International Journal of Intercultural Relations
27 (2003) 421–443
Measuring intercultural sensitivity: The
intercultural development inventory
Mitchell R. Hammera,*, Milton J. Bennettb, Richard Wisemanc
International Peace and Conflict Resolution Program, The School of International Service, American
University, 4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20016, USA
The Intercultural Communication Institute, 8835 SW Canyon Lane, Suite 238, Portland, OR 97225, USA
Department of Speech Communication, California State University at Fullerton, Fullerton, CA 92834, USA
Today, the importance of intercultural competence in both global and domestic contexts is
well recognized. Bennett (1986, 1993b) posited a framework for conceptualizing dimensions of
intercultural competence in his developmental model of intercultural sensitivity (DMIS). The
DMIS constitutes a progression of worldview ‘‘orientations toward cultural difference’’ that
comprise the potential for increasingly more sophisticated intercultural experiences. Three
ethnocentric orientations, where one’s culture is experienced as central to reality (Denial,
Defense, Minimization), and three ethnorelative orientations, where one’s culture is
experienced in the context of other cultures (Acceptance, Adaptation, Integration), are
identified in the DMIS.
Based on this theoretical framework, the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) was
constructed to measure the orientations toward cultural differences described in the DMIS.
The result of this work is a 50-item (with 10 additional demographic items), paper-and-pencil
measure of intercultural competence.
Confirmatory factor analyses, reliability analyses, and construct validity tests validated five
main dimensions of the DMIS, which were measured with the following scales: (1) DD
(Denial/Defense) scale (13 items, alpha=0.85); (2) R (Reversal) scale (9 items, alpha=0.80);
(3) M (Minimization) scale (9 items, alpha=0.83), (4) AA (Acceptance/Adaptation) scale
(14 items, alpha=0.84; and (5) an EM (Encapsulated Marginality) scale (5 items,
alpha=0.80). While no systematic gender differences were found, significant differences by
gender were found on one of the five scales (DD scale). No significant differences on the scale
*Corresponding author. 267 Kentlands, Blvd, PMB #705, North Potomac, MD 20878, USA. Tel.: +1202-885-1653; fax: +1-301-926-7450.
E-mail addresses:
[email protected] (M.R. Hammer),
[email protected] (M.J. Bennett),
[email protected] (R. Wiseman).
0147-1767/03/$ - see front matter r 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.R. Hammer et al. / International Journal of Intercultural Relations 27 (2003) 421–443
scores were found for age, education, or social desirability, suggesting the measured concepts
are fairly stable.
r 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Intercultural sensitivity; Intercultural competence; Development model of intercultural
sensitivity; Intercultural development inventory; Cross-cultural effectiveness; Adaptation
1. Introduction
As we begin the next millennium, the importance of effective intercultural
relations in both global and domestic contexts is well recognized (Brislin, Cushner,
Cherie, & Yong, 1986; Hammer, 1989, 1999a; Kealey, 1989). As Bhawuk and Brislin
(1992) suggested, ‘‘To be effective in another culture, people must be interested in
other cultures, be sensitive enough to notice cultural differences, and then also be
willing to modify their behavior as an indication of respect for the people of other
cultures’’ (p. 416). We will use the term ‘‘intercultural sensitivity’’ to refer to the
ability to discriminate and experience relevant cultural differences, and we will use
the term ‘‘intercultural competence’’ to mean the ability to think and act in
interculturally appropriate ways. We argue that greater intercultural sensitivity is
associated with greater potential for exercising intercultural competence.
Research studies in such diverse areas as overseas effectiveness (e.g., Brislin, 1981;
Cleveland, Mangone, & Adams, 1960; Kealey & Ruben, 1983; Landis & Brislin,
1983a-c; Landis & Bhaget, 1996), international management (e.g., Adler, 1991;
Black, 1990; Black, Gregersen, & Mendenhall, 1992; Black & Mendenhall, 1990),
international study abroad (e.g., Klineberg & Hull, 1979), and international transfer
of technology and information (e.g., Hawes & Kealey, 1979, 1981; Kealey, 1996)
have identified intercultural competence as central in increasing understanding and
improving relations across cultures (Bennett, 1993a, b; Hammer, 1999b). Additional
research on domestic intercultural relations (contact across forms of ethnicity,
gender, age, sexual orientation, etc.) has found a similar key role for intercultural
competence (e.g., Gardenswartz & Rowe, 1993).
While cross-cultural research has posited the importance of intercultural
competence in both global and domestic contexts, work by Bennett (1986, 1993b)
has additionally suggested an underlying theoretical framework, which he calls the
Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity (DMIS), for conceptualizing
intercultural sensitivity and competence. This theoretical framework provided
conceptual guidance as we undertook the construction of the Intercultural
Development Inventory (IDI) to measure the orientations toward cultural
differences described in the DMIS. The result of this work is a 50-item, paperand-pencil instrument (with 10 additional demographic items).
It is the purpose of this article first to review briefly the DMIS; second, to
summarize the initial (Phase 1) and then subsequent (Phase 2) final development of
the IDI; and third, to conclude with some comments on the potential for applying
the concept of intercultural competence and the IDI.
M.R. Hammer et al. / International Journal of Intercultural Relations 27 (2003) 421–443
2. Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity
The Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity (DMIS) was created by
Bennett (1986, 1993b) as an explanation of how people construe cultural difference.
Using a grounded theory approach (e.g., Glaser & Strauss, 1967; Strauss & Corbin,
1990), Bennett applied concepts from cybernetic constructivism (cf. Von Foerster,
1984; Brown, 1972; Maturana & Varela, 1987) to his observations of intercultural
adaptation and identified six orientations that people seem to move through in their
acquisition of intercultural competence. The underlying assumption of the model is
that as one’s experience of cultural difference becomes more complex and
sophisticated, one’s potential competence in intercultural relations increases.
According to this constructivist view, experience does not occur simply by being in
the vicinity of events when they occur. Rather, experience is a function of how one
construes the events (Kelly, 1963). The more perceptual and conceptual discriminations that can be brought to bear on the event, the more complex will be the
construction of the event, and thus the richer will be the experience. In the case of
intercultural relations, the ‘‘event’’ is that of cultural difference. The extent to which
the event of cultural difference will be experienced is a function of how complexly it
can be construed.
The set of distinctions that is appropriate to a particular culture is referred to as a
cultural worldview. Individuals who have received largely monocultural socialization
normally have access only to their own cultural worldview, so they are unable to
construe (and thus are unable to experience) the difference between their own
perception and that of people who are culturally different. The crux of the
development of intercultural sensitivity is attaining the ability to construe (and thus
to experience) cultural difference in more complex ways.
The DMIS assumes that construing cultural difference can become an active part
of one’s worldview, eventuating in an expanded understanding of one’s own and
other cultures and an increased competence in intercultural relations. Each
orientation of the DMIS is indicative of a particular worldview structure, with
certain kinds of attitudes and behavior vis-a" -vis cultural difference typically
associated with each configuration. Thus, the DMIS is not a descriptive model of
changes in attitudes and behavior. Rather, it is a model of changes in worldview
structure, where the observable behavior and self-reported attitudes at each stage are
indicative of the state of the underlying worldview.
