Strategies for Advancing Evolution
As detailed in The Evolutionary Manifesto and Evolution’s Arrow, an understanding of the
large-scale evolutionary processes that have produced life on Earth and will determine our
future is making sense of human existence. This evolutionary worldview is revealing that we
are not just meaningless accidents in a universe that is indifferent to our existence. Instead it
shows that humanity has a critical role to play in the future evolution of life on this planet
and in the universe.
Our role is evident from an understanding of the trajectory of evolution. Until now,
evolution has proceeded along this trajectory of its own accord. But it will not continue to
advance unless humanity now drives the process forward intentionally. If this transition to
intentional evolution does not occur, evolution on this planet will stall and humanity will not
participate in the future evolution of life in the universe—we will be a failed evolutionary
It is as if evolution is a developmental process. Just as a human embryo is organized to
develop through a number of stages to produce an adult, evolution tends to produce a
particular sequence of outcomes of increasing complexity. However, at a particular point life
will continue to develop along this trajectory only if certain conditions are met: organisms
must emerge that awaken to the possibility that they are living in the midst of a
developmental process; they must realize that the continued success of the process depends
on them; and they must commit to actively moving the process forward.
We have reached this critical point. Until now, the trajectory of evolution has been driven by
natural selection (cultural as well as gene-based). Selection has been powered primarily by
competition—to stay competitive, living processes must improve continually. Selection has
taken evolution from the first simple cells to multi-cellular organisms to animal societies and
now to the threshold of a global society. But a global society is not in direct competition
with other global societies. Competition-based selection will not drive the development and
refinement of a global society. We have reached the point where intentionality is essential if
evolution is to continue to advance.
But what specifically do we need to do to advance the evolutionary process? We can use the
direction of evolution to answer this fundamental question. We can identify the next great
steps in evolution on Earth, and devise strategies that will help actualize those steps. The
trajectory of evolution points to the following key milestones in the future evolution of life:
A sustainable and cooperative global society emerges. It will be organized so that the
interests of individuals, corporations and states are aligned with the interests of the global
society as a whole. As a result, only actions that advance the interests of the society and
its members are rewarded. No longer is it in the interests of individuals, corporations or
governments to engage in war, destructive competition or actions that contribute to global
Strategies for Advancing Evolution
The majority of people on the planet become intentional evolutionaries. Their conscious
participation in the evolutionary process has become the source of value and meaning in
their lives. Redefining themselves within a wider evolutionary perspective is providing
direction and purpose to their existence—they no longer see themselves as isolated, selfconcerned individuals who live for a short time, then die irrelevantly in a meaningless
universe. They have developed the capacity to free themselves from the dictates of their
biological and cultural past, able to find satisfaction and meaning in whatever is
necessary to advance evolution.
The global society becomes an intentional evolutionary in its own right. The global
system is managed by people who have embraced an evolutionary worldview. They have
helped to organize the planetary society so that it actively pursues whatever goals will
enable it to participate successfully in the future evolution of life in the universe. They
are managing the living processes, artificial intelligence, matter and energy of the planet
into a symbiotic, highly evolvable whole that is capable of deciding and pursuing its own
Are these milestones achievable? It goes without saying that they represent extraordinarily
ambitious goals for a movement that currently comprises a small number of individuals
scattered around the globe.
Is it possible to devise realistic, practical strategies that can make the evolutionary worldview
the dominant social, ethical and political force on the planet?
The need to develop these strategies is a critical challenge for the evolutionary movement. In
significant part, the success of the movement will depend on its capacity to meet this
challenge. The energy and passion of potential members can be harnessed only if
evolutionary goals are seen as realistically achievable, and not just an idealistic pipe dream.
And members need to know what they have to do to advance the evolutionary process. The
movement needs to identify a realistic and feasible path to its goals.
This paper begins the development of these strategies. But it can only be a first step. As the
evolutionary movement begins to fulfill its potential, its strategies will soon be improved and
adapted by thousands of highly motivated and intelligent people across the planet. The
movement will soon develop a distributed diversity of evolving strategies that cannot be
specified in any single document or comprehended in all its detail by any individual.
If the evolutionary movement is to have a significant influence on events in the world, it
needs to become a political force. If it is to actualize the next great steps in evolution, it
needs to do what is necessary to accumulate power.
In large part the power of the movement will depend on its size—the number of citizens who
embrace an evolutionary worldview. This gross aspect of its power will also depend on the
amount of resources commanded by the movement, the power and diversity of its members,
and so on.
Strategies for Advancing Evolution
The movement’s ability to influence events will also depend on its intelligence—its ability to
devise effective strategies to achieve its goals and to adapt them creatively as circumstances
Finally, its power will depend on the way it is organized. The more effectively it organizes
itself, the better its ability to make use of the skills, knowledge and other resources available
to it.
Until the movement develops sufficient power, it will not be able to ensure that human
societies intentionally pursue evolutionary goals. However, in the meantime it can join with
other groups to achieve change where these groups have goals that are consistent with
advancing evolution.
Many organizations are currently pursuing goals that would move humanity in the general
direction of a unified and sustainable global society. This is a particularly urgent goal for the
evolutionary movement—without a global system of coordination that restrains carbon
emissions and war, human civilization might not survive this century.
Against this background, key priorities for the evolutionary movement are to:
Grow the size and power of the movement as quickly as possible, including by devising
strategies to rapidly spread the adoption of the evolutionary worldview;
Develop the intelligence of the movement;
Organize the movement to make most effective use of the skills, knowledge and other
resources available to it; and
Join with other groups to support actions that move humanity towards a sustainable and
cooperative global society.
We will deal with each of these key strategic areas in turn in Sections 4, 5, 6 and 7 below:
The inherent power of the evolutionary worldview
The evolutionary worldview has an intrinsic capacity to spread. It satisfies the deepest of
human needs. An evolutionary worldview shows that there is meaning and purpose to
human existence. It reveals that humanity has a critical role in the future evolution of life on
this planet, and the potential to make a significant contribution to the evolution of life in the
And unlike previous religious and mythical worldviews, it is science-based and capable of
withstanding rationalist critiques and skeptical scrutiny. In this respect it is unique. It
doesn’t have any viable competitors.
Importantly, the evolutionary worldview is capable of being embraced by all of humanity.
This is particularly significant for strategies that are designed to build the power of the
Strategies for Advancing Evolution
movement—it means the movement has the potential to accelerate its accumulation of power
by targeting recruitment at powerful individuals. The wealthy and the powerful are as much
in need of meaning and purpose in their lives as are the poor and disadvantaged.
