Published in IET Intelligent Transport Systems
Received on 28th August 2008
Revised on 1st May 2009
doi: 10.1049/iet-its.2008.0072
Special Issue – selected papers from AATT 2008
ISSN 1751-956X
Threshold- and information-based holding
at multiple stops
G. Bellei K. Gkoumas
Dipartimento di Idraulica Trasporti e Strade, Sapienza Università di Roma, Via Eudossiana, 18-00184 Rome, Italy
[email protected]
Abstract: The objective of this study is the improvement in speed and regularity of transit systems using real-time
control strategies, in particular, threshold-based and information-based vehicle holding. This objective is attained
by taking into account the inherent uncertainty of transit operation, because of the random travel times and
passenger arrivals at stops. A Monte Carlo simulation model of a single transit line is presented, with explicit
representation of traffic lights. Both the straightforward threshold-based holding strategy and the strategy
based on the availability of real-time information at stops, to take holding decision at single or multiple stops,
are represented and compared, taking as a reference the results obtained by a conditional priority strategy at
intersections, assumed to be given only by green extension actuated by local sensors. The results are
evaluated and compared using performance indicators, coincident with waiting and on board time of transit
users and with road traffic delay on transversal roads.
The paper focuses on intermediate capacity transit systems, a
key factor in establishing a viable alternative to private car in
medium-sized towns and in complementing high-capacity
rapid transit in larger urban areas. The strategies aiming at
improving transit performance have to be tested within the
framework of an operation model, where perturbation
formation and diffusion phenomena are duly represented.
The impact of such phenomena on waiting times results in
an increase of the headway variance, thus the regularity of
operation can be improved by headway control through
vehicle holding. Transit speed can be increased, while
helping to keep operation regular, by applying conditional
transit priority strategies at traffic lights. Conditional
priority plays a role similar to vehicle holding since vehicles
to which priority is denied are delayed with respect to
others, so it is therefore natural, when considering different
holding strategies, to compare them also with conditional
priority. The modelling approach adopted in this study
involves Monte Carlo simulation, implemented by
repeatedly drawing the outcome of the main random
phenomena, such as the arrival of passengers at stops, the
alighting from transit vehicles and the running time
between stops, which are given as input to the operation
& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2009
model, to obtain a random drawing of the whole operation
pattern. Consequently, the average performance of different
holding strategies can be evaluated. To this aim, the traffic
delay because of transit priority is computed as well, on the
basis of a deterministic representation of queuing at
intersections. In addition to a standard threshold-based
holding strategy, a strategy aiming at equalising the
headway of the controlled vehicle to that of the next one is
represented. This strategy is implemented by an intelligent
transportation system, since it is based on real-time
information to forecast future events and take holding
Literature review
This study principally utilises premises from the field of
operation models. A review of transit-related issues at various
planning levels can be found in the survey paper by
Desaulniers and Hickman [1]. The same authors also give a
general review of control methods applied in the presence of
irregularity, even if, as they state, ‘in normal service with only
minor perturbations from the schedule and small service
disruptions, vehicle holding and transit signal priority are the
most common techniques that are applied’. Several transit line
operation models have been studied in order to apply such
IET Intell. Transp. Syst., 2009, Vol. 3, Iss. 3, pp. 304– 313
doi: 10.1049/iet-its.2008.0072
Authorized licensed use limited to: Universitaet Goettingen. Downloaded on November 2, 2009 at 09:55 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
control methods. Eberlein et al. [2] formulated a deterministic
operation model, utilising it to optimise holding within a rolling
horizon approach. In their paper, the decision to hold a vehicle
is taken by minimising the departure headway variance on a