Each change in worldview structure generates new and more sophisticated issues
to be resolved in intercultural encounters. The resolution of the relevant issues
activates the emergence of the next orientation. Since issues may not be totally
resolved, movement may be incomplete and one’s experience of difference diffused
across more than one worldview. However, movement through the orientations is
posited to be unidirectional, with only occasional ‘‘retreats.’’ In other words, people
do not generally regress from more complex to less complex experiences of cultural
As illustrated in Fig. 1, the first three DMIS orientations are conceptualized as
more ethnocentric, meaning that one’s own culture is experienced as central to reality
M.R. Hammer et al. / International Journal of Intercultural Relations 27 (2003) 421–443
Defense Reversal
Fig. 1.
in some way. Denial of cultural difference is the state in which one’s own culture is
experienced as the only real one. Other cultures are either not discriminated at all, or
they are construed in rather vague ways. As a result, cultural difference is either not
experienced at all, or it is experienced as associated with a kind of undifferentiated
other such as ‘‘foreigner’’ or ‘‘immigrant.’’ People with a Denial worldview generally
are disinterested in cultural difference when it is brought to their attention, although
they may act aggressively to eliminate a difference if it impinges on them. In a more
extreme form of Denial, the people of one’s own culture may be perceived to be the
only real ‘‘humans’’ and other people are viewed as simpler forms in the environment
to be tolerated, exploited, or eliminated as necessary. Bennett suggests that Denial of
cultural difference is the default condition of typical, monocultural primary
Defense against cultural difference is the state in which one’s own culture is
experienced as the only viable one. People at Defense have become adept at
discriminating difference, so they experience cultural differences as more ‘‘real’’ than
do people at Denial. But the Defense worldview structure is not sufficiently complex
to generate an equally ‘‘human’’ experience of the other. The cultural differences
experienced by people with a Defense perspective are still stereotypical, however they
seem real by comparison to the Denial condition. Consequently, people at Defense
are more openly threatened by cultural differences than are people in a state of
Denial. The world is organized into ‘‘us’’ and ‘‘them,’’ where one’s own culture is
superior and other cultures are inferior. People of dominant cultures are likely to
experience Defense as an attack on their values (often perceived by others as
privileges). People of non-dominant cultures are more likely to experience Defense as
discovering and solidifying a separate cultural identity in contrast to the dominant
group (cf., Banks, 1988; Parham, 1989).
A variation on Defense is Reversal, where an adopted culture is experienced as
superior to the culture of one’s primary socialization (‘‘going native,’’ or ‘‘passing’’).
Reversal is like Defense in that it maintains a polarized, ‘‘us’’ and ‘‘them’’ worldview.
It is unlike Defense in that it does not maintain the other culture as a threat.
Minimization of cultural difference is the state in which elements of one’s own
cultural worldview are experienced as universal. The threat associated with cultural
differences experienced in Defense is neutralized by subsuming the differences into
familiar categories. For instance, cultural differences may be subordinated to the
overwhelming similarity of people’s biological nature (physical universalism). The
experience of similarity of natural physical processes may then be generalized to
other assumedly natural phenomena such as needs and motivations. The experience
of similarity might also be experienced in the assumed cross-cultural applicability of
M.R. Hammer et al. / International Journal of Intercultural Relations 27 (2003) 421–443
certain religious, economic, or philosophical concepts (transcendent universalism).
Because these ‘‘universal absolutes’’ obscure deep cultural differences, other cultures
may be trivialized or romanticized. People at Minimization expect similarities, and
they may become insistent about correcting others’ behavior to match their
expectations. Particularly for people of dominant cultures, Minimization tends to
mask recognition of their own culture (ethnicity) and the institutional privilege it
affords its members.
The second three DMIS orientations are defined as more ethnorelative, meaning
that one’s own culture is experienced in the context of other cultures. Acceptance of
cultural difference is the state in which one’s own culture is experienced as just one of
a number of equally complex worldviews. By discriminating differences among
cultures (including one’s own), and by constructing a metalevel consciousness,
people with this worldview are able to experience others as different from themselves,
but equally human. People at Acceptance can construct culture-general categories
that allow them to generate a range of relevant cultural contrasts among many
cultures. Thus, they are not just experts in one or more cultures (although they might
also be that); rather, they are adept at identifying how cultural differences in general
operate in a wide range of human interactions. Acceptance does not mean
agreement—some cultural difference may be judged negatively—but the judgment
is not ethnocentric in the sense of withholding equal humanity. The major issue to be
resolved in this perspective regards ‘‘value relativity.’’ To accept the relativity of
values to cultural context (and thus to attain the potential to experience the world as
organized by different values), people need to figure out how to maintain ethical
commitment in the face of such relativity (cf., Perry, 1970).
Adaptation to cultural difference is the state in which the experience of another
culture yields perception and behavior appropriate to that culture. One’s worldview
is expanded to include relevant constructs from other cultural worldviews. People at
Adaptation can engage in empathy—the ability to take perspective or shift frame of
reference vis-a" -vis other cultures. As noted earlier, this shift is not merely cognitive; it
is a change in the organization of lived experience, which necessarily includes affect
and behavior. Thus, people at Adaptation are able to express their alternative
cultural experience in culturally appropriate feelings and behavior. If the process of
frame shifting is deepened and habitualized, it becomes the basis of biculturality or
Integration of cultural difference is the state in which one’s experience of self is
expanded to include the movement in and out of different cultural worldviews. Here,
people are dealing with issues related to their own ‘‘cultural marginality’’; they
construe their identities at the margins of two or more cultures and central to none.
As suggested by Bennett (1993a), cultural marginality may have two forms: an
encapsulated form, where the separation from culture is experienced as alienation;
and a constructive form, in which movements in and out of cultures are a necessary
and positive part of one’s identity. Integration is not necessarily better than
Adaptation in situations demanding intercultural competence, but it is descriptive of
a growing number of people, including many members of non-dominant cultures,
long-term expatriates, and ‘‘global nomads.’’
M.R. Hammer et al. / International Journal of Intercultural Relations 27 (2003) 421–443
In general, the more ethnocentric orientations can be seen as ways of avoiding
cultural difference, either by denying its existence, by raising defenses against it, or by
minimizing its importance. The more ethnorelative worldviews are ways of seeking
cultural difference, either by accepting its importance, by adapting perspective to
take it into account, or by integrating the whole concept into a definition of identity.
3. Phase 1: developing an initial (60-item) version of the IDI
Some empirical research has been undertaken focused on developing preliminary
measures of DMIS concepts (Pederson, 1998; Tower, 1990). However, these
instruments were not subjected to psychometric testing. Therefore, we undertook
an effort to develop a measure of the identified DMIS orientations following scale
construction guidelines (e.g., DeVellis, 1991). This effort consisted of two phases. In
the first phase, a preliminary, 60-item version of the IDI was developed. Subsequent
testing of this version by Paige, Jacobs-Cassuto, Yershova and DeJaeghere (1999)
suggested specific directions in further development of the IDI. In the second phase,
we completed further analysis that resulted in a revised, 50-item IDI that is presented
in this paper.
