardiac monitor equipment including
defibrillator. During colonoscopy, blood pressure and heart rate,
electrocardiography, pulse oximeter, respiratory rate, consciousness
and other clinical signs should be monitored. In addition,
capnography also should be monitored during colonoscopy in
pediatric patients under deep sedation. The capnography is a method
of providing early warning for preventing postoperative respiratory
depression[18]. However, the cost of capnometer is relatively high.
The developing countries have none or few capnometers, though
this monitor is not routinely used. The presence of an anesthetic
personnel or a qualified registered nurse to monitor the patient
during the procedure is essential.
When sedative and analgesic medications are to be given to a
pediatric patient, a clearly worded informed consent should be
obtained. This consent should include a listing of the possible
consequences of adverse drug reactions, allergic reactions and
airway difficulties. Prior to undertaking sedation, the equipments
that should be in place before starting a sedation are suction,
oxygen, airway, pharmacy, monitors, and extra equipment such as
defibrillator (SOAPME)[5].
Ketamine is a phencyclidine derivative with dissociative sedative,
analgesic and amnestic properties [5] . Typically spontaneous
respiration and airway reflexes are maintained although may not be
totally normal. Ketamine generally causes an increase in heart rate,
blood pressure, cardiac output, intracranial pressure, and intraocular
pressure. Ketamine can induce salivation, and cholinergics have
traditionally been coadministered. The emergence delirium associated
with ketamine is less common in children, and of a much smaller
magnitude than in adults. The single most severe adverse effect with
ketamine sedation is laryngospasm. Ketamine, as a single agent, can
be used at subhypnotic dose to achieve an analgesic effect. However,
the addition of ketamine, midazolam or fentanyl to propofol-based
sedation may have beneficial effects on sedative quality. Ketamine is
clinically effective by a number of different routes. Intravenous dose
of ketamine is 1-1.5 mg/kg, and may repeat dose every 10 minutes as
Midazolam is a shorting, water soluble benzodiazepine with
anxiolytic, amnestic, sedative, muscle relaxant, and anticonvulsant
properties. It is approved for many routes, including intravenous, oral
and nasal. When administered in combination with other sedative
drugs, midazolam is likely to result the loss of upper airway muscle
tone with airway obstruction. Paradoxical agitation, ataxia, dystonia
and diplopia are possible adverse effects associated with midazolam
use. Initial intravenous dose of midazolam is 0.025-0.1 mg/kg and
may repeat another dose, but the maximum recommended dose is
0.4-0.6 mg/kg.
Fentanyl is a potent synthetic opioid with no intrinsic amnestic
properties. It has a rapid onset, short duration of action, lack of
direct of myocardial depressant effects, and absence of histamine
release. Intravenous fentanyl can be easily and rapidly titrated for
painful procedures[19]. The combination of fentanyl and midazolam
is a popular sedation regimen. Initial intravenous dose is 0.5-1.0
mcg/kg and may repeat every three minutes, but the maximum
recommended dose is 2 mcg/kg.
Ketofol is a combination of ketamine and propofol. There is a
synergistic effect between propofol and ketamine, and combination
therapy allows the use of lower dose of both drugs, thereby
decreasing the likelihood of side effects[28]. If ketofol is used alone,
it is adequate for minor procedures. The author commonly uses low
dose ketamine in combination with low dose midazolam, opioid
drug, and/or low dose of propofol[29,30]. This combination technique
produces stable hemodynamic effects, and can reduce the sedationrelated adverse effects. The recommended preparation of ketofol for
pediatric use is a 50 mg of ketamine and a 90 mg of propofol diluted
Meperidine (pethidine)
Meperidine is a synthetic opioid and is metabolized in the liver by
hydrolysis and N-demethylation. The metabolites of meperidine
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Amornyotin S et al.
to 10 mL. This result in a concentration of 5 mg/mL ketamine and 9
mg/mL propofol and, of this solution, 0.005 mg/kg is recommended.
The recovery unit should be equipped with oxygen, suction, and
equipment for tracheal intubation. Monitoring equipment including
non-invasive blood pressure, pulse oximetry, electrocardiography and
ventilation monitoring as well as resuscitation drugs and defibrillator
should be available as well. If the patient is sleeping, the patient is
placed in the lateral position. Drinks are allowed 1 hour after the
end of the procedure[31]. Standardized discharge criteria should be
used to assess recovery from sedation. This practice is designed to
facilitate safe and efficient discharge. Many recovery scales have
been developed. One example is the Aldrete scoring system, which
evaluates five parameters including respiration, oxygen saturation,
blood pressure, consciousness, and activity. The status of the child
should be documented at the time of discharge. All patients being
discharged will receive verbal and written instructions outlining diet,
activity, medication, and follow-up evaluation and receive contact
There has been a great deal of debate as to which drugs should be
used in pediatric sedation, who should be administering drugs, and
what type of setting is most appropriate. According to the demands
for the provision of high quality pediatric sedation services have
increased in the face of limited resources, nonanesthesiologist
professionals have assumed an increasing responsibility for the
provision of sedation to children. Many specialists including
pediatricians, emergency medicine physicians and intensivists
represent the majority of specialists providing sedation and analgesia
to the children. Moderate sedation requires nonanesthesiologists to be
credentialed. Further training and education are necessary to provide
deep sedation. Strict adherence to published guidelines is essential to
reducing the incidence of sedation-related adverse events. However,
nonanesthesiologist personnel should be administered only for ASA I
and II patients.
Several studies demonstrated that pediatric sedation for colonoscopy
procedures by well-trained personnel were relatively safe and
effective. The protocol of procedural sedation by nonanesthesiologists
allowed a significant increase in the number of procedures performed
with sedation and saved anesthesiology resources[32,33]. No differences
exist in the rates of major complications among different specialists
were occurred. However, colonoscopy is an invasive procedure. It
is associated with a variety of complications. The most important
adverse events after sedation among children are loss of protective
reflexes, upper airway obstruction, breathing disturbances, allergic
reaction and cardiac arrest. Importantly, the credentialed individual
must be able to rescue the patient from the next deeper level of
sedation. Generally, the sedation provider should be able to provide
basic life support.
In summary, sedation for colonoscopy in children is considered
safe and effective. Several sedation regimens can be used for
this procedure. Criteria such as risk factors, age, yield, potential
complications, and the most effective sedation protocol must be
discussed among the anesthesiologist and endoscopist. Increased
awareness of the complications associated with sedation during
procedure and involving the anesthesiologists in caring for these
children may be optimal for safety. Proper patient preparation,
endoscopic personnel and endoscopic unit, adequate monitoring
as well as postprocedure management are imperative to successful
sedation and colonoscopy.
© 2013 ACT. All rights reserved.
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