At present, the wealthy and powerful may consider that their narrow biological needs and
desires can be best served by maintaining the status quo and suppressing real change. But
the evolutionary worldview is capable of convincing them that real meaning and purpose is
to be found in advancing evolution intentionally.
This also means that the evolutionary worldview is unlike ideologies such as communism in
an important respect. These ideologies reinforce conflicts of interests between groups in
society and therefore must rely on overthrowing opponents by force. Communism could not
recruit the wealthy and powerful, it had to put an end to their control through revolution.
In this respect the evolutionary worldview is more like religious and mythological belief
systems. At times in the past, religious worldviews have acquired the capacity to shape the
goals and beliefs of societies by gaining the acceptance of elites. At these times they have
not had to be imposed and maintained by violence.
The evolutionary worldview will spread due to its inherent attractiveness. But an
understanding of evolutionary dynamics suggests ways in which the growth in power of the
worldview can be greatly accelerated.
Processes that are autocatalytic can grow exceptionally rapidly. An autocatalytic process is
one which catalyses itself. It acts on its environment to cause more of itself to come into
existence. These new instances of itself are also autocatalytic. They in turn cause more
instances of itself to form. And so on and so on.
In this way, an autocatalytic process ratchets itself up. It pumps up its own production. It
draws more and more of the available materials and energy from its environment to make
instances of itself. When enough resources are available, it can grow exponentially.
Autocatalysis is a central feature of the growth of populations of living processes. It is
responsible for the tendency of living processes to pump themselves up and expand into
every part of the environment.
To an extent, the evolutionary worldview is inherently autocatalytic. Adoption of the
worldview motivates individuals to do what they can to actively spread the worldview. It
energizes them to take action that will increase the power of the movement and will advance
the transition to intentional evolution.
As new individuals adopt the worldview, the total number of people promoting the
worldview increases, and the rate of growth of the movement therefore accelerates.
The most successful world religions are also generally autocatalytic in this way. They
motivate at least some of their adherents to actively go out to convert others and to invest
resources in doing so.
Its autocatalytic nature will therefore enable the evolutionary movement to expand rapidly.
Strategies for Advancing Evolution
Enhancing the autocatalytic capacity of the evolutionary movement
But intentional evolutionaries will not just leave this autocatalytic process to unfold of its
own accord.
Instead they will target and shape their actions to maximize the autocatalytic effect of the
movement. They will intentionally use their understanding of evolutionary dynamics to
enhance the effectiveness of the autocatalytic capacity of their actions. The movement will
harness autocatalysis to continually ratchet up the size and scale of the movement, its
command over material resources, its power, and its ability to continue to expand.
As it expands autocatalytically, the movement will extend its influence over more and more
of the members and resources of society. And it will use these resources to drive further
growth. Eventually it will have the scale and power to shape the goals and policies of the
global society.
Key ways in which intentional evolutionaries can enhance the autocatalytic capacity of the
evolutionary movement include: targeting transmission of the worldview to individuals who
have a greater capacity to transmit the worldview (e.g. because they have more power and
other resources they can use); using resources other than their own to transmit the worldview
(i.e. resources associated with the position they occupy in government or in a corporation);
developing materials that will spread the worldview (e.g. web sites, articles, books, films,
and computer games, including materials tailored for individuals at particular developmental
levels); taking advantage of crises and newsworthy events to demonstrate the capacity of the
worldview to solve real-world challenges; developing processes, materials and experiences
that will deepen commitment to the worldview and engage individuals on all levels
(emotional, mental and intuitive); promoting the spread of skills, capacities and knowledge
that are ‘pro-worldview’ (i.e. they increase the propensity of individuals to adopt the
worldview); using the marketplace to aid transmission by packaging pro-worldview skills
and knowledge with other goods and services that are in demand; use markets to spread proworldview capacities by taking advantage of the fact that they can enhance the
competitiveness of businesses; using ‘consumer power’ to preferentially support proworldview goods and services; using existing religious, social and community organizations
and networks to spread pro-worldview knowledge and capacities; devising better strategies
for spreading the worldview and disseminating best practice; facilitating the coordination and
organization of intentional evolutionaries; countering opposition and resistance to the spread
of the worldview.
It is worth noting here that some of these strategies rely on indirect autocatalysis. They do
not involve the direct transmission of the worldview to others. Instead they rely on actions
that prepare the ground for transmission of the worldview—they transmit skills, experiences
or knowledge that increase the likelihood that the individual will then go on to adopt the
worldview. For example, they might assist individuals to develop the cognitive capacity to
understand complex systems, including evolutionary processes. Individuals with such a
capacity are more likely to develop a deep commitment to the worldview.
We will now examine some of these strategies in greater detail:
Strategies for Advancing Evolution
Specific strategies for enhancing the autocatalytic capacity of the movement
Targeting the powerful
The greater the power and resources commanded by individuals, the greater their capacity to
promote the spread of the evolutionary worldview. By targeting recruitment efforts at such
individuals, the movement can accelerate the spread of the worldview, and increase the
power of the evolutionary movement to influence events.
But it is not just individuals with personal wealth and power who could be targeted under this
strategy. As we discuss in the next section, individuals in the higher levels of government
and business can use the power of their positions in a number of ways to enhance the
transmission of the evolutionary worldview.
People in these sorts of positions are also more likely to embrace the evolutionary
worldview. This is because they often possess the higher-level cognitive capacities needed to
immerse themselves in the worldview and to fully appreciate its implications. As discussed
in more detail in The Evolutionary Manifesto, a full grasp of the evolutionary worldview
requires the capacity to develop complex mental models of the large-scale evolutionary
processes that have shaped life on this planet and that will determine our future.
Strategic vision and some ability to deal with complex systems are usually demanded of
individuals in the higher echelons of government and business.
These capacities will enable them to quickly develop a deep understanding of the
evolutionary worldview and a strong commitment to it. In turn, the worldview will enable
them to make sense of the events and processes that are unfolding around them on a
planetary scale. It will show them how they can live a life that matters in this wider context.
Their adoption of the evolutionary worldview will fill the void of meaning and purpose that
has resulted from the collapse of the old mythological and religious worldviews.
For these reasons the evolutionary worldview has the potential to spread rapidly amongst
business, governmental and political elites. Once it gains a foothold, it will spread
autocatalytically—the early adopters will introduce others to it, and so on.
The evolutionary worldview can rapidly become the dominant worldview of elites across the
planet. It will become the main determinant of their personal values and motivations.
The targeting of the worldview to the powerful will also help to counter moves to attack the
movement. To the extent that the worldview is perceived to threaten the status quo, attempts
will be made to undermine and discredit it. ‘Expert opinion’ and ‘authoritative sources’ will
be funded to attack those who support it.