vehicle set, on the basis of automatic vehicle location (AVL)
data, and the operation model is formulated as a set of
constraints of the minimisation problem to which a schedule
constraint is added. Hickman [3], on the basis of a stochastic
operation model, formulated an analytic model to determine
the optimal holding time for a single transit vehicle, taking
into account its impact on a number of upstream uncontrolled
vehicles. The holding problem is thus formulated as a convex
quadratic program on a single variable, having as objective the
weighted sum of waiting time and holding delay. Sun and
Hickman [4] extended the problem formulation to consider
holding vehicles at a given subset of stations along the line, in
the context of a deterministic operation model. Fu and Yang
[5] implemented a holding strategy in which holding times
are determined on the basis of both the preceding and the
following headway, the latter predicted considering average
values for the travel and dwell time, and compared the results
with a threshold-based technique. Conditional transit priority
strategies at traffic lights, that is to allow only selected vehicles
to get priority, can increase transit speed while keeping
operation regular. Sophisticated priority systems, like the one
implemented within the UTOPIA project [6], allow for
conditional priority, and take into account the effect of transit
priority on arterial progression by adopting a rolling horizon
approach. Nevertheless, no explicit reference to operation
models is made in [6] in order to forecast the transit vehicle
arrival times at traffic lights. Furth and Muller [7] tested a
conditional priority strategy at the busiest intersection along a
mixed traffic bus route, compared the results with an absolute
priority strategy (where every vehicle, and not only those
behind schedule, gets priority) and formulated additional
considerations regarding the impact to the general traffic. In a
more recent study by Kim et al. [8], the best conditional
priority strategy for bus routes is determined on the basis of
empirical forecasts, based on the ratio of headway delay,
making reference to most widespread and simplest strategies
and utilising the PARAMICS traffic micro simulation
software. The application of conditional priority requires the
location of the vehicles along the route. Hounsell and
Shrestha [9] reviewed various architectures for AVL-based
bus priority currently implemented in Europe, with explicit
reference to the adopted criteria for conditional priority and
to the priority request methods. A global positioning system
(GPS) for a bus location has been adopted recently by transit
authorities, for having the advantage of flexibility and reduced
costs over fixed on-street hardware. Its accuracy has been
tested by Hounsell et al. [10].
The operation model utilised in this study includes a dwell
time model linear in the number of alighting and boarding
passengers, as in [2, 3]. Numerical results have been
obtained by assuming the same dwell time model
coefficients as in [2], taken from the study by Lin and
Wilson [11], where different dwell time models are
IET Intell. Transp. Syst., 2009, Vol. 3, Iss. 3, pp. 304 – 313
doi: 10.1049/iet-its.2008.0072
identified on a grade-separated section common to several
light rail lines, such that, although the right of way and
operation framework are clearly different from the one we
focus on here, the vehicles size and layout are similar.
Transit line operation model
The operation model used to investigate different holding
methods and to represent conditional priority results from
extending a previous model developed by the authors in [12, 13].
It is a simulation model for a one-way transit line, defined by
recursive relationships, similar to the equations of the analytic
model in [3], and including random number drawings
corresponding to the line operation simulation within a
certain time horizon. With respect to such analytic model,
some additional features of transit operation are considered.
In fact, it is assumed that transit vehicles have a passenger
capacity CV and boarding of passengers arriving during dwell
time is taken into account. In addition, traffic lights are
explicitly represented, although in a rather simplified form.
Since the resulting formulation is somewhat cumbersome, a
core operation model is presented first, including vehicle
capacity, whereas arrivals during dwell time and traffic lights
representation are dealt successively as extensions to such
models. Finally, the main features of transit line operation
utilised in numerical simulations are specified.
