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Το ερωτηματολογιο ειναι ανωνυμο και τα αποτελεσματά του θα χρησιμοποιηθουν αποκλειστικά για την αποτελεσματικοτερη διαμορφωση του επιπέδου της μάθησης που σας προσφέρεται.
Πανελλήνια και Διεθνή Γεωγραφικά Συνέδρια, Συλλογή Πρακτικών, 2010
Πηελ παξνχζα εξγαζία κειεηάηαη ε θαηάζηαζε stress ηεο Θεθαιιεληαθήο ειάηεο (Abies cephalonica), ζηηο 20 κφληκεο δνθηκαζηηθέο επηθάλεηεο ηνπ Δζληθνχ Γξπκνχ Ξάξλεζαο, ηνπ Λ. Αηηηθήο. Ζ γεληθή εηθφλα ηνπ ειαηνδάζνπο δελ είλαη θαιή, είλαη γεγνλφο φκσο φηη ε Θεθαιιεληαθή ειάηε παξά ηελ έληνλε θαθνκεηαρείξηζή ηεο θαηά ην παξειζφλ, θαηφξζσζε λα δηαηεξεζεί επί αηψλεο ζηελ Ξάξλεζα θαη λα αλαγελλάηε θπζηθά. Ιακβάλνληαο ππφςε φηη ην θιηκαηηθφ θαη εδαθηθφ πεξηβάιινλ ηεο Ξάξλεζαο δελ είλαη πνιχ θαηάιιειν γηα ηελ αλάπηπμή ηεο (ρακειφ πςφκεηξν, κεγάιε μεξαζία θαη πςειέο ζεξκνθξαζίεο ην θαινθαίξη, θησρά θαη αβαζή εδάθε), απνηειεί πιένλ είδνο κνλαδηθφ, αλαγθαίν θαη αλαληηθαηάζηαην γηα ηελ πεξηνρή, πνπ πξέπεη λα δηαηεξεζεί. Πθνπφο ηεο κειέηεο είλαη ε πηινηηθή δηεξεχλεζε ηεο θαηάζηαζεο stress ησλ ειάησλ ηνπ δξπκνχ αλά βαζκίδα πξνζβνιήο βάζεη ηεο νδεγίαο ηεο ΔΝΘ (Δ.Ν.Θ / 1984-Γηάγλσζε θαη θαηάζηαζε δεκηψλ ζηα δάζε‖: έληνλν stress: Η, ιηγφηεξν έληνλν stress: ΗΗ, αζζελέο stress: ΗΗΗ) ρξεζηκνπνηψληαο δχν πεξηβαιινληηθνχο δείθηεο, ηνλ θαλνληθνπνηεκέλν δείθηε βιάζηεζεο (NDVI) κέζσ ηεο αληηθεηκελνζηξαθνχο αλάιπζεο ηεο εηθφλαο, ε νπνία απνηειεί πξνρσξεκέλε κέζνδν ηειεπηζθφπεζεο ζε ζπλδπαζκφ κε ηελ in situ παξαηήξεζε θαη ηελ κέηξεζε ηνπ δείθηε θζνξηζκνχ (fluorescence) κέζσ ηνπ θαζκαηηθνχ νξγάλνπ PEA (Plant Efficiency Analyser). Ν ζπλδπαζκφο ηεο ηειεπηζθφπεζεο θαη ηεο in situ παξαηήξεζεο έδσζαλ αξθεηά ηθαλνπνηεηηθά απνηειέζκαηα ψζηε λα επεθηαζεί πέξαλ ηνπ πηινηηθνχ ζηαδίνπ ησλ ειάησλ πνπ παξνπζηάδνπλ stress (έληνλν stress: Η, ιηγφηεξν έληνλν stress: ΗΗ, αζζελέο stress: ΗΗΗ) ζ' φιε ηελ έθηαζε ηνπ ειαηνδάζνπο ή ζε παξφκνην δαζνπεξηβάιινλ, ρξεζηκνπνηψληαο ακθφηεξνπο ηνπο πεξηβαιινληηθνχο δείθηεο, γηα ηελ θαιχηεξε δηαρείξηζε θαη πξνζηαζία ηνπ Δζληθνχ Γξπκνχ Ξάξλεζαο.
Michaelis Pselli Chronographia, 2014
The hagiological texts of the late byzantine period, written by literate writers in a climate of intellectual development and deep religiousness, abound in laudatory descriptions (ekphraseis). Most of them concern the birthplace of the saint to whom the texts are dedicated, despite the frequent initial reserve on the writers’ part about the advisability of the observance of the laws of rhetoric. According to an old rhetorical rule, a person should first be praised because of his birthplace. In the current of the hagiological account, the writers incorporate laudatory descriptions of various cities, mainly Constantinople and Thessaloniki. The elements stressed all derive from centenary rhetorical theory and tradition, with an emphasis on certain elements expressing the new climate of the time: the eternal and universal Constantinople, the inhabitants’ praise because of their occupations and virtues - with an emphasis on the orthodox faith of course. Another example is the frequent tr...
Developmental dyslexia constitutes a specific learning difficulty of written speech, especially in relation to reading, and is characterized by its wide variety of symptoms. Various hypotheses have been suggested regarding the causes of the disorder, either at the cognitive or the biological level. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the neurocognitive subtypes of developmental dyslexia with a view to determine whether children with dyslexia can be divided into distinct categories based on their deficits in various areas. The sample of our study consisted of 101 children drawn from the 3 th , 4 th , 5 th and 6 th grades of primary schools (mean age 11.15 years), all of whom had been diagnosed with dyslexia by a public diagnostic centre. Students were given a series of tests assessing a wide range of skills. Specifically, the phonological, memory, attention, processing speed, motor, visual, and visual-motor skills were assessed. Our results showed that children with dyslexia can be divided into three subtypes. The first subtype consisted of children who were distinguished based on their performance in tests assessing the phonological, memory, attention, processing speed along with the visual and motor fields. The second subtype consisted of children who were differentiated based on their performance in the field of memory, motor and visualmotor. The third subtype consisted of children who were differentiated in their motor performance only. In conclusion, the findings of the study suggest that school-aged children accredited with developmental dyslexia can be distinguished into subtypes with particular neurocognitive characteristics. In addition, our results have shown that most dyslexic children experience difficulties in more than one cognitive domains and offer empirical support to current models claiming the existence of multiple neurocognitive deficits in developmental dyslexia.
Δελτίον Χριστιανικής Αρχαιολογικής Εταιρείας, 2011
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HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 1999
Πανελλήνια και Διεθνή Γεωγραφικά Συνέδρια, Συλλογή Πρακτικών, 2002
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