The more of the elites who have embraced the worldview, the less effective these attacks will
be. Campaigns to discredit the worldview will be sapped of their energy and power.
Once the worldview has spread sufficiently, the processes that normally defend the status quo
will collapse. Something similar happened with the collapse of communism in the Eastern
bloc. Eventually communism lost the support of many of the key individuals it needed to
enforce its power. Once these individuals realized they had reached a critical mass, the
power of the communist state ceased to exist.
Strategies for Advancing Evolution
Intentional evolutionaries within governmental and business elites will also play a significant
role in the movement towards a unified and sustainable global system. In the coming years
international crises associated with global warming, migration, war and unrestrained
economic activity will increase in size and frequency.
Because of the global nature of these crises, no nation acting alone can solve them. They
will demand global solutions. The crises will increasingly give intentional evolutionaries
within governmental and business elites the opportunity to steer the world towards a global
society. When conditions are appropriate, they will begin to use the evolutionary worldview
to explain and justify the movement to a coordinated global system.
Using the resources of governments, corporations etc
The more resources that are directed at fuelling the autocatalytic process, the faster the
evolutionary movement will grow. Intentional evolutionaries will use their own time, money
and other resources for this purpose. But wherever possible, they will also use any influence
they have over other resources to support the growth of the movement.
The potential of this strategy will be particularly significant for intentional evolutionaries in
powerful positions in politics, government, business and other large organizations. Although
their organization might not overtly support evolutionary goals or values, they can use their
power within the organization to allocate resources to support the growth of the movement.
For example, they may use their influence to preferentially engage and promote individuals
who have embraced the evolutionary worldview or who are likely to do so; protect
individuals within the organization who are penalized because of their pro-evolutionary
values and activities; support the formation of ‘communities of practice’ within the
organization that not only nourish skills and knowledge relevant to the organization, but also
assist in spreading evolutionary perspectives and cognitive capacities that are conducive to
adoption of the worldview; engage management consultants to develop systemic cognitive
capacities and related skills in staff that enhance the likelihood the staff will adopt an
evolutionary worldview; when engaging management consultants, preferentially chose
consultancies that are staffed by intentional evolutionaries and that use an evolutionary
worldview to frame their training and developmental interventions; when providing funding
or donations to other bodies such as think tanks, charities, community organizations,
representative bodies etc., give the money to those who have an evolutionary perspective or
employ people who do; wherever the opportunity arises, bias all commercial decisions in a
similar way; in the case of governmental organizations, bias funding decisions towards
organizations, projects and activities that are pro-evolutionary, are staffed by proevolutionaries, or that create conditions (including cognitive development) which are
conducive to the adoption of the evolutionary worldview (e.g. meditation programs in
schools that are specifically directed at developing meta-cognitive capacities and emotional
intelligence); etc, etc.
As the evolutionary movement grows and as the concentration of intentional evolutionaries
increases in the higher levels of governments and businesses, governmental and business
resources will increasingly be put to work to fuel the growth of the movement.
In some circumstances, the use of an organization’s resources in these ways will be
consistent with the interests of the organization. For example, preferentially promoting
Strategies for Advancing Evolution
intentional evolutionaries may often benefit an organization—the strategic vision and
capacity to understand complex systems that characterizes intentional evolutionaries will be
extremely valuable at the higher levels of governments and multi-national corporations.
Furthermore, intentional evolutionaries will not use resources in ways that will seriously
damage their organization—they will be careful to use their strategies in ways that are
sustainable and in the interests of the evolutionary movement in the longer term.
However, intentional evolutionaries will not be concerned by the fact that using the resources
of organizations in these ways might clash with some common ethical principles.
Whether their adherents are conscious of it or not, our existing moral and ethical systems
have been shaped and tuned by the needs of past evolution. These systems embody
principles that tended to be effective in past biological and cultural circumstances. For
example, many moral principles are derived from the norms needed to organize effective and
cohesive tribal societies.
People who blindly adhere to these principles are following the dictates of past evolution,
irrespective of whether the principles will be effective in current circumstances or in the
In contrast, intentional evolutionaries pursue values, principles and strategies that advance
the evolutionary process. Their allegiance is to the future, not the past. A fundamental
implication of the evolutionary worldview is that ethical principles are no longer things that
we inherit blindly from times gone by. Instead they are principles that are chosen
intentionally to serve the goal of advancing evolution.
Intentional evolutionaries do not adhere to ethical principles that worked well in the past but
now impede our future evolutionary progress.
Of course, these ethical issues will dissipate once the majority of a nation’s citizens embraces
an evolutionary worldview and elects a government that is explicitly pro-evolutionary. Even
under past ethical systems, this will legitimate the overt use of governmental resources for
pro-evolutionary purposes.
The people who first elect a pro-evolutionary government will have done something that is
not just of great historical significance. It will also be a major event in the evolution of life
on Earth. And it will be a major boost to the growth of the evolutionary movement. Such a
government will intentionally use its resources to promote the evolutionary worldview in
other nations, and help create conditions that facilitate its embrace across the planet.
Hitch-hiking on market autocatalysis
Economic markets comprise processes that are indirectly autocatalytic. A product that
efficiently satisfies the needs of consumers can be exchanged for money in a market. The
money provides the producer with the resources to make more of the product, and an
incentive to do so (in the form of profit). In a market, such a product causes the creation of
more instances of itself. It indirectly catalyzes its own production.
This autocatalytic process pumps up the availability of products that are in demand.
Strategies for Advancing Evolution
The evolutionary movement can take advantage of markets to pump up the availability of
activities that support the transmission of the evolutionary worldview. It can augment the
inherent autocatalytic nature of the movement by also hitch-hiking on market autocatalysis.
The most obvious way to do this is to integrate things that facilitate adoption of the
worldview into consumer products and services that will be pumped up by the market. Good
candidates for this are knowledge about the worldview and processes that transmit cognitive
capacities that assist a deep understanding of the worldview. Examples of consumer
products and services that can be integrated with pro-evolutionary material include movies,
documentaries, web sites, computer games, workshops, lectures, educational courses etc.
Pro-evolutionary material can also be packaged with other services that are marketed to
businesses as effective means to increase their competitiveness. Important examples are
services that develop the ability of employees to understand complex systems (as mentioned
previously, this capacity is a pre-condition to a deep appreciation of the evolutionary
worldview). Other examples are programs that enhance emotional intelligence and promote
a capacity to transcend the dictates of our biological and cultural past (these improve the
ability of individuals to pursue evolutionary goals more effectively).
These capacities are extremely valuable for businesses that have to cope with a business
environment that is increasingly complex and interdependent. Corporations that develop and
enhance these capacities in their employees will tend to out-compete those that don’t. As
more businesses acquire these skills, their strategies will tend to make the business
environment even more complex, further increasing the demand for the skills.