We were initially concerned that the empirical observations upon which the DMIS
was based could be re-created in systematic ways. This concern was addressed by
examining discourse of people from a variety of cultures in order to determine if
observers could reliably categorize the discourse in ways identified in the DMIS
theoretical framework. A qualitative interview guide was designed to elicit
perceptions of a group of respondents concerning their experience with cultural
differences. This interview guide included questions that focused generally on how
people experience cultural differences.1 A research team was assembled, trained in
cross-cultural interviewing techniques, and introduced to the DMIS. Following
The interview guide first asked respondents to introduce themselves by stating their name and
describing their background. The interviewer then stated (1) the purpose of the interview was to discuss the
respondents’ experiences with interacting with people from different cultural backgrounds, (2) the length
of time to complete the interview (i.e., 45 min.), and (3) a statement about the interview format (i.e., openended, conversational). Following this, the interviewers discussed confidentiality issues and informed the
respondents that they may end the interview any time they wish. Finally, the respondents were asked to
sign an ‘‘informed consent’’ form that formally indicated their willingness to participate in the interview.
A set of six general discussion questions comprised the interview guide. Each question was designed to
stimulate further discussion concerning how the respondents experience cultural differences. The questions
were: (1) Do you think there is much cultural differences around here (Denial); (2) What kinds of
difficulties or problems associated with having cultural differences around here exist (Defense); (3) When it
comes down to the bottom-line, is it more important to pay attention to cultural differences or similarities
among us. If respondent emphasizes the importance to pay attention to similarities, follow-up with, What
do you think the similarities are (Minimization); (4) Do you make any specific efforts to find out more
about the cultures around you (Acceptance); (5) Do you try to adapt your communication to people from
other cultures. Does it mean anything to you to look at the world through the eyes of a person from
another culture? Do you feel you have two or more cultures (Adaptation); and (6) has your adjustment to
other cultures led you to question your identity? Do you feel apart from those cultures that you are
involved in (Integration).
M.R. Hammer et al. / International Journal of Intercultural Relations 27 (2003) 421–443
training, the interviewers pilot-tested the interview guide by interviewing international student volunteers from a private university in the United States.
While the pilot interviews were conducted with individual students from a variety
of cultures, it was decided that the actual sample of interviewees would consist of
people of varied cultural backgrounds who also extended beyond the university
community. Therefore, the interview sample was selected from residents from such
places as the International House in Washington, DC (where professionals from
many different countries reside) as well as various places of employment in and
around the Washington, DC area.
A total of 40 men and women representative of a wide range of ages, experiences,
and cultures were interviewed, their responses audio-taped, and a verbatim
transcript subsequently prepared. Respondents from this sample were from the
following countries: USA, European American (n=12), USA, South Asian
American (n ¼ 3), England (n ¼ 1), Japan (n ¼ 3), Switzerland (n ¼ 2), China
(n ¼ 1), Korea (n ¼ 2), Ireland (n ¼ 2), Denmark (n ¼ 1), Spain (n ¼ 1), France
(n ¼ 3), Germany (n ¼ 1), Russia (n ¼ 2), Estonia (n ¼ 1), India (n ¼ 1), Turkey
(n ¼ 1), Ecuador (n ¼ 1), Guyana (n ¼ 1), and Ivory Coast (n ¼ 1). For the
international participants, their average length of stay in the United States was as
follows: less than 1 year (n ¼ 9), 1–2 years (n ¼ 2), 3–5 years (n ¼ 7), and over 7
years (n ¼ 7). Overall, the sample of 40 individuals represented a culturally diverse
group with varying international experiences.
Four members of the research team then independently reviewed 25 randomly
selected transcripts from among the 40 and rated the DMIS orientations the
interviewees’ most consistently expressed during the interview. Ratings were
obtained across all six orientations (Denial, Defense/Reversal, Minimization,
Acceptance, Adaptation, Integration) identified in the DMIS. Inter-rater reliabilities
(Cohen’s kappa) were then calculated across these 25 interviews for ratings given by
the four members of the research team. Cohen’s kappa for the ratings among the
four raters was good, ranging from 0.66 to 0.86 for the stage ratings. According to
Fleiss (1981) and Brennan and Prediger (1981), a kappa of 0.40–0.60 is fair, 0.60–
0.75 is good, and 0.75 or greater is excellent.
Identification of a pool of items that reflect the latent variables underlying them
(i.e., the worldview orientations to cultural difference) was then undertaken. One
important consideration is the cross-cultural generalizability of the pool of items. In
addressing this issue, we reviewed each transcript obtained from the 40 interviews
and, because the transcripts were verbatim, we selected the actual statements used by
the culturally diverse respondents when talking about cultural differences. Our
previous analysis suggested that these statements clustered within the identified
DMIS orientations. Therefore, we listed each statement made by the respondents
that was indicative of their identified worldview. This produced a large (200+) list of
Once this base pool of items was identified, we reviewed the items for clarity,
sentence structure, and ambiguous meanings. This resulted in the elimination
of some of the items from the pool. Following this, we generated additional
items for some of the dimensions based on our assessment of the number and
M.R. Hammer et al. / International Journal of Intercultural Relations 27 (2003) 421–443
comprehensiveness of the items identified in this initial pool (DeVellis, 1991). These
additional items comprised less than 20% of the final list of 239 IDI sample items.
Finally, the following response options were incorporated: 1=strongly disagree,
2=disagree, 3=slightly disagree, 4=neutral, 5=slightly agree, 6=agree, 7=strongly
A pilot version of the IDI was then constructed using the 239 sample items. Two
pilot test administrations of the IDI with culturally diverse groups of people were
completed in order to identify difficulties respondents may have had with such issues
as clarity of instructions, item clarity, response option applicability, and overall
amount of time taken to complete the instrument. Based upon feedback from
respondents, the IDI was further revised in these format areas.
4. Panel review
A panel of experts then reviewed the item pool. This aided in further establishing
the relevancy of the items to the construct of intercultural competence as well as
providing initial reliability and validity estimates (DeVellis, 1991). The panel of
experts was selected based on their demonstrated expertise within the intercultural
field and familiarity with the DMIS in particular.2
A list of the 239 randomly ordered IDI items was sent to each expert to review.
These individuals were asked to independently categorize the DMIS orientations or
to check a response option of ‘‘unable to identify’’ if they felt the item could not be
appropriately categorized. Inter-rater reliability among the expert ratings was then
determined for each item. The criteria for selecting items from this analysis included
the following: (1) a minimum of 5 of the 7 experts were able to categorize the item
(i.e., if more than 2 of the 7 experts felt the item was too difficult to categorize, the
item was eliminated from further consideration) and (2) inter-rater agreement for
placing the item in the same category among the experts had to be 0.60 or above.
These agreement criteria reflected exact agreement among 3, 4, or 5 of 5 raters; 4, 5,
or 6 of 6 raters; and 5, 6, or 7 of 7 raters. Those items that could not either be
categorized or reliably categorized by achieving an agreement rating of 0.60 or
higher were eliminated.3 Finally, each expert provided comments concerning each
A demographic information survey was administered to prospective expert raters. This survey assessed
each potential expert rater in terms of: (1) degrees received, (2) current position, (3) number of years
worked in the field of intercultural communication, (4) countries and cultures with which rater had
significant interaction, (5) description of how the DMIS is used by the respondent, (6) areas of publication
and research, and (7) other information. Based on this information, a group of seven experts in the field of
intercultural communication who were intimately familiar with the DMIS were identified and asked to
participate in the study. These experts all had advanced degrees (M.A., Ph.D.) with a concentration in
intercultural communication. Four of the seven experts were completing their Ph.D. degree in intercultural
communication at two major communication programs in the United States. The remaining three experts
possessed Ph.D. degrees with specialization in intercultural communication. All expert raters had lived 2
years or more in other cultures.