3.1 Core operation model
Defining as TAmn and TDmn , respectively, the arrival and
departure time of the vehicle m at the stop n, and denoting
with Smn the dwell time of the vehicle m at the stop n, it is
TDmn ¼ TAmn þ Smn
The dwell time may be expressed as a generic function S(Lmn ,
Bmn , Amn) of the on-board, the boarding and the alighting
passengers but, at this stage, a simpler linear model
dependent only on Amn and Bmn is utilised
Smn ¼ a0 þ a1 Bmn þ a2 Amn
Denoting by Tn the running time between stops n 2 1 and n,
and by d min the minimum interval between the arrival of a
vehicle and the departure of the preceding one, it is
TAmn ¼ max{TDm,n1 þ Tn ; TDm1 , n þ d min }
The probability density function of the random variable Tn is
assumed to be triangular, defined by such exogenous
parameters as the mode tn , the minimum value tnkmin
the maximum value tnkmax
n , so that the values taken within
a simulation result from the random number drawings T
Tn ¼ T (tn , kmin
n , kn )
The passengers on-board Lmn arriving at a stop are
the balance between on-board, alighting and boarding
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Authorized licensed use limited to: Universitaet Goettingen. Downloaded on November 2, 2009 at 09:55 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
passengers at the previous stop
3.2.1 Potential arrivals: To calculate the potential
Lmn ¼ Lm,n1 þ Bm,n1 Am,n1
The residual capacity after alightings CRmn is defined as
CR mn ¼ CV Lmn þ Amn
The passengers Bmn actually boarding vehicle m will be equal
to passengers Wmn willing to board (in the core model they
coincide with passengers present at the arrival of vehicle
m), or to those able to board (the residual capacity), what is
the less, thus enforcing a capacity constraint Lmn CV
Bmn ¼ min{Wmn ; CR mn }
The difference between passengers willing to board and able
to board is the residual queue after departure of vehicle m
Rmn ¼ Wmn Bmn
Passengers in the residual queue after departure of vehicle
m 2 1 are present at the arrival of vehicle m, together with
the passengers Pmn arriving between the departure of
vehicle m 2 1 and the arrival of vehicle m
Wmn ¼ Rm1,n þ Pmn
The distributions of the random variables Amn are assumed to be
binomial, whereas the Pmn are assumed to be Poisson. The
parameters of the binomial distributions are the number Lmn
of on-board passengers arriving at stop n on vehicle m
(number of Bernoulli trials) and the average fraction an of
alighting passengers (trial success probability), whereas the
only parameter of Poisson distribution is the average number
of passengers arriving at stop n within the given interval
(expected number of events occurring during a fixed time
period), that is, the product of the average flow bn times
(TAmn 2 TDm21,n). The values taken within a simulation
result from the random number drawings A and P
(a) Amn ¼ A(an Lmn );
(b) Pmn ¼ P[bn (TAmn TDm1,n )]
Equations (1)–(3) and (5)–(9) and the random numbers
drawings (4) and (10) define a set of recursive calculations.
Performing these calculations for m ¼ 2, . . . , M and
n ¼ 1, . . . , N, and setting appropriate boundary conditions
for m ¼ 1 and n ¼ 0, a simulation is obtained for the
operation of M trips on a transit line with N þ 1 stops,
terminals included.
3.2 Arrivals during dwell time
Defining passengers willing to board as in (9) does not take
into account passengers arriving during dwell time. Taking
into account such passengers requires calculating their
potential values in order to determine actual values
consistent with vehicles residual capacity.
& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2009
arrivals, the model formulation has to be modified to express
passengers willing to board a vehicle m at stop n as the sum
of those present at stop n at its arrival, denoted by Qmn , and
those arriving during the dwell time, denoted by Dmn
Wmn ¼ Qmn þ Dmn
Equally, Smn is the sum of components Umn (dwell time for the
alighting of passengers Amn and the boarding of as many
passengers Qmn as allowed by the capacity constraint) and
Vmn (additional dwell time for the boarding of as many
passengers Dmn arriving during the dwell time as allowed by
the capacity constraint)
Smn ¼ Umn þ Vmn
The interdependence between the number Dmn of passengers
arriving during dwell time and its duration Smn complicates
somehow the evaluation of passenger arrivals during dwell
time. This problem is addressed calculating passenger and
dwell time components by generalising the deterministic
approach adopted by Vuchic [14], who assumes that dwell
times are merely proportional to boardings.
The basis for calculation is given by Qmn , which is
independent of capacity and takes the place of Wmn in (9),
which is thus substituted by
Qmn ¼ Rm1,n þ Pmn
The arrivals during dwell time and the dwell time
components, instead, are calculated by first determining
their potential values, attained when boardings are not
constrained by capacity, to obtain actual values from Qmn
and the capacity constraint.