Market forces will therefore quickly spread these capacities throughout the economy, just as
they previously spread the demand for such capacities as rational thought and selfauthorship.
A further way in which the evolutionary movement can take advantage of market processes
is through the use of consumer choice. As the evolutionary movement grows, the combined
consumer power of its members can be used to support pro-evolutionary products, services
and businesses.
The effectiveness of consumer choice has already been demonstrated in particular markets.
For example, by preferentially choosing products that are environmentally friendly,
consumers in more affluent countries have significantly influenced the goods that are
produced and marketed.
However, consumer choice is often not as effective as it could be. Its effect is undermined
where consumers base their choices on inadequate information. This is often the case where
consumers rely on information from the producer or from ‘experts’ who are influenced by the
producer—there is an obvious conflict of interest..
The evolutionary movement can use more sophisticated means to assess the pro-evolutionary
credentials of businesses. For example, it may require corporations to submit themselves to
independent, third party certification processes.
Strategies for Advancing Evolution
Devising better strategies
The evolutionary movement will continually improve and adapt the strategies it uses to
enhance its autocatalytic growth. It will increase its ability to do this by building the
intelligence of the movement and its organizational effectiveness. Broad strategies for
enhancing these capacities are examined in the following two sections.
The higher the intelligence of the evolutionary movement, the greater its capacity to advance
the evolutionary process.
The intelligence of the movement is its ability to improve and adapt its goals and strategies.
The more intelligence it can call on to enhance its strategies and tactics, the better it will be at
achieving its goals.
The movement will use its intelligence to continually improve all its goals and strategies,
including those in the key strategic areas examined in this paper: moving the planet towards
a sustainable and unified global society; growing the evolutionary movement and enhancing
its autocatalytic effect; organizing the movement so that it makes best use of the skills and
resources available to it; and bootstrapping the intelligence of the movement.
The movement can enhance its intelligence by building its capacity to undertake the
following key functions:
Constructing models, theories and narratives that can be used to guide the development of
better strategies, and adapting the models in the light of experience (models can be
intuitive as well as explicit);
Identifying successful strategies and interventions and the circumstances in which they
are effective;
Monitoring relevant aspects of the social environment to detect opportunities for strategic
Monitoring the implementation of strategies so that they can be adapted as circumstances
change; and
Making the knowledge and learning that arises from these activities available throughout
the movement, in a form that is readily understood and usable.
The particular ways in which the movement undertakes these key functions will be
determined largely by self-organizing processes. In some instances this may mean that
functions are distributed across a number of individuals and groups who are only loosely
connected. In others the functions relating to a particular issue may be embodied in a
particular organization. How these self-organizing processes will organize the evolutionary
movement will be discussed in detail in the next section.
In some cases, strategies will deal with circumstances that are highly complex and inherently
unpredictable. In these situations, strategies will be very flexible. They will be adapted
Strategies for Advancing Evolution
continually in the light of feedback provided by monitoring the environment and the impact
of the strategies.
The intelligence of the movement will depend on the cognitive capacities of its individual
members as well as the intelligence of its collective processes. Boosting individual or
collective capacities will enhance the intelligence of the movement. We will deal briefly
with each in turn.
Enhancing individual intelligence
Humanity has not yet developed the cognitive capacities needed to readily understand and
manage complex systems.
Rational thought alone is ineffective for dealing with complex social, economic and
environmental systems. This is because circular causality is common in complex systems—
when components of the system impact on other elements, these in turn often impact back on
the original components. As a result, linear analysis guided by rational thought is unable to
keep track of causal relationships within such a system, and therefore cannot predict its
Due to this limitation, scientific understanding has been largely restricted to parts of reality
that can be approximated by analytical models. To date, science has been relatively
ineffective at understanding complex social, psychological and ecological systems. Computer
simulations of complex phenomenon have helped. But their value will be limited until
scientists develop greater capacities to understand the patterns and processes exemplified by
the simulations.
The development of cognitive capacities to understand complex systems is of paramount
importance to the evolutionary movement. In particular, these capacities are essential for
understanding the large scale evolutionary processes that have shaped life on Earth and that
will determine our future.
Furthermore they are essential for developing effective strategies for the movement. In order
to achieve its goals the evolutionary movement has to understand and manage complex
social, political, economic and ecological realities.
As outlined in The Evolutionary Manifesto, the key to developing these capacities is to train
the ability to detach at will from linear thought processes. Currently we are almost
continually embedded in sequences of thought. These thought processes fill the limited
capacity of consciousness and crowd out access to the capacities that can enable us to
understand complex systems—e.g. intuition, wisdom, pattern recognition abilities, and so on.
Linear thought will continue to be important for understanding parts of the world that are
analyzable, and for putting together mental models of complex systems. But we need to
develop the ability to voluntarily and effortlessly move between thinking and other modes at
will. In particular, we will need to freely access ‘silent’, intuitive modes if we are to build
our capacity to understand and manage complex systems.
In the language of the spiritual and religious traditions, we need to be able to ‘come into the
present’ at will. And we will need to train this capacity by using practices that use the
principles underlying meditation.
Strategies for Advancing Evolution
Importantly, the training of a capacity to come into the present will also free us from the
dictates of our desires, emotions and past conditioning. It will enable intentional
evolutionaries to do what is necessary to advance the evolutionary process, unfettered by
their biological, cultural and social past.
The full development of these capacities produces a quantum-level increase in adaptability
and intelligence. Individuals at the higher cognitive level are able to exploit opportunities
that others do not even suspect exist. In circumstances where individuals at the rational level
see only chaos, those at the higher level are able to see and exploit causal relationships,
identify opportunities, see ways of intervening in systems to achieve their goals, identify
leverage points, and understand at a glance how a system will unfold in response to a variety
of actions.
It is as if individuals who are embedded in linear thought are moving in slow motion, and
those at the higher level are able to move freely about them at normal speed. While linear
thinkers are stuck in habitual and conditioned responses, individuals at higher levels are able
to move at right angles to social convention and normal understandings, and achieve what
they want at will. The additional freedom available at higher levels is as extensive as the
extra freedom we have when we reflect consciously on how we could have acted during a
For these reasons, intentional evolutionaries will work on themselves to develop higher
cognitive capacities, and will promote the acquisition of the capacities throughout society as
a whole. A key priority will be to integrate into education systems meditation-like programs
that are specifically designed to develop these higher capacities.
Boosting collective intelligence
Collective intelligence has the advantage of being able to draw on the disparate skills,
perspectives, knowledge, cognitive styles and emotional intelligences of the participants in
the collective process.