It should be noted that by far the majority of categorizations made by the panel of experts coincided
with the initial raters’ categorization of items from the written transcripts. However, where discrepancies
arose, the items were reclassified into the stages and forms identified by the panel of experts.
M.R. Hammer et al. / International Journal of Intercultural Relations 27 (2003) 421–443
item’s clarity and conciseness. This produced a further refinement of the IDI,
resulting in a smaller pool of 145 items.
5. Sample testing
This 145-item version of the IDI was administered to a sample of 226 subjects
along with selected demographic items. The sample size approached the sample
requirement recommended by Nunnally (1978) of 300 respondents for scale testing.
The sample of respondents came from all walks of life and was not primarily drawn
from a college student population. Of the 226 respondents, 43% were men (n ¼ 97)
and 57% were women (n ¼ 127). The ages ranged from the low teens to over 60 years
of age. The majority of respondents were between the ages of 22–30 (45%), with
10% under 21 years of age, 18% between 31 and 40, 16% between 41 and 50, 5%
between 51 and 60 and 0.5% over 60 years of age. Thirty respondents were high
school graduates (13%), 90 were college graduates (40%), 70 had M.A. or equivalent
graduate degrees (31%), and 13 had Ph.D. or equivalent degrees (5%).
Twenty percent (n ¼ 46) of the respondents never lived in another culture, 12%
(n ¼ 27) lived overseas less than 6 months. Seventeen respondents (7%) lived in
another culture 3–6 months, 15 (6%) lived 7–12 months, 39 (17%) lived 1–2 years, 33
(14%) lived 3–5 years, 20 (9%) lived 6–10 years, and 26 (12%) lived over 10 years in
another culture.
Seventy percent of the respondents (n ¼ 177) were from the United States and
30% (n ¼ 49) came from 28 different countries, from all continents. Of the
respondents who indicated they were from the United States, 112 indicated their
cultural identity as ‘‘American,’’ eight indicated ‘‘African American,’’ two ‘‘Asian
American,’’ four ‘‘Hispanic American,’’ and nine ‘‘Jewish American.’’
The 145 items in the IDI were statistically examined to determine their
suitability for inclusion in the IDI questionnaire. The first test undertaken
concerned the degree to which the identified items comprised unidimensional scales.
Because the extensive time and effort expended with experts in categorizing items
directly addressed content validity concerns, it was decided that a more targeted
(rather than exploratory) factor analysis would be conducted on all the items
categorized within each of the DMIS orientations. Therefore, six separate factor
analyses were run on: (1) the 21 items which comprised the ‘‘Denial’’ stage, (2) the 37
items that comprised the ‘‘Defense/Reversal’’ stage, (3) the 22 items identified with
the ‘‘Minimization’’ stage, (4) the 18 items that comprise ‘‘Acceptance,’’ (5) the 26
items identified with ‘‘Adaptation,’’ and (6) the 21 items associated with the
‘‘Integration’’ stage.
The most interpretable factor structures for each of the factor analyses of the IDI
dimensions of Denial, Minimization, Acceptance, Adaptation, and Integration
emerged with a forced, two-factor principal components analysis with VARIMAX
rotation. The most interpretable factor structure for the IDI dimension of Defense/
Reversal was obtained with a three-factor principal components analysis with
VARIMAX rotation. A minimum primary loading of 0.50 and a secondary loading
M.R. Hammer et al. / International Journal of Intercultural Relations 27 (2003) 421–443
of 0.20 or less than the primary loading was used to isolate factors (Neuliep &
McCroskey, 1997). In addition, eigenvalues greater than 2.0 for factors were also
used as criteria for determining the number of factors to be further considered (i.e.,
factors with eigenvalues of less than 2.0 were not considered for further
interpretation). In selecting specific scale items from interpretable factors, loadings
of approximately 0.55 and higher in one factor with a minimum of 0.20 loading
difference in all other factors were used.
Results from the targeted factor analysis and the reliability analyses of the 145
items identified six scales: (1) Denial scale (10 items, alpha=0.87), (2) Defense scale
(10 items, alpha=0.91), (3) Minimization scale (10 items, alpha=0.87), (4)
Acceptance scale (10 items, alpha=0.80), (5) Cognitive Adaptation (10 items,
alpha=0.85), and (6) Behavioral Adaptation (10 items, alpha=0.80).4
This approach did not produce reliable scales that assessed the Reversal
orientation nor the Integration orientation identified in the DMIS. Further, this
analysis produced two separate scales for Adaptation: One scale focused more on
‘‘cognitive frame shifting’’ while the other scale focused more on ‘‘behavioral code
shifting’’ forms of cultural adaptation. These scales were named Cognitive
Adaptation and Behavioral Adaptation, respectively.
6. Independent research on the 60-item IDI
Research by Paige et al. (1999) examined the empirical structure of this 60-item
IDI with a sample of 330 respondents. They conducted one general factor analysis
across all 60 items of the IDI, identifying six factors. Factor 1 consisted of a
combination of Denial and Defense items. Factor 2 consisted of eight Cognitive
Adaptation and four Behavioral Adaptation items that were worded in a more
cognitive manner. Factor 3 consisted of five items that referred to the physical
universalism form of Minimization, and Factor 4 consisted of three items that
referred to the transcendent universalism form of Minimization. Factor 5 contained
three Behavioral Adaptation items, and, in a factor not consistent with the DMIS,
Factor 6 contained two Acceptance and two Denial items. In addition, the authors
examined a two-factor solution to ‘‘see if more global categories of ethnocentric and
ethnorelative stages manifest themselves’’ (p. 15). Results indicated that the
ethnorelative scales of Acceptance, Cognitive Adaptation, and Behavioral Adaptation comprised one factor, Denial and Defense items clustered on the second factor
‘‘with Minimization in the middle between the two’’ (p. 16).
The results from the Paige et al. (1999) study suggested that the factors identified
in the 60-item IDI might not be as stable as desired. Further, their findings suggested
the possibility of three more fundamental dimensions: a factor composed of Denial
and Defense items, a Minimization factor, and a factor that largely consists of
Acceptance and Adaptation. Overall, these findings indicated that additional
For additional information on the development of this initial (60-item) version of the IDI, see Hammer
and Bennett (1998).
M.R. Hammer et al. / International Journal of Intercultural Relations 27 (2003) 421–443
analysis should be done in establishing a more stable set of factors and subsequent
measurement scales for the orientations theoretically proposed in the DMIS. Also,
we felt additional work should attempt to measure the Reversal and Integration
orientations proposed in the DMIS that were not obtained as scales in the
development of the 60-item version of the IDI. Therefore, we embarked on Phase 2
of the development of the IDI, building on the earlier development of the 60-item
inventory and the insights obtained from Paige et al. (1999).