The linear dwell time model (2) is applied to calculate the
potential dwell time Umn
, because of alighting passengers and
to passengers present at stop n at the arrival of vehicle m,
assuming that they all succeed to board
¼ a0 þ a1 Qmn þ a2 Amn
Assuming an average passenger arrival rate at the stop, the
would be bn Umn
. Additional dwell time
arrivals during Umn
because of these arrivals is, consistently with (14), a1 bn Umn
On the other hand, arrivals during this additional dwell
, additional dwell time because of these
time are a1 b2n Umn
2 2 P
arrivals is a1 bn Umn and so on. If a1bn , 1 the estimate of
the potential dwell time Vmn
, because of arrivals during
dwell time, is
a1 bn Umn
1 a1 bn
IET Intell. Transp. Syst., 2009, Vol. 3, Iss. 3, pp. 304– 313
doi: 10.1049/iet-its.2008.0072
Authorized licensed use limited to: Universitaet Goettingen. Downloaded on November 2, 2009 at 09:55 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
whereas potential arrivals during dwell time Dmn
, consistent
with (14) and (15) are
bn Umn
¼ mn
1 a1 b n
3.2.2 Actual arrivals: With regard to actual arrivals, only
the conclusions of the analysis are reported for the sake of
brevity. The actual components of arrivals and dwell times
are derived from potential ones, considering three cases for
the residual capacity.
the actual arrivals during
Case 1: If CR mn Qmn þ Dmn
dwell time and the dwell time components are equal to the
potential ones
(a) Dmn ¼ Dmn
(b) Umn ¼ Umn
(c) Vmn ¼ Vmn
. CR mn Qmn all passengers present
Case 2: If Qmn þ Dmn
at the vehicle arrival will board, and so will do the passengers
arriving during dwell time, until vehicle capacity is reached
and the vehicle departs, thus the number of passengers
arriving during dwell time who board is determined by
passengers present at the vehicle arrival and residual
capacity. The dwell time because of the alighting
passengers and to the boarding of passengers present at the
vehicle arrival is equal to the potential one, whereas the
additional dwell time, because of the passengers arriving
during dwell time is as much as needed to board by these
passengers consistently with dwell time model (2)
; (c) Vmn ¼ a1 Dmn
(a) Dmn ¼ CR mn Qmn ; (b) Umn ¼ Umn
Case 3: If CRmn , Qmn , the number of passengers present at
the vehicle arrival who actually board is equal to residual
capacity CRmn . The corresponding dwell time Umn is
determined by model (2) with such boardings as argument.
No additional dwell time is determined by passengers
arriving during dwell time, since none of them can board,
whereas their number is determined from the dwell time
and the average passenger arrival rate
(a) Dmn ¼ bn Umn ;
(b) Umn ¼ a0 þ a1 CR mn þ a2 Amn ;
(c) Vmn ¼ 0
The operation model formulation with boarding of
passengers arriving during dwell time implies substituting
(13) into (9), and adding to (1), (8) and (10) the equations:
† (11) and (12) representing segmentation of passengers
willing to board and dwell times into arrival and dwell time
† (13), (14) and (15) defining potential values of such
IET Intell. Transp. Syst., 2009, Vol. 3, Iss. 3, pp. 304 – 313
doi: 10.1049/iet-its.2008.0072
† (17), (18) and (19) allowing the calculation of
correspondent actual values;
having also excluded (2) since redundant.
3.3 Traffic lights
Traffic lights are represented within the operation model by
assuming that there is a one-to-one correspondence among
stops, traffic lights and intersections, being each stop and
traffic light located immediately upstream the intersection.
Moreover, the same fixed cycle C and green g are defined
at each traffic light, the offsets are all zero and lost times
are neglected.
The departure time TDmn is equal to the sum of the arrival
and the dwell time as calculated in Section 3.2.2, only if this
sum, which in this context has the meaning of time TRmn
when the vehicle is ready to depart
TR mn ¼ TAmn þ Smn
falls within green time, being otherwise delayed to the
beginning of the next green. The cycle when vehicle m is
ready to depart from stop n is identified by kmn such that
(kmn 2 1)C TRmn , kmnC, and can be expressed as a
function of TRmn and C, by
TR mn
where [x] denotes integer part of x, whereas the departure
time is given by
TDmn ¼ TR mn
TDmn ¼ kmn C
if (kmn 1)C TR mn , kmn C þ g
if (kmn 1)C þ g TR mn , kmn C
It is assumed that boarding continues while transit vehicle m
is waiting for green at traffic light located at stop n, because of
passengers arriving at rate bn as long as it is allowed by
the capacity constraint. Such passengers give rise to a third
component of passengers willing to board Tmn , those
arriving in the interval from the time the vehicle is ready to
depart to actual departure
Tmn ¼ bn (TDmn TR mn )
so that the model formulation with traffic lights implies
addition of (20) and substitution of (1) by (21) and (22),
whereas (11) is substituted by
Wmn ¼ Qmn þ Dmn þ Tmn
with Tmn given by (23).