In recent years, a number of collective processes have been developed that are particularly
effective for dealing with complex systems. They utilize similar principles at the collective
level to the processes that bring individuals ‘into the present’.
Although these collective approaches often use different terminology and rationales, they
generally share the following key features:
The participants are ‘in the present’. They experience their minds as being relatively still,
and they are not attached to any thoughts or feelings that arise;
As a result, sequences of thought do not crowd out access to other resources such as
intuition, wisdom and capacities for pattern recognition. The group process is therefore
able to freely draw on any of these resources that are relevant to the group;
As a further result of being in the present, feelings and emotions do not determine the
resources that individuals contribute to the collective process. The way is cleared for
contributions that are relevant to the group to be elicited, not those that are relevant to
Strategies for Advancing Evolution
individual needs and ego-concerns. For this reason, participation in the collective process
is experienced as impersonal and non-volitional; and
The process is designed to focus the attention of the participants on the needs of the
group, and to elicit contributions relevant to these needs. For example, participants may
be asked to ‘speak into the middle’, to ‘sense what wants to emerge’, or to consider what
‘the whole’ would want as a solution to a particular problem.
In short, such a collective process can access the most effective resources within the group
for responding to an issue (including the resources needed to understand and manage
complex systems), without being impeded by the narrow needs and ego-concerns of
Participants often experience their involvement in these processes as exhilarating and
profound. In part, this is due to the experience of ‘being in the present’. In this state, an
individual’s attention is not being continually jerked around by thoughts and feelings, and the
processing power of consciousness is relatively free and unencumbered. As a consequence
the state is experienced as one of stillness, peace, clarity, and spaciousness. Perceptions are
heightened and experienced as being particularly vivid.
Furthermore, individuals will often experience their own contributions to the group as
surprising and magical. This is because their contributions often come directly from the
intuitive unconscious. Their thought-based conscious mind is not involved in generating the
contributions, so it does not understand where they came from or how they were generated.
To the conscious mind, the contributions appear to arise fully formed from ‘un-knowing’.
Although these collective processes can be experienced as magical by the limited conscious
mind, it is important to recognize that they are not. The processes are able to access only the
resources and knowledge that are brought to the table by the participants. The processes
cannot get something out of nothing.
The effectiveness of the collective processes is therefore dependent on the quality of the
skills, knowledge, mental models and other resources possessed by the participants. In order
to get the best out of the processes it is therefore essential that the participants build their
knowledge and mental models before they participate. The pump must be primed. A group
of silly saints will still be silly, no matter how effective the collective process.
These sorts of collective processes are still at a very early stage of their development.
However it is already clear that properly used, they have a significant role to play in the
evolutionary movement and in the emergence of a highly evolvable global society.
The capacity of the evolutionary movement to achieve its goals will depend critically on the
effectiveness of its organization. How well it organizes itself determines its capacity to make
best use of the diversity of skills, knowledge, resources, opportunities and passions of its
Ineffective organization wastes the resources of the movement.
Strategies for Advancing Evolution
Until recently, the most common organizational form was an authoritarian, top-down
hierarchy. The highest levels of such an organization establish its vision, goals and
strategies. Policies and instructions are fed down the hierarchy with little room for input or
modification from those at lower levels. Authority and power is used to get lower levels to
do what the hierarchy considers is in the interests of the organization.
This form of organization is unlikely to play a significant role in the evolutionary movement.
There will be no ‘One Big Evolutionary Organization’ (OBEO) that runs the evolutionary
movement and has branches in each town or city.
Forms of organization are now possible that are much more creative, adaptive and energized.
A number of factors are responsible for these new organizational possibilities. First and
foremost, the internet has made participation in many types of collective projects possible no
matter where an individual lives. In these cases, the internet has abolished geography. This
has very significant implications.
It means that individuals are not stuck with some local branch of the OBEO, irrespective of
whether it is competent or relevant to their particular interests. Instead they can now join any
evolutionary group they wish, no matter where its founders are located. Individuals can
search the planet for groups that that are competently pursuing projects that interest them and
suit their talents. And they can also set up their own evolutionary projects and seek to attract
others to contribute.
Collectively, the activities of many intentional evolutionaries selecting, joining and leaving
groups will produce a dynamic of creative destruction:
Organizations that are seen to competently pursue effective evolutionary goals and strategies
will attract new members and resources. Groups that cannot convince potential members that
they are efficient or sufficiently relevant to advancing the evolutionary process will wither
away. And groups will end when their purpose is achieved, when more effective groups
emerge, or when they lose their relevance.
Organizations within the evolutionary movement will be disciplined and shaped by the need
to compete for members and for support. They will be embedded in a form of market that
will ensure that only the most effective survive and that those that stagnate will disappear.
Like any highly adaptable and effective market, this organizational dynamic would always be
open to new ideas and better forms of organization. Any participant in the evolutionary
movement would be able to initiate a new project and seek collective support for it. Every
possible project that has the potential to enhance the effectiveness of the movement would be
an opportunity that could be taken up by an evolutionary entrepreneur.
As a result of these dynamic processes, an effective organizational structure will selforganize within the evolutionary movement. It will adapt appropriately to changes in
circumstances, goals, strategies and resources.
To an extent, the effectiveness of these self organizing processes will depend on the
entrepreneurial capabilities of members of the movement. The movement will need
members that are strategic, self-authoring, motivated, able to understand and manipulate
complex environments, and able to organize complex projects.
Strategies for Advancing Evolution
The evolutionary movement will have these skills in abundance. As mentioned previously,
some cognitive capacity to understand and manage complex systems is needed to grasp the
significance of the evolutionary worldview. And intentional evolutionaries will work on
themselves to enhance these and related capacities.
The ubiquity of these capacities in the evolutionary movement further reduces the need for
top-down hierarchical organization. Individuals do not need close control and coordination if
they have the cognitive capacity to see the relationship between the needs of the organization
and their own specific contributions. They will have the vision to adapt their activities to the
needs of the organization as a whole. And they will be able to adjust their contributions
continually as circumstances change, while taking into account the contributions of other
Evolutionary activists will be coordinated across the globe not by some OBEO, but by
common strategic visions and by knowledge about what other activists are doing.
The voluntary nature of the movement will also reduce the need for hierarchical controls that
align the interests of individuals with the interests of the organization. This is because the
ability of intentional evolutionaries to join projects that match their particular talents, skills
and passions will tend to align interests. Any miss-match between organizational goals and
personal motivations will also diminish as intentional evolutionaries begin to free themselves
from the dictates of narrow desires and motivations.
Long before the evolutionary movement accumulates sufficient power in its own right to
shape society, it will be able to influence events by joining with other groups to pursue
common goals.