7. Phase 2: developing the final 50-item IDI
We reviewed the 145 original items (from which the initial IDI version was
constructed) in the light of our experience using the 60-item IDI with a variety of
culturally diverse groups. By minor editing and selecting valid alternative items, we
finalized a set of 122 items for subsequent administration. In this final set of items
were some additional items that we generated to assess Reversal and Integration
orientations. We also decided that a five-point response scale was more appropriate
than the original seven-point response scale used in the development of the 60-item
IDI. The response options for the 122 items were: 1=disagree, 2=disagree
somewhat more than agree, 3=disagree some and agree some, 4=agree somewhat
more than disagree, and 5=agree. Finally, as was the case in the initial version, we
obtained demographic information on gender, age, amount of previous experience
living in another culture, educational level, national and ethnic background, and the
world region in which the respondent lived during his/her formative years.
The 122 revised items were combined with items from three additional scales—the
Worldmindedness scale and the Intercultural Anxiety scale that were subsequently
used for establishing construct validity, and a scale to check for social desirability
effects. Then the questionnaire was administered to a new sample of culturally
diverse respondents.
8. Sample
The sample of 591 respondents was not primarily drawn from a college student
population, so it represented a relatively wide range of age and activity. The sample
size exceeds the sample requirement recommended by Nunnally (1978) of 300
respondents for scale testing.
Of the 591 respondents, 35% were men (n ¼ 204) and 65% were women (n ¼ 376).
Their ages ranged from the high teens to over 60 years of age. The respondents were
evenly split among the age categories, with the largest number of subjects between
the ages of 22–30 (25%; n ¼ 144), with 12% under 21 years of age (n ¼ 69), 15%
between 31 and 40 (n ¼ 94), 15% between 41 and 50 (n ¼ 94), 14% were 51–60 years
of age (n ¼ 81), and 17% were over 60 years of age (n ¼ 99).
M.R. Hammer et al. / International Journal of Intercultural Relations 27 (2003) 421–443
Twenty-five percent of the respondents attended or graduated from high school
(n ¼ 149), 36% were college graduates (n ¼ 216), 23% had M.A. or equivalent
graduate degrees (n ¼ 134), and 7% had Ph.D. or equivalent degrees (n ¼ 40).
Thirty-two percent (n ¼ 192) of the respondents never lived in another culture,
14% (n ¼ 81) lived overseas less than 3 months, 10% (n ¼ 57) lived in another
culture 3–6 months, 6% (n ¼ 34) lived 7–12 months, 10% (n ¼ 58) lived 1–2 years,
10% (n ¼ 60) lived 3–5 years, 5% (n ¼ 33) lived 6–10 years, and 11% (n ¼ 62) lived
over 10 years in another culture.
Eighty-three percent of the respondents (n ¼ 476) indicated they primarily lived
during their formative years to age 18 in North America (United States, Canada,
Mexico) while the remaining 17% lived in other parts of the world.
In response to the question that asked respondents to indicate their national and/
or ethnic/cultural background, 87% indicated the United States (n ¼ 478) while 13%
indicated an international background from 37 different countries. Ethnic background of respondents from the United States was difficult to assess, with 92
respondents ambiguously indicating US American (15%), 178 indicating US White
American (30%), 32 indicating US African American (6%), 6 indicating US Latino
(1%), 8 indicating US Asian American (2%), and 162 respondents (27%) indicating
a number of other cultural, religious, and other affiliations.
9. Confirmatory factor analysis and scale reliability results
Confirmatory factor analysis was employed to test whether the proposed DMIS
model is consistent with (‘‘fit’’) the data collected from the IDI. A number of
statistical procedures were employed to test the adequacy of the fit. First, the ratio of
chi-square to degrees of freedom (w2 =df ) was used to assess the discrepancy between
the proposed model and the data. Byrne (1989) suggested that the w2 =df should be
and Sorbom’s
(1984) goodnessless than two for an adequate fit. Second, Joreskog
of-fit index (GFI) is a generalized estimation criterion, which ranges from zero (no
fit) to one (perfect fit). Third, the root mean-square residual (RMR) is an estimate
obtained by comparing the values of variances and covariances predicted by the
model with the actual variances and covariances ascertained from the data. The
larger the RMR, the greater the discrepancy between the model and the data, with
zero representing a perfect fit. Finally, the RMSEA provides a fit of the data taking
into consideration the complexity of the model. Since there are many items involved
Due to the large number of significance tests run in this study coupled with the rather large number of
subjects, the 0.01 level of significance was employed for all results presented. In fact, however, all but two
significant tests presented as ‘‘not significant’’ at the 0.01 level were also not significant at the 0.05 level,
with only two exceptions: (1) the correlations reported between the Worldmindedness scale and the
Minimization scale (r ¼ 0:09; p ¼ 0:04; n ¼ 534), and (2) the correlations between the Social Desirability
scale and the Minimization scale (r ¼ 0:09; p ¼ 0:03; n ¼ 531). While these two correlations are not
significant at the 0.01 level employed in this study, even using the more liberal 0.05 significance level
criteria, correlations of 0.09 suggest that very little variance is actually accounted for. Therefore, the 0.01
significance level appears appropriate in this study.
M.R. Hammer et al. / International Journal of Intercultural Relations 27 (2003) 421–443
in the IDI and multiple dimensions of the DMIS, it was felt that RMSEA should be
employed, especially when models of different complexity are being compared.
Browne and Cudeck (1989) recommend that a criterion of 0.80 or less for the
RMSEA in terms of providing a good fit of the data.
Using the above criteria, three models were tested via confirmatory factor analysis.
The first model consisted of seven dimensions originally posited by Bennett (1986,
1993b). They are Denial, Defense (and its alternative, Reversal), Minimization,
Acceptance, Adaptation, and Integration (Encapsulated Marginality form only).
Based on the findings from Paige et al. (1999), a second model was comprised of the
dimensions of Minimization, Reversal, and Integration, as well as the two merged
dimensions of Denial/Defense and Acceptance/Adaptation. The third model was
based on the theoretical supposition originally proposed by Bennett that
ethnocentrism and ethnorelativism are two underlying dimensions of an individual’s
orientation toward cultural differences. This two-dimensional model consisted of an
ethnocentric orientation (the merging of Denial, Defense, Minimization, and
Reversal) and an ethnorelative orientation (the merging of Acceptance, Adaptation,
and Integration).
The confirmatory factor analysis of the seven-dimensional model indicated only a
modest fit with the data (w2 =df ¼ 1:60; GFI=0.66, RMR=0.09, and
RMSEA=0.05). An examination of the modification indices revealed that
distinctions between Denial and Defense were problematic. The confirmatory factor
analysis of the five-dimensional DMIS was a better fit of the data (w2 =df ¼ 1:63;
GFI=0.85, RMR=0.07, and RMSEA=0.03). Further evidence of the better fit for
the five-dimensional model was found by comparing the chi-square decrease vs. the
decrease in degrees of freedom for the two models. For the seven-dimensional model,
chi-square was 6964.5 with 4361 degrees of freedom, while for the five-dimensional
model, the chi-square was 2973.3 with 1810 degrees of freedom. The resultant
differences in chi-square and degrees of freedom indicate a significantly better fit for
the five-dimensional solution (w2diff ¼ 3991:2 and dfdiff ¼ 2551; po0:0001). These
results provide support for the five-dimensional model over the seven-dimensional
It was also decided to test the most parsimonious version of the DMIS model,
namely, a two-dimensional representation (ethnocentrism and ethnorelativism). The
fit for this simpler model was marginally adequate, but certainly not as good
as the five-dimensional model (for the two-dimensional model, w2 =df ¼ 2:20;
GFI=0.77, RMR=0.08, and RMSEA=0.05). Further evidence for the better fit
of the five-dimensional model over the two-dimensional one was obtained by
comparing the differences in chi-squares (2973.3 and 4706.0, respectively) and
degrees of freedom (1810 and 2135, respectively) for the two models. The w2diff ¼
1732:7 and dfdiff ¼ 325 for the two-model comparison; this is highly significant
(po0:0001), suggesting that the five-dimensional model is a much better fit of the
IDI data.