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3.4 Transit line operation simulated
by the model
Reference is made to a long, high-frequency virtual light rail
line, whose passenger flow in the most loaded section is close
to the capacity. The supply parameters are the same for all the
sections between stops and the average boardings and
alightings are the same for all vehicles. From stop 0, the
initial terminal, M ¼ 21 trips are dispatched at a regular
headway h8 ¼ 180 s. The passenger boarding and alighting
rates are defined in such a way to have, taking a vehicle
capacity CV ¼ 300 passengers, a maximum load factor
g ¼ 0.9 on the maximum load section. These boarding and
alighting rates at stops and the line loading pattern (onboard passengers at the arrival) are shown in Fig. 1.
The demand varies as in an urban diametrical line,
passing through and terminating at transfer nodes, where
a large number of passengers board and alight. This
demand resulting from g, CV and h8 values adopted,
corresponds to an average flow of 3600gCV/h8 ¼
5400 passengers/h on the maximum load section, to be
compared with a 3600CV/h8 ¼ 6000 places/h line
capacity. The number of stops is 31 including the
dispatching terminal, that is to say N ¼ 30. A running
time t ¼ 40 s is assumed between stops, representing the
mode of the triangular probability density function for the
running time Tn , with k min ¼ 0.9 and k max ¼ 1.2. Finally,
the coefficients of the linear dwell time model
implemented, as identified by a survey in [11], are
a0 ¼ 11.73, a1 ¼ 0.42 and a2 ¼ 0.49. The random
numbers drawing is performed by Zrandom (available
online on 04/2009 at www.zrandom.com) software,
whereas the operations needed to evaluate transit line
performance indexes are implemented in an Excel
4 Definition of the real-time
control strategies
The real-time control methods considered are holding at one
or more stops along the line, both adopting a threshold-based
and an information-based strategy. Conditional priority is
also represented.
4.1 Vehicle-holding strategies
The vehicle-holding strategies represented are proposed in
two different ways: a first one considering, with respect to
the vehicle candidate to be held, only the preceding vehicle,
and a second, taking also into account the following
vehicle. In the second case, a prediction model is proposed
for the estimation of the headway of the following vehicle
at the control stop.
4.1.1 Threshold-based holding strategy: A simple
holding strategy is formulated by redefining the ready time
TRmn in order to restore the threshold value hH
min of the
headway with respect to such time, when it would not be
respected by simply taking TRmn equal to the sum of
arrival and dwell time, as in (20)
TRmn ¼ TR m1,n þ hH
min if TAmn þ Smn TR m1,n , hmin
TRmn ¼ TAmn þ Smn
if TAmn þ Smn TR m1,n hH
It is worth noting that implementing such control strategy
requires the control system to be informed that vehicle is
ready to depart. The operation model with threshold-based
holding strategy is obtained by substituting (25) into (21)
and (22) of the standard traffic light model.
4.1.2 Holding strategy with real-time information:
The holding strategy with the use of real-time information
consists in modifying the ready time (TRmn) of the vehicle
candidate to be held in such a way that headway variance is
The headways with respect to the ready time of the vehicle
candidate to be held and of the next one are thus equalised.
The first headway, HR N
mn ¼ TAmn þ Smn TR m1,n , is
observed if the driver requests permission to depart at time
TAmn þ Smn , whereas the latter, HR Emþ1,n , is estimated on
the basis of operation data made available by an AVL system.