A central goal of the evolutionary movement is to organize a unified, sustainable and highly
evolvable global society. There are good prospects for joining with other groups to move the
planet towards this goal. Many other political and social groups are pursuing goals that
would take humanity in the direction of a planetary society.
The evolutionary movement can make a unique and powerful contribution to this wider push
towards a global system of coordination:
The evolutionary worldview provides a rationale for the transition to a global system that
is capable of attracting, motivating and energizing powerful support. The worldview
shows that there is much more at stake than just ensuring our social systems continue to
satisfy our narrow and self-centered desires. It reveals that the transition to a global
system is the next great step in the evolution of life on Earth. The successful completion
of the transition is necessary to ensure that life on Earth is not a failed evolutionary
experiment. The transition is essential if life on Earth is to contribute to the future
evolution of life in the universe. The worldview enables people to see that when they are
working for a global society, they are participating in the unfolding of a major
evolutionary transition on Earth. What they do here and now matters in the larger
scheme of things.
Strategies for Advancing Evolution
The evolutionary worldview also gives supporters of a global system confidence that it is
a realistic and feasible goal. In particular, the worldview shows that narrow self-interest
is not a barrier to the emergence of harmonious cooperatives. In the past, evolution has
repeatedly found ways to organize warring and competing entities into harmonious and
cooperative wholes. The next step in this evolutionary trajectory is the formation of a
sustainable and unified planetary civilization.
The evolutionary worldview shows us the types of arrangements that must be put in place
to organize a sustainable and cooperative global system. It shows us how to organize
self-interested entities into harmonious cooperatives.
The evolutionary movement can attract the support of elites in the higher levels of
politics, government and business, and can mobilize them behind the goal of a global
system of coordination. This constituency has a critical role in designing arrangements
that will move us towards a global system, advocating them when international crises
emerge that require global solutions, and ensuring that the new arrangements stick once
they are put in place.
Priority tasks for the evolutionary movements are to develop its contributions in each of these
areas. The urgency is clear—until a global system suppresses destructive competition across
the planet, civilization will be endangered and may not survive this century.
The global crises that are beginning to beset the planet will help drive humanity towards an
integrated planetary society. The crises are signaling the need to move to a new level of
global organization that restrains destructive competition at lower levels.
Why a global system of coordination is necessary
A global system is necessary because destructive activities that extend beyond the borders of
nations cannot be controlled by any one state acting alone. For example, there is no
governance that a nation can establish within its own borders that will prevent it from being
attacked from outside. Furthermore, regulation of carbon emissions or other pollution within
a nation will not prevent global warming or pollution produced by the emissions of other
nations. And in an interdependent global economy, what happens in one country may affect
all others, no matter how they regulate their own economy. This time the global financial
crisis began in the US, next time it might begin in China.
Only an integrated global system can coordinate regulation across all nations. The control of
global warming and other international crises therefore demands the emergence of a global
However there is no guarantee that global crises will bring an integrated global society into
existence. The destruction of human civilization is also a possible outcome. Crises will
create conditions which make a coordinated global system achievable. And only a global
system can bring the series of crises to an end. But a coordinated planetary society will not
just emerge spontaneously or magically.
Evolution teaches us that highly specific organizational arrangements need to be in place if a
harmonious and cooperative organization is to emerge. This is as true at the planetary level
as it was at the level of the cell and at the level of the multi-cellular organism. Unless and
Strategies for Advancing Evolution
until these arrangements exist, destructive competition and conflict will continue across the
A major task for the evolutionary movement is to develop and advocate a comprehensive
blueprint for organizing a sustainable and cooperative global society. The movement will set
out to organize widespread support and activism behind the blueprint.
A priority will be to target political, governmental, business and academic elites. Members
of these elites who embrace the evolutionary worldview will be critically important for the
move to a coordinated global system. They will take every opportunity to present the
blueprint as the best way forward as global crises increasingly demand the emergence of an
integrated global system.
The influence of members of the elites will also be essential to overcome strong resistance
from interests that profit from current crises and conflicts, such as the military/industrial
complex. These interests will do everything they can to undermine the move to a unified
global society, including funding ‘expert’ opinion and ‘independent’ media to discredit it.
The evolutionary movement will develop and improve the blueprint as the movement builds
its power and intelligence. Members of the movement in the higher levels of government,
business and academia will allocate resources to think tanks and institutes that contribute to
this work. As mentioned earlier, they will also allocate funding to projects and activities that
enhance the cognitive capacities of members of society. This will better equip citizens to
understand complex systems in general and the role of the blueprint in particular.
How evolution has organized cooperative societies
But our understanding of evolution is already sufficient to identify the broad outlines of the
arrangements that will be necessary to organize a sustainable and cooperative global society.
Evolution organizes warring individuals into harmonious cooperatives by aligning the
interests of the individual with the interests of the organization. This ensures that when an
individual’s actions advantage the organization, the individual is also advantaged. And when
the actions harm the organization, the individual is harmed.
As a result, cooperation pays within the organization. Members who pursue their own
individual interests will also pursue the interests of the organization, as if guided by an
invisible hand.
This is the way in which cooperation is organized within cells, within multi-cellular
organisms, within animal societies, within tribes, within corporations and within nation
The importance of governance and regulation
The arrangements that evolution uses to organize cooperatives are what we know as
governance in human societies. Effective governance restrains actions that would otherwise
undermine cooperation (e.g. free riding, cheating, theft, and reneging on exchanges). And it
ensures that cooperative actions that benefit the whole are funded and rewarded.
Strategies for Advancing Evolution
A unified and sustainable global civilization can be achieved by an appropriate system of
global governance. Such a system would be structured so that nations and corporations
capture the benefits of their contributions to the global society, and also capture any harmful
effects they have on others.
As a result, corporations driven solely by the profit motive will search for ways to advance
the interests of the society. In contrast, our current system actually rewards corporations for
doing some things that are harmful, such as dumping carbon dioxide into the atmosphere—
doing so makes them more profitable and competitive.
Evolution teaches that the solution to destructive behavior that undermines the common
interest is not to somehow abolish self-interest or greed. This is fortunate because selfinterest is an unchangeable element of human behavior. Although it is not always dominant,
it is always a factor.
A society with a high proportion of wise, compassionate and altruistic citizens would be
much easier to govern, but evolution shows that the achievement of a cooperative and
sustainable society does not depend upon it.
Nor will the organization of a global society stifle diversity. In fact, each time evolution has
produced new cooperatives, it has increased the differentiation and diversity of the members
of the cooperative (for example, the cells that combine together to constitute our bodies are
far more differentiated than their ancestors that lived as separate individuals). This is
because diversity and specialization make for more effective cooperation and adaptability.
