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The observation of a yellow-flagged Curlew Sandpiper (Calidris ferruginea) at Bundala National Park, Sri Lanka, highlights its migratory patterns from breeding grounds in Siberia to nonbreeding areas, particularly Australia. The study documents the rarity of sightings outside the East Asian-Australasian Flyway, noting that this instance is only the second recorded occurrence of an Australian-banded Curlew Sandpiper in Sri Lanka, potentially indicating significant migratory routes and behaviors.
Breeding, migration and moult are the three most energy demanding activities in the annual cycle of migratory species. Because these traits are interconnected , any change in the timing of one may induce a change in the timing of the other traits. The aim of this research is to describe the migration and moult strategies of the Curlew Sandpiper in relation to the different migratory routes and non-breeding areas of the species, focusing on the carry-over effects which conditions at the breeding grounds have on the timing of post-breeding migration and, subsequently, on the timing of moult at the non-breeding areas. Part of the study also describes the adaptive feature of moult in relation to migratory distance and environmental conditions at the non-breeding areas. Warm temperatures in June on the Arctic breeding grounds favoured early initiation of breeding and early migration of males because they do not partake in parental care. Low predation on clutches and warm temperatures during chick development in July favoured the late migration of females. Migration of juveniles was earlier in good breeding years compared with poor breeding years. Variation in the timing of autumn migration appeared to affect the timing of moult at the southernmost limit of the non-breeding areas in South Africa and Australia. Moult started late in years when predation pressure on the Arctic breeding areas was low and July temperatures were high compared to years when predation pressure was high. At more northerly non-breeding regions in Kenya and India, the onset and duration of moult appeared to be timed to coincide with rainfall periods, thus high food abundance, in these regions. In light of changing global climate and its effect on the annual cycle of organisms, the challenge is to define the extent to which carry-over effects influence future fitness and survival of individuals and, consequently, influence population dynamics. the Ural Mountain) stop along the migration route to moult (Greenwood 1983, Remisiewicz et al. 2009). The Sandpipers Sandpipers belong to the family Scolopacidae, which are small to middle-sized birds, about 15 to 30 cm long. The group includes the shorebirds classified as Calidris, and some also known as dunlin, knot, and sanderling. Sandpipers can have short or long bills, usually slender, straight (e.g Marsh Sandpiper Tringa stagnatilis), decurved (e.g Curlew Sandpiper) or recurved (e.g Terek Sandpiper Xenus cinereus), long, narrow and pointed wings, and medium to short tails. Their colouring often consists of a complicated "dead-grass" pattern of browns, buffs, and blacks on the upperparts, with white or cream colouring below. They are frequently paler in the non-breeding than in the breeding season. Sandpipers formally divided among the genera Erolia, Ereunetes, and Crocethia are now placed in the broad
Waterbirds, 2011
Using constant-effort catch data, causes of annual variation in the timing of migration of Curlew Sandpipers (Calidris ferruginea) migrating through Ottenby, Sweden, as well as the trend in timing of migration from 1946-2005, was investigated. Variation in the timing of autumn migration of adult and juvenile Curlew Sandpipers was influenced by breeding success connected to predation pressure on the Arctic breeding grounds. Median migration date of adult birds was significantly later in good breeding years compared with poor breeding years while the migration of juveniles was earlier in good breeding years compared with poor breeding years. Also, adults migrated earlier when the average temperature in June was warmer. Median migration dates of adults have advanced by 23 days from 1946-2005, but the migration dates of juveniles have remained unchanged. Unchanged migration dates of juveniles indicate that earlier departure of the adult Curlew Sandpipers from the breeding grounds was not due to earlier breeding. Evidence suggests that declining breeding productivity as a result of increasing predation on broods of shorebirds might, over the years, be the reason for the observed pattern of early departure of adults from the breeding grounds. One possible consequence of earlier migration is a mismatch between timing of migration and periods of food abundance on migration routes and at the wintering grounds, leading to a decline in adult and juvenile survival and population size.