Figure 1 Boarding and alighting passengers and loading pattern at stops
& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2009
IET Intell. Transp. Syst., 2009, Vol. 3, Iss. 3, pp. 304– 313
doi: 10.1049/iet-its.2008.0072
Authorized licensed use limited to: Universitaet Goettingen. Downloaded on November 2, 2009 at 09:55 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Naturally enough, only holding is possible in order to
equalise headways, thus the ready time TRmn can only be
increased with respect to TAmn þ Smn .
an estimated ready time, what green should be eventually
extended to reduce the delay caused to vehicle m by the
traffic light in correspondence to stop n.
If we denote by h a threshold value, in the present analysis
equal to 5 s, introduced in order to avoid holding a vehicle for
just a few seconds, it is
The first potentially useful green extension for a vehicle m
arriving at stop n at time TAmn , calculated from estimated
ready time, belongs to cycle k8mn satisfying
TR mn ¼ TR m1,n þ 0:5(HR N
mn þ HR mþ1,n ) if
(k8mn 2)C þ g þ Dmax TAmn þ SnE , (k8mn 1)C þ g þ Dmax
TRm1,n þ 0:5(HR N
mn þ HR mþ1,n ) TAmn þ Smn þ h
TR ¼ TAmn þ Smn if
whereas the potentially useful green extension for such a
vehicle, according to actual ready time TRmn , belongs to
cycle kmn satisfying
TRm1,n þ 0:5(HR N
mn þ HR mþ1,n ) , TAmn þ Smn þ h
The prediction of the headway HR Emþ1,n is carried out
implementing a linear regression, on simulated data,
considering four independent variables, namely:
1. the headway
with respect to ready time, in case of
no holding, of the vehicle m candidate to holding at the
control stop n;
2. the headway with respect to ready time HRmþ1;n ¼
TRmþ1,n 2 TRmn of the following vehicle m þ 1 at the
stop n where its last ready time is known;
(kmn 2)C þ g þ Dmax TR mn , (kmn 1)C þ g þ Dmax
Considering the cycle where a potential useful green
extension can occur leads to a traffic light model
formulation, which is a generalisation of (22), although it is
formally different since the cycle it refers to is a different
one. To derive such formulation, we observe that (28) is
equivalent to
k8mn 2
TAmn þ SnE g Dmax
C , k8mn 1
¼ n n between the control
3. the number of stops Dnn
stop n and the stop n ;
thus k8mn is given taking the integer part of the ratio in (30)
¼ TAmn þ Smn TR mþ1,n between
4. the difference Dmnn
the control time and the ready time of the following vehicle at
stop n .
TAmn þ SnE g Dmax
k8mn ¼
With a, b, c, d and e denoting coefficients, the function
estimated by the regression is
HR Emþ1,n ¼ a þ bHR N
mn þ cHR mþ1,n þ dDnn þ eDmnn
and an analogous expression can be derived for kmn
kmn ¼
The operation model with information-based holding
strategy is obtained by substituting (26), with HR Emþ1,n
given by (27), into (21) and (22) of the standard traffic
light operation model.
TR mn g Dmax
Priority at each traffic light is defined by the maximum green
extension Dmax. If the first cycle begins at a conventional 0
time, the kth cycle begins at time (k 2 1)C and the kth
green, ending at (k 2 1)C þ g, can be extended up to
(k 2 1)C þ g þ Dmax if a transit vehicle may take advantage
of such extension. The arrival time TAmn of vehicle m at
stop/traffic light n is assumed to be known by means of a
local presence sensor and an estimated dwell time SnE at
stop n is taken into account to determine, on the basis of
IET Intell. Transp. Syst., 2009, Vol. 3, Iss. 3, pp. 304 – 313
doi: 10.1049/iet-its.2008.0072
Taking into account that green extension can be given only if
the corresponding green is not already finished at vehicle’s
arrival time, that is if
TAmn , (k8mn 1)C þ g
4.2 Conditional priority at traffic lights
the departure time with green extension is given, if condition
(33) is satisfied, arrival headway TAmn 2 TAm21,n is higher
than a given threshold hPmin , and it is k8mn ¼ kmn , by
TDmn ¼ (k8mn 1)C
(k8mn 2)C þ g þ Dmax TR mn , (k8mn 1)C
TDmn ¼ TR mn if
(k8mn 1)C TRmn , (k8mn 1)C þ g þ Dmax
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otherwise green extension is not given, or it is given within a
cycle where it is not needed, and departure time is given by
sum of TT and WT, and total system time (ST) as the
sum of PT and TD.