Free markets are an important way of aligning the interests of businesses and consumers in
human society. However, markets align interests only if they are properly governed.
In a market, businesses compete to satisfy the interests of consumers. The best products win
the competition, and the needs of consumers are satisfied in the most cost/effective way
But these market processes work only if governance prevents theft, cheating, fraud etc. If
these types of behavior are not restrained, participants will be able to pursue their interests in
ways that are not aligned with the interests of the community.
Governance will not be able to constrain the interests of corporations if they are so large and
powerful that they can influence the regulators. If this occurs, the corporations will escape
effective regulation, and their interests will no longer be aligned.
The ability of large corporations to control regulators rather than be controlled by them is the
primary cause of the current global financial crisis. It arose because regulation failed to align
greed with the community interest. The solution is regulation that does so, not the
miraculous abolition of greed.
The fundamental test that evolution teaches us to apply when examining the effectiveness of
any social or economic system is this:
Will participants in the system who are driven solely by greed and self interest end up
serving the community?
Strategies for Advancing Evolution
How can effective governance be organized?
But what specifically can be done to ensure that governance is effective and will continue to
align interests despite attempts by corporations and individuals to escape regulation?
Evolution achieves effective governance by aligning the interests of the governors of the
cooperative with the interests of the organization as a whole. Once this has been achieved,
the only way that governors will be able to pursue their interests is by instituting governance
that advances the interests of the whole.
In such a system, it will be in the interests of governors to implement governance that
efficiently aligns the interests of individuals with the cooperative. It will also be in their
interests to institute governance that constrains individuals to the minimum extent necessary
to align interests (i.e. that maximizes freedom).
Furthermore, it will be against the interests of governors to favor sectional interests that may
attempt to corrupt governance. And it will be in the interests of the governors to institute
governance that punishes and constrains sectional interests that might try to do so.
The specific way in which past evolution has aligned the interests of governors with the
whole is to subject them to higher-level governance. This higher-level governance may in
turn be subject to governance from an even-higher level and so on, producing a hierarchy of
The end result is that the interests of all within the organization (governors and ordinary
members alike) will be aligned with the interests of the whole.
Human societies must have similar arrangements if they are to be governed in the interests of
the society as a whole. The regulators themselves must be regulated so that their interests are
aligned with the society. The regulatory system must also ensure that it is not in the interests
of corporations (and nations, in the case of global society) to influence the regulators. And
the regulatory system must be highly adaptable so that it can maintain the alignment of
interests despite changing circumstances and the continual efforts of corporations to escape
These general principles of regulation also apply to scientists, economists and others who
provide expert, technical input to regulatory decisions. Recent history is littered with
examples in which the views of experts have been biased by sectional interests. Their advice
will always be suspect unless they are also embedded in a process that aligns their interests
with those of the society.
Properly regulated decision markets can be effective ways of aligning the interests of experts
in this way. Decision markets reward quality judgments and expertise. Through an invisible
hand process they also adjust their judgments as circumstances change (including as further
information becomes available), and resolve conflicts between experts.
As mentioned, evolution teaches us that efficient regulation will constrain participants in the
market to the minimum extent necessary to align interests. Provided their interests are
aligned, participants in markets will always be better placed than regulators to work out the
best ways to satisfy their interests and therefore the interests of the community.
Strategies for Advancing Evolution
This is why centralized, command economies are so incompetent, and why evolution does
not use command systems to organize cooperatives. As far as possible, governance should
constrain the actions of individuals, businesses and governments only to the extent necessary
to enable exchange relations such as economic markets to operate effectively.
In short, the same fundamental test that enables us to evaluate the effectiveness of social
organization also applies to regulatory processes. We need to ask whether regulators that are
driven solely by greed and self-interest will end up serving the interests of the society. If the
answer is no, the arrangements that regulate the regulators should be amended.
An understanding of evolutionary dynamics suggests other ways in which a regulatory
system can be organized to enhance its effectiveness, creativity and adaptability. In
particular, provision could be made for competition amongst potential regulators with low
barriers to entry. This would tend to produce a distributed regulatory hierarchy that selforganizes, self-adjusts and self-repairs in the interests of society, as if guided by an invisible
hand. Any regulatory deficiency would be a profit opportunity, and would attract investment
and other actions to correct it (for more detail, see Chapter 17 of Evolution’s Arrow).
It is obvious that much of the regulation within nation states does not meet these tests at
present. And at the global level regulation is almost no-existent.
It does not overstate the position to say that most of the crises that arise in the world today
(other than true ‘natural disasters’) result from regulatory failures, both within nations and
internationally. These crises could be prevented by effective governance.
Without effective regulation that aligns interests, destructive competition that undermines the
interests of the whole will prevail. The result will be similar to the outcome within our
bodies when some cells escape effective regulation and reproduce out of control.
Global warming
Unfortunately, one of the areas in which it is particularly challenging to introduce global
regulation is also where the need is most urgent.
If carbon emissions are not restrained significantly in the next decade or so, global warming
will set in motion irreversible processes (including possible world war) that will seriously
disrupt or even end human civilization this century.
A central priority of the evolutionary movement is therefore to join with other groups to
develop and implement strategies for dealing effectively with global warming.
The problem is not that it is difficult to design a regulatory framework that will restrain
carbon emissions. This challenge is easily met. Applying the principles discussed above, the
interests of businesses and consumers can be aligned with those of the planet by global
regulation that imposes costs on carbon emissions. This can be achieved by appropriate capand-trade schemes, or carbon taxes.
The central difficulty in responding to global warming is obtaining sufficient support across
the planet for implementing an effective regulatory solution. The problem is that restraining
carbon emissions is against the immediate interests of most people on the planet as well as
against the immediate interests of business.
Strategies for Advancing Evolution
In the short term, reducing emissions to a safe level would mean reducing the standard of
living in industrialized countries. It would also prevent most people in developing countries
from attaining the standard of living they dream of (and see daily on their television sets).
This difficulty is compounded by the fact that the effects of unrestrained carbon emissions
are not direct, concrete and immediate. The causal relationships between carbon emissions
and climate change cannot be perceived or experienced directly. The relationship can be seen
only with the aid of appropriate knowledge and intellectual understanding.
A key necessity is therefore to provide people across the planet with experiences and
knowledge that enable them to see the causes and impacts of global warming, and see the
need for global regulation. If people are to be willing to sacrifice their immediate interests to
avoid a longer-term threat, they need to feel and experience the reality of that threat.
We are not talking here about spending a few million dollars on posters and pamphlets. The
future of humanity and civilization is at stake.