It was decided to opt for the five-dimensional solution and examine the nature of
the five dimensions. The confirmatory factor analysis narrowed the final set of items
to 52, distributed across the five factors thusly: (1) DD (Denial/Defense) factor
M.R. Hammer et al. / International Journal of Intercultural Relations 27 (2003) 421–443
(14 items), (2) R (Reversal) factor (9 items), (3) M (Minimization) factor (10 items), (4)
AA (Acceptance/Adaptation) factor (14 items), and (5) EM (Encapsulated Marginality) factor (5 items). Scale reliabilities (coefficient alpha) were computed for DD, R,
M, AA, and EM items. For individual diagnostic purposes, it was decided that
the scale’s reliability should be 0.70 (Nunnally, 1978) or higher (DeVellis, 1991). The
reliability results are: DD scale (14 items, alpha=0.85), R scale (9 items,
alpha=0.80), M scale (10 items, alpha=0.85), AA scale (14 items, alpha=0.84),
and EM scale (5 items, alpha=0.80).
Example items for the DD scale are: (1) It is appropriate that people do not care
what happens outside their country, (2) People should avoid individuals from other
cultures who behave differently, and (3) Our culture’s way of life should be a model
for the rest of the world. Sample items from the R scale are: (1) People from our
culture are less tolerant compared to people from other cultures, (2) People from our
culture are lazier than people from other cultures, and (3) Family values are stronger
in other cultures than in our culture. Some items from the M scale include: (1) Our
common humanity deserves more attention than culture difference, (2) Cultural
differences are less important than the fact that people have the same needs, interests
and goals in life, and (3) Human behavior worldwide should be governed by natural
and universal ideas of right and wrong. Selected items from the AA scale are: (1) I
have observed many instances of misunderstanding due to cultural differences in
gesturing or eye contact, (2) I evaluate situations in my own culture based on my
experiences and knowledge of other cultures, and (3) when I come in contact with
people from a different culture, I find I change my behavior to adapt to theirs.
Finally, example items from the EM scale are: (1) I feel rootless because I do not
think I have a cultural identification, (2) I do not identify with any culture, but with
what I have inside, and (3) I do not feel I am a member of any one culture or
combination of cultures.
Table 1 presents a summary of the items that comprise the five scales of the
52-item IDI.6
All statistical analyses conducted in this study were completed on the 52 items identified through the
confirmatory factor analysis. After all analyses were completed, we conducted a final review of the clarity
of these 52 items. At that point, we decided to drop two of the items from our final version of the IDI.
Specifically, we dropped item # 29: ‘‘Some cultures are just better’’ from the DD scale because the content
of the item does not clearly reflect a focus on the superiority of one’s own primary culture. Therefore, the
final version of the IDI has 13 items that comprise the DD scale (rather than the 14 discussed in this
paper). The scale reliability for the DD scale remains the same, 0.85. The second item we dropped was #
39: ‘‘Fundamentally, people are the same the world over’’ because of the generality of the item and the
overall redundancy of the item with other items in the Minimization scale. Therefore, the final
Minimization scale consists of 9 items rather than the 10 items discussed in this paper. The overall
reliability of this 9-item Minimization scale is 0.83. Dropping these two items does not create any change
in the results on any of the statistical analyses conducted in this study. In short, after validating a 52-item
IDI, we simply eliminated two of the items due to further considerations regarding item content clarity.
M.R. Hammer et al. / International Journal of Intercultural Relations 27 (2003) 421–443
Table 1
Descriptive information on 52 items of the final IDI (est. n ¼ 556)
Std. dev.
DD: # 9.
DD: # 70.
DD: # 92.
DD: # 54.
DD: # 98.
DD: # 106.
DD: # 118.
DD: # 29.
DD: # 51.
DD: # 65.
DD: # 88.
DD: # 99.
DD: # 100.
DD: # 105.
Reversal: # 24.
Reversal: # 56.
Reversal: # 67.
Reversal: # 73.
Reversal: # 74.
Reversal: # 79.
Reversal: # 85.
Reversal: # 97.
Reversal: # 110.
Minimization: # 30.
Minimization: # 39.
Minimization: # 75.
Minimization: # 96.
Minimization: # 104.
Minimization: # 112.
Minimization: # 31.
Minimization: # 52.
Minimization: # 114.
Minimization: # 119.
AA: # 13.
AA: # 23.
AA: # 63.
AA: # 66.
AA: # 115.
AA: # 33.
AA: # 38.
AA: # 48.
AA: # 44.
AA: # 58.
AA: # 37.
AA: # 84.
AA: # 120.
Cultural Marginality:
Cultural Marginality:
Cultural Marginality:
Cultural Marginality:
Cultural Marginality:
M.R. Hammer et al. / International Journal of Intercultural Relations 27 (2003) 421–443
10. Testing the validity of the IDI
Validity is concerned with whether a measurement procedure measures what it
claims to measure (Emmert & Barker, 1989). Both content and construct validity of
the IDI was addressed. Content validity focuses on the systematic sampling of the
universe of items related to the construct being measured (Emmert & Barker, 1989).
The content validity of the IDI was addressed in Phase 1 through the in-depth
interviews conducted with people from a variety of cultures. Because these interviews
were transcribed, we were able to identify a wide range of statements or items from
this sample related to the various orientations toward cultural differences identified
in the DMIS.
Content validity was also addressed by the use of raters and the panel of experts
who, in Phase 1, rated each of the generated items in terms of the developmental
orientations as described in the DMIS. Because a substantial number of these
original items were employed in the Phase 2 research effort, we believe that the interrater reliabilities calculated for these item evaluations continue to provide evidence
for the content validity of the items vis-a" -vis the DMIS theory.
To establish construct validity for the IDI, we compared the scales to two other
related constructs. As Emmert and Barker (1989) state: ‘‘If a researcher has
developed a measure of a construct, the scores resulting from that measure should
relate in a theoretically meaningful manner to other variables with which the
construct is supposed to be connected’’ (p. 114).
In order to test the construct validity of the IDI, we examined the relationship of
the respondents’ scores for the DD, R, M, AA, and EM scales to two theoretically
related variables: Worldmindedness and Intercultural Anxiety. The first measure, an
assessment of international attitudes, was a 6-item version of the Worldmindedness
scale (Sampson & Smith, 1957) employed by Wiseman, Hammer, and Nishida
(1989).7 The Worldmindedness scale has been found to possess strong reliability
(0.93 split-half reliability and 0.93 for test–retest reliability) and validity (0.71
correlation with an 11-item Ethnocentrism scale (Shaw & Wright, 1967)).
