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in G. Gorre, A. Marangou (dir.), La présence grecque dans la vallée de Thèbes, Archéologie & Culture, PUR, Rennes, p. 45-65, 2015
En couverture : Vestiges des installations balnéaires grecques sur le parvis du temple d'Amon de Karnak [photo A. Marangou]. en 4 e de couverture : Fragment de coupe à gure noire de la période 500-490 av. J.-C. Provenance : Trésor de outmosis I er (Karnak-Nord) [photo A. Marangou]. Anse d'amphore rhodienne estampillée au nom du fabricant Philainios (ca 189 av. J.-C.). Provenance : quartier des prêtres à Karnak [Cnrs-Cfeetk/cliché L. Moraillon]., 2023
Deoarece mumia serviciilor secrete româneşti a fost redezvelită şi spălată recent de păcatele trădării sale într-un scenariu de film românesc (iar „de festival”), ne-am propus să recitim primul volum de propagandă neagră pe care generalul de Securitate Ion Mihai Pacepa l-a publicat în străinătate, pentru un public interesat mai curând de poveştile de ficţiune cu spioni care, pe de-o parte, se autovictimizează pentru a-şi vinde marfa contrafăcută şi, în acelaşi timp, sunt loviţi brusc de amenzie când este vorba despre propriile fapte condamnabile, săvârşite când au îndeplinit funcţii de conducere în aparatul organelor represive din România.
Current Forestry Reports, 2020
Purpose of Review This review provides perspectives and insights of forest researchers from four continents representing a range of geo-regions, with examples from diverse and dynamic use of forest products that are undervalued and often misrepresented. A comprehensive discussion of the subject provides special attention to property, tenancy, public goods and access rights to non-wood forest products (NWFP), seen as forest ecosystem services in a framework for forest management decisions. The overall purpose is to provide a logical argument for transitioning to sustainable management of forests for timber and NWFP. Recent Findings Multifunctional ecosystem-based approaches are transforming our understanding of forests. The prevailing economic relevance of NWFP for trade and sustenance requires their operative integration into forest management. Integration of NWFP will shift a traditional timber-oriented management paradigm towards an inclusive ecosystem forest management approach. We show that the impact of NWFP resources on livelihoods provides multiple benefits to all sectors of global society. Policy and property rights affect the availability and sustainability of the resource, while regulations, restrictions and prohibitions target the sustainable harvest of NWFP under growing demand. Official reporting of production volumes of NWFP is sparse, erratic or inaccurate due to a complex system that is opaque and with inadequately understood value chains, yet research is underway to better understand all NWFP sectors. Summary A shift from command-and-control forest management to broader governance schemes is observed, yet despite a growing awareness of their importance, NWFP and their potential for a bio-based economy require more research. A conceptual framework for transitioning to sustainable co-production management of timber and NWFP is presented. Such a transition is needed to ensure long-term forest security, health and resilience.
Journal of Law and Religion 38,1, 2023
This essay offers an analysis John Witte, Jr.'s contribution to the study of the relationship between Christianity and law as an autonomous branch within the broad field of law and religion. The author discusses Witte as a Christian jurist educated in Reformed Protestantism and influenced by Abraham Kuyper and Harold J. Berman, among others, and describes and evaluates the interdisciplinary, interdenominational, and international project on Christianity and law headed by Witte, to which more than five hundred scholars (jurists, theologians, philosophers, historians, and sociologists) are contributing. Witte analyzes the interaction between Christianity and law from a relational, biographical, and jurisprudential perspective, and underlying his project is the idea that the relationship between Christianity and law is not merely accidental, but has a metahistorical significance and an enduring value for the development of humanity. Although the project has already borne much fruit, there is room for further maturity and methodological purity as it is still in its early stages.
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Aku sungguh lupa isi pelajaran ini tentang apa mungkin karena sakingnya aku belum pernah masuk ke kelas ini sama sekali? tapi tak check kembali aku dapat nilai B, yang aku ingat itu sepertnya saya hanya pernah masuk sekali dan aku juga pernah photocopy mana yah sekarang. Tapi yang aku inget itu mirip mirip dengan pelajaran Pengantar Hukum Indonesia dimana setiap bab ada pokok pembahasan bidang hukum tertentu. Mungkin karena memudahkan kita kenal dengan kata kata satu topic pembahasan denga ntopic yang lain. Mungkin tujuan mata kuliah ini adalah agar lebih terbiasa dengan kata kata hukum atau istilah hukum. Ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan, pertama pelajari bahasa ingriss yang baik agar tahu bahasa inggriss hukum yang sering digunakan, dan pada akhirnya pelajari bahasa belanda karena hampir semua hukum kita itu berasal dari hukum kolonial walaupun ada beberapa yang udah di ganti dengan hukum baru. Tapi awalmulanya berasal dari belanda. Bahasa jangan hanya fokus sebagai mata kuliah tersendiri dan terisolasi tapi harus terintegrasi kedalam pokok materi hukum. Basaha sangat erat dengan komunikasi, maka yang penting untuk ditekankan dalam mengambil matakuliah ini adalah bagaimana kita harus lebih fokus kepada meningkat rasa percaya diri dalam berbicara didepan umum dan sekaligus menggunakan istlah istilah hukum. Apabila mau lebih fasih dan percaya diri cobalah menggunakan bahasa inggris atau bahasa belanda. Itu akan menunjukan bahwa anda itu berusaha sebaik mungkin untuk menyelam keadalam dunia hukum bukan hanya fokus pada bahan bahan kuliah saja tapi segala hal yang bisa membantu meraih masa depan yang cerah.
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História, Ciências, Saúde-Manguinhos
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