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1975, Institute for the Future - Corporate Associates Program
5 pages
1 file
The large corporate data base can be a valuable asset to a firm, with the potential to provide timely, valuable information to exécutives. Unfortunately, it can also cause incredible headaches...
IEEE Distributed Systems Online, 2006
Since they first became commercially available, database systems have played a well-defined role in enterprises: managing business-critical information and making it accessible to clients. During the past 40 years, the database research community has worked to significantly improve data storage, organization, management, and access, as reflected in many of today's most popular database management systems. Enterprises have been moving their critical data to (mainly relational) databases, and the number of databases, applications, and domains within each enterprise has multiplied. Moreover, by enabling cross-enterprise communication, the Internet has helped convert closely controlled environments into highly distributed, dynamic, large-scale information spaces. In today's global marketplace, most enterprises must actively share information with their partners, suppliers, and customers to achieve their business goals.
ACM Computing Surveys, 1996
Communications of the ACM, 2009
In late May, 2008, a group of database researchers, architects, users and pundits met at the Claremont Resort in Berkeley, California to discuss the state of the research field and its impacts on practice. This was the seventh meeting of this sort in twenty years, and was distinguished by a broad consensus that we are at a turning point in the history of the field, due both to an explosion of data and usage scenarios, and to major shifts in computing hardware and platforms. Given these forces, we are at a time of opportunity for research impact, with an unusually large potential for influential results across computing, the sciences and society. This report details that discussion, and highlights the group's consensus view of new focus areas, including new database engine architectures, declarative programming languages, the interplay of structured and unstructured data, cloud data services, and mobile and virtual worlds. We also report on discussions of the community's growth, including suggestions for changes in community processes to move the research agenda forward, and to enhance impact on a broader audience.
This paper outlines the historical development of data management systems in order to identify the key issues for successful systems. It identifies the need for data independence and the embedding of structural and behavioural semantics in the database as key issues in the development of modern systems. Hierarchical, Network, Relational, Object-oriented and Object-relational data management systems are reviewed. A short summary of related research is given. The paper concludes with some speculation on the future directions that database technology might take.
As we move into new frontiers in technologies such as mobile computing, cloud computing and big data analytics, databases are facing more and new issues. This paper will be discussing some of the issues faced in databases theory and practice, this include the ever-growing large scale data, data privacy and data auditability.
Database administration has gained an essential role in the management of new database technologies. Different data models are being created for supporting the enormous data volume, from the traditional relational database. These new models are called NoSQL (Not only SQL) databases. The adoption of best practices and procedures, has become essential for the operation of database management systems. Thus, this paper investigates some of the techniques and tools used by database administrators. The study highlights features and particularities in databases within the area of Brasilia, the Capital of Brazil. The results point to which new technologies regarding database management are currently the most relevant, as well as the central issues in this area.
Page 1. The Database Machine: Old Story, New Slant? Julie A. McCann Department of Computing Imperial College London, UK [email protected] Abstract Current database management system technology is not well equipped ...
Every technology has strengths and weaknesses, and relational database technology is no different. At this point in time, however, relational database management systems are the predominant storage technology; they are used to store information which is then available for easy retrieval based on various call procedures. While a database management system (DMS) controls storage, retrieval, security, and control of data within a database, a relational database management system (RDBMS) stores the data in a specific way. Other technologies are in the process of developing, but in their infancy not enough information is available for the average company to decide whether or not their use would be efficacious. RDBMS will be around for many years, but alternatives are gradually becoming available as technologies develop and improve. Companies need to remain on top of new developments, but remain very aware of limitations and how they can affect the company before jumping to new database systems. This paper critically evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of relational database technology.
Omega, 1992
There is little disagreement that Data Resource Management (DRM) is becoming a priority with organizations as we move into the 1990s. The need to integrate disparate data and effectively plan for the data resource is beginning to have significant competitive implications. This study examines database planning, an integral component of DRM. Specifically, certain generic desirable attributes of database planning are defined. The study then investigates the impact of the integration of IS planning with corporate planning, the managerial role of the DBA and database planning practices on these attributes. Results of a survey of 171 organizations lind support that relates the integration of corporate planning with IS planning, the use of subject databases and a managerially oriented DBA with attributes of database planning. Implications for practice and research are then discussed.
TMG Journal for Media History, 2018
In this article, I counter persistent claims of big data revolutionising managerial decision making, by tracing the technological and cultural origins of data-based management in the United States back to the 1970s and 1980s using historical source materials from the trade magazine Datamation. I argue that innovations in database technology within this period – database management systems and the relational database model – shaped and reinforced a data-based mindset. This mindset, I demonstrate, is manifested in four interlinked concepts of data: data as asset, data as raw, data as reality, and data as relatable. These concepts, I argue, provide a basis for current associations of big data with ideological values of objectivity and truthfulness. The article contributes to a growing body of work in media and communication studies that deconstructs the ideological discourses facilitating big data’s unquestioned integration in the business world.
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Ciencia & Saude Coletiva, 2023
Disturbios Da Comunicacao Issn 2176 2724, 2014
Brasiliana- Journal for Brazilian Studies, 2017
in: museum4punkt0, berlin, 2023
Borsa istanbul Review, 2022
Öffentlichkeit. Macht. Wandel. Graffiti im Spiegel soziologischer Theoriefragmente, 2023
Perspectives of Social Entrepreneurship, 2018
2008 IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2008
Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 2018
Gastroenterology, 2007
Cellular Microbiology, 2011
Food and nutrition bulletin, 2016
Archäologie und Denkmalpflege im Kanton Solothurn, 2023