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I Dunya Savası Oncesi ve Savas Zamanı, 2020
In the tumultuous era of the First World War, the propaganda posters of England serve not only as documents of a war but also as evidence of the historical evolution of visual communication. The First World War, in addition to being a major conflict, has gone down in history as a poster war or a propaganda battle. Visual propaganda was a critical strategy employed by England to mobilize its own people for the war effort and, simultaneously, to influence its adversaries. Using the power of design, this strategy shaped the beliefs and participation of the public in the war. The visual content analysis in this study meticulously examines the details of posters from the era, reflecting the spirit of the time while also highlighting the strong influence of graphic design in political history. This analysis contributes to a better understanding of how the public was guided through visual propaganda, the attitudes of the people of that era towards the war, and the effects of the war on societal dynamics.
Turkish Studies - Historical Analysis, 2020
During the First World War, the Ottoman Empire had to fight on many fronts in order to ease the burden of its ally Germany. Facades such as Egypt, Hijaz and Yemen were opened in order to cut off the connection of England with South Asia. Britain has violated the rules of war many times during this struggle. One of these violations is the incident of the British arrest of the infantry Major Bahaeddin Bey and Navy Captain Tahsin Efendi, who were in charge of shipment and transportation to Yemen at Port Said Port in Egypt in order to hinder the logistic activities of the Ottoman Empire. On the other hand, Enver Pasha asked two British soldiers in Istanbul to be arrested in response to these two soldiers who were arrested under internal custody. The Istanbul Security Directorate prepared and sent a list of reputable persons from the British subjects in Istanbul to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In the meantime, the decision to arrest two British subjects instead of the two soldiers in question was forwarded to the US Embassy. The aim is to make the world public aware of the war crimes committed by England. In our study, the process of identifying these people and presenting them to the Ministry of Internal Affairs was evaluated in the light of archival documents.
UKRAYNA-RUSYA SAVAŞI VE YENİ DÜNYA DÜZENİ Rusya'nın Ukrayna'ya saldırmasının ne manaya geldiğini anlamaya çalışıyoruz. Ülkemizde konuya hâkim pek çok uzmanın derinlemesine analizler yaptığını görüyoruz. Bunula birlikte Machiavelli'e taş çıkaracak şekilde, ulusal menfaat veya ideoloji adına, her türlü ahlaki ilkeyi yok sayan bakış açılarının da yüksek perdeden dillendirildiğine şahit oluyoruz. Hâlbuki ahlaki kaybın hiç bir maddi kazançla telafi edilemeyeceği açıktır. Uluslararası ilişkiler çalışan biri olarak elbette realist olguların farkındayım. Ancak bizlerin, birey devlet
Even though it has not been examined well before, the Dardanelles Air Wars performed an important role to win a victory in the Dardanelles Wars which is accepted as most important Turkish defense war against French- British joint operation in order to occupy Istanbul and Dardanelles Bosporus in the First World War. For this reason explaining the Dardanelles Air Wars which are accepted as one of the most important successes of Turkish Air Forces in developing phase by means of German assistance has came into prominence. This work contains four main chapters. In the introduction and first chapter of this work, the Aircraft Committee which is core of Turkish aviation’s activities and developments in military aviation in First World War explained. After the Dardanelles campaign opened, in the second part that is called as plans and establishments of the parties and air forces, plans and powers of the parties are generally examined in the Dardanelles campaign. In third part which is last and most important, detailed air wars in three phases of the Dardanelles Wars were examined as chronologically. Finally the last chapter is about aviation activities after failure of enemies. Summarily, the basic result of this work, Allied Armies were failure in air wars in the Dardanelles like as naval and land wars. So that although dominance of Allied Armies the Dardanelles is impassable in wars lived in airs.
Kitap, Cemal Paşa'nın Suriye Valiliği yıllarını incelemektedir.
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