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British Food Journal, 2024
This article sheds light on the barriers affecting the consumers' purchases of organic food products. It identifies the factors and the extent to which they influence their shopping behaviours and their future intentions to purchase (i.e., continuance purchase intentions). Methodology: Longitudinal research involved both qualitative as well as quantitative research methods. Firstly, the researchers organized semi-structured interviews to better understand the themes of study. Secondly, they disseminated two surveys in mid-2021 (n=376) and in the first part of 2022 (n=351). A covariance based structural equations modelling approach was used to identify and analyze any changes in the consumers' responses in the mentioned timeframes. Findings: Phase 1 and Phase 2 results indicate that the consumers' negative perceptions about value for money organic products can affect their purchase intentions. In addition, Phase 2 reports that an adverse perceived image of organic foods could influence the consumers' shopping behaviors. Interestingly, the findings also suggest that the customers' purchase intentions are significantly related to their repeat purchases (in both studies), and that ethnocentrism did not mediate this relationship. Originality: This contribution builds on the foundations of the innovation resistance theory, It identifies possible factors that could influence the consumers' purchase intentions. It offers valuable insights for policymakers and for the marketers of organic foods. In sum, it implies that value and usage barriers were affecting the consumers' purchase intentions in the short as well as in the long term. Evidently, the consumers were not purchasing organic food as they felt it was either over-priced, not available in the market, or because they were sceptical about its organic labelling.
Seperti yang dapat kita lihat, di negara maju ini, masyarakat dituntut untuk bekerja lebih keras dan memanfaatkan setiap waktu yang ada. Bahkan bagi seorang pekerja jika perlu waktu makan siang dan jam pulang kantor pun dapat digunakan untuk berbisnis guna meningkatkan profit perusahaan dan menjadi lebih produktif. Hal seperti ini biasanya akan membuat seorang pekerja berada di bawah tekanan yang cukup besar sehingga dapat menyebabkan stress, dan kinerja pun dapat menurun. Begitu pula dengan mahasiswa yang dituntut untuk belajar lebih keras sehingga tidak ada waktu untuk bersantai, karena persaingan kerja yang semakin ketat menuntut para mahasiswa untuk bersaing memperebutkan nilai terbaik guna mendapatkan posisi kerja yang terbaik. Dengan memperhatikan kebiasaan masyarakat yang seperti ini, kami melihat sebuah peluang investasi yang cukup menjanjikan dari bidang usaha yang kami pilih, sehingga kami memutuskan untuk mendirikan sebuah coffee shop yang kami namakan "The Prince Coffee Shop".
Filosofía, teología y política en un mundo post-secular, 2024
Note de curs
Note de curs utilizate pentru pregatirea studentilor de la programele Automatica si Informatica aplicata, respectiv Calculatoare
Este programa es de carácter público, no es patrocinado ni promovido por partido político alguno y sus recursos provienen de los impuestos que pagan los contribuyentes. Está prohibido el uso de este programa con fines políticos, electorales, de lucro y otros distintos a los establecidos. Quien haga uso indebido de sus recursos en el Distrito Federal, será sancionado de acuerdo a la ley aplicable y ante la autoridad competente. Distribución gratuita, prohibida su venta.
The project aims at shedding light on the early stages of metallurgy in northwestern Anatolia between the Late Chalcolithic and the end of the Middle Bronze Ages. It seeks to reconstruct the development of metallurgical technologies, as well as the socio-economic mechanisms behind the organization of metal extraction, refinement, production and exchange in the area. In order to understand alloying practices and exchange of tin in particular, pXRF analysis of ca 700 metal artefacts from 30 sites is under way. Preliminary results show that, starting in the 3rd mill. BCE, metal production is a multi-tier enterprise, with specialized workshops in lowland centres, and metal products and metallurgical technologies become widely exchanged across the whole peninsula. Tin, probably originated in the Eastern Taurus Mountains, occurs already around 2900-2800 BCE, but becomes widely employed only in the latest 3rd millennium BCE.
This is my oral presentation handout for "The 51st International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics" (2018/09/25-2018/09/28, Kyoto, Japan)
Color Research & Application, 2010
Psychophysical experiments were conducted to investigate the colour appearance changes between small colour patches and real room colours. The results clearly showed that colours appear lighter and more colourful for room colours. A method based on CIECAM02 was developed to quantify the colour size effect.
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Yogeshwar Kutir Publications, 2023
Cite as follows: Madzík, P., Falát, L., Copuš, L., Čarnogurský, K.: Resilience in supply chain risk management in disruptive world: rerouting research directions during and after pandemic. Annals of Operations Research, 2024
Frontiers in Political Science, 2022
Griseldaonline 21,1, 2022
Institute for Peace and Diplomacy, 2022
Anemon Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2019
Neural Computing and Applications, 2017
Temporal Variations of the Cardiovascular System, 1992
Journal of Public Economic Theory, 2001
2012 7th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2012
International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2020