TDmn ¼ (kmn 1)C
It is assumed that only two kinds of road traffic flow exist:
one on the road along the line and the other traversing the
line at intersections. Delay of road traffic flow along the
line axis is not taken into account, since, without green
share adjustment, green for this flow may only increase.
Neglecting such delay implies, in general, underestimation
of priority benefits, while it is consistent with a compact
platoon assumption for road traffic flow along the line axis.
2)C þ g þ D
¼ TR mn if
TR mn ,
(kmn 1)C TR mn , (kmn 1)C þ g
TDmn ¼ kmn C if
(kmn 1)C þ g TR mn , (kmn 1)C þ g þ Dmax
The estimated dwell time SnE is computed by applying average
boardings and alightings at stop n to the linear dwell time
model (2).
The green extensions determined by the priority strategy,
each time a traffic light controller is alerted to extend the
green at cycle k8mn until the transit vehicle present at stop
departs, can be calculated as follows:
TT is calculated with considerations on the traffic load and
the travel times and is given by
TT ¼
† for kmn . k8mn , the transit vehicle gets no priority,
maximum green extension is given, but not utilised since
the vehicle is not yet ready to depart when the extension
† for kmn ¼ k8mn , a green extension is given and utilised
if (k8mn 1)C þ g TR mn , (k8mn 1)C þ g þ Dmax ; the
extension’s length depends on TRmn ¼ TDmn .
kmn , k8mn if Dkn ¼ 0; k ¼ k8mn
kmn . k8mn if Dkn ¼ Dmax ; k ¼ k8mn
kmn ¼ k8mn if Dkn ¼ max{0; TPmn (k 1)C þ g}; k ¼ k8mn
Although (31) – (35) are part of the operation model
representing priority, substituting (21) and (22) of the
standard traffic light model, (36) is not part of the
operation model and it is utilised only to compute the road
traffic delay consequent to the implementation of transit
priority. The whole process is explained in a more
comprehensive manner in [15].
Performance indicators
The performance indicators considered are the passenger
travel time (TT), passenger waiting time (WT) and the
delay caused by the traffic lights to the road traffic flow
(TD). Then, total passenger time (PT) is defined as the
& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2009
Lmn (TAmn TPm,n1 )
(Lmn Amn )(TPmn TAmn )
n¼1,N 1
WT is calculated by measuring the area between cumulate
arrival and cumulate departure curves, and is given by
WT ¼
{P[bn (TAmn TPm1,n )]
m¼2,M n¼1,N 1
(TPmn TAmn ) þ Rm1,n (TPmn TPm1,n )
þ P[bn (TAmn TPm1,n )]
Denoting by Dkn the green extension determined by
priority given to vehicle m at stop n within cycle k ¼ k8mn ,
it is, summarising the three cases above
m¼2,M n¼1,N
, k8mn , the transit vehicle gets no priority, no green
† for
extension is actually given because the vehicle departs,
cancelling the request for extension before it begins;
(TAmn TPm1,n )
bn (TPmn TAmn )2
The delay of passengers in the residual queues Rmn is taken
into account by the sum of the products of such queues
and the average departure headway at each stop, which is
added to (38).
Finally, assuming a constant arrival rate a and a saturation
flow s, and representing a medium-high road congestion
(degree of saturation 0.85), TD is given by the area
between cumulate vehicle arrivals and departures at the
intersection, evaluated as follows
TD ¼
n¼1,N 1
þ min
k¼1, K
gkn (Qkn þ QRkn )
(s a), C gkn
(Qkþ1,n þ QRkn )
as a function of the extended green times gkn ¼ g þ Dkn
determined by priority, Dkn supplied by (36), and of the
queues on transversal roads Qkn and QRkn , in correspondence
to the beginning of the green and of the red, respectively,
with reference to the line axis traffic light, for each cycle k
IET Intell. Transp. Syst., 2009, Vol. 3, Iss. 3, pp. 304– 313
doi: 10.1049/iet-its.2008.0072
Authorized licensed use limited to: Universitaet Goettingen. Downloaded on November 2, 2009 at 09:55 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
and stop n. The queues are recursively calculated from s, a, C
and gkn . The formulation of recursive calculation and the
derivation of (39) from geometrical considerations can be
found in [15].
of determination) increases from an initial value of 0.25
at stops 4 and 5 (making prediction rather tricky) to 0.55
at stop 6, and it reaches a value of 0.81 at stop 9, of 0.90 at
stop 11 and of 0.95 or more at stops 16 and beyond (where
predicted times are very close to the simulated times).