Even in purely financial terms, the multi-trillion dollar impacts of global warming justify
multi-billion dollar investments in these types of programs. But economic markets do not
provide incentives to anyone to fund the programs. Each year, the invisible hand of the
market directs many billions of dollars to the production and dissemination of pornography.
But markets organize almost nothing for activities that are essential for the survival of
civilized humanity.
It therefore falls to governments to fund these programs.
The evolutionary movement will support the establishment by governments of independent,
non-political institutions to develop and implement information programs about global
warming. A major emphasis will be on the production of graphic representations in film and
related media that enable people to experience the relevant causal relationships and see the
necessity of global regulation. These and other materials will be used in schools and in the
mass media.
The need for governments to fund education campaigns in other countries
The information programs will need to operate internationally. This is because global
warming can only be corrected by actions that extend across the borders of nations. The
citizens of a nation will only be able to avoid the devastating impact of global warming if the
citizens of other nations are equally motivated to support global solutions.
National governments currently accept the need to educate their citizens on public health
issues. This is clearly in the interests of all citizens where the risks of disease will be
increased unless all members of society restrain particular behavior.
The same principle applies at the global level. In relation to global warming, all citizens will
be at risk unless all individuals, including those in other countries, restrain carbon emissions.
If a coordinated global system was already in place, the responsibility for the global
education program would lie with it. However, in the absence of such a system, and with the
future of civilization at stake, national governments need to act globally.
Strategies for Advancing Evolution
Governments in countries that support action against global warming will therefore fund
comprehensive and sophisticated campaigns in countries that have not yet done so (this will
include funding bodies within other countries to make and disseminate films, run
advertisements in the mass media, etc).
Until it funds its own internal information programs, a key target must be the people of the
United States, many of whom have been disadvantaged by an inferior public education
system and a mass media that serves the interests of large corporations.
Of course, this strategy will be highly controversial. But the publicity and outrage it
generates will help it achieve its objectives.
Overcoming the inability of governments to regulate big business
A further major difficulty for an effective response to global warming is that corporations
have an incentive to avoid regulation that restricts their carbon emissions.
This difficulty is compounded by the fact that they have developed the power and the means
to regulate governments, rather than be regulated by them. We do not live in societies in
which the interests of corporations have been aligned with the interests of the societies.
To date, corporations have undermined and corrupted every attempt made by governments to
reduce carbon emissions significantly.
The strategies already discussed will go some way to strengthening the hand of
governments—informed and intelligent citizens who understand the causes and remedies of
global warming will attempt to hold their politicians accountable for effective action. And
governments will be able to take advantage of major crises that will enhance the political
feasibility of restraining carbon emissions (crises make it easier for people to see the causal
impacts of carbon emissions).
But these strategies are unlikely to be enough to achieve effective action in some key nations.
Powerful industries with a long history of manipulating governments will ensure that carbon
regulatory systems leave them relatively unconstrained. Australia’s carbon trading scheme
announced in 2009 is a good illustration of this type of outcome. Lobbying by big business
has produced a scheme that is little better at restraining carbon emissions than a sieve at
holding water.
A way out of this difficulty is for governments to lock themselves into a process in which
independent third parties determine the detail of the regulatory scheme. The decisions of the
third party would bind the government irrevocably.
In other words, the first step that governments would take is to lock-out corruption—they
would set up a process for determining the regulatory system that is insulated from
manipulation by corporations and other sectional interests. They would take themselves out
of the equation.
This would have to be the first step they take, because anything done before it would be
irrevocably corrupted.
Strategies for Advancing Evolution
It would be necessary to ensure that when it designs this first step, the interests of the
government are aligned with the interests of the society. For example, regulation could
require that the proposal be evaluated by an independent third party. It would be nullified if
it were found to fail against broad criteria of equity, effectiveness, fairness etc.
The use of independent processes does not mean that governments would abandon their
fundamental responsibilities. Governments would determine the goals and values of the
regulatory scheme. The function of the independent process would be to design a regulatory
scheme that would meet the goals set by government. The ends of the scheme would be
determined in the political domain, the means would be determined in the technical domain.
The independent process would be responsible for the implementation and enforcement of
the regulatory scheme, and would be allocated a substantial budget to educate the public on
the reasons for the scheme and its design.
The establishment and operation of the independent process and its interactions with
corporations and others would be completely transparent, and subject to detailed regulatory
The best option for ensuring that such an independent process is completely insulated from
sectional interests would be to establish it at the international level.
A less secure alternative would be to establish a separate process within each nation, but to
have it supervised by an international body against established criteria.
The necessity for governments to take such action would be a critical element of the multibillion dollar global information program funded by governments. The program will make it
clear why no country will be permitted to shirk its responsibility to restrain its carbon
emissions. It will demonstrate that human civilization will be at risk if national governments
are let to establish sham regulatory schemes.
The program will explain why all countries, no matter how powerful, must eventually have
their interests aligned with the interests of the planet on this issue.
The campaign will also show that the arrangements which are being proposed at the global
level to deal with global warming are the same types of arrangements that already organize
cooperation and harmony within nations, within our bodies, within our cells, and so on.
In many countries, the global information campaign will be essential if sufficient political
support is to be built for the use of independent processes to design regulatory arrangements.
The citizens and governments of northern Europe have been at the forefront of action against
global warming. A key goal for the evolutionary movement in these countries will be to get
their governments to initiate information campaigns in the United States and other countries
as a matter of urgency.
Strategies for Advancing Evolution
The actions that are best for a particular individual to take will depend on their skills and
passions, the needs of evolution, and the possibilities that open up before them.
They will look for opportunities where the needs of the evolutionary process intersect with
their own specific capacities and motivations.
At this early stage in the growth of the evolutionary movement, very little exists to help
intentional evolutionaries identify specific things they can do to advance evolution.
This strategy document is a first step in filling this urgent need.
It points to a diverse number of ways in which the evolutionary movement can grow its
power, increase its intelligence, organize itself effectively, and contribute to the movement of
humanity towards a unified and cooperative global society.
But it is just a first step. To assist the increasing numbers of people who will be embracing
an evolutionary worldview, there is an urgent need for more.
Possible ways of meeting this need include websites and other resources that, for example:
give detailed examples of ways that individuals and groups have found to contribute
(including personal stories); float possible projects and activities; call for specific assistance
to develop and implement projects; evaluate and critique implemented projects and those in
development; disseminate best practice and good ideas; facilitate coordination by making the
evolutionary movement and its activities visible to all its members, and so on and so on.
Given that the evolutionary movement is in the very early stages of its development and that
its rapid growth is essential to the achievement of its goals, a key priority will be activities
and projects that transmit the worldview and expand the movement.
John Stewart
[email protected]
April 2009