The second measure was a modified version of the Social Anxiety scale developed
by Stephen and Stephen (1985). This modified (Intercultural Anxiety) version
focuses on the degree of anxiety respondents experience when interacting with people
from cultures different than their own. Respondents indicate how they feel overall
when interacting with people from other cultures (on a 1–7 scale, less or more
anxious, comfortable, accepted, irritated, awkward, impatient, defensive, suspicious,
Specifically, the following six items comprised this scale: (1) Our country is probably no better than
many others, (2) It would be better to be a citizen of the world than of any particular nation, (3) Our
responsibility to people of other races ought to be as great as our responsibility to people of our own area,
(4) Any healthy individual, regardless of race or religion, should be allowed to live wherever she/he wants
to in the world, (5) Our schools should teach history of the world rather than our own nation, and (6) Our
country should permit the immigration of foreign peoples even if it lowers our standard of living.
Response options ranged from strongly disagree to strongly agree (1=strongly disagree; 2=disagree;
3=slightly disagree; 4=slightly agree; 5=agree; 6=strongly agree). The higher the score, the more
worldminded the response.
M.R. Hammer et al. / International Journal of Intercultural Relations 27 (2003) 421–443
self-conscious, careful, and nervous). A number of studies have found this measure
to maintain satisfactory reliabilities across cultural contexts (e.g., Gao & Gudykunst,
1990; Gudykunst, 1989; Hammer, Wiseman, Rasmussen, & Bruschke, 1998).
Based on the initial findings provided by Paige et al. (1999), AA scores (which
empirically relate to the Acceptance, Cognitive Adaptation, and Behavioral
Adaptation scales on the earlier 60-item IDI and theoretically relate to the
Acceptance and Adaptation orientations identified in the DMIS) should positively
correlate with higher scores on the Worldmindedness measure and negatively
correlate with scores on the Intercultural Anxiety instrument. In contrast, DD scores
(which conceptually relate to the Denial and Defense scales on the earlier 60-item
IDI employed by Paige et al. (1999) and to the same theoretical dimensions identified
in the DMIS) should negatively correlate with the Worldmindedness measure and
positively correlate with the Intercultural Anxiety scale. Further, because Paige et al.
found that Minimization empirically existed between these two dimensions, M scores
should not substantially correlate with either the Worldmindedness or the
Intercultural Anxiety measures.
Because it was not included in the original 60-item IDI, Reversal was not studied
by Paige et al. (1999). Nevertheless, we can make a theoretical prediction about
how the R scale scores will correlate with Worldmindedness and Intercultural
Anxiety. Reversal typically involves an initial encounter with a different cultural
system where the usual tendency to evaluate the other culture negatively is reversed,
yielding a judgment of superiority of the other culture compared to the inferiority of
one’s own culture. In this case, one’s ability to relate ethnorelatively to the new
cultural system is compromised because of the essentially evaluative nature of the
comparison that is made between one’s home culture and the host culture. Because
the other culture is evaluated positively, contact with it does not elicit anxiety.
However, because people with Reversal worldviews do not really shift perspective or
generate adaptive behavior, their lack of anxiety is not accompanied by a higher level
of intercultural competence. This should mean that the R scale will not be
significantly positively or negatively related to either Worldmindedness or to
Intercultural Anxiety.
In contrast, Encapsulated Marginality (EM) should positively correlate with both
the Worldmindedness scale and the Intercultural Anxiety measure. This should
occur because respondents who are experiencing this aspect of Integration are more
ethnorelative in their cognitive and behavioral capabilities for adapting to cultural
differences, yet they are also experiencing affective difficulties vis-a" -vis their own
sense of cultural identity.
Before validity testing of the IDI scales with the Worldmindedness scale and the
Intercultural Anxiety scale was undertaken, internal consistency (coefficient alpha)
was computed for the 6-item Worldmindedness scale and the 11-item Intercultural
Anxiety scale. Reliability (coefficient alpha) for the Worldmindedness scale was 0.67
(n ¼ 561) and 0.86 for the Intercultural Anxiety scale (n ¼ 571). Correlations run on
the Worldmindedness scale and the Intercultural Anxiety scale revealed an expected
small, negative correlation between these two measures (r ¼ 0:14; p ¼ 011;
n ¼ 317). This correlation reveals that the measures, while slightly related, do
M.R. Hammer et al. / International Journal of Intercultural Relations 27 (2003) 421–443
Table 2
Correlation coefficients between five IDI scales and the worldmindedness and intercultural anxiety scales
Correlation coefficients estimated (n ¼ 553; p ¼ 0:01)
IDI scale
DD scale
Minimization scale
AA scale
Cultural marginality scale
Worldmindedness scale
Intercultural anxiety scale
nevertheless, measure substantively different domains related to the intercultural
Table 2 presents the correlations comparing the Worldmindedness and
Intercultural Anxiety scale scores to the following IDI scales: DD scale, R scale,
M scale, AA scale, and the EM scale.
Significant (p ¼ 0:01) negative correlations were found between Worldmindedness
and the DD scale (r ¼ 0:29; n ¼ 537) and significant positive correlations (r ¼ 0:29;
n ¼ 523) with the AA scale. As predicted, R scores were not significantly related to
Worldmindedness scale responses. M scores were also not significantly related to
Worldmindedness while EM scale scores were significantly positively related
(r ¼ 0:12; n ¼ 544) to Worldmindedness scores.
Also as predicted, a significant positive correlation was observed between
Intercultural Anxiety and the DD scale (r ¼ 0:16; n ¼ 543). No significant
correlations were found between Intercultural Anxiety and R or M scale scores. A
significant, negative correlation was found between Intercultural Anxiety and the
AA scale (r ¼ 0:13; n ¼ 527) and a significant positive correlation was observed
between Intercultural Anxiety scores and EM (r ¼ 0:14; n ¼ 555).
Overall, these results confirm the theoretically postulated relationships among the
IDI scales and the two validation measures. Specifically, higher scores on the DD
scale (which indicate a stronger Denial and Defense orientation) are related to less
Worldmindedness and greater Intercultural Anxiety. Greater intercultural competence as reflected in higher AA scores (which indicate a stronger Acceptance and
Adaptation orientation) is significantly related to more Worldmindedness and
decreased Intercultural Anxiety (i.e., greater comfort interacting with people from
different cultures). Higher scores on the EM scale (which reflect a greater sense of
cultural rootlessness) are related to significantly higher levels of Worldmindedness
and also increased Intercultural Anxiety. Overall then, the DD scale, the AA, and the
EM scales were significantly correlated in the direction hypothesized with both the
Worldmindedness and Intercultural Anxiety measures.
The M scale (which measures the transition between DD and AA) was not related,
as predicted, to either Worldmindedness or Intercultural Anxiety. And, as predicted
for different reasons, the R scale was also not correlated with either the
Worldmindedness or the Intercultural Anxiety measure.
M.R. Hammer et al. / International Journal of Intercultural Relations 27 (2003) 421–443
11. Testing for gender, age, education, and social desirability
Additional tests were run on the IDI, examining the effects of gender, age,
education, and social desirability on IDI scale scores.