6.2 Multiple-stop holding control
Numerical results
Initially, the effect of holding control at a single stop is
inquired, implementing the threshold-based and the
information-based techniques. Then holding control at
multiple stops is considered to decide on whether the
addition of a second, or third, control stop has a positive
effect. Finally, in order to evaluate the variation among
the results obtained in different instances with the best
threshold and information-based holding strategies, these
results are compared with those obtained by implementing
the conditional priority strategy.
6.1 Single-stop holding control
In the single-stop holding control, threshold-based and
information-based control is performed at all stops along
the line, one at a time, as explained in Section 4.1. The
information-based technique is applied only from the
fourth stop on, since the prediction model cannot be
applied to the first three stops.
Regarding PT, the information-based technique gives
better results at stops 11– 20, whereas the global best is
obtained with the threshold-based technique at the 10th
stop, with a value only slightly better than the one obtained
with the information-based technique at stop 15 (Fig. 2).
It is worth noting that the threshold-based holding
strategy gives better results for WT at almost every stop,
whereas the information-based one is better, at least for the
central stops, on the front of TT.
The implementation of the multiple-stop holding control
is similar to the one of single-stop control; however, in this
case, threshold-based and information-based controls are
performed at selected combinations of stops along the line.
In Fig. 3, with reference to the reduction of PT, results are
presented implementing threshold-based and informationbased holding at selected combinations of two stops (stops
10 and 15, 10 and 19, 15 and 19) and three stops (stops
10, 15 and 19). These are compared with the results of the
single holding control (at stops 10, 15 and 19).
In all cases of multiple-stop holding control, the
information-based technique gives slightly better results.
Adding a second holding stop, the improvement is more
evident for the information-based technique. Although the
best solution found is the one with three stops, the
improvement of adding a third stop is less marked.
6.3 Representation of conditional priority
In order to obtain the optimal parameters for the conditional
priority strategy, five different values for the green extension
(Dmax) are considered, namely 0 (no extension), 8, 12, 16
and 20 s, the latter in order to check for a limit case, being
unrealistic for a 60 s cycle. Non-zero Dmax cases are
combined with seven hPmin values, which vary from 60 to
180 s in 20 s intervals. The results for the ST reduction are
reported in Fig. 4. The minimum is achieved with
hPmin ¼ 120 s and Dmax ¼ 16 s values.
The consistency of the information-based technique is
strongly influenced by the prediction model, which is
founded on the linear regression. The results of the
regression vary at stops along the line: the R 2 (coefficient
6.4 Compared results
Figure 2 Total passenger time reduction – single-stop
holding control
Figure 3 Total passenger time reduction – multiple-stop
holding control
IET Intell. Transp. Syst., 2009, Vol. 3, Iss. 3, pp. 304 – 313
doi: 10.1049/iet-its.2008.0072
The multiple-stop holding control strategies that give the
best results are compared with the optimal conditional
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comparable to the one determined by conditional priority,
whereas the total system time reduction determined by
threshold-based holding is significantly less.
Figure 4 Total system time reduction – conditional priority
A further operative consideration has to be made about the
investment cost of control hardware, which is higher for the
more efficient strategies, that is, in this case, informationbased holding and conditional priority. In addition,
threshold-based holding, although less efficient, allows
non-negligible time reductions. Finally, priority determines
management and public acceptance issues. Therefore all the
considered control strategies may be suitable for specific
applications, and their implementation in different cases
(e.g. different transit modes), or in integrated forms, are
worth inquiring.
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Figure 5 Time reduction – multiple-stop holding control
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& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2009
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