Waterbirds, 2012
The Semipalmated Sandpiper (Calidris pusilla) is a small, abundant shorebird that breeds primarily in sub-Arctic to mid-Arctic habitats across the Nearctic and winters principally along the northern and central coasts of South America. No subspecies have been described and little is known concerning their genetics. However, birds show a cline in bill length across the Arctic, with longest bills in the east and shortest in the west. There appear to be several 'steps' in the cline, suggesting a division into eastern, central and western breeding populations. Since females average longer bills than males in a breeding population, there is considerable overlap of bill lengths at migration staging areas. Based on bill length patterns and sightings and recoveries of marked individuals, most western breeders migrate south through the prairies, along with some birds from central Arctic populations. The remaining central Arctic breeders, and all eastern Arctic birds, migrate south through the north Atlantic Coast of North America, particularly the Bay of Fundy. Western Arctic breeders appear to winter farther west in South America than eastern breeders, although there is considerable mixing among populations in French Guiana and Guyana. In spring, birds from the eastern Arctic migrate north through the U.S. Atlantic coast, including Delaware Bay. Central and western Arctic breeders primarily migrate north through the interior of North America. Therefore, central Arctic breeders in particular demonstrate an elliptical migration pattern.
В статье кратко описана история взаимоотношений между вестернизированным российским правящим классом и простым народом.
Textile Society of America Symposium Proceedings
The topic of leadership in the media industry is a compelling one. While other industries have leaders or captains, the media sector has moguls, magnates and barons. Randolph Hearst, William Paley, Henry Luce and Robert Maxwell represent some of the most controversial and fl amboyant business leaders of recent times. And the current crop of contemporary media industry leaders – Rupert Murdoch, Ted Turner and Steve Jobs – is no less charismatic. However leadership is also a sprawling area of management theory characte-rised by ambiguity and controversy. This volume presents a selection of papers from an international conference on 'Challenges at the Top: Leadership in Media Organizations' which brought together researchers from around the world to confront these ambiguities, and explore and exchange opinions about this intriguing issue. The diversity and richness of the contributions in this book refl ect the diversity and richness inherent in the practice of leadership as exercised in the media sector. The topic is still an under-researched fi eld, and this book makes a contribution towards developing new theory, identifying fruitful areas for future study, and aiding understanding of the drivers of performance of media fi rms.
Jurnal Miyang (J.Miy) : Ronggolawe Fisheries and Marine Science Journal, 2022
Perairan timur Indonesia merupakan jalur Arus Lintas Indonesia (Arlindo) yang merupakan bagian dari sirkulasi massa air global. Arlindo memiliki dua jalur utama, jalur barat dan jalur timur yang berperan penting dalam mentransfer properti massa air dari Samudera Pasifik menuju Samudera Hindia. Indonesia yang memiliki batimetri kompleks menyebabkan terjadi dinamika pada jalur Arlindo. Untuk mengungkap dinamika massa air yang terjadi secara spasial dan vertikal pada jalur Arlindo, telah dilakukan kegiatan penelitian dengan memanfaatkan data reanalysis dengan paramater suhu dan salinitas. Data suhu dan salinitas ini didapatkan dari 9191 titik yang tersebar pada 115 – 140 BT dan 10 LU – 12.5 LS. Analisis dinamika distribusi spasial mencakup perairan timur Indonesia pada kedalaman 0 m, 250 m dan 500 m. Analisis dinamika distribusi vertikal kolom air pada jalur barat dan timur Arlindo yang diwakilkan masing-masing 4 stasiun pengamatan pada wilayah yang signifikan dilalui oleh Arlindo. Hasil analisis menunjukkan suhu dan salinitas terdistribusi dari perairan utara Papua masuk ke perairan Indonesia. Suhu yang hangat teridentifikasi sebagai kolam air hangat Pasifik barat. Distribusi vertikal massa air terstratifikasi kedalam tiga lapisan, lapisan tercampur, lapisan termoklin/haloklin dan lapisan dalam. Terjadi penurunan nilai salinitas pada stasiun-stasiun di Samudera Pasifik dengan ciri salinitas tinggi yang semakin tereduksi seiring memasuki perairan Indonesia. Teridentifikasi beberapa jenis massa air, South Pacific Subtropical Water (SPSW) dan North Pacific Subtropical Water (NPSW) pada lapisan termoklin dari Samudera Pasifik. Terdapat pula massa air asli pada laut banda, massa air laut jawa pada permukaan yang menawarkan lapisan permukaan dan jejak massa air dari Samudera Hindia.
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