T-tests were run on each of the IDI scales by gender. No significant differences
were found on four of the five measures. Significant differences were found on the
DD scale (t ¼ 4:84; df ¼ 553; po0:01) with the Male mean (1.73) significantly higher
than the female mean score (1.46). However, because no such effect was
systematically observed across the other four scales, it would appear that the IDI
is not systematically influenced by gender differences.
In order to test for significant differences on the IDI scale scores by age and
education level, analyses of variance (ANOVAs) were computed. No significant
differences (p ¼ 0:01) were found on any of the IDI scales.
In order to examine possible effects of social desirability, the short form (10-item)
Marlowe–Crown social desirability scale (Strahan & Gerbasi, 1972) was included in
the questionnaire completed by the 591 respondents in the sample. Correlations
between social desirability and all five IDI scales revealed no significant differences,
meaning IDI scale scores did not appear to be influenced by any general tendency for
respondents to provide socially desirable responses. This finding is particularly
notable, since tests of intercultural competence are often casually criticized as being
‘‘transparent.’’ The IDI has addressed this concern in terms of social desirability.
12. Conclusion
Overall, the results of the confirmatory factor analysis completed as part of the
development of a revised IDI instrument indicate that a five-factor solution (DD, R,
M, AA, and EM scales) provides a good fit to the data. Further, in a direct
comparison of the five-factor solution with both the original, seven-dimensional
model of intercultural sensitivity proposed by Bennett (1986, 1993b) and a twodimensional, more global model (of ethnocentrism and ethnorelativism), the fivefactor solution was found to be superior.
Additional testing done on these five scales on gender, age, education level, and
social desirability reveals no significant effects by age, education level, or social
desirability and no significant effects on four of the five scales by gender.
The better fit of the five-factor solution is consistent with the initial findings of
Paige et al. (1999) regarding the original IDI. By factor analyzing all 60 of the
original items together, they had observed that Denial and Defense did not emerge as
distinct factors, but appeared to constitute only one factor. Their testing also showed
Acceptance and Adaptation constituting a single factor. In the revised IDI, these
combinations are reflected in the DD and AA scales, respectively.
Analysis of the revised IDI data also supports the initial finding of Paige et al.
(1999) that Minimization occupies a position between Denial/Defense and
Acceptance/Adaptation. An interpretation of this is that the DMIS Minimization
worldview represents a resolution of issues generated by a Denial/Defense
M.R. Hammer et al. / International Journal of Intercultural Relations 27 (2003) 421–443
orientation but does not incorporate the recognition of fundamental shift in cultural
frame of reference necessary to the Acceptance/Adaptation worldview perspective.
A new finding from the analysis of the revised IDI responses is that, contrary to
DMIS theoretical expectation, Reversal empirically comprises a separate orientation
toward cultural differences. This probably means that the positive evaluation of
another culture within a polarized worldview is experienced differently than is the
negative evaluation of another culture within a similarly polarized worldview.
Further research on the R scale of the revised IDI may illuminate how this different
experience is theoretically related to ethnocentrism in general.
DMIS expectations were supported by the confirmatory factor analysis and
subsequent analyses that identified Encapsulated Marginality as a fifth empirically
distinct factor. EM appears to be, as expected, a form of ethnorelativism more
advanced than Acceptance or Adaptation (AA). Also as expected, the encapsulated
form of Integration is associated with anxiety. We hope that the next version of the
IDI will be able to add the constructive form of Integration to the scales, allowing us
to measure more advanced ethnorelativism that is not associated with intercultural
In order to facilitate additional analyses of the IDI by other researchers, an effort
was undertaken (after establishing the validity and reliability of this 50-item IDI),
based on an additional data set of 766 respondents who completed the 50-item IDI,
to develop a ‘‘total IDI score’’ grounded in the DMIS theory such that lower scores
reflect more ethnocentric orientations and higher scores reflect more ethnorelative
worldviews (i.e., Acceptance and Adaptation). Specifically, the DD, R, M and AA
scale scores were incorporated into a formula that produced a standardized (z-score)
‘‘total IDI score’’ with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15 (because the
EM scale is theoretically viewed as an incomplete measure of the ‘‘Integration’’ stage
in the DMIS theory, it was not incorporated into the calculation of the total IDI
In this study, our goal was to develop valid and reliable measures of intercultural
sensitivity guided by the Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity. This
research produced a set of measures that both comprehensively assesses developmental constructs and also provides empirical evidence that could support construct
revision to the developmental theory.
The purpose of this study was not to test the DMIS theory proposed by Bennett.
However, we believe further work undertaken to more formally test the DMIS is
aided by the research methods used in this study and the instrument that was
developed from it. For example, additional work should be undertaken examining
the accuracy of the developmental sequence (i.e., from a more Denial/Defense
orientation to a Minimization perspective to an Acceptance/Adaptation worldview).
As part of this effort, research should also examine the developmental function and
‘‘place’’ in this sequence of Reversal and Encapsulated Marginality perspectives.
Other research can also investigate the predictive validity of the IDI insofar as the
DMIS theory postulates that individuals with more complex cultural categories are
better able to navigate through cultural differences. For example, the IDI scales
developed in this study can be employed to empirically examine whether higher
M.R. Hammer et al. / International Journal of Intercultural Relations 27 (2003) 421–443
‘‘total IDI scores’’ (i.e., more ethnorelativism) predict: (1) less cultural stress among
sojourners, (2) more satisfaction with living/working in a foreign culture, (3) greater
job accomplishment in culturally different environments, (4) lower levels of prejudice
and discrimination against culturally different others, (5) less resistance to diversity
initiatives in organizations, and (5) decreased conflict and/or violence toward people
from different cultures?
In conclusion, we believe the DMIS model is largely supported by testing
associated with the development of the IDI. Thus we feel that the final, 50-item IDI
can be used with confidence as a measurement of the five dimensions of the DMIS
identified in this research. This measurement should be useful for purposes of
assessing training needs, guiding interventions for individual and group development
of intercultural competence, contributing to personnel selection, and evaluating
We would like to acknowledge and thank the following people who provided
valuable support during the development of the IDI. Michael Paige has been
instrumental in helping refine our measurement methodology, and has been
supportive of our efforts since the very beginning. Janet Bennett and the
Intercultural Communication Institute have sponsored the educational effort
associated with the IDI. Barbara Kappler gave considerable time in assisting in
the expert ratings portion of the research study. We would also like to thank Judith
Martin, Shelley Smith, Laura Paulson, Dr. Ray O’Connor has provided valuable
statistical assistance in developing the ‘‘total IDI score’’. Rhonda Petri, John
Baldwin, and Linda Larkey for their help as ‘‘expert raters.’’ We would also like to
express our gratitude to the following graduate students from American University
who conducted initial interviews for us: Sabina Behague, Jessica Gilbert, Karen
Rosenthal, Jessica Vesper, Tracy Weber, Neity Bhavnani, Susan Finnegan, and
Kavita Munjal.
Adler, N. (1991). International dimensions of organizational behavior (2nd ed.). Boston: PWS-Kent.
Banks, J. A. (1988). Multiethnic education: Theory and practice (2